darthlegacy · 4 years
                      a  B L U S H  found his cheeks  , those words sending another flurry of butterflies through his stomach  ,                  enjoyment at being this close to the other man  ,                more small kisses given to jaw  &&  neck from his position .                     this was everything he could have wanted  ,                   everything he had wanted to experience  ,                      &&  now that he was he didn’t want to let the other man go .                         ‘ ————– let me stay here with you  ,               we could always share . ‘
      kisses divert along his jawline and down his throat, and Ben feels himself melting, his eyelids fluttering closed as he just loses himself in it. this all feels... right. like everything they’ve been through, every difficult moment... it’s all led to this and it’s all been worth it. he nods at Hux’s words, humming low in the back of his throat as he turns his head and nips at Hux’s earlobe. “if you left, i would take offence. please stay.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
he was uncertain. there was much more to this person that met the eye. if there even really was a reason behind this trip - was it for anakin or for kylo? kylo may be in a situation where he needed to see something about anakin - or perhaps just the state of the universe. there was darkness within his grandson, that was to say the least. and it would only be right to consider this as a lesson for him, to bring him back to the light. although… something about that theory felt wrong, unfinished. anakin adverted his gaze a bit at the question. 
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“perhaps the reason for this meeting is to to communicate freely. what’s destine to happen, will happen, no matter what you say about my future.” that much, he believed. he wouldn’t be here if things were off limits. with a sigh, he shook his head with a shrug.
“i was just assigned my first padawan, ashoka tano. we’re currently fighting in the clone wars.” 
      Kylo has no idea what or who has brought him here. but he does know that this situation is really not ideal. he’s got things to be doing in his own time, decisions to make that could... change everything. lost in thought, he frowns to himself for a moment, before he turns his attention back to Anakin. 
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     “perhaps. but we can’t really guarantee that, can we?” he doesn’t want to alter anything too much. he doesn’t want to change the future by letting something slip that he could have just kept to himself. but, mostly... if he tells his grandfather what’s to come now, and it all changes... what happens to him? what happens to his story? he’s already lost enough as it is, he doesn’t want things to get more complicated.
     “i see..” he nods, gaze flickering over his grandfather’s features for a moment before he exhales a soft sigh. “i don’t suppose you’ve got any ideas as to how i can get back?” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
                     hux was  G L A D  for their privacy  , a smile finding it’s way to lips as they made their way inside  ,               nearly automatically his arms were wrapped about ben’s neck ,               soft  S W E E T  kisses exchanged between them .             he had hope that perhaps this would become their normality now  ,                 perhaps he would always have ben there by his side  ,            he once may have complained about that  ,         but now he was more than  H A P P Y .
      they’re barely inside the door before hux is kissing him again, and ben melts into it immediately, wrapping his arms around his waist to draw him in closer. he’s smiling into the kisses, eyelids fluttering closed, and he can’t keep himself from releasing a low hum into the kiss. “you are... something else.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
            hux was all too  H A P P Y  to hold the hand in his own , a gentle squeeze given  ,               a smile at his lips .              his past self would have never believed that this was even possible  ,                to find  L O V E  with someone he had hated the most .              ‘ ————– yours  ,    lead the way . ‘
      Ben allows himself a small smile before he begins to lead Hux toward his quarters, eager to get them some privacy even just so that he can truly enjoy this new found relationship between them. he’s not felt so contented in a very long time, and that’s not something he wants to waste a minute of.
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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Anik rolls his shoulders, throwing Ben a grin as he stretches his arms over his head. “Oh come on. It’s gotta have been a while since you trained with someone who can use a saber- that isn’t Rey anyway- would you… class your fights as sparring?” He trailed off obviously lost in thought for a moment. “Either way. You aren’t showing me up. I know you’ll probably kick my ass.” 
