danielledellaunay · 2 months
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Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.
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danielledellaunay · 3 months
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The 2024 Presidential Election Countdown Widget
Just click below and know exactly how many days... hour's and minutes until we can kick Joey out of office...
Never forget what Joey did for our country and vote for change...
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danielledellaunay · 3 months
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Embracing your unique journey can be a challenging task. The world may have its opinions, but true fulfillment lies in living authentically and according to your own values and dreams.
It's essential to have confidence in your path and not let others dictate your choices. Remember, your journey is unique, and that's what makes it valuable.
So, embrace it with confidence and authenticity.
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danielledellaunay · 11 months
Take a look
What do you think about it?
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danielledellaunay · 1 year
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Under President Trump, our economy was booming, gas prices were low, and inflation was under control. Our border was secure, our adversaries feared us, & our military was strong. I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for President and can't wait until he's back in the White House.
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
President Trump's March 31 Coronavirus Task Force Briefing
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
See Gov. Cuomo's heartfelt message to his 'little brother' and 'best fri...
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
Chris Cuomo Interviewing Andrew Cuomo
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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Richard Epstein questions coronavirus models. Says they: - underestimate the rate of adaptive responses; - assume the death rate for the older population will be same for general population; - assume the virus's potency will remain constant.
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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(CNN)Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz donned a gas mask Wednesday while he voted on a bill that would dedicate billions of dollars to combating coronavirus as concerns rise over the spread of the disease.
"Reviewing the coronavirus supplemental appropriation and preparing to go vote," Gaetz tweeted with a picture of himself wearing a gas mask while looking at a piece of paper before the vote.
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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I do this once in a while#drink don't be drunk
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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I'm always happy to be around my family
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Friday it will hear President Donald Trump's pleas to keep his tax, bank and financial records private, a major confrontation between the president and Congress that also could affect the 2020 presidential campaign.
Arguments will take place in late March, and the justices are poised to issue decisions in June as Trump is campaigning for a second term. Rulings against the president could result in the quick release of personal financial information that Trump has sought strenuously to keep private. The court also will decide whether the Manhattan district attorney can obtain eight years of Trump's tax returns as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
The subpoenas are separate from the ongoing impeachment proceedings against Trump, headed for a vote in the full House next week. Indeed, it's almost certain the court won't hear the cases until after a Senate trial over whether to remove Trump has ended.
Trump sued to prevent banks and accounting firms from complying with subpoenas for his records from three committees of the House of Representatives and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.
In three separate cases, he has so far lost at every step, but the records have not been turned over pending a final court ruling. Now it will be up to a court that includes two Trump appointees, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, to decide in a case with significant implications reagrding a president's power to refuse a formal request from Congress.
Trump attorney Jay Sekulow released a statement saying: “We are pleased that the Supreme Court granted review of the President’s three pending cases. These cases raise significant constitutional issues. We look forward to presenting our written and oral arguments.“
In two earlier cases over presidential power, the justices acted unanimously in requiring President Richard Nixon to turn over White House tapes to the Watergate special prosecutor and in allowing a sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton to go forward. In those cases, three Nixon appointees and two Clinton appointees, respectively, voted against the president who chose them for the high court. A fourth Nixon appointee, William Rehnquist, sat out the tapes case because he had worked closely as a Justice Department official with some of the Watergate conspirators whose upcoming trial spurred the subpoena for the Oval Office recordings.
In none of the cases are the subpoenas directed at Trump himself. Instead, House committees want records from Deutsche Bank and Capital One, as well as the Mazars USA accounting firm. Mazars also is the recipient of Vance's subpoena.
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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danielledellaunay · 4 years
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Power love
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danielledellaunay · 5 years
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