dancinggold · 7 years
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“penguins will push other penguins into the water to test for predators.”
i don’t usually listen to the radio… but when I do, I hear some interesting info sometimes;;; //they said this in a pirate voice too what is going on
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dancinggold · 7 years
literally everyone @ batman: what's up with you and adopting only black haired, blue-eyed kids with good bone structure? it stopped being a coincidence at the 58th adoption
bruce wayne, nodding and poking a straw through an apple juice box: right?
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dancinggold · 8 years
people love “thick” bodies as long as they have a flat stomach and im just so tired, dont say you like chubby people when you only mean people who have thicker thighs and a flat stomach
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dancinggold · 8 years
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Happy Birthday Richard Grayson To the best you.
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dancinggold · 8 years
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These mean a lot to me.
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dancinggold · 8 years
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30/30*  - personal favorite, I always use this to study and manage time.
Essential productivity apps for any student*
Top 5 productivity apps for iOS (video)*
Top 5 productivity apps for Android (video)*
StayFocusd*- limits the time you can spend on time-wasting websites
Time Warp* - keeps you from procrastinating 
Self Control* - blocks websites
The science of productivity (video)
The science of procrastination and how to manage it (video)
7 brain hacks to improve your productivity (video)
The simple science of getting more done (in less time)
Productivity tips
About power naps
How to pull an all-nighter effectively
O R G A N I Z A T I O N 
My Study Life* - It’s a planner to help you remember when your homework is due and stuff like that
Free printable planner
To do list
How to make a study schedule
Class folder organization 
S C H O O L // S T U D Y I N G
Inkflow Visual Notebook* - I haven’t used this one, but it’s for note taking (if you’re a visual learner it’s probably quite useful
Free Flashcards Study Helper* - Create flashcards and carry them around to study anywhere
Apps for students*
Tips and trick to help you get good grades
Learning how to study
Cornell note taking method
BBC Bitesize
Studyblue - flashcards, quizzes, review sheets, study guides, etc.
Essay writing
Textbook masterpost (and other stuff too)
Wolfram Alpha for research 
Memorizing dates
Making a good study guide
Note taking like a pro
Online calculator
Finals survival guide
How to survive finals
School survival guide
Free online courses
Khan academy
Homework help
Exam survival tips
Studying for an important exam
Answering multiple choice questions
Guide on punctuation
Science simplified 
How to answer exam questions
How to study
Useful websites
How to write an essay
P R  O J E C T S
Public speaking
Annoying Power Point presentation mistakes
Power Point presentations
Emaze - similar to prezi
Rawshorts - video presentations
If it has * it’s an app
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dancinggold · 8 years
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i thought i was good at math until i put myself into hl math and it all went to shit down the drain. i have never had to study particularly hard for math as i have for other courses so starting over as a rookie feels strange but liberating. my math mark has improved greatly and so here is my guide on how to study math!
questionbank (if you have mac download winebottler to open) [will straight up save your life if you’re in ib hl math]
khan academy [bit annoying in that the videos are unnecessarily long because of mistakes, but useful for learning specific concepts]
wolfram alpha [helpful for double-checking annoying calculations]
google calculator [sometimes i forget my graphing calculator at school and i hate this calculator but i like it better than my phone]
your textbook [a bunch of practice questions with answers is a gift from heaven]
your friends [probably nice and want to help out]
your teacher [probably nice and want to help out, but if not, then ask another math teacher at your school]
math masterposts:
general tips:
solve as many practice questions as you can - practice really makes perfect
do your homework. a lot of classes have homework questions on the test, just with different numbers
do your homework right, and by that i mean check your answers. math textbooks usually have answers, but if there aren’t any, compare with a friend. you need to know if you’re doing it right or not
write your notes using graph paper or buy a graph notebook because once you get into functions there’s no going back
math is all about pattern recognition, especially with word problems
word problems have key vocabulary that let you figure out what kind of math you need to use
if you have to draw a diagram, try to draw it somewhat to scale. you can sort of check if your answer makes sense that way
skipping steps is useful because speed is important but if it’s a step you feel uncomfortable skipping, then don’t do it; it will screw you over
a lot of people don’t get math because it’s hard! if you feel you understand what’s happening, try and help someone. it’ll benefit them and you, because that’s how you know if you really understand
learn how to use your graphing calculator. you can really use it to your advantage
memorize the math terminology and symbols. it may not feel necessary, but it’s useful and you could get screwed over on a test because you didn’t know summation notation or the symbol for integers
make sure your handwriting is as legible as possible. sometimes your answer is wrong simply because you couldn’t read your handwriting during the process and calculated the wrong numbers
asking for help is important because you always build your knowledge and even if you memorize and get away with it now, you will get screwed later. if your teacher scares you, ask a friend or get a tutor
specific tips for ib maths:
questionbank is the best resource you have. use it, love it, become best friends with it - especially if you’re in hl. ib hl questions are hard to come up with, so most teachers will take test questions from questionbank. even if they don’t, however, it’s good practice. hl is hard simply because they combine the topics you learn in ways you wouldn’t think of. practice, and you will be fine.
