dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Alone but not lonely
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             Being alone but not lonely is my state of being for as long as i can remember. First in childhood into young adult and yes even now in my period of growth as slave at DSF. I guess its a strange concept that now, when as a slave under training nothing about me is allowed to be private due to my errors,  I feel even more alone. Being alone isn't a negative thing, it just means i never can settle, never can feel some one has my back no matter what, its just part of being omega wolf. Being dissociative is just part of being alone to, if you're not emotionally connected to people how can you miss them and so ‘feel’ lonely.
            My aloneness has made me the person i am and having just learnt trying to connect to someone leads to toxic manipulative behaviours nothing soft or comforting or whatever is involved in my life at DSF right now, so yes the aloneness has increased, but so has the clarity in my brain that will allow me to get through this, whether at the end of the journey i am still alone or not is immaterial. Perhaps im also getting closer to the feeling of loneliness, a deeper awareness of just how alone i actually am as my journey to connection and healing continues. I do sometimes wonder if connecting with my feelings will mean i am suddenly bombarded with a whole bunch of negative emotions i dont know how to feel... but i guess thats in the future to. Im alone in my home pack of DSF, but if i left i now i would also understand what lonely means. That is part of my growth so far.
              Another thought on alone centres around being an introvert. Introverts happen to like our own company and there is nothing wrong with that. I guess thats why my dragon and my wolf are separate and involve different parts of me... the wolf desires pack and the dragon is content to be alone. Its the me in the middle trying to reach a happy middle ground for both. thats where my growth is right now. To be strong enough to stand alone but also strong enough to live as pack and all the hierarchy that involves. Im also more than happy not to be around people in rl... people give me headaches. Headaches from their emotions, headaches from the manufactured scents they wear... which also make me sneeze, tension from their randomness and falseness. At least I know me, good and bad I know me. I guess I admit i dont really dig humanity that much, but then i have very little reason to and yes i know ive not given it much chance either, but really do i need to? if i can be happy to be alone and happy to be part of my DSF pack. No, im never lonely, but i think alone is a good place to be to, as long doesn't mean completely cut off in my head and not interacting with humanity at all.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
sl ponyplay
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i  figure since I will now not be able to explore pony play in SL i would leave a pic of the look i achieved... yes a latex pony girl and a few other pictures I like. Ive also included a couple of links to websites, one is on the basics of ponyplay in real life and the other deals with SL pony play, in case someone comes across this blog and wishes to learn more. It seems pony play in Second Life has dwindled a great deal but I am sure there are still those out there that are still interested in the idea via online play.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
think the only 2 ive not felt at sometime is physical(obviously) and shadow
Types of shifts
These are the general types of shifts that have been recorded in the therian and otherkin communities. Some of these require a belief in astral projection and auras. It is important to consider other explanations before resorting to the fantastical.
Astral shift/As-shift: When your astral body changes into your kintype, usually during sleep when one enters the astral plane. Not everyone believes that this is possible.
Aura shift/A-shift: When your auric field or energy field takes, on ther shape of your kintype. Not everyone believes that this is possible.
Berserker shift/B-shift: When you enter a berserker-like state of mind, such as an extreme M-shift or a regular shift combined with mental illness. B-shifts are highly discouraged, and there exist multiple methods to keep these shifts from happening.
Bi-location shift/Bi-shift: When your kintype ‘leaves’ the human body behind, such as with astral projection or astral travel. This is very similar to an out-of-body experience, with the exception the the non-coporeal body takes on the shape of your kintype rather than your physical body. Not everyone believes that this is possible.
Dream shift/D-shift: When you dream that you have the body of your kintype. Some otherkin have these shifts every night while others have to resort to lucid dreaming techniques to experience them.
Mental shift/M-shift: When you take on part of the mentality, instincts, and/or impulses of your kintype.
Phantom shift/Ph-shift: When you get supernumerary phantom limbs that resemble your kintype’s or when your own limbs feel like those of your kintype.
Sensory shift/S-shift: When you perceive some senses stronger than usually or are more focused on some senses that you wouldn’t normally focus on. Note that this is a change in perception, not in your physical capabilities.
