dangerousfireduck · 3 years
i'm gonn HOP IN the suggestive position scenario hypetrain XD with mao, ritsu(ratsu) and sena pls?? arigatogozaimuch C:
you got it my friend!! everyone just hop onto the suggestive position train, we’re on a roll!
And remember, get calcium!♠
You were currently with Mao in the dance room, spectating his choreography for the upcoming concert, where he - as usual - has a dance solo to perform in one of the songs.
You helped him set up the lights to fake it as a stage, and hung a few black blankets around the lights to darken the surrounding area, to fake the size of the stage.
“You should be able to focus on the dance and the parameters now, try not to crash into anything because then it’d be like you crashed outside the stage or backwards to the backstage.” You instructed, clapping your hands together to the side to dust them off.
He grins, giving you a strong thumbs up before instructing you to turn on the music. You quickly switch on the stereo and press the play button, and watch him as he breaks it down on the dance floor - literally.
Mao is very into break dancing as one knows, so his dance is very hip hop and eccentric. What seemed to be the problem was the fact that Mao must’ve practised the whole thing with no special awareness, as when he was doing a wide step to step dance, he twirled and crashed into you.
Everything must’ve been a blur as he whirled, and you saw that he closed in the distance between you both but had no time to react to hide behind the lamps and blankets. For a split second his eyes seemed wide, before he slammed you down along with him.
It was a rough crash, colliding against the floor atop each other and tugging along the blankets and lamps. They fell around you both and the blanket draped over the both of you; Mao breaks his fall with his arms landing on either side of you, trying to catch his breathe as he panted above you.
Seeing this from afar, it really would’ve set the wrong scene and vibes.
He soon finds his words again after swallowing hard, “a-are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” you squeaked, still trying to recover from the events that transpired. It’s not everyday where Mao crashes into you and lands in this inappropriate position. Your back and head felt numb from the fall, too busy focusing on the boy above you, and also on the fact that it’s starting to feel so humid inside the blanket.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” Mao asks again, and began to move off of you, when a stampede of footsteps came running in and threw the blanket off of you both.
“Are you guys okay?!”
“We heard a crash and-”
The Trickstar members stared at each other; Mao in embarrassment to be found this way, and them in shock, probably even appalled, at the way they found their teammate.
“I can’t believe this Sari!” Subaru is quick to cover his eyes, “when you said practice, I didn’t think you meant this practice!”
“Now wait just a second, I can explain!” Mao immediately wraps his arm around you, and helps you up, kicking the blanket away with his feet as you two stood.
“You better! This is unacceptable!”
Hokuto seemed the most cross, and he grabbed Mao by the arm, dragging him along to stand outside the dance room. Mao gave you an apologetic look as he was being taken away, his team fussing about his manners.
Honestly, you just wanted to go home.
“Ritsu,” You whined, shaking the boy for the billionth time to turn around and look at you.
The two of you were at the school yard behind the many forest like trees, laying on the grass together under the cool shade. The weather was an added bonus as well, as it was the wonderful breezy kind, even the birds seemed to be in a good mood as they flew about, singing to their hearts content.
Everything was pure and blissful, except the fact that Ritsu was wasting such an opportunity by sleeping it away. Well, not that you weren’t used to him sleeping at the odd hours of the day, but when was the last time you two saw each other and had the leisure to lay together like it was a picnic?
The least you wanted was for him to turn around and face you as you two lay under the shade he specifically picked; perhaps have a conversation for once.
You were determined however, to get this boys attention. You turned on your side and began poking his back.
“Ritsu, turn around, come on.” You childishly whined, mimicking him.
He hums lazily in his sleep, quite bothered by the disturbance. He reaches for his back and swats your hands away from him.
“Stop that, let me sleep.” He groused.
“But we barely get to see each other, babe come on, I want to see that lovely face of yours.” You hoped that cooing out his nickname would get him to budge.
He slightly turned his head, though not entirely yet for you to be able to see his face. “Why don’t you move then? I’m too tired to move a muscle.”
“Is that a challenge?” You sat up, intrigue peaked.
“Take it as you will, let me sleep…” He murmurs, the breeze slowly lulling him back to sleep.
Your next course action sure did wake him up, as you moved and simply sat on his waist, which in turn made him turn full on his back. He was certainly shocked at this, eyes wide for a split before they closed as he lightly laughs.
“What’s with you today?” You could see a devilish smirk creep up on his lips, “come on, you had your fun, get off.”