remember how to do basic math calculations. paper 1 of sl and hl don’t allow any calculators, so you really want to remember how to do 2 by 2 digit multiplication and division etc.
having a formula booklet on a test or exam is great only if you know what to do with the formulas you’re given
get to know your formula booklet because it could save you some brain space not memorizing formulas
+ more
math ain’t got nothing on you babes good luck x dev
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dancinggold · 9 years
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- only grunge posts -
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dancinggold · 9 years
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hello pals!!! school is tough, life in general is tough + we all need a break sometimes. remember to take a day off at least once a week or take frequent breaks + take time to care for yourself because you deserve it!! this is a masterpost to help you out if you’re stuck + don’t know what to do <3
for your ears
calm songs that make me feel warm inside
for relaxing + taking your mind off things
tranquilising coffee shop sounds
rainy sounds
nature sounds
the infinite jukebox
for your body, hair + face
head-to-toe self care
helpful makeup tips!!!
eye makeup stuff
braid your hair like the ladies in game of thrones
winged eyeliner
makeup/hair/perfume post
for your eyes
marvel movies masterpost!!!
movies for angsty teens
movie night masterpost
classic chick flicks
indie films
childhood movies
spooky movies
a bunch of series!!!
giant panda cam
puppy cam!!!
kitten cam!!!
for your tummy
microwave mug cake
vegan smoothies
vegetable burgers
recipes for students
bake really nice stuff!!!
layered ice cream pops
rainbow cheesecake
food hacks
myfridgefood [make something with stuff you have in your fridge!!]
spice up your hot chocolate
what tea you should take according to how you feel
for your mind
put your thoughts in this box
free online therapy
a website that compliments you
who’s the cutest?
weave silk
do nothing for two minutes
make stuff with sand [this is really calming i love it!!!]
the dawn room
the thoughts room
make everything okay
mental health masterpost
other stuff
a sleep calculator
photoshop downloads
photoshop for beginners
art links!!
what you should do when you’re stressed
my positivity tag
+ my masterposts
notes, studying, and self-study resources
self-study resources
igcse resources
improving your handwriting
how to studyblr
literature masterpost
aesthetically pleasing notes
studying a foreign language
really great apps
college + uni
summary writing
the discursive/argumentative essay
the narrative essay + the descriptive essay
the ultimate english masterpost!!
+ more
hope this helps you guys be stress-free for a while!!! take care of yourself, i love you <3
-helena xx
20K notes · View notes
dancinggold · 9 years
I'm at that point in my life now where I have to wear makeup every time I step out of my house. The saddest thing? It was not long ago that I thought I was pretty without makeup.
0 notes
dancinggold · 9 years
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Funhaus + Sports + Shots.
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dancinggold · 9 years
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It’s a REAL TERM, I swear to God!
246 notes · View notes
dancinggold · 9 years
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- only grunge posts -
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dancinggold · 9 years
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Henry Ford 
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dancinggold · 9 years
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Terry and Dick sure run into trouble from time to time.
301 notes · View notes
dancinggold · 9 years
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"Peace In Our Time"
0 notes
dancinggold · 9 years
🌠Guide to Study Guides
Hi, so I make study guides when I revise as referenced to in this post/ask here. So in this post I’m gonna try and show you guys how I go about making a study guide like I did for sociology or philosophy, both of which are shown in that link there. This is my method so it probably is really complicated and stuff, I know for sure that my guides are overly “fancy” and whatnot, but it makes me happy and I guess the extra effort does pay off, at least aesthetically. 
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Okay, yes, let’s begin…
1. Visit colourlovers.com to choose a colour scheme for your guide!
I’ve provided the link to the most loved palette page which is where I choose my colour scheme. In Word, you change your colour scheme by choosing Page Layout > Colour > Create New Theme Colours and you go from there!! I basically started making my own colour schemes after I went through all the ones already provided by Word, but to be honest you can start with those since they’re really nice too. I recommend: Apex, Composite, Foundry, Metro, Module, Slipstream and Solstice.
If you do want to make your own colour scheme, you should get ready to do some fiddling around because I still don’t get this really. Making a colour scheme on Word requires at least 10 colours, that’s okay because on colourlovers, palettes are usually made up of 5 so just choose 2 that you think suit each other :) After this you need to input the hex codes manually into the popup window of “Create New Theme Colours” starting from Text/Background - Dark 2 to Accent 6. The hex codes are provided by individually clicking on the colours.
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So that’s what one of my self-made colour schemes look like, you should be aware that Word usually randomises these? I don’t really know how it works but basically sometimes the colours won’t necessarily be in that order when you go to select it to specifically colour a word, if that’s the case you’ll just have to fiddle and change it around to choose your preferred colour in the scheme. Also not all the colours will go into the textbox options so be aware of that too!