Shadow shift/Sh-shift: When other people perceive your shadow to look like your kintype, usually explained by the aura or astral body. Not everyone believes that this is possible.
There’s also physical shifting/P-shifting, which is a literal change in the physical body. This is impossible as it breaks all known laws of physics and biology, which you can read more about here and here.
For the sake of this list, I left out catalysators (emotional shifts) and categories (cameo, voluntary, and involuntary shifts).
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
the gift of the word DISCERN
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Discern to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear: recognize or find out. distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses. 1. To perceive with the eyes; detect or distinguish. 2. To recognise or understand as being distinct or different: 1Recognize or find out. 1 to notice or understand something by thinking about it carefully 2 to be able to see something by looking carefully synonyms: perceive, make out, pick out, detect, recognise, notice, observe, see, spot
There are several definitions for the word discern and im trying to keep it away from discernment, which seems to be mainly a biblical term. The common words used in every dictionary is to recognise and understand.
   I was gifted the word today by DIvine Creator Rosa at DSF and my understanding of 'discern' was wrong, ive always shrugged the word off as meaning the same as 'gut feeling' but it means far far more than that. For me and my journey learning to discern is a very valuable step in my growth. To not focus on OK how am i dealing with this situation, how I used to think and changing the mind set to OK if I chose to act in this way... how would this affect those outside of me?... in my case Im talking about the members of the DSF community. The struggle to learn, find my own discernment is double fold... i need to leave the toxic past behind because it taints/clouds any clear thinking and I need to connect with myself more emotionally because it never used to bother me to simply lose things or people in my life. Now it bothers me. Im finding enough connection with self and enough shedding of the old thought patterns to not simply accept people leaving or life changing, but to want to do something to halt it, to change my own actions which may contribute to the whole. To discern just how what i do affects others and not to focus on what others do affects me... which i can now see in the cold light of day is exactly what i have done. Even my own actions have always been based on how they would affect me.   Being gifted the word discern rather than being told to learn what it means has also led me to think deeper... why would Divine Creator Rosa consider it a gift, why would She tell me to put it on a note card, why was the word once gifted to Her. To be able to put self aside and consider the good of the whole is something She does every day as leader of the DSF community, and She relishes that act, is committed to the growth of Her community and every single person inside of it. Every action She does, every word said causes a ripple down affect and without discernment Her goals and ideals for the place would simply cease to happen. She is an Alpha a completely Dominant woman yet She can sacrifice self for the good of the whole... and bears a far greater burden then i could ever do.  Why is it to so hard for me to let go and simply leave self behind and be the slave i so much desire to be.. to give my all to serving the Divine. Its not a question of trust in Them, its a question of trust in myself, can I trust myself to simply let go and revel in the freedom im looking for, to believe my own discernment about what the action would mean, what it is it would mean for me as slave as DSF. To let my self go enough to trust in the Divine Sisters to always do what is best whether I understand it or not. Do I have the strength to continue to grow and be moulded as a slave, a strong healthy healed woman, They deserve nothing less than for me to simply let go and leave it be. For me to discern right now means  to understand I am slave, it is my right my desire and my freedom, and to understand in THEIR hands this WILL happen, if i simply let go and let Them.   To be able to discern the bigger picture re the community as a whole i need to start at the beginning and let myself accept the awareness that this is the only place for me to be free, a home as slave to many strong Dominants that give Their time to help me because They choose to do so. In time my discernment will strengthen and grow as i grow and learn, free from the past.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
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Its kind of weird to think pony-girls are an out of second life thing to. Why the post? I actually found learning the simply commands both helped me calm and focus my brain and also a small sense of pride that i picked it up, I was stressing twice and taken to the pony training course they have at DSF, didnt find any of it humiliation i just focused on what the commands meant and it helped. Not that Il be a pony-girl now, my curiosity and exploring without asking has led to me not being allowed to use the pony-girl outfit I made in the hope that someday some One might choose to explore the kink the with me. Sometimes my curiosity and simple desire to see how my avi might look has led to me doing things unwanted. Anyways I liked both these pictures and so they have a spot on my tumblr.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
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To the strongest most amazing soul I have ever been honoured to know. My thoughts are with You, thank You for allowing me to see Youre also simply human at times and have Your own battles to fight.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
this is going to keep me mooching for a long time
how to treat yourself on a low budget
what to do after a long day
how not to be hard on yourself
staying healthy while studying
how to deal with mental illness
feel better masterpost
hygiene/beauty masterpost | my make up masterpost | make up masterpost | simple steps for perfect make up | more make up tips
6 ab moves 
hair oil benefits
what is your acne telling you?