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      Ben allows himself a small smile as Anik speaks, beginning to stretch out his own limbs since this is apparently going to be happening. “I’ll DEFINITELY kick your ass.” He shoots his friend a grin, before he reaches for his saber. “All right, then. Let’s have a sparring session.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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            FOLLOWING PROMPTLY, SPOCK gathers at the heels of his commanding officer, close, yet not insomuch that he cannot discern sudden Ren’s movements. despite his awareness in being favorable above the others of the crew, Spock is not so arrogant as to believe himself invulnerable to the unpredictability that is Kylo Ren; heated, emotional. there is a not a single soul aboard the ship who has not been privy to Ren’s outbursts, his anger. Spock’s position means nothing other than a greater chance to survive for the next day, he knows. & it has done him well that he remembers it. ❝ if that is your wish, ❞ he replies, dutiful, in the lean lines of his stature before the glow of a rotating planet. Spock leans forward to analyze the grid overlaid along the surface, indigo throwing his features into sharp relief of his blank expression. ❝ is it your intention to question them once they are found? ❞ 
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      Kylo has grown to appreciate Spock’s astute nature. he knows exactly how stay in the Supreme Leader’s good books, it would seem.
      there is no other officer that Kylo would bring with him on such a task. he’s grown weary of their CONSTANT disappointing efforts. his hands settle at the small of his back as Spock sets about looking through the holos, allowing him a few moments to assess it-- as he already has. between the two of them, it won’t take long at all to round these generals up and make short work of them. or bring them in for questioning. whichever mood might take him.
     “perhaps. we’ll know when we find them if they have any knowledge that might be of value.” he steps away from the holo, then, and toward the viewport. “i’ve ordered them to make the jump. we should be there shortly. if there is any equipment that you need to bring with you, i suggest you collect it and meet me at the transports.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
           the  S M I L E  at his lips got a little larger  , nodding at his words as the kiss was returned .              truly hux wanted to just drown in the feelings that he currently felt  ,                 wanted to allow them full control over his body  &&  let loose for the first time in what would perhaps be  F O R E V E R .              “ ———— i like the sound of that.’
      smiling up at the man, Ben steals one last kiss before he releases his grip on him so that he can rise to his feet. he stands up after him, straightening out his clothes as best he can before he offers Hux his hand. “your quarters or mine?” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
           fingers  G R I P P E D  at the other’s face  , lips stealing heated kisses as soft pants still escaped him  ,             body wanting to completely meld with the other in that moment .             he however would swallow hard when the sound of steps came near to their place  ,        a rush of hands trying to at least conceal his lower half the the moment ,            though not much could be done for the hair .             still hands slipped into the other’s  ,             intertwining their fingers together as a small smile was given .
      he tucks himself away when he hears the footsteps, but otherwise doesn’t attempt to move from their position, his lips curling into a smile when their fingers are interlocked together. “maybe we should move somewhere with less chance of us being interrupted.” he murmurs, tilting his head up to steal a soft, lingering kiss. something he could happily lose himself in. 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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                it was  H A R D L Y  infrequent  , the amount of times that ren sent him mad  ,              caused his blood to boil  &&  seep over the edge  ,           but usually he remained completely in control .           {              though that was usually due to eyes watching him  ,      not wanting to put a toe out of line when he was in the company of others  ,                but this time they were alone  &&  the comments made on  H I S  army were enough to make him  C R A C K               }                    anger pulsated through him  ,              an ache in his chest that begged for  r e l e a s e  &&  with one final push it all came undone .                                ‘ T H A T ‘ S     E N O U G H ! ‘ words echoed  ,                but that was hardly what pulled his attention .               what did was ren  ,              pinned to the wall across from him  &&  a strange sensation of  P O W E R  running through him  ,             hand outstretched towards him .                pushing ren back  ,              wanting to fully meld him  &&  the wall together in that moment .               yet  C O N F U S I O N  broke it  ,               feet stumbling back as eyes were upon his own hands in an instant .                
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      it’s not rare for them to find themselves in an argument-- two strong willed individuals who simply cannot see to eye on anything it would seem. what IS new, however, is the sudden rush of sensation that washes over him right before Hux reaches out suddenly with the force and sends him backwards. his back hits the wall, having not been remotely prepared.
      he’s released almost as soon as he’s hit the wall, however, and he lands in a crouch, his gaze darting up to look at Hux who looks just as confused as he is. brows pinch together, and Kylo rises to his feet cautiously, gaze fixed on the General, unsure how to approach this.
      he takes a small step closer, hands up to show he’s not intending any threat. their differences aside, this is not something one should have to figure out alone.
