daniellesan · 3 years
Art Project 4 - Life
The inspiration for this project came from the project itself. I put this one off because I’m not terribly comfortable with being on camera and was intimidate by the idea of it. Between then and now all sorts of other things fell on top of my plate, which is how it goes everyday. I wanted to show that in my performance; that we are all often juggling too much and it’s impossible to catch/carry it all. I tried to keep a straight face during this, but by the end the sheer surprise of the objects being thrown at me was too much and I started to laugh. It was another one of those surprise moments I decided to keep in, because really in the end if we don’t laugh at all the stuff being thrown at us it’s going to fell to overwhelming. Of all the projects this semester this was the most fun to create and I’m glad I had to opportunity to do so. 
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daniellesan · 3 years
Art Project 5 - The Process
This idea came to me the other night when my boyfriend and I were trying to make a homemade mother’s day gift. We came to a stand still when we both had different ideas on how to execute our vision and it occured to me then that we both have very different creative processes. He’s more of a traditional artist with a streamlined process of what he wants and how to achieve it. I have to play, move, adjust, undo, and tinker before I settle on an idea. And, as you’ll see in the video, even then it might change. 
For my final project I wanted to focus on my creative process. In this video I’m creating a logo for an old film review site I used to write reviews for. This is the type of stuff I do for work and I really wanted to focus less on the artwork itself, and more just on how I work through all the details. Originally I had two and half hours of footage of me picking out the photos, taking breaks, etc. I ended up having to cut it down extensively when even at the fastest speed the video was still ten minutes long. In the end I still think it turned out pretty good and you can still see portions where I’m indecisive and working through obstacles. 
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daniellesan · 3 years
I struggled for a long time about this piece as well as many other pieces in this class and other art classes. When it comes to “artist’s choice” assignments, especially by the end of a semester, I question who I am as an artist. I ruminate on every little detail trying to think of an authentic piece. Am I doing this because this is an idea that I want to or because this is what would get me a good grade? Is this my style as an artist? Do I have a style? Am I an artist? Is this the right path for me? These are the questions that come to mind with any assignment I do related to art. These are my insecurities about this path that I wish to continue down because, in the end, I love this.
My idea for this was to express that feeling of uncertainty and anxiousness by tying a pencil to my hand with thread. I drew 1,000 lines. 500 of those lines were done of my own volition; the remaining lines were done by someone purposefully going against the established pattern by using the string tied to my hand to guide the pencil like a puppet.
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daniellesan · 3 years
Technical Exercise #4
1) To Become
2) To Adjust
3) To Hurt
4) To Quit
5) To Know
6) To Flee
7) To Slay
8) To Try
9) To Flow
10) To Lay
11) To Swear
12) To Bleed
13) To Sleep
14) To Sow
15) To Wait
16) To Need
17) To Hear
18) To Fault
19) To Fear
20) To Be
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daniellesan · 3 years
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To Crease
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To Weave
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To Tear
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daniellesan · 3 years
Performance #00
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daniellesan · 3 years
My piece is a video performance as I come home for the day and that process. In the beginning I am wearing all black and dressed head to toe, by the end I am in a tank top and shorts. I was motivated by my own personal growth. I have been struggling a lot with mental health and how I feel as though I’m putting on a front for the world around me, so I decided to show me finally being comfortable in my own skin, no longer hiding from the world as much as possible. My process began with trying on a lot of clothes and then I sort of realized how the color of my clothing could affect the piece. So, I am emerging from my hardened steely black exterior to become a new person even if there’s many steps along the way.
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daniellesan · 3 years
Art Project #4: One Minute Performance
The idea for this project came to me sporadically. I had just ordered $50 worth of takeout food for myself and on my drive home I envisioned a low lit room with faint tv noises and the emphasis of food. When I began recording it felt right to indulge, so I did. I enjoy this video and it makes me slightly uncomfortable
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daniellesan · 3 years
Artist Statement 3
As of late, I’ve had a bad bout of seasonal depression. Typically, I don’t let the ebbs and flow of Colorado seasons get the best of me, but this year has hit a bit harder. I’d imagine it has to do with the difficult year we’ve all just faced, and not just in the shape of a pandemic but in other hardships too. I find myself hopeful one moment, only to be pushed down the next. This week’s winter storm was an advocate for that, and it got the best of yesterday. I wanted to use this project to convey the feelings I had this week. In my technical exercise I played with an opposite attracts idea with images and sound and wanted to do that here as well. The song from the Gorillaz has an upbeat feeling, but the images convey cold, sadness, and decay. It made for a sort of humorous effect, which I found to be good medicine to combat my sadness from the snow.