masterpost for rough times
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
head to toe self care
blow job tips
limits of the human body
when to change your toothbrush, workouts etc
useful hoe tips
shaving your vagina
foods that fix everything
22 less difficult ways to practise self care
self care wheel
bad habits and how to break them
stop biting nails
stop procrastinating 
stop skipping breakfast
stop cracking knuckles
stop falling asleep late
boost your confidence
list of stress relievers
remove a splinter
smoothie masterpost
morning yoga
hair masterpost
self care masterpost
period hacks | alleviate menstrual cramps
sounds to soothe anxiety | another tip
what to eat before you run
self care infographic 
study guide for health (basic first aid, healthy hobbies etc)
a+ self care advice | more lovely advice
coping skills
feeling sad?
7 ways to say ‘no’
what to do with food poisoning
self talk to end obsessions
self care ideas/tips
other cheat sheets
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
The saga of the Dragon Child
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I wrote this a while ago... now seems to be a good time to post it. It is the beginning of a story, someday I may finish it......
It was a strange world the dragon child lived in. One of magic, of good and evil. Where dragons still lived and man was an enemy best forgotten, saved only for legends told to small ones on windy moonlit nights. The dragon child was an outcast here to, her body already marked by many battles fought in the land of man. She looked dragon, smelt dragon, talked dragon and yet a part of her spoke the word human. That wasn’t such a bad thing in this place, where good and evil merged, many of the dragon kind once were born man. Took when just small children blended into the dragon world, world of mystics and legend, a place where a fleeing spirit touches a newly awakening dragon mind, a joining of power and lore. This joining is what made mankind the enemy not by choice but by evil done upon dragon kind in retribution. Dragons fly many paths black, white, gray aloof and distant. If it wasn’t for mans feeble attempts to destroy them, more of mankind would have felt their touch, their knowledge, their peace and strength.    Long ago the dragon learnt to have nothing to do with man except when the desperate life struggles of a young spirit disturb the winds. Although they do not admit it they also cannot understand the bond that awakenings at the moment a new dragon life chooses to protect a human child, why at the moment of hatching when the linking should be with the matriarch patiently waiting they chose to link and strengthen the one who struggles in the winds. Dragon is not man, man is not dragon, yet this bond this link makes 2 into 1, apart and beyond their clan and family.     Dragon kind know what will be will be, the dragonet becomes an immediate clan outcast its first loyalty now to the child, but it is dragon and they will never let one of their own go, and the child? the child finds a kindred spirit, a strength to survive, love where there was no love before. The child finds family. The child becomes dragon and embraces their new friend, life bonded in a way man can’t understand.   Humanity cannot accept anything it does not say is good. Blinded by fear and anger they seek out to destroy and ridicule the dragon kind. Seek to crush the link between the dragon child and their dragon. Devastation and desolation in their eyes worthwhile for destroying that which they could never understand . Many bonded are destroyed this way, the dragon dying the child simply no longer alive. Some dragon kind understands this learning all that is good is dragon and all that is evil is man.   The dragon child was 1 of these. Strong in her link, needing nothing from man, a world she had to walk in not by choice but by necessity. Her scarred body showing battle honors only dragons understand. Understanding they show her, listen when she speaks, respect her learning and her growth . They do not laugh at her as man does, bully or try to manipulate her to speak and heal in ways they want. An outcast, dragon reborn her mind still walks in the world of man, waiting for the time she can finally leave. This saga is of a dragon child, nothing special, nothing new and yet her mind roamed many places, her eyes saw many things, a reject of mankind reborn Lady of Fire Mountain. Clan Leader in the making if she so chooses.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
