ddavd · 3 days
private: wow, you really know how to amp it up, don't you? look, i get it. you're scared, and since i'm not physically there, i become the convenient villain in your story. i may not be by your side in person, but that doesn't mean i'm not right there with you in this journey. i'm just not feelings like holding your hand and tell you everything will magically be okay, you're got your friends for that. as you always like to point out, i'm a capricorn⎯i'm more of the "let's come up with a plan and fix it" kind of guy. so, how about we tone down the unnecessary drama and start figuring out our next moves? like, where the hell are we gonna live? do we need to find a bigger place? and seriously, what color should we paint our baby's room? let's focus on the practical stuff.
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Private: And when I said that… I thought you’d want to be with me, Damiano. I know that this is a lot for us to deal with and not something that we ever expected… but I wanted you to be with me. For everything. And you made the choice not to be. It made me feel a little… unwanted. I don’t know. My brain is working in overdrive right now and I can’t even think. All I know is I’m scared and you’re not here. I feel like I’m on the constant verge of tears and throwing up. Which, great combination.
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: i said i'd be there if you wanted me to and you told me to do what i wanted. mixed signals much? look, i don't want you feeling alone in this because you're totally not. i'm here for whatever you need. just... talk to me 'cause seriously, i'm clueless over here.
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Private: We just... ran out of time. You could have come to Portugal with me but you chose not to. I don't know - you asked me a pretty fucked up question so I guess it's only fair I get to ask you one. I feel like you don't really want me there so whenever you're ready... I'll be in New York, sorting out all the midwife stuff and all that. Just... I could really use you by my side through all of this cause I'm so fucking scared, Dami. I don't know what I'm doing. And I know you don't either, but I'm just... I'm scared.
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: seriously, what the hell? i never once said i'd hop into bed with giorgia. i simply pointed out that it's no different from any other ex. even if chloe and i weren't together, i wouldn't touch giorgia with a ten-foot pole. exes are strictly off-limits. i mean, yeah, i'm a dumbass, but for entirely different reasons. look, i'll have your back no matter what, vic. but let's get real here, songwriters don't pen tunes because they're still head over heels for someone. she probably wrote those songs ages ago. who knows? anyway, regardless of what goes down, vic, i'm sticking around for you no matter what. just keep me updated on whether we like or hate billie. does she still have feelings for you too?  fucking wait, you actually caught taylor at the eras tour? that's insanely lucky. did you hit up taylor for tickets? and you didn't even invite me? how rude. sometimes you can be downright selfish. you're excused⎯maybe i'll swing by berlin before jetting back to new york city for chloe. yeah, yeah, i'm gonna be a dad. quit saying it, will ya?
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Private: Because I'm not dating someone else and about to have a kid with them. Imagine what it would look like if you went and fucked your ex to Chloe. You're my friend and I'm always going to support you but if you go and fuck Giorgia... then, well. I don't even know what to say about that one. You'd be a complete fucking idiot. I don't know how I'm feeling about everything. She wrote songs about me, Dami. And then still got mad when I posted a photo of us. I still love her. Can't believe you're going to be a dad. How do you feel about this? I was in Lisbon. I got Era tour tickets. How can I say no to that? Now I'm in Berlin for my gig on Friday. But I'll be back in Rome on the weekend. Sorry that I have work.
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: what the fuck, vic? why is it not okay for me to sleep with giorgia, but you can go fuck billie? it's the same damn thing. an ex is an ex, no matter the backstory. let me remind you that you weren't exactly in a great place when things went down with her. anyways, it doesn't matter⎯how does it make you feel, honestly? no bullshit answer. chloe and i are rock solid, no doubt about it. open relationships only work when you've got a solid foundation and we've always been on point with our communication. kind of. most of the time, anyway. she's definitely knocked up and our fagiolino is on the way. where the hell are you, vic? i thought you jetted off to rome after france and i swung by your place to annoy the hell out of you, but you were not there. not that it matters anymore, 'cause bella's coming to rome to provide some moral support, so your services are no longer required.
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Private: I told you that before you started to go all freak out mode. It's fine. Once we leave France it's probably not going to happen again. We'll be busy with festivals and such. And when we're not - I'll be back home. Okay, your only recent ex is Giorgia. Hate her. If you slept with her again there would be something wrong with you. Chloe wouldn't need to cut your balls off because I would. How is it going to mess your relationship up? You two are solid, right? Even with your relationship being what it is? I'm sure the two of you will figure it all out. It's a little messy. But... can't exactly change things now, can you? Did she go to the doctors and get it confirmed? Maybe the test was just wrong.
