dailynewzhungary · 2 months
Erfahrungen mit eternity.business? Betrug und 0% Auszahlung? BaFin warnt!
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Die deutsche Finanzaufsichtsbehörde BaFin schlägt Alarm wegen eternity.business! Ob es sich bei dieser Plattform um einen seriösen Anbieter handelt, ist völlig unklar. Ihre Auszahlung könnte letztlich verweigert werden. Der Verdacht auf Betrug steht im Raum - doch konkrete Erfahrungen liegen mir noch nicht vor.
Lesen Sie hier, was die BaFin zu sagen hat. Anscheinend fehlt es an der erforderlichen Zulassung. Somit wendet sich eternity.business an Anlegerinnen und Anleger, ohne die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen einzuhalten.
Ich rate davon ab, dort irgendwelche Einzahlungen zu tätigen. Die anfänglich guten Erfahrungen könnten sich zum Vermögensfiasko entwickeln.
BaFin Warnung als Weckruf verstehen: eternity.business ist nicht seriös!
Die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) hat eine dringliche Warnung veröffentlicht und leitet derzeit Ermittlungen gegen die Betreiber der Website eternity.business/de ein. 
Diese Maßnahmen sind vermutlich eine Reaktion auf schwerwiegende Verdachtsmomente, die darauf hinweisen, dass das Unternehmen Finanz- und Wertpapierdienstleistungen auf seiner Website ohne die erforderliche Genehmigung anbietet. Diese Aktivitäten könnten auf möglichen Anlagebetrug hinweisen (falls sich der Verdacht erhärtet, sofort Anlagebetrug melden). 
Die Betreiber von eternity.business/de bewerben ihre Dienstleistungen mit äußerst verlockenden Versprechungen hoher zweistelliger Renditen und wöchentlicher Auszahlungen. Dabei behaupten sie fälschlicherweise, im Vereinigten Königreich in London ansässig zu sein und unter der Aufsicht der Schweizer Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA zu stehen. Diese Angaben erweisen sich jedoch als unwahr und irreführend!
Bedeutet: bei eternity.business könnte Ihr Geld in Gefahr sein!
Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass Unternehmen, die in Deutschland Bankgeschäfte oder Finanz- und Wertpapierdienstleistungen anbieten möchten, zwingend eine Genehmigung von der BaFin benötigen. Das Fehlen dieser Erlaubnis kann erhebliche rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen. 
Der Anbieter eternity.business spielt hier also mit dem Feuer - beziehungsweise mit dem Geld der Anlegerinnen und Anleger! Lesen Sie beispielsweise Anlagebetrug Geld zurück, um zu erfahren, welche Optionen Sie in solch einem Fall haben. 
Die BaFin weist in diesem Zusammenhang auf § 37 Absatz 4 des Kreditwesengesetzes hin, der die Grundlage für ihre Warnung und Ermittlungen bildet. Anleger und Verbraucher sollten wachsam sein und keine Geschäfte mit Unternehmen tätigen, die nicht ordnungsgemäß von der BaFin zugelassen sind, da dies erhebliche finanzielle Risiken mit sich bringen kann.
Echter Fall von Anlagebetrug: so könnte es Ihnen bei eternity.business auch ergehen!
Folgender Beispielfall aus meiner Kanzlei mag verdeutlichen, wie schnell Sie um Ihr Kapital gebracht werden können. Denn im Internet tummeln sich zahlreiche raffinierte Betrüger:
Eine Anlegerin hat zwei Überweisungen an crypto.com getätigt, einmal 5.000€ und einmal 12.000€. Ein Telefongespräch mit einem angeblichen Broker von einer vermeintlich seriösen Trading-Plattform war angesetzt. Nachdem eigene Recherchen Zweifel an der Legitimität der Plattform aufgeworfen haben, erwartet die Person nicht, dass die Auszahlung der Gewinne reibungslos verlaufen wird. 
Das investierte Geld wurde auf ein externes Handelskonto transferiert, zu dem der Person nur Zugangsdaten zur Verfügung stehen. Von der letzten Transaktion existiert ein Screenshot mit der Wallet-Adresse, was bei der ersten Überweisung nicht der Fall ist. Ob eternity.business auch so arbeitet, ist noch nicht klar. Die Software Anydesk wurde ebenfalls im Prozess verwendet. An ihr Geld kommt die Anlegerin nicht mehr - die "Broker" und "Finanzberater" sind untergetaucht.
BKA veröffentlicht Bericht zu Cybercrime
Unerfahrene Anleger sind in den letzten Jahren verstärkt geschädigt worden. Das BKA schätzt den jährlichen Schaden auf mehrere Millionen Euro. Die Strafverfolgungsbehörden verbessern ihre Ermittlungsmethoden, um Kriminelle zu fassen. 
In seinem Cybercrime-Lagebericht 2021 berichtet das BKA von einer Aufklärungsquote von 30 Prozent, was für Betrug im Online-Bereich hoch ist. Kriminelle nutzen das Internet, um anonym zu bleiben. 
Ausländische Betrüger machen die Strafverfolgung schwer. Doch auch bei international vernetztem Betrug haben die Ermittler Erfolg.
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
Hungarian President vetoes controversial law that targets LGBT people
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Hungarian President Katalin Novak has vetoed a controversial whistle-blower law that makes it possible to anonymously report rainbow families to authorities. The Hungarian Parliament approved the law earlier this month.