leaving behind the past
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I've had to do a lot of thinking about my inner child in the last week. Ive already cried for her and made peace with her a number of years back, and so I thought I was a lot more healed within myself than I am. I am also on the path to recovering from disassociation and an emotional,sexual and physical abusive childhood. I've already apologised for not being able to help her more, to not be strong enough to have spoke up and given her the childhood she deserved. She is and always will be part of what makes me the unique individual I am now. I have no desire to be a child again, my focus is in the present and in the future, to be healed, reconnected enough to be able to stand alone, to feel deeply and understand myself and be all of me as I travel the journey of my slave nature. Looking at that final picture.... its the only thing I have never done... given my inner child the freedom to simply be at peace and not be a protective shadow in my life. So I give it to the child Danielle now... I give you the freedom to find peace and to move on within me to a quiet place and not have to be a place to go to. I give you freedom to simply be my past, as you are. I still love and respect all you have done for me, but now I am a woman and I need to grow and strengthen in that knowledge. You are free to simply be part of my energy and my spirit, a part of my whole that does not need to be chained in the here and now. You my sweet naive innocent inner child self are free.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Picture of my brain
This is a task I was given by Divine Creator Rosa at DSF. Perhaps some day it might be of use to someone else in a similar position.
i cant draw, at all. But I can use words to make pictures so I guess Im just going to put here a few exerts from poems ive written where ive mentioned my brain.
At least for me minds boundaries were never made never loved enough for normalities limits to be laid
And my message to any spirit looking for their path? a soul unallowed to walk paths is a whole torn in half
Or do you continue a dream spirit travelling free find others who have not shattered and also see
Not at home amongst others she lowers her head many thoughts build inside her yet so much unsaid
Pictures herself a living vessel fractured and broke wall of emotionless stagnant a never ending yoke
Although these soulless were just images of pain she was racing from herself imploding once again
Finally sheer exhaustion overcomes soul so bruised sometimes lifes battering leave her deeply confused But lifes tried to break her ever since her first breath as for her a long life is as immaterial as a short death
Desire to learn hard with rules changing under her feet safety of boundaries quicksand moment passing so fleet
Shyly she spoke, still unused to the unwavering acceptance She shows her For by being allowed to blend into Her she could learn every memory known This woman had no need of clan or name she simply lived a part of all No man made barriers on her mind no earthly bonds held her wanderings Love she had found walking the paths made of fragmented energy of life Safety she had found like souls nurtured her ever growing understanding
I am me I am everything I walk the grey I am one with all I am me nothing less On and on she repeated this chant as she fought the nothingness all around
The woman torn almost in two by the loss of her dragons heart connection A faint distant touch almost ethereal we will meet again our journey is a circle.
