darkerpancakes · 5 years
I’m basically unabandoning this blog to tell y’all. DO NOT glorify or praise Yuka Takaoka. Yes! she’s cute and all, but she’s a fucking criminal. She’s not your big tittited anime goth gf. She’s a fucking criminal. Do not give her praise for the slightest. She doesn’t deserve this.
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
On Christmas, 1978, Brenda Ann Spencer received a semi automatic .22 caliber rifle with 500 rounds of ammunition. This was later used in the Cleveland Elementary shooting in January. When further questioned, she said that she wanted a radio for Christmas, but her father gave her a rifle. Now her father may have a sick sense of humor, so he might've taken this photo above.
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
irrelevant thing, but i’m  getting this book and i’m really excited.
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Look at what my mom got me for Christmas!!
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Hoo boy this is dandy.
here it is !! i put this on a random account so hopefully my blog doesn’t get deleted or something for posting it, but it took me 4 HOURS TO SCAN THIS SHIT so you’re welcome!! sorry if some of the pages look shitty the book came from a library and was kinda messed up. if this gets deleted just message me if you want it and i’ll send the link to you lol
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Uh hi.
i swear to GOD everyone who reblogs this will get a compliment in their inbox
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Friendly reminder regarding today:
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
Today is about the victims and survivors, not the shooter. 
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
It’s already been a year since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida happened. Everybody. TCC or not. Please do not post anything that worships and romanticize Nikolas Cruz. I know you can’t change your paraphilias, but it’s insensitive to the victims. Don’t just remember Nikolas Cruz. Remember the 17 victims that were killed. May their souls rest in peace and hope their spirits are at rest. Happy Valentines Day to us all...
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Important DNA psa
Since news hit that ftdna is sharing DNA data with the FBI, lots of bullshit that’s not true is being written about DNA privacy. Give me a chance to clear up some stuff. I got a minor in biology in college. My master’s was in public health, part of my particular degree was EXTENSIVE study in regards to health laws, health discrimination, and similar health issues in relationship to statues and laws.
DNA is currently protected at the federal level (highest level of laws - state and local laws must abide to federal laws) from discrimination though so you don’t have to worry about it being used against you for say job interviews, housing, or medical decisions
Many cases that were long deemed cold (police no longer pursuing the case) now have a chance of being solved (in particular - kidnapping and murders) so these families have a chance at closure
You leave bits of DNA everywhere inside and out of your home, mostly through hair your body naturally sheds, the only way to avoid this is to put yourself in a bubble
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
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I can’t believe I even have to do this, but this is my best friend, and has been for the best part of a decade. She went missing on Thursday night and hasn’t been seen since. Please, if you’re from the northern part of the UK, keep your eye out for any suspicious activity or anyone who looks like her, if not, please just signal boost the hell out of this, I’m literally begging you at this point. This girl got me through the lowest points of my life and I can safely say I wouldn’t be alive without her. Please help us find her.
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
I was in the comment section of a KMFDM song, and as always, there were comments about Columbine. I found this one particular comment that I thought some of you might need to see.
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
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How to Interpret Blood Spatters
1) Angular - If the victim was on the move, drops hit at an angle. The more oblique the impact, the longer the drop’s tail. The head points in the direction the person was traveling.
2) High Velocity - Misty, diffuse spatter is created by external force greater than 100 feet per second — which usually means a gunshot, an explosion, or (seriously) a sneeze.
3) Hair Impact - A traumatic impact between head and surface tends to leave a stain with feathered edges, like someone squished a loaded paintbrush against the wall.
4)   Hair Swipe - If the smear fades out in one direction, the head was likely bloody before contact. The lightest edge of the swipe points in the direction the head was traveling.
5) Fabric Swipe - More fluid than hair swipes, these stains sometimes display the imprint of the bloodied clothing. T-shirt weaves are often the easiest patterns to decipher.
wow legit keeping this for future reference <3
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Skeletal Biology:
Is the study of the biology of the human skeleton. Biology, is simply the study of life, and the skeleton is/was living. To study the skeleton is to understand its evolution, structure, function, growth/development, and how the environment has affected it throughout time. Our bones have many jobs, and serve as record keepers of our biological characteristics. From a skeleton one can learn about an individuals age, sex, stature, and ancestry. The skeleton can give clues as to where in a society said individual fits, along with social status, the skeleton can tell us the diet, occupation, disease(s), etc. of an individual. The human skeleton also provides a view of a persons geographical place of origin, and the demographic of a population. The human skeleton documents a persons life, and death.
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Image Source: Sklmsta. Human-Skeleton. Wikimedia Commons.
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Human decomposition;
Stage 1: Autolysis (1 - 2 days): The first stage of human decomposition is called autolysis (or self-digestion) and begins immediately after death. As soon as blood circulation and respiration stop, the body is deprived of oxygen and a way of removing wastes. Blood pools in the most dependent parts of the body (livor mortis), body stiffens (rigor mortis), and begins to cool (algor mortis). Excess carbon dioxide causes cells to rupture, releasing cellular enzymes that will start the process of breaking down cells and tissues. Small blisters begin appearing on internal organs and the skin’s surface, and the body will appear to have a sheen due to blister that have ruptured. Skin’s top layer will also start to loosen.