     “how do you feel?”
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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He was coming at her with more ferocity and speed than before. And more force behind it. Each swing at head height had her stepping back and dodging each swing. If even one of those landed, she’d be knocked down and most likely, stunned. But as he keeps coming, not letting up for even a second, she can feel her mind racing to grasp at straws, determined to land one more blow. Her heart is racing and she’d loosing ground, fast. He kept coming, that look in his eyes that told her he wasn’t relenting and before she knew it, she had raised her hand and used her abilities to shove him backward. Kriff, did that count as training? Or had she just crossed a line? It was hard to tell but it’s what her body and her mind was telling her to do. And it was the only way she stood a chance of defending herself. 
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      He sees that look in her eyes just moments before she raises her hand-- and he knows what’s coming. Still, he’s forced backwards a fair few feet, managing to correct himself enough that he lands in a crouch rather than on his back. Rising to his feet, his gaze lands on her again and he tilts his head a little, eyes flicking over her. She’d panicked. Didn’t think she was going to get the upper hand. And whilst in most situations that would work-- not necessarily against another Force Sensitive. “You need to be able to not rely on the Force, Rey. You were doing great, you didn’t have to give in.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
             the  M O A N S  got louder  , hips moving desperately  ,           the knot getting tighter  &&  tighter in his lower abdomen until he cried out  , hips moving feverishly as ropes of cum splashed between the two of them .           his back arched  ,            head falling back ,             hips slowing down slightly  before his head fell back against ben’s shoulder  ,              soft pants escaping him .                    ‘ b - b e n ———- ‘
      Armitage coming undone above him is a thing of beauty, and Ben loses himself in the moment entirely. he’s quick to follow, one hand coming up to grip the hair at the back of Armitage’s head and keep him close as he growls out the man’s name, hips stuttering up into his hand as his climax washes over him.
     “armitage... you’re amazing...” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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           HE IS AWARE EVERY SECOND they spend of their journey in search or collection, in scour or repair, not leaving, not running, brings them closer to danger, closer, into being caught or killed or worse. they have no choice, not that Ben has protested his suggestion. his companion knows just as well it seems. Spock’s feels his lips thin, eyes hard, as he nods back at Ben, then moves to the nearest hatch. his thoughts are dark, while he gathers his supplies, slipping into his cloak. indeed, Spock’s mind dwells on terrible, nightmarish things. but there are fates worse than death, he knows, would not speak of. his fingers are precise & automatic as he ties his coat, waiting for Ben to return. he stares into the browning space of the ship’s paneling, lost for a moment in his thoughts. he does not wish to be dissected or bought or sold as a thing. blinking, he exhales. long & withdrawn. it serves him nothing to feel trepidation. he must cast out fear. Spock calls into the rear of their fallen vessel,  ❝  have you found something of which to use, Ben?  ❞ 
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      this is risky, and perhaps ill-advised. but there’s just no way of getting around it. they NEED parts, they need to get moving, and this is the only way that they can do so. he makes sure to shut everything on the ship down, so that there is nothing that can be traced whilst they’re away, before he grabs two satchels and heads back to Spock.
     “i’ve got these. they should be large enough to store what we need, anything else we can just carry.” he answers, handing one to Spock before he slips into his own cloak and begins heading down the ramp and off the ship. satchel slung over his shoulder, Ben sweeps the area briefly with his eyes, before turning as Spock catches up with him.
     “i can’t sense anything. no indigenous species, no ships... nothing.” he frowns for a moment, but begins heading in the direction they’d seen the junkyard, remaining vigilant. with any luck, the bounty hunter hasn’t managed to actually follow their trail, and they’ve lost him for long enough to get these part and fix the damn ship. “do you hear anything?” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
            dark eyes loom over his mask, one that she had only heard rumors of. it’s now cracked, but red adorns where the helmet cracked, and it only makes his appearance ten, no, one hundred times more hair raising. zorii was very nifty; she can run and make her way out of places super quick thanks to her thieving past. but she had an overwhelming feeling that she couldn’t weasel her way out of this one. 
            sighing a tad bit dramatically, zorii spins on her heels and tries to cover the fact that she’s panicked up by acting calm and collected. 