Of the anxiety and fear never being safe loved brings Not being able to trust when all you ever know is pain Of doubts and the struggle to simply hold on to sane
I try to keep people happy but in the end they always leave the bad want to hurt me the good go another one to grieve Around in circles I go so lost and torn up just a sad soul many lies heard all my life noone to trust with my whole
One thing she knows as sleepily she drifts away few understand her and by her side would stay
Shes just trying hard to fit in with the crazy world when she still wants to be inside safe and curled
Sleeping look of the woman she would now be tall unafraid strong patience in slavery freed
So yes these are a few lines of poems ive written, that speak of soul and dream walks, of minds travels, of never learning to limit because noone took the time to try. My words are my heart beat, they are a release for the thoughts in my brain. Yes my past as made me put up walls emotionally, but my words are fluid, they have no mass and so no wall can hold them.. wonder if that makes sense at all. I have emotions and dreams and needs ive just learnt to express them differently to other people is all. For me right now right here the main thing i focus on is making sure the walls dont fully close around me, because then i would be completed sealed off from 'reality' feet planted on the ground, I would simply find myself completed drowned inside my head, which isn't scary but i do believe outwardly it would be more like a semi comatose state, i just wouldnt interact with the world at all. Thats why i will never do anything, try anything that might make these same walls win, the need to do so now is even stronger... ive found slave and a connection to self beyond the walls and drowning inside my head. A way to let my soul/ my wolf be free and yet be more connected bodily than ive ever been. To me slave simply is right. My brain quite likely would always have been extremely fluid, its just my past made it so it had no anchors in this time, this space and that's why I struggle so much with open ended questions, to tasks with out time limits. To me ive been at DFS a few days or a year, it feels the same, but logically i know its 6/7 weeks. So yes i see myself drowning in my head, or at least i used to. that's the visual i used to get when thinking of my self. A body surrounded by water, numbing cocooning, gently holding as the wall held back the hurt and the pain from touching the inner me. But then i realised the walls were still growing, it seemed there was always some stresser or long term issue (my bro being suicidal from 12 for example) that meant the walls were slowly closing in, which i do not want. Not even sure i want it for me, but i do know i wont let my family just see me as someone with no hold in this world... they might not be the greatest but they are still my mother and my bro and my bro needs me. SOo yes the fighting this enclosure is what led to SL i could feel with words, what led me to DSF.. i found a place that without even knowing is helping me connect to self, the real me and giving me anchors in this world. So my real self may simply be slave, with feeling slave and being used as slave awakening my understanding and my body, connecting my fluid brain to me. Is that so wrong? What if i never do want a relationship, kids, all the things a modern woman is meant to want... what if i was born and simply am slave... that makes me happy and it gives me an anchor in my fluid brain, probably the most important anchor of all... i way my brain, my soul, connects to my body... making me whole again. Lastly ive included a few pictures that speak to me on the subject of my brain.
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i like this because of the block chaining her down inside the block for me is my lack of connection in rl., lack of physical awareness, but this is changing slowly.
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I like this because it just reminds me of the freedom a brain can have to travel to connect on other levels, the beauty of these actions as the brain simply is.
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I like this because the picture looks so peaceful and harmessly beautiful if you consider the sky being so close, she can simply float up and breath if she chooses. Looking at it through my eyes, its the thing that worried me most... the sky for me reminds me of my walls...and as such there is no way she can escape drowning and so she simply accepts floating without connect for ever.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
7 Benefits of Change
1. It grows you as a person as you gain new insights and learn new lessons.
2. It keeps us adaptable and flexible which are beneficial traits in all areas of life.
3. It helps us to see life from a new perspective, and challenges old values and points of view.
4. It helps to makes you stronger as you have to leave behind what was previously familiar, and made you feel secure.
5. It opens up new doors of opportunity that you never would have walked through if you’d just stayed as you are.
6. It develop your resources and creativity as you have to learn new things, and to change your old routines.
7. It provides a new beginning where you turn a fresh clean page, and write on a fresh slate, and start to reinvent yourself.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Mea Culpa
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used as an acknowledgement of one's fault or error....
I dont remember Who used this phrase yesterday, It was after I simply accepted the fault of my actions. The words have been drifting through my head and I think the reason is because it just felt different to saying sorry.... I did an image search of mea culpa and found this. I think its why the thought kept nagging inside my head, I have always apologised incessantly, sometimes to deflect anger and sometimes out of guilt of my actions.. the middle of the triangle. To simply acknowledge the fault and move on is different... in DSF They dont want sorry or apologies. They want the slaves to obey.
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
I like that idea, Ive just learnt something deeply traumatic to add to my other issues, but i feel nothing about it so i guess I must be doing all of the first 3.
