Comics day 1
After the first day of working on the comics I feel like we have a great idea of where we want to take the comic. We have the basic story structure down and have created our narrator character who will talk to the reader, called willy. tommorow we will focus more on the actual art of the comic and making sure it communicates what is happening to the reader
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reflection on infographic
This weeks assignment was to create an infographic to explain some research into cognition. I think this was a great choice of subject to cover since what we are doing in visual rhetoric is also a form of cognition. In particular the reading on the ideas of Arnheim talks about how we as humans think about images. of all the readings we did that week this one was the most interesting to me because it is less about the theory of images in pictures, and more about how our brains interact with the images and pictures. As for what he said, i’d have to agree with him. His arguments make a lot of sense because we do what he says every day, just in the back of our heads without thinking about it.
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Blog Week One
The readings for this week where mainly focused on typography and the hidden messages it can convey. It has left me with one question though, since most readers of a text do not spend time or thought to analyze hidden meanings, how much can typography still have an impact in today’s modern world with less and less people spending time reading and analyzing books and text. I guess it turns into a tree in the woods situation where there is no real way to quantify an answer. I personally think that typography can still convey deep messages and impact society as a whole, but that possibility is slowly dwindling.
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