Stage 2: Bloat (2 - 6 days): Leaked enzymes from the first stage start producing gases. Skin becomes discoloured with a marble appearance because of the transformation of hemoglobin in the blood into other pigments. Various built up gases produced by bacteria in the cadaver cause inflation to the abdomen, giving it an overall bloated appearance. The microorganisms and bacteria produce extremely unpleasant odours called putrefaction.
Stage 3: Active decay (5 - 11 days)
Carcass begins to deflate and putrid internal gases are released. This stage often attracts insects, hatching maggots that will begin to feed on the body’s tissues. As tissues break down, the corpse may appear wet and Organs, muscles, and skin become liquified. Fluids begin to drain from the corpse via any available orifice, such as nose and mouth. After all the body’s soft tissue has decomposed, the hair, bones, cartilage, and other bits remain. Most mass is lost during this stage.
Stage 4: Skeletonization (10 - 24 days)
By this stage, decomposition has slowed and most flesh has been stripped of the skeleton, though some may remain in denser areas. If a body decays on soil, the area around it may show signs of plant death. All that remains is dry skin, cartilage, and bones, which could potentially become dry and bleached if exposed to the elements.
Body Decomposition Timeline:
24 - 72 hours after death — the internal organs decompose
3 - 5 days after death — the body starts the bloating stage, liquid leaking from mouth and nose.
8 - 10 days after death — body turns from its greenish colour to red, as the blood decomposes and the organs in the abdomen accumulate gas.
Several weeks after death — nails and teeth fall out
One month after death — body begins to liquify
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
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this user wonders what happened to Jeff’s fish tank; requested by @nukleopatra
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
This makes me smile..
Daniel Mauser’s adopted sister: a blessing after the tragedy
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In July 1999, a few months after the Columbine High School Massacre of April 20, the parents of one of the victims, the 15-year-old Daniel Conner Mauser, proudly decided to adopt a little Chinese girl, obviously not to replace Daniel, but because they felt they had a lot of time and love to share with another child. Here’s their story:
“We made a two-week trip to China in October 2000 and brought back a bundle of joy by the name of Madeline HaiXing Mauser!
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All three of us (Tom, Linda and Christie, Daniel’s sister) left on October 11. We traveled along with others who were adopting at the same time-a total of 20 Chinese girls being adopted. Six couples were from Denver, the others were from all over the country. All these folks are wonderful people who are going to make terrific parents!.
We traveled to four different cities: Hong Kong, Nanning, Gui Lin and Guangzhou (formerly Canton). We spent two days in Hong Kong, sightseeing and adjusting to the 13-hour flight from San Francisco.
Next we flew to the city of Nanning, where our precious little daughter was handed over to us. We were very pleased at how quickly she bonded with us. She weighed twenty pounds when we got her, was very strong and energetic, very healthy, inquisitive, sociable, and very generous with her smiles.
Madeline was abandoned in the city of Liuzhou, which is in the province of Guangxi in the south of China, when she was a couple of weeks old. She spent less than a month in an orphanage, then was placed in a foster home. It is clear that she was very well cared for and got lots of stimulation-as evidenced in her strength and the fact she was walking before she turned one
Her given Chinese name is Liu Hai Xing: the Liu is her surname and represents the name of the city and orphanage. The Hai Xing translates into “ocean star.” We combined the two words for simplicity. Her birth date is November 22, 1999.
We also visited the beautiful resort city of Gui Lin, where we took a riverboat cruise down the Li River through miles and miles of famous cone-shaped limestone mountain formations called karsts. This is a favorite tourist site for the Chinese. They prefer to see the area in the fog and mist. Even though it was the dry season, we were treated to fog and mist! We finished up our paperwork in Guangzhou, then returned to the U.S. on October 27.
We are very grateful we were able to spend time in China so that we could learn more about the Chinese people and learn about their culture. We found the Chinese people to be very friendly and polite. When we walked around with Madeline in the stroller, we got lots of looks, to say the least. These weren’t just polite nods or “Ahhhs” from grandmotherly women. All sorts of people looked approvingly at us-even grown men!
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They had broad smiles, they turned around as they walked or bicycled by, they pointed and smiled, they gave us the “thumbs up” sign, etc. Some would stop us to say “Hello!” or to pinch her cheek–and once we stopped, a small crowd would gather around to marvel and smile. School children would practice their English on us. They were all really wonderful people.
We think Daniel would be very proud of our decision!”
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Source: Daniel Mauser’s Memorial-Official Website
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
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darkerpancakes · 5 years
Trauma Basics (part 2) Laceration v.s Incised wound
Laceration” is a word people often use, and rarely in the scientifically correct way. To many, a laceration is associated with sharp force injuries and is frequently used to describe what is in fact an incised wound (see previous post). However, lacerations are classed as blunt force injuries rather than sharp, they result from the skin tearing as opposed to being penetrated by a sharp object. One of the main identifiable differences is the presence of tissue bridging in lacerations that is not seen in sharp force injury. Tissue bridging occurs when the skin is torn apart and the underlying structures such as blood vessels can be seen forming ‘bridges’ between the margins of the wound, these are not seen in sharp force as the sharp implement severs these structures.
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Left - sharp force injury (incised or stab wound)
Right - blunt force injury (laceration)
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