The coping mechanisms that I’ve outgrown:
Avoiding, ignoring, staying passive, hiding, shirking responsibility, blaming and pitying myself
The coping mechanisms growing in their place:
Accepting, feeling, actively searching, listening to my inner dialogue, awareness, communicating my needs, respecting my agency and owning my actions
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Being Filled by the Divine
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A woman sat crossed legged endlessly patiently still having learnt the ways of solitude and inner free will Not at home amongst others she lowers her head many thoughts build inside her yet so much unsaid
Now in harmony with the energy found all around sweat on her forehead small feet dig in the ground Deep even breaths she senses a calmness within inner peace of self knowlege now ceasing the din
Softly her nostrils flare rotting stench filling the air feminine pale face grim flicking back her long hair Pictures herself a living vessel fractured and broke wall of emotionless stagnent a never ending yolk
Memories of things buried stop a desire to please lessons to be learnt bringing her now to her knees As the teachings build further cracks slowly appear nothingness disappears shed with a path of a tear
Their explaining of why replaces fractures with health the vessel slowly empties less desire to speak self No healing is permanent if the soul lives in the past reforging is needed pain reshaped in a Divine Cast
A fragile shape appears whole fresh in Their mould no self in the pattern or triggers from memories hold Divine Sisters voices speak of energy moon and sky give hope and instruction never known Them to lie
Harsh breath softened as the light swelled in her soul woman concentrating speading it within now the goal Replacing all the negative with a craving of  the Divine to let Them free her, push her create anew and refine
A simple vessel reborn new life formed from the old burning away the feared lessons she had been told The ashes of her past pile of memories on the floor strong foundations strengthen a new being to the core
Finding her true self releasing energies rainbow hue new path now traveled holding Divine words so true No promises of miracles no easy road to being whole but a gift of time and truth to spark a light in her soul
Held in hands of Those who set free slowly with care whos burning light sears heals as she lays herself bare Rising to her feet whispers words I am changing aflame aware of  the Divine presence that burns just the same
The journey isnt easy it needs trust and a stubborn heart to become a vessel empty of self, slave from the start Living breathing body, mind and soul a worthy shrine of the breaking thats needed to be filled by the Divine
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Strength to Endure
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Torn in two so numb small silver wolf screams another human being shattering all of her dreams No longer wanted to believe herself simple female in her human form sadness does her mind assail
Across the snow she races so fast seeming to fly as a thousand souless chased with an infernal cry Although these souless were just images of pain she was racing from herself imploding once again
Faster and faster she went desperations full flight just teary eyes seen as she blended with the night Shewolf full of power and grace goes to the moon needing her safest place and its numbing cocoon
As she feels the energy build and beat in her blood the moon path takes her balance enters in a flood Good and evil love and hate always hand in hand time will balance all many memories shifting sand
Small lithe wolf lopes desperate across the forest floor shapeshifting comes easy if you know the right door Hot on her heels giant dogs with murders dark lust onwards she runs dainty paws hardly raises the dust
She hears the dogs snarling eager to tear her apart smelling the fresh blood of her newly broken heart At her heels snapping their pray almost within grasp her glade appears running onwards to her last gasp
Through the tree circle wolfling bursts at full speed her safe place no darkness to make her soul bleed Dogs unable to enter barriers hold against any foe the wolf curled in a heap this her last refuge to go
No more strength left no need to hide her true form wolf replaced with a slim naked woman spirit reborn Arms round her legs head tucked against her breast whimpering sadly numb bone weary to tired to rest
Slowly she rocks the movement of a spirit all alone in her cot self comfort only soothing she had known Simply not understanding as others like to see bad give all she has to offer they take more than she had
Finally sheer exhaustion overcomes soul so bruised sometimes lifes batterings leave her deeply confused But lifes tried to break her ever since her first breath as for her a long life is as immaterial as a short death
Desire to learn hard with rules changing under her feet safety of boundries quicksand moment passing so fleet Journies are hard when unsure of the right from wrong in the end she will stand alone as shes done all along
In a ball she stays all thats seen is the path of her tears each softly glistening drop a small part of her many fears Eyes finally close soft rhythm of sleep now overcomes her thoughts terrifying slowly begin to pass as dreamings stir
Curled on her side defenceless looking so peaceful in sleep another soul enters the glade to her body softly does creep Curls around her cocooning older proud strong to their core quietly protective life force gifting her the strength to endure