2. Font shopping
Next if I haven’t updated the font collection for a while I’ll go to dafont.com because I just…really like jazzy fonts. From here I’ll either check out “All The New Fonts” (option is at the bottom of the front page) or go to the menu titled Script, and check out Handwritten, Fancy or Various. Here are some links to asks about fonts that I’ve used in my shown study guides or just fonts I like in general!! 1 and 2.
Okay so as you can see in the Disney Princess Document/Sociology Study Guide I used at least five fonts, I usually average around 4? Once downloaded choosing fonts that you like for your guide is basically a trial and error process, I choose any fonts that I like or haven’t recently used or just recently downloaded that I want to try out and I match them with what I think would look nice! Here I’ll show you why I use around four or more fonts:
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In order to make the process of typing up your guide with these fonts easier, highlight one, so for example the Big Title, right click > Styles > Save Selection as New Quick Style…and it’ll be available to you in the Quick Styles menu underneath a heading like Style1. After this to easily change a font to that particular font, just highlight, go to Quick Styles, choose that particular font and bam! I try to make my fonts match, so if one is bold, I aim for at least a thick-ish font in the rest of my choices. Now to go through what they’re for. 
So obviously the Big Title is for your BIG TITLE that could be your subject or your main topic, so if it was sociology (like in the first pic) I would use it for Key Concepts and Methods, I might later reuse the font for another BIG TOPIC, but really…it’s your choice.
The Subtitle is what I would use for well…your subtitle, so following my first pic it would be the subtitle of Positivism versus Interpretivism…Three Key Concepts, etc. The heading is therefore for the headings under the subtitle (this is only if you’re making a guide for something that is like intensely sectioned, like sociology), so I’d use that font for where it says Reliability etc.
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It just brings something extra on top of all the later colour you’ll probably use, although I only use it for like a set theme, so dates, names etc. and only either a word or a phrase, if it gets too long it’ll just mess up the format of your sentence. 
3. Okay, so you’re happily typing away but now you wanna add the speech bubbles, you wanna add the textboxes and the Disney princesses! Don’t worry my  friend, I got you.
Basically I add textboxes or speech bubbles for 2 reasons, either to highlight a particular point or differentiate a piece of information from the rest OR to fill up space because of some particular study guide pet peeves. 
Pet peeve, when a particular sentence ends like this:
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I know it might seem like a bit much, but to be honest, it throws the whole format of a block of text if a bit of it ends with like this huge expanse of space. So in this instance I either will insert a photo or I’ll try and delete a word or add a word until I’m satisfied. THIS IS JUST ME, IF YOU DON’T CARE OBVIOUSLY IT DOESN’T MATTER 👌
You can insert speech bubbles by going to Insert > Shapes > Callouts (you’ll find it there) and textboxes by going to Insert > Textbox > Draw Textbox (I draw mine since I don’t tend to use the ones provided by Word. With the speech bubbles they actually act as textboxes, but I’ve found that using it in that way takes up a lot of space as in your words won’t necessarily take up the whole of the speech bubble so it simply expands and it’s all messy. Therefore, I put a textbox on the top of it, make the background and outline transparent and type there to save space. 
Here are some examples of when I’ve used photos or speech bubbles to fill up space or solve the annoying sentence problem.
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I generally tend to have themes around what photos I use, so for example my sociology guide was largely based on Disney/Cartoon Network depending on how I felt and I’d use particular photos to emphasise a point and make it more entertaining I guess… As you can see the speech bubbles with LSP are for filler purposes but also to differentiate information, it just adds something extra really. Also because I continuously indent my guides (since I type with bullet points) as they get further and further in they’ll leave gaps that can be filled with photos, seen here with what I’ve done with LSP. Also with the photos that I choose, I search for the ones with a grey, checkered background which means that they’ll be transparent, allowing me to put them in front of a textbox or just makes overall design easier, it means that I can have the Gangreen Gang in front of that textbox like that :)
4. Final step, going over your guide when it’s done.
I then go through the guide again and highlight, underline, italicise, bold, colour etc. particular points of a sentence/paragraph that I want to remember! I do this in order of the colour scheme that appears in the menu when you click to change the colour of a font, so I’ll highlight particular words for a portion of a paragraph before changing, achieving a sort of a rainbow effect, like so:
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These are from my history study guide, where I made front covers (which I don’t usually do…I feel like all my guides really depend on how I feel and my subject). This is what they looked like if you wanted an idea for something you could do too!!
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Um..so that’s pretty much it! I’ve tried to make this as extensive and as in-depth as I can, I’m sorry it ended up SO LONG, I’ve never made a post this long before so I’m really sorry. I would put it under a read more but I feel like the font on my blog is too tiny for when it’s redirected and I’d much rather not have everyone straining their eyes. If you guys have any more questions, please feel free to ask. If you want any more examples or screen shots of my guides, just hit up my ask box!! Sorry for this taking so long and being so long once again and I really hope it helps you all in at least some way! 
***As an addition, those washi tapes you see are digital washi tapes which you can get just by googling! I use the free ones which only require a lil’ searching for. Also please tag me in whatever study guides you make and upload, I’d love to see them!!
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