           “ fine, i guess.not like i have much of a choice anyway. ” she flops in the chair and kicks her boots up onto the table, staring at the other with a bored expression on her face, trying to work her wrists free from the cuffs. “ if this is about the troopers i killed both in here and on kijimi, i deeply apologize. when people invade your home, you can’t just sit back and let them burn everything.” the word burn comes out like venom from a cobra. quick and with intent to kill. though she highly doubted he felt anything.
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          “ there. i apologized. now if you don’t mind, i think i’m gonna go now. ”
      Kylo is well aware that she’s immediately trying to get out of her cuffs. not that it would help her in the slightest if she did. regardless, he reaches out with the force and stills her movements, stopping her fingers from working the cuffs. better to keep her right where he wants her, for now. 
     “i couldn’t care less about the Troopers.” he answers after a moment, stepping forward to close the distance between them, the doors shutting and locking behind him. he releases his hold on her wrists, but not without a promise. “continue attempting to escape and i’ll simply remove your hands.” 
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     “you aren’t going anywhere. i’ve no doubt that you’re privy to their plans. the rebels that you helped escape, where are they going?”
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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{ ♔ } “Yes, sir.” When he heard the other’s reply, Hux nodded quietly and kept his gaze fixed on the ground. He did not want to say anything else, as he would probably talk too much then. But the word sir spoken to Ren was already a sign of his obedience and also his FEAR of the other man that had been caused due to the other’s former actions towards him. It had been enough to remind Armitage of Brendol Hux and other people as well that had used him as their punching bag in the past. Clenching his hands behind his back, he was prepared to go deal with the interrogations right away even if it was time for lunch. Hux never ever had that any longer, he did not have time.
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      Kylo studies Hux for a moment as the General keeps his gaze fixed firmly on the floor, his brows pinching together ever so slightly. Something has changed in him. He used to look at Kylo with such disdain, like he was plotting his demise at every turn. Would meet his words with such attitude. Now he appears... defeated. He takes only a moment longer to consider this, before he decides there’s not much to be done about it and steps by him. “Come and find me once you have the information we need.” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
at least he listened to him, and followed direction well. he half expected kylo to bite back. but ever since he had gotten here, there was something about him, beyond the darkness he sensed. he was no sith, not a normal one at least. not like those who he had met previous to him. though, it was clear that he was no jedi. a force user, yes, a powerful one at that. but anakin couldn’t PIN POINT anything specific. it was a mystery. one that he was certain to uncover. 
he went left, going through the area with a fine tooth comb. he couldn’t afford to have anything here. he was already walking on a tightrope with this entire trip. there was going to be questions asked, and he couldn’t play ignorant. if this situation didn’t resolve the way he needed it to, he had to lie. and he couldn’t lie if there were WITNESSES.
he rounded back to the room after a minute, maybe two, going to the entrance and peering out of the door. nothing. not even the local wildlife could be heard.
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“time travel is impossible. it must be the force. it’s the only explanation.” but if it was the force, then it was possible for someone to be manipulating it. who would bring him here, and why? anakin turned to look at kylo, studying him closely, carefully. 
“what do you know about me?”
      there’s no one left, the place has been completely ransacked. he can’t even sense any sort of movement ANYWHERE nearby. when he rejoins his grandfather, his gaze darts over him for a moment. this likely isn’t why Anakin has brought him here. he’d mentioned something about finding somewhere quiet to talk, but something has happened here to make it eerily quiet. not the type he was looking for, surely.
      when his grandfather asks him what he knows about him, Kylo sets his saber back at his hip and lets his hands fall to his side. he contemplates for a moment just what he can tell him. he doesn’t want to give away too much and do something to the timeline that cannot be reversed.
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     “i know everything about you. your entire history and, for you, your future. for obvious reasons i can’t tell you too much. where are you at, at the moment? what has happened to you of late?” 
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darthlegacy · 4 years
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      mmkay i need to sleep i’ve got a lot on tomorrow. i will get to things tomorrow after work, and then i’m off tuesday so will finish everything then :D if you want a thing from Kylo hit like! 
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