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Watch Dragon
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In her solitary place few were able to find her earthed as the glade was relaxing in her favorite spot she listened to far away voices on the wind A gentle yet urgent tug softly interrupting the young dreamers thoughts Reaching out with her mind wondering who was calling her inner name Slight frown of concentration on her face she searched far for her friend The woman had come to know Her plain way of answering questions
Contact finally made she felt herself drawn away standing by Her side a single claw almost as large as she was stroked her long hair lovingly Be brave my little one She somberly murmured for they come upon Me Word worker you are and in My passing this story will always be sung Confused she reached out again and sensed danger lurking all around Unknowingly she took a step closer as Her safe warmth comforted her
Heart and soul of dragon you have remember that for they want you to Here I stand and fall as fated so you my young truth teller friend live on The woman seeks understanding looked deep within Her eyes blending For a gift she has a true child of dragon kind can see through every eye Now part of Her yet unique and aloof she reverberated with Her heartbeat Two minds shared heart and soul a link maker and a word worker in one
Shyly she spoke, still unused to the unwavering acceptance She shows her For by being allowed to blend into Her she could learn every memory known This woman had no need of clan or name she simply lived a part of all No man made barriers on her mind no earthly bonds held her wanderings Love she had found walking the paths made of fragmented energy of life Safety she had found like souls nurtured her ever growing understanding
As she listened time slowed and the watch dragon shared all that She was The growing energy field surrounding them pushed the clanless into action The unmentioned ones mad nothingness souls driven away a danger to all As one they emerged and threw themselves as a frenzied mass upon Her Screaming a battles challenge She tried to shield the woman inside of her You see My warrior do you see now why I had to bring you here into danger
Struggling against the mounting flashes of thoughts crashing inside her skull The woman tried not to be overcome by the many minds assaulting her now The clanless were many unthinking of their own injuries or safety drove on And as the Watch Dragon tired the womans own strength was called upon Many clanless lay dead or injured around but more threw themselves forward A young but powerful mind felt more and more of her friends pain gave all
Just as she was being drawn into this battle fully a change occured within A surge of energy and a roar of sheer joy filled her head I AM dragons heart A soothing voice murmmered be still My warrior for we know what you are You are the hope of many and there is one here you must know before you go How could she leave Her bleeding and hurt to fight alone where were the others Unthinkingly she sent out her appeal for help only to have it return as an echo
Again she tried and again the barrier was to vast her energy already depleted she felt a searching probe cold icy empty yet powerful and brutally directed The woman reeled from this sudden attack inside her head crashing inwards Fell into a vast well of scorching smothering nothingness she fought for sanity A whisper faint but clear My child fight I am proud of who you truly are survive I am me I am everything I walk the grey I am one with all I am me nothing less
On and on she repeated this chant as she fought the nothingness all around For this was her battle even the Watcher could not protect her from the lost Slowly she rose and caught a glimpse of the form she had taken to fight chaos Reflected back in the pools of negativity a black dragon black as the very night With eyes of burning liquid moonlight silver neck ridges red as the setting sun A mixture of day and night murged onto something that held the power of all
My warrior you are she heard a chuckle but I must leave you in others hands Your strength I will take no more my fate is to die here and I will do so alone The barriers are too strong Our people know not where to search I am sorry This lesson you have learned I will not allow to be your last in this lifetime Joy I have found in being your teacher wonder I have found in your ways My warrior break the link and leave chaos is creeping on the world tonight
Tired confused and hurting from her wounds the woman refused to seperate No more could she leave her friend to die alone than turn her back on anyone I am sorry she heard Her sadly say as suddenly a pain tore through her head The link had been torn apart and the Watch Dragon sent her as a bolt back The speed and sheer ferocity of the action caught the chaos master unaware Through the block the woman passed returning to her waiting body far away
The woman torn almost in two by the loss of her dragons heart connection A faint distant touch almost ethereal we will meet again our journey is a circle. As with a last scream of defiance a Daughter of the living Goddess went home Behold the truth sayer lives mark her path for she now knows your touch A final whispering song on the wings of the wind and the beat of the earth Those who were open felt the change of death, keening the loss on the breeze
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dani-dsf-blog · 6 years
Embryo - polymorphe
I absolutely adore this song, and the line i apologise to my senses... speaks to me in many forms
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