“No? You said to see you, I move, and I did.” It was your turn to grin, crossing your arms. It certainly wasn’t everyday where you just straddled him like this, sitting on his hips like it was a cushion, so it worked according to plan at grabbing his attention.
Ritsu slowly sits up, wrapping an arm around your back to pull you closer to him, his other hand on your hip to hold you in place. “Comfortable?” He husked.
You purred, inching closer to his lips. Finally, all the attention and time to yourselves-
“Ritsu-senpai! There you are!” Tsukasa came running, panting to catch his breathe as he bent, anchoring himself with his hands on his knees. “Where are you? Practice is starting soon! And what-”
It only now seemed to register to him that he interrupted something between the two of you, and his face burns up a flush red. He screams an apology as he turns around and runs off. The moment was killed anyway, as Ritsu sighs in annoyance and pushes you off to stand up.
“How bothersome,” he grumbled.
How bothersome indeed.
Izumi was having one of his other modelling shoots as usual, and this one was bridal once again.
New dresses and suits this season, and what better to hire the one and only Izumi Sena and bring along his girlfriend for that ultimate experience in the photography.
At first, you were rather nervous in how you’d do in modelling, and if you’d rise up to your boyfriends expectations, especially dressed in an extra frilled wedding dress. However, you missed the way Izumi would glance at you occasionally with affection and wonder in his eyes, you missed the way his chest would swell with pride when someone would compliment your beautiful looks, the way he often pressed against you or traced his fingers around your face and hands in the photos.
You didn’t think much of it, but Izumi was head over heels.
When the photographer called on for a break, Izumi didn’t miss a beat in approaching you when the room was empty. He grabbed your hand and twirled you around, pulling you flush against him and quickly stealing a kiss as he cupped your cheek.
“What brought this on?” You whispered, staring up at him with twinkling eyes that he found oh so mesmerising.
“Nothing, just thought every once in a while I show my princess how much she means to me. What, you don’t like it?” He huffed the last part, brows knitting together. You giggled at the sudden switch of attitude, and how fast he backpedalled from his tender self to his usual gruff persona.
“No, it’s not that, I was just surprised.” You smiled, returning the gesture with your own as you wrapped your arms around his neck, allowing yourself to lean into him as if this was a little dance.
“You look ravishing in this dress. Once we marry, wear this.” He instructed, his voice going down a register as he watched you.
You blushed at the request, though you had to meekly refuse, “don’t you know? A groom can’t see his wife in her wedding dress before the wedding, that’s bad omen.”
“That’s an old wives tale,” He narrowed his eyes.
“Not taking any chances,” You teased, reaching your hands slowly up to feel his hair, running your fingers gently through.
He smiles at that, and began to curve into you, pressing his forehead against yours gingerly before claiming your lips again. The table behind you stood as a support as he leaned against you, wrapping his arms around you tightly to hold you upright not to fall on the table. You returned the kiss with fervour but still worried if someone would come in and interrupt this session; especially at how warm it was getting.
His hands splayed against your back, from a different angle it looked like he was reaching for your dress’s zipper. He pulled away for air and went in for another kiss, though he would’ve if the photography team hadn’t stepped in.
“Whoa there! Keep that to the honeymoon folks!”
Izumi growled lowly in frustration as he pulled away from you, angered at being mocked and the rude break in; you knew Izumi wasn’t the type of guy to appreciate those kinds of things. You simply stood there awkwardly, trying not to point out the fact that some of your lipstick smeared onto his lips, keeping it to yourself as you fiddled your thumbs.
At least for now, Izumi can keep his fantasies to himself.
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
Hi! 0 w0)/ Can I request a fluff scenario with Izumi where his sensible s/o keeps arguing with their parents (they keep shouting at them saying that they are useless and they start to get depressed) and one day Izumi finds them crying, after hearing what happened he starts comforting them and they are surprised to see him acting like that because usually he's cold to everyone (s/o included). I hope you understand what I mean ;-; I apologize since english isn't my native language ^^'
reliable boyfriend izumi !!!!! and oops this got into angst territory rather than fluff ugh i’m so sorry once i’m aboard the angst train i don’t stop……… this request had so much angst potential so i went a bit overboard haha….. but izumi’s all cute and worried (in his own weird way) so please forgive me….anyway @aki-yan you probably want to see that too ! - mod mademoiselle
Honestly,you didn’t know why you started crying here and now.