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daniellesan · 3 years
Art Project 3 - One Minute Supercut
Even the Trees Get Sad
Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04mfKJWDSzI
Timber | Short Film about Solidarity by Nils Hedinger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBZBPptSneM
Walt Disney Flowers and Tress 1932 Silly – Symphony - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovsh5Qy2MM8
SAVE TREE ANIMATED STORY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xThlceHTduw
The Actual '73 Giving Tree Movie Spoken By Shel Silverstein
Falling Leaf Animation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MstsJAizFJc
Environment Awareness Animation - The Effects of Deforestation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_091pd_KHM
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daniellesan · 3 years
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daniellesan · 3 years
One Minute Performance | 𝟹 𝙿𝙼 𝚂𝙺𝙴𝚃𝙲𝙷
I was having a very hard time coming up with a good idea for this project—luckily I had my roommate and boyfriend around to help me brainstorm. Ultimately, I decided on trying my hand in making a short comedy sketch featuring myself, my roommate and my cat! I had a lot of fun making this and felt more comfortable than I thought I would. I normally hate acting, hearing my own voice, and being on camera...but I was actually okay with getting it done! I think my want to make something enjoyable outweighed my camera-shyness. The editing was also fun to do! None of the original audio is included—it was all added in post! I really hope the short is readable and maybe a little goofy, that was the vibe I was going for when I made it. Overall I had a lot of fun with this project, it brought me out of comfort zone but in a good way! I’m excited to possibly do performance art in the future.
Featuring: Me (Pink hair) | Eleanor | Lucy (🐱) | Tucker (📷)
Song: ACCF 3PM
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daniellesan · 3 years
Hidden Scars
Art Project 4: One Minute Performance: Part 1
WOW. This was really hard for me to do but I hope everyone enjoys it.
I had to speed up this 3 minute video to get it down to a minute, so it’s pretty fast and I apologize for that.
I also encourage you to take a look at part 2 because I am incredibly happy with the picture I was able to get :)
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daniellesan · 3 years
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Hidden Scars
Art Project 4: One Minute Performance: Part 2
Over 70% of women have experienced sexually harassment. 1 in 6 women will fall victim to attempted or completed rape. Only 3% of women have not experienced sexually motivated violence, assault, or harassment. Women all over the world constantly go through life with the lingering fear of being attacked. These UK studies were conducted with girls as young as 12 years old.
My work is a representation of the mental scars hidden beneath the skin of women who have had to suffer at the hands of men. The red handprints mark the areas of a woman’s body where that men have scarred. People are unable to physically see the damage that rape, assault, and harassment has on a human being. The red prints are there to highlight the constant reminder a person has of an attack on those areas.
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daniellesan · 3 years
Technical Exercise #3
Audio - Benga & Coki - 'Night' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNStVlJWy88
Video - Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse Erotic Dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5j0_ZYjk7M
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daniellesan · 3 years
One Minute Performance | 𝟹 𝙿𝙼 𝚂𝙺𝙴𝚃𝙲𝙷
I was having a very hard time coming up with a good idea for this project—luckily I had my roommate and boyfriend around to help me brainstorm. Ultimately, I decided on trying my hand in making a short comedy sketch featuring myself, my roommate and my cat! I had a lot of fun making this and felt more comfortable than I thought I would. I normally hate acting, hearing my own voice, and being on camera...but I was actually okay with getting it done! I think my want to make something enjoyable outweighed my camera-shyness. The editing was also fun to do! None of the original audio is included—it was all added in post! I really hope the short is readable and maybe a little goofy, that was the vibe I was going for when I made it. Overall I had a lot of fun with this project, it brought me out of comfort zone but in a good way! I’m excited to possibly do performance art in the future.
Featuring: Me (Pink hair) | Eleanor | Lucy (🐱) | Tucker (📷)
Song: ACCF 3PM
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daniellesan · 3 years
Art Project 3: One Minute Supercut
Title: Take the Leap
Works Used:
GoPro Awards: BASE Jumping in Moab   https://youtu.be/h5U50ZsFUaY
B.A.S.E Jumping Norway 2018    https://youtu.be/Ymtj1BrbDsU
World Record BASE Jump from Mt. Everest  https://youtu.be/h_k8LsJDGlM
Record breaking space jump - free fall faster than speed of sound - Red Bull Stratos.    https://youtu.be/mJxsj51d-Pk
Iko Iko (2019 Stereo Remaster)    https://youtu.be/hZNA1n9F_rA
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