dame27-blog · 12 years
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Super Colour Page in the final chapter of Reborn!
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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  G-Gokudera-kun, are you sick?
[ Reaches out to touch your forehead ]
Um, y-you're kind of warm... H-Have you been eating properly?
[ You probably haven't. And you probably stayed outside all night, too, so now you're sick. Sigh... ]
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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  [ He's just... Going to run and hide somewhere else now... ]
asksexualharassmentanon liked your photo: HIIII— A-ARE THOSE H-HIBARI-SAN AND HIS A-ADULT…
S-Sexual harassment a-anon?!
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dame27-blog · 12 years
[ Blink blink ]
A-Are you okay, Gokudera-kun...?
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dame27-blog · 12 years
asksexualharassmentanon liked your photo: HIIII— A-ARE THOSE H-HIBARI-SAN AND HIS A-ADULT...
S-Sexual harassment a-anon?!
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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116 notes · View notes
dame27-blog · 12 years
H-Hibari-san..? Are you okay?
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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He's just going to ignore that. And the racing heartbeat, of course.
Uh. The last time Hibari acted like that, he actually got sick. And it was Tsuna's fault. He sits up anxiously, eyes darting all over the room, as if he's actually trying to find a way to escape the prefect. ]
Um... I-I have...
[ Damn. He clearly hasn't. But when he asks if he has to feed him himself, he means it, and he won't listen when the brunet tries to explain he doesn't even feel like eating at all, because he never listens -- Even Tsuna knows that much.
His face is gaining color now that the other is touching his forehead, though -- It's been awhile. Gathering all his courage, Tsuna reaches out in order to grab the other's free hand, but he gives up and ends up tugging at his shirt instead -- Perhaps holding his hand was too much? Too quick? ]
Hibari-san, a-actually... I-I... Um...
[ What was he going to say? ]
[The prefect is honestly surprised when the brunet tentatively calls for his mother, and he takes a moment to sit back, snorting at the boy. Mother. This late at night.   He decides to spite the boy; leaning back down to whisper against the boy’s ear — ]
My, ‘Tsu-kun’. 
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[He holds himself up by his elbows, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He takes the brunet’s anxious question into consideration for approximately less than three seconds before deeming it a worthless question. How silly. Him? Get sick? Right…]
You shouldn’t worry about other people other than yourself, Tsunayoshi. 
[Sitting up, the raven reaches over to check for a fever, clicking his tongue in annoyance at Tsuna’s pale and sickly complexion upon further inspection. That wouldn’t do. The boy clearly lacked color…]
Have you been consuming your meals properly, or do I have to feed you mouth to mouth?
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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dame27-blog · 12 years
[ He thinks the vibration of his phone is an earthquake at first, and feels utterly stupid when he realizes the truth -- Opening it carefully and narrowing his eyes to read the message in it.
Yaay, Hibari-san is visiting!!
No. Nonono.
Hibari-san can't visit. He can't see him. Not like this.
He's deciding whether he should hide inside the closet or just send a message to say he's actually okay, that the prefect doesn't actually have to come. He doesn't get to choose though, because he immediately feels someone tucking the blanket around him. ]
[ He blinks at the darkness, trying to adjust his vision to see something, anything. That shadow looks way too tall to be Nana, though--
... Okay. That voice made everything clear. This is actually Hibari-san, and he doesn't even feel like screaming right now -- Much to his own surprise. ]
...H-Hibari-san, I-- You--
...Y-You didn't need to come... W-What if you get sick, t-too?
[He quirks a brow as the herbivore’s body responds to his voice — calmly, orderly, like it had been trained — and the prefect smirks at this, deciding to observe the frail boy for a while longer. He hums in amusement when the boy haphazardly texts and his own phone corresponds with a short vibration, glancing down at the mechanism with curiosity.
Flipping it open, the raven scrutinizes the boy’s horribly written text, taking a moment to decipher the train wreck of characters before his eyes. Oh. He was “sck”, was he? Frowning, Hibari leans forward onto his elbows, smoothly typing up a precise response.]
The correct phrase is, “I’m sick, Hibari-san. Please come visit me.” At least you got the comma in, herbivore. Congratulations. How sick are you? I’ll be right there.
[With a sigh, Hibari slips his phone back into his pocket after hitting send. His eyes travel back to the tiny herbivore in bed, taking note of his pale face and painful breathing. He gets up off his desk before stepping closer to Tsuna’s bed, ears picking up the soft murmur of his name. Hibari lets a weary smile stretch lazily on his lips, concealed by the dark, before reaching down to tuck the blanket around Tsuna’s tiny body firmly.]
Sleep, little animal. I’m right here.
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dame27-blog · 12 years
[ The voice in his head is right. You're going to kill him if he doesn't let you know he's sick.
He groans, reaching about uncertainly in an attempt to grab his cellphone, and sends a poorly-written text message: "im sck, hibaisan"
Coughing, he rolls on his bed before dropping his phone, then covers his head with his pillow. Apparently, he hasn't even noticed that you're here, even though you talked to him. At least, not consciously.
Breathing heavily, he proceeds to try to sleep again, although he finds it useless -- He hasn't been able to sleep for awhile. ]
[Your plan is futile whilst you live in Namimori.
And so, per upon request of the infant, Hibari boldly opens the bedroom window on the second floor of the Sawada residence, eyes searching the dark room with his hawk-like gaze — and finds you: weak, pathetic, and sniveling. As usual.]
… Sigh.
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[He’s quiet as he slips in, letting the night breeze filter through the stuffy, sick atmosphere of the brunet’s room. Unfolding his crossed arms, Hibari sets on organizing Tsuna’s desk briefly to clear a spot for him to sit at. The raven crosses his legs, tugging at his tie with a clearing of his throat — and fixes his gaze onto Tsuna’s bushy hair again, observing the sick boy from his desk.]
I applaud your bold attitude in which you did not even bother to send me a “text message” that you were, in fact, this ill, Tsunayoshi.
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dame27-blog · 12 years
[ Tsuna is currently sick. Really sick. His doctor said something about respiratory and infection but he didn't understand that much -- Actually, he didn't understand anything, considering that he wasn't really listening because his head hurt too much.
He can barely breathe because his chest is hurting like hell, so he's just staying in bed for the next ten years. Yep. Sounds like a plan. ]
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dame27-blog · 12 years
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