The roof ofthe school was deserted, at that time of the day. Everyone was going backhome, laughing and chatting happily. Maybe that’s why you were crying. You werestill feeling hurt from the confrontation with your parents the day before. Theworst was that no one seemed to care you were in pain. The entire world washappy, far away from you. You felt so alone.
The windstarted to blow, but you didn’t notice. Nothing mattered. You were relivingthose painful moments endlessly, wondering if you were really useless. Down inthe courtyard, you could faintly make up some of your classmates. They wereloudly joking around, probably not noticing you weren’t there. Maybe yourparents were right, maybe you were so useless no one would mind if you weregone…The roof was pretty high. You were wondering, maybe, if you jumped… ? Would youdie from it ? Probably, after all there were rumors of a student doing exactlythat, although you weren’t sure that ever happened…
Maybe thatwas just curiosity. Or maybe you were really hurting that much. But you stoodup, legs numb and trembling from staying curled up in a weird position for solong. Your steps took you to the flimsy barrier preventing you to jump. Youleaned on it, staring at the ground. The roof really was high… Your head was evenstarting to spin. Everyone looked pretty small and insignificant…
You bent abit more. The ground looked so far yet so close… You were wondering how itwould feel like to fall when you heard a weird metallic sound. Then it hit you. The barrier was too flimsy. It wouldn’t hold. And then you heard him. “Watch it !”
You didn’teven have time to react : someone had rushed to you and was pushing you away.Strong hands had gripped your hips and were carrying you away. He almoststumbled trying to run backwards, but you didn’t care. Because right under youreyes, the barrier on which you were leaning had caved in a bit. What if youwere still holding it… Would you have… ? Your thoughts were interrupted : your saviorwas shouting at you.
“Are youcrazy ?! What the hell were you thinking ?!” He spun you around, and your heartsank a bit in your chest when you saw him. Your boyfriend was staring at you.His lips were trembling, and his fingers were digging in your shoulders. Yousuddenly remembered he tried to call you several times, but you got absorbed inyour gloomy thoughts and forgot to call back…
“I’m—“ Hecut you off immediately. His cheeks were getting so red, and he was shoutingright at your face.
“What were you intending to do ?! Do you know what would have happened if I didn’tcome to push you away just in time ?!” You just blinked in response, causingtears to roll down your cheek.
“I’m sorry…”He didn’t even seem to listen to you and just kept going, hissing furiously.
“Besides,what even were you doing here in the first place ?! Crying here by yourself ?Do you know what I was doing in the meantime ?!” You shook your head as best asyou could. One tear fell on his forearm, not that he seemed to notice.
“I wasgoing crazy, that’s what I was doing ! I was looking for you everywhere in this entirefucking school ! And here you were, leaning over faultybarriers ?!” You were about to apologize again, but you found enough courage tolook at his face. And then you were suddenly reduced to silence.
He wascrying too. His eyes looked furious, yet his cheeks were wet and his mouth wascontorted in a small grimace. Your shoulders were going numb with how stronglyhe was holding them, but you didn’t exactly notice. It was the first time you’dever seen him like that…
“Izumi…”you whispered. He didn’t answer, instead holding youclose in a strong motion. You couldn’t breathe, but it was strangely comforting. No, it was morethan that. It was like you finally had a place where you belong. Izumi’s heartwas angrily thumping, in his chest, and the regular sound soothed you. Whenyour boyfriend kissed you, his lips were rough against yours and tasted salty.But you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind at all.
When hefinally let you go, he took a sharp steadying breath. He looked a bit calmer,but you could still see how worried he was in his eyes. “Don’t ever do somethinglike that to me again. Promise.” You weakly nodded.
“I promise.”He nodded in his turn, visibly relieved. His eyes were all puffy, though, and he waslooking so pale…
“I thoughtI was going to lose it. Please, please, please,come to me next time. I need you by my side, okay… ?” For a moment, he lookedso vulnerable… Your hand found your way to his cheek, where your thumb gentlywiped away a fresh tear. You were crying again too, but his tears mattered morethan yours.
“I’m sosorry… I’ll come to you, promise. I’ll never do that again.” He kissed youagain, but this time it was a soft and gentle kiss.
“Good”, hewhispered before taking your hand in his. His thumb gently caressed your skin incalming motions, and he quickly wiped his face with the back of his free handbefore grabbing your stuff and leading you to the stairs.
“We’regoing back to my house and you’re staying with me.” You just nodded at his curtorder. You really needed him right now. But maybe… maybe he needed you just asmuch as you did.Maybe it was the desperate way his hand was clinging to yours. Maybe it was the worriedlooks he was sending your way when you weren’t looking. Maybe it was the fact he was soagitated yet happy he found you.