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: i start my day with a tall glass of "leave me alone" and a hearty serving of "mind your own business." lunch is usually a light salad of "why are you still here?" topped with a sprinkle of "please go away." and dinner? well, that's a feast of "i can't believe i have to deal with this" served with a side of "why me?" delicious, right? keeps the skin glowing. but seriously, thanks for the offer to hop on a plane and come deal with my hot mess. having someone i trust with my existence to lean on sounds like a damn relief from my brooding in isolation. we'll feast like kings here, food makes emotional breakdowns a tad more bearable, or so they say. maybe we can jet off to new york city together afterwards? if you're heading there next, too. this whole situation has thrown me off more than i'd like to admit. i found out a couple of days ago, and it's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride since then. breaking the news to my parents is going to be... well, let's just say it'll be an experience. they'll be over the moon, but here's the kicker... i'm not excited? i mean, i am because i'm in love with chloe more than i've ever been with anyone else... but i'm not as excited as i'm supposed to. i'm lost in the bermuda triangle of emotions, not knowing what the hell to do. chloe's in portugal. any genius advice? spare me the "be honest" and "express yourself" bullshit. i can't risk blowing up chloe's world any further.
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PRIVATE: That must be it. Please give me a run down on what you eat in a day so I can benefit from it too. Oh wow, you're really freaked out over this. Okay, I'm looking at flights and I'll be with you soon. Anything I can do to help, you know I'll be there. Telling your parents is daunting, even if you know how to react. This is something that changes things and you have a right to feel a type of way about it. So long as you're treating Dove well, you're doing the right thing. You can lean on me, okay? Maybe your opinion will change later on, but it's okay to feel upset right now. You just have to keep yourself in check, at least on the outside. When I get there, you can scream and cry all you want and I promise not to judge, okay? When did you find out?
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ddavd · 5 days
the joy is mutual, believe me. It's almost like a vacation, not having to deal with your constant need for my attention. starting with italy and then hitting up new york city. i bet you thrive on your own anger. maybe you should just come to both cities, feed off that rage of yours.
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not much makes me happier than the fact that i managed to avoid you for nearly a week. tell me, where you off to next? just so i can be aware and not run into you. saves us both the unnecessary amount of rage. or at least me. / @ddavd
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: nah, i'm good. thanks for checking, though. i'm not the one dealing with the physical stuff, so save your concern for chloe. i'll manage just fine. she could definitely use all the support she can get right now.
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PRIVATE: So, Chloe and I had a girl's night in France and she told me about everything. How are you feeling? @ddavd
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ddavd · 5 days
PRIVATE: alright, i'll hit her up later today. it's not my fault we didn't get to do it in france when we had the chance to do it together; not your fault either, just to be clear. hey, at least your mom got a front-row seat. i'm obviously gonna tell them, chloe. what kind of question is that? they need to know they're about to become grandparents. rome isn't going anywhere and is always going to welcome you, so come here if you want to. first, i'll ring up your mom and then tell them today. solid plan.
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Private: she’s just being my mom but sure, I’ll pass along the thanks. Or you could talk to her yourself. I’ll send them over to you. It was pretty special… I wish you were there with me. Are you going to? Do you want me there? I can come to Rome before going back to New York…
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ddavd · 7 days
PRIVATE: that's exactly why we need those little moments of self-care for our skin. please thank your mom on my behalf as well. and of course, i'd love to see photos, chloe. it's our fagolino we're talking about here, after all. i'm really glad she's there for you. no, i haven't done it yet.
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Private: You deserve to feel special. I'm glad we got to do that, too. It was nice to tune out the world for a bit and just focus on a little bit of self-care. Portugal is nice. It's good to be with family again. I've told them, yeah. My mom went with me to get a scan and everything, since we ran out of time in France. Would of been nicer if you were here but... I've got photos if you want them. Have you talked to your family?
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ddavd · 7 days
PRIVATE: what can i say? must be all the amazing italian food i have.. it's definitely contributing to the glow. yeah, drag your ass over here if you're not too busy. i'd absolutely love to have you here with me right now, is. i'm in rome, mustering up the courage to break the news to my folks. well, not really courage, because i know they're going to be overly joyful about it, more than i am. it's not like i freaked out on chloe or anything. if she needs me, i'll always be there for her. i can't say i'm completely overjoyed about the news, but it happened, and it is what it is. i could never imagine not being there for her and the baby.
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PRIVATE: You mean to tell me that glow you have about you is nothing pregnancy related and you just get to look like that? Rude. I could have stepped up and been such a good dad. Wait, you're not fucking with me, are you? You actually got her pregnant. Wow, congratulations. I take it from your tone it wasn't planned. Are you dealing with everything okay? You didn't freak out on her, did you? I know you're busy, but I can fly out and come and see you if you need to talk things through. A problem shared is a problem halved apparently.
