dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Unit 1
New people, places and faces an assault on the senses. A situation that leaves you in surprise and shock. Getting a message and getting into trouble simply because you have not kept in touch. Having just left home a few weeks ago traveling 5000 miles for a new beginning. 
Indian and in another country, living there for the first time. Writing identity comes from the events that shape your values and thoughts. It comes from situations and issues you have faced growing up, hence it is different for everyone. The incidents that help you mature as a writer is what defines you as the writer you want to be.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Binge drinking is a social issue in college, every weekend college students go out or just stay in their dorms to drink. Its a way for students to connect with each other and have fun with each other. The effect is bad academics and can lead to addictions and this just leads to not being able to control yourself. This affects your health and life, the point being drinking to get drunk instead to drinking to have fun. It can lead to alcohol poisoning and that it can lead to effects for days to come and can also lead to serious injuries.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
The video argues that binge drinking makes college students happier as it helps them elevate themselves through binge drinking. I believe that it is unsafe and a social issue but this doesn't stop college students from drinking. This video brings the point that health does not stop college students
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
I feel red best signifies binge drinking as it reflects the day after and the colour of your eyes after you've drunk to much. Red also represents the extreme of binge drinking that could be alcohol poisoning as well as a night spent in the hospital. Because of these various effects associated to the colour red I feel it relates to my topic of binge drinking.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Stereotyping is a social issue, everyone does it whether or not they realise it. I liked this picture cause it puts a humorous touch to a serious issue and it also talks about generalisations being a problem. I feel everyone generalises and I hate it when people assume through generalisations.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Something new about binge drinking
With college drinking at record levels, many schools are making students take online courses about the dangers of drink. Others have increased penalties for alcohol possession and public inebriation, while still others have canceled besotted campus traditions like “spring fling.”
My own solution is inspired by what an undergrad told me a few years ago during a discussion in my office, after volunteering that she didn’t drink alcohol. “Between the bar-hopping and the hangovers, it takes up too much time,” she told me. “I need to study.”
But at most of our colleges today, students can drink — some of them quite heavily — and still succeed academically. That’s because we don’t require them to study very much.
And it’s getting worse. In 1961, the average full-time college student spent 25 hours a week studying; by 2003, it was down to 13 hours a week. Two-thirds of students in 1961 reported studying 20 or more hours per week; today, only one-fifth do.
We don’t ask them to. In a typical semester, half of our college students don’t take a single class that demands 20 or more pages of writing. A third don’t take a class requiring 40 or more pages of reading.
Yet their grades keep getting better. In 1960, 15 percent of all college grades were A’s; by 2008, it had skyrocketed to 43 percent.
You do the math: Lower workloads plus higher grades equals a lot more free time. And a lot of college students use that time to drink, or to recover from the same.
Let’s be clear: College students have always drunk copious amounts of alcohol. In the early 1800s, fraternities boasted about the “manliness” of members who could “hold their liquor.” A century later, drink had become a ubiquitous social lubricant for both sexes.
“A dance . . . can hardly be called a success nowadays unless most of the boys get ‘high,’ ” Duke University’s student newspaper observed in 1924, “not to mention the occasional girl who cannot be outdone by her masculine companions.”
That was during Prohibition, of course, so drink was a way to defy legal authorities. It was also a way to thumb your nose at academics, and everything they implied.
One observer wrote in 1905 of “a secret disdain for high scholarship and a feeling that just ‘getting by’ on examination and final term standings is good enough.” He went on to quote a typical student: “Scholarship isn’t very important — good fellowship and school spirit count for a lot more.”
Fast-forward to today’s college students, who routinely tell pollsters that social skills and networking are more important to them than academics. The big difference is that they are succeeding in school — not simply “getting by” — while doing even less schoolwork. The Gentleman’s C of a century ago has become the Easy A.
Meanwhile, colleges are devoting ever-more resources to improving kids’ social experience. New gyms, dorms and student centers sprout like modern-day cathedrals across our campuses, all sending the same message: Have lots of fun.
Should we be surprised that students drink lots of alcohol, too? The only way to depress that would be to require more work and less play, but that’s not in the cards right now. And that might be the most depressing thing of all.
Commentary: This article brings in the reason binge drinking is a social problem and it outlines the reasons why college students over the years have increases their drinking. The article also talks about how colleges encourage drinking through lesser course load and more ways to have fun by providing gyms and newer dorms. The article says more workload and academics will in their own bring about less time to binge drink, I feel this is false we still have work its just we are able to balance out the both and its not really more free time, there are many ways to fill up free time.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Weed and alcohol can be related as most people who smoke also drink. Most binge drinkers also enjoy to smoke so it relates to binge drinking.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
This song is the number one binge drinking song on the internet. The lyrics encourage drinking as well as make it an assault on the senses for anyone intoxicated.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Alcohol addiction and binge drinking
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Addictions and alcohol
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Unit 1 Remix
An attic above my room, narrow stairs in the wall, unseen from the door. A mystery yet so visible. The sanctuary above my bed, a heaven of sorts where one escapes to get away from the mundane routine.
A triangle in the loft, with tiny baby cupboards and a mixture of toys, old and new and stuff scattered everywhere. A small desk and a chair, one could be anything they wanted to be. A lawyer, manager, business man, police officer anything.... all this possible from behind a desk in an attic just through the use of our own imagination.
The space is a portal into my childhood, fun, entertaining and a place of true solace as a teenager but crazy as an amusement park as a child.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
This saying in the picture encourages binge drinking. It makes people feel that alcohol is the solution for all problems. This adds to and increases the chance of binge drinking and encourages drinking.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
this post is a comical representation of alcohol and drinking. The picture stereotypes regions with alcohol. The picture could be related to binge drinking because it is so direct about alcohol.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
I feel this post is idiotic as it talks and encourages students and people to drink more. The post encourages the idea of doing everything you can because you have only one life. But that is idiotic you won't live a good long life if you continuously binge drink.
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Blog's from classmates
I feel this blog about bullying can relate to my topic as bullying could lead to increased drinking in later years as a coping mechanism. The blog talks about the effects of bullying so it can be related to alcohol.
Gender stereotyping in media relates to binge drinking as it us used to portray drinking. Stereotyping shows that some people or races can consume more alcohol and that way it relates to higher chances of binge drinking.
This blog talks about legalising marijuana, this could have an effect on alcohol and binge drinking. It relates to the alcohol economy and the money gained by governments from alcohol being sold.  
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
Conspiracies and other thoughts
History and conspiracy theories send me off in a different wave. Thinking about history sends my mind to think about western and eastern Europe. The historical tie which I am interested in is about how society and people looked at all the policies and changes in Europe from 1919 to 1991. The whole century of turmoil and seeing things one has not seen before. Views of the leaders of the time and policies by them that affected international and world politics and practices. Policies that brought the world closer together and also sent it spiralling towards war. I am also intrigued by how some policies were revised and how this revised policies affected the world and could have potentially changed the world and the way things turned out. It could have possibly changed world politics. 
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dannymirlaysrinivas · 11 years
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Drinks on Deck
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