He didn’t say anything else on the way back to his place. His fingers just tightly heldyours. But he stopped on a bridge, and looked at the sunset. You did too. Andthen he looked your way and just smiled. It was a shy, worried little smile. Butyou loved it nonetheless. You smiled back. Because no matter the pains and hardships, he was always here with you,holding your hand through it all. And he won’t ever let you go, for better or forworse.
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
28 Izumi Sena Icons!!
♡ Someone​ asked: hello! could i request some icons for izumi sena (enstars)? any colors and size works, tysm! ☆ ♡ Don’t claim as your own / edit ♡ Free to use if you like or reblog this post ♡ Credit if you use!!!
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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ENSEMBLE STARS !! ☆ leo tsukinaga icons
© polarr filter by me
like or reblog if used⌇please don’t repost ,,
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
izumi sena icons, please?🥺
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ENSEMBLE STARS !! ☆ izumi sena icons
.  .  .  thanks for requesting, anon !! why does izumi look different in every card ;;
© psd by sofibearcolorings
like or reblog if used⌇please don’t repost ,,
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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ENSEMBLE STARS !! ☆ wataru hibiki x eichi tenshouin matching icons
.  .  .  they have been on my mind recently
© psds by breewaffle & hyunjinsstar
like or reblog if used⌇please don’t repost ,,
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
ENSEMBLE STARS !! ☆ wataei bios
.  .  .  requested by anon <3
❀ 𝒊 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒈𝒐 ⑊ 𐤟 𐤟 ✿ 渉 ”
英智 ⃗ name ༉ prns ! ⊹ ໋ ,🎐
恋愛 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒊 〃 🕊 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 . —
( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭ — - . . . 𝒇𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉
╭── 愛すーるー ⤸⤸ 𝗯𝗲
𝗦𝗘𝗟𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗛・name 𖧧 🗝
pro꩜nouns ⌗ ʬ ⨾ fact
N★AME ღ ᥕᥲtᥲᥱι %%
🔭 OOOO ʚĭɞ FACT ⋆
name ⺌ 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵 ꒰ ₊ 天祥院
日々樹 ‹ 𝟹 pro/nouns ᠉
୧ 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘦 ; ─
ꜛꜛ 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝐲.𝒐𝒖 ☁️
› like or reblog if used⌇feel free to change or remove anything
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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⸽⸽̫᪰🌹࿔̟̈́ꯨꯣ࿑╰❲⦇ ❝ 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓓𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 。̫᪶ᬼ̫∶.⃟ .⃟ .⃟.⃟
꒰ ୧ @ཻུ۪۪  𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠 。❪❪ ୭̥╌͙⃗ ˎˊ˗ 
. ⠈. ⠈. ╰┈┈─➤ ꪶ ༘ ✧ 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎- 𖥨.̟➳ ⏎
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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-> knights icons! -> like and reblog if you save! 🌊⚔️🗡 
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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Knights is looking
so crisp
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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15 notes · View notes
dangerousfireduck · 3 years
Alstromeria, Delphinium, Wisteria by daphnerunning and Galiko Definitely not mine, just… OH MY GOD. THIS IS PROBABLY THE ONLY COMPLETE FANTASY AU EVERYONE’S BEEN LOOKING FOR BUT NEVER FOUND (BUT FOUND RIGHT NOW) OH MY GOD I’M FANGIRLING SO BAD. Damn. I’m still in the hype and guys, don’t expect it to be a fairytale because it sure as hell isn’t. IT’S BEAUTIFUL.
It has 383k words and 59 chapters. Just check the tags in the actual link if you’re curious. Because OH MY GOD. IT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR.
Warning: It’s Rated Explicit for a Reason. So kiddies, stay away. I mean it.
P.S. Sorry about the capslock.
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
Trigger Warning: depression, suicidal ideation, mentions of drugs/scars from s*lf-h*rm
[8:42 PM]
Depression has dragged you under its waves for the 5th time this week. You’ve been feeling like trash the entire month, ever since getting out of the hospital. Your boyfriend, Rei, has been supportive the entire time, even taking off a week from school to care for you after your discharge. You were supposed to feel better about that.
Instead it made you feel worse. Like you were a burden.
Keep reading
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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scribble scribble
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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283 notes · View notes
dangerousfireduck · 3 years
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blue | psd by kpop-locks
300 x 300 | f2u with credit + like / rb if using
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