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ddavd · 7 days
damianodavid: they stood up bc they couldn't spot you on stage @/yelyahwilliams
yelyahwilliams: standing ovation. Thank you Lisbon 🥹
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ddavd · 7 days
PRIVATE: there's something i really need to share with you and honestly, i have no idea how to say it. okay, brace yourself... i'm pregnant, and it's yours. just kidding. but, chloe is expecting… that's sadly not a joke. @isabellashadld
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ddavd · 7 days
i just wanted to say again another big thank you for the flowers and gift. you truly know how to make me feel special. you're definitely my favorite skincare buddy, i'm glad we've done that. so, how's portugal treating you? have you told others about the... news? / @dcveglamour
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ddavd · 10 days
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Damiano @ddavd - I know that everything isn't going the way we planned at the moment and life has thrown us a major curve ball. I'm really bad at explaining where my head is at right now because never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen to us. Or at least not until we were ready for that step because god knows that I was scared to even tell you that I love you. And that's on me trying to continue to unpack everything that has gone on in my life. I don't know if I ever will fully be able to overcome all of that but you truly are the kindest, gentlest man that I know. I'm so thankful that I get to wake up and call you mine each and every day. I didn't say I love you just because of the situation we find ourselves in now. I truly do mean it, Damiano. I've known it for a while now. Finding the right moment was just something that didn't happen. And I want to go on this journey of becoming parents together. Our lives are forever going to be interlocked. Do I know where we're going to be next year, or in ten years? No. But I do know that we're going to come out the other end stronger. I've got that faith, at least. I hope you like the flowers (even though I stole the idea from Olivia. She's right, men do deserve to get flowers, too.) But I just wanted to show my appreciation for you. And the skin care products. I went for a little walk this morning, needed to get some fresh air and stumbled across these items. If you want to have a skin care day with me, where we can just forget for a moment about what we're going to go through, then I'll be there. If you want to have a day with Vic or Bella to pamper yourself, then I understand that, too. Whatever you decide - I just want you to relax. Let me know what you decide so I know if I need to keep away from the room for a bit. Love, Chloe.
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ddavd · 11 days
PRIVATE: how exactly am i saying that i don't want to be with you anymore? my point was simply that we might not be forever. it's not impossible to believe that we won't be in it for the long haul, chloe. you've mentioned i'm smart, this is me being smart. oh, she knows? well, what does she think of it then? if you don't mind me asking. once this trip is done, i'll head back to rome. will catch you back in LA? unless you want me to join you in portugal, then i can do that. trust me, our fagiolino won't grow up without a dad, that's a promise. so i guess i'll be around for about another 18 years and then it'll decide whether to ship me off or not⎯i guess you don't really have a say after all. cool? can we just not talk about this? i'll tell you.
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Private: Babe, you are smart. You have a wonderful brain and despite all the dumb stuff you say sometimes, I'm glad to get to know it. No matter what goes down between us? Why does it sound like you don't want to be with me anymore? I mean, she might already know that you did because she's the one that told me to take the test in the first place. I just... need to tell her the doctor confirmed it and everything. Which I'll do when I go see her after this trip. Yeah, I kind of want my kid to grow up with a dad so you're lucky. No ocean shipping off just yet. I don't want to sleep with anyone else, Damiano. Not just because of the circumstance we found ourselves in but... yeah. You can do what you want but for me. I'm not going to. If you need to find someone else to have sex with, you're more than welcome. Just tell me when you are. That's all I ask.
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ddavd · 11 days
PRIVATE: yeah, maybe. i'm not as smart as you but for a supposed dummy, i've got some brains. it's clear they like you, chlo, and now i'm even happier because it seems like we're stuck together no matter what goes down between us. they're gonna be ecstatic about this. did i manage to win over your mom and make her love me more than she loves you? damn, that's huge. just wait until she finds out i've got her daughter knocked up. the fact that you and bella are scheming against me is kinda amusing. i wonder how convenient it is for you to ship me off into the ocean right now. maybe hold off on that plan for a bit, yeah? if you want me to stop sleeping with her, just ask. i thought we could be honest with each other. you're free to do whatever you want, with sabrina or anyone else for that matter.
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private: well, that whole no one is becoming a parent thing went right out the window, didn't it? I feel like we kind of jinxed ourselves there. Maybe we should of touched wood or something. Or actually used condoms with each other, too. Instead of just relying on the pill. You think my smarts are dangerous? Well, that just makes you smart in your own right, babe. Your family are amazing - that's why I wanted to meet them. And I'm forever grateful that they actually like me. Despite the whole I'm American and part French thing, ha. You could always walk around shirtless and there would be no complaints from me. I adore looking at you. And seeing your tattoos. Obviously a bonus. Even the more ridiculous ones. Plus - I think my mom loves you more than she does me. You're a charmer. So I've got to keep you around. For several reasons, now. You know Bella isn't so bad. She's actually kind of funny. And we're totally not planning to put you on a mattress all Parent Trap style and see you off into the ocean. Still don't love the idea of you two sleeping together considering how close you are. But I did sleep with Sabrina... once. So I get hooking up with someone you're best friends with.
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ddavd · 11 days
PRIVATE: wait, you hooked up with billie? you're seriously whipped when it comes to women, vic. even i wouldn't sleep with an ex. congrats, you're beating me at something. usually, i'd laugh my ass off at you but i'm not in the mood for jokes right now. i feel like crap. this is gonna mess everything up, especially my relationship with chloe and... it's just too much to handle, at least right now. little damiano will grow up when damiano jr will actually be around, or damiana jr., whatever. it's a fucking mess.
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Private: I don't fucking know, Dami. You lead with that - what was I meant to think? Suddenly me sleeping with the ex doesn't seem like such a big issue. What the fuck?! Are you serious?... how are you feeling? Are you for real going to be a dad? Little Damiano suddenly going to have to grow up, aw.
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