In theory, the law transposes an EU directive protecting whistleblowers but it also allows citizens to report those who contest the “constitutionally recognized role of marriage and the family” and those who contest children’s rights “to an identity appropriate to their sex at birth.”
"[The bill] does not strengthen but rather weakens the protection of fundamental values,” Novak wrote in a letter to the National Assembly. Hungarian lawmakers can still override Novak’s veto.
Hungary has never allowed gay marriage but recognizes civil union between same-sex couples. Until two years ago, gay couples could adopt if one partner applied for adoption as a single person. In 2020, the government changed the constitution to specify a parent-child relationship: “The mother is a woman, and the father is a man”, which ensures that now only heterosexual couples can adopt children. Single people could gain exemptions with special permission.
The Hungarian parliament approved a law earlier this month that in theory transposes an EU directive protecting whistleblowers, but would also allow make it possible for people to report on those who challenge the “constitutionally recognized role of marriage and the family” and those who contest children’s rights “to an identity appropriate to their sex at birth.”
This, Hungarian President Katalin Novak said in a letter to the National Assembly, goes beyond transposing EU law, as the controversial chapter “does not strengthen but rather weakens the the protection of fundamental values.”
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
Rosyjski "bank szpiegów" wynosi się z UE
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W związku z objęciem przez USA sankcjami Międzynarodowego Banku Inwestycyjnego (IIB), nazywanego często rosyjskim „bankiem szpiegów”, instytucja rozpoczęła proces przenosin swojej siedziby z Budapesztu do Rosji - poinformował bank na swojej stronie internetowej.
"W związku z faktycznym zakończeniem członkostwa Węgier w Międzynarodowym Banku Inwestycyjnym, wyczerpał on podstawy do dalszej działalności w Budapeszcie i w Unii Europejskiej. Bank rozpoczął relokację swoich operacji i funkcji swojej centrali z Węgier do Rosji" – poinformowała w środę instytucja. Bank zawiadomił węgierski rząd o rozpoczęciu natychmiastowego procesu wypowiadania umowy o siedzibie w stolicy, do której przeniósł się w 2019 r.
W zeszłym tygodniu ambasador USA w Budapeszcie David Pressman poinformował na konferencji prasowej, że bank i poszczególne osoby zasiadające w jego kierownictwie (w tym wiceprezes banku Imre Laszloczki, były ambasador Węgier w Kazachstanie i Azerbejdżanie) zostały objęte sankcjami. Wobec tego Węgry zdecydowały się wycofać swoich przedstawicieli z instytucji.
Międzynarodowy Bank Inwestycyjny został założony w 1970 roku przez kraje Rady Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej (RWPG), organizacji koordynującej współpracę gospodarczą państw zależnych od ZSRR. Początkowo jego siedziba była zlokalizowana w Moskwie, natomiast w 2019 roku została przeniesiona do Budapesztu.
Po rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę Czechy, Słowacja, Bułgaria i Rumunia zapowiedziały wystąpienie z IIB. Obecnie Węgry są de facto jedynym krajem Unii Europejskiej należącym do banku. Pozostałymi członkami są Kuba, Mongolia, Rosja i Wietnam.
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
Arif Patel and Mohamed Jaffar Ali found guilty of committing 150 million pounds worth of designer clothing scam
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One of the largest known carousel tax scams in the UK has been orchestrated by Arif Patel and Mohamed Jaffar Ali. Arif Patel, a 55-year-old Preston sock maker, and his criminal group attempted to steal 97 million pounds by claiming VAT reimbursement on bogus exports of textiles and mobile phones.
Additionally, they imported and marketed fake clothing that, if it had been real, would have cost at least 50 million pounds. Through the use of offshore bank accounts, the money was utilized to purchase real estate in Preston and London.
Arif Patel was found guilty on Tuesday, April 11, of false accounting, a conspiracy to defraud the public revenue, the further sale of counterfeit apparel, and money laundering following a combined investigation by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Lancashire Police.
Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also convicted of money laundering and conspiracy to defraud the Revenue. The verdict was delivered following a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court. Patel left for Dubai in 2011 and did not come back. He was found guilty on April 11 in his absence.
With the lifting of reporting limitations, it is now possible to publicly declare for the first time that 24 members of the criminal organisation were found guilty in five trials between 2011 and 2014 and sentenced to a combined total of more than 116 years in prison. The gang’s UK assets have also been frozen by HMRC, and legal action is currently being taken to reclaim these cash for the public coffer.
Richard Las, Director of the Fraud Investigation Service confirmed the matter and said, “These guilty verdicts close a significant chapter in one of the biggest tax fraud cases ever investigated by HMRC. For more than a decade HMRC and our partners have worked tirelessly and together to bring this gang to justice. Arif Patel lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the law-abiding majority.”
Las added that tax fraud is not devoid of victims, and fraudsters like these two rob the money that NHS and other essential public services rely on. “Our task is not done yet. The gang’s UK assets total more than 78 million pounds, and we have started the process to reclaim all of those criminal gains,” he stated.
Several lieutenants, including professional enablers, were essential to Arif Patel’s criminal organisation throughout the UK. Anil Hindocha, 69, and Yogesh Patel, 66, from Aylesbury, two chartered accountants from a Preston-based firm, were earlier implicated in this case. After being found guilty of fraudulent accounting, conspiring to defraud the public revenue, and money laundering in 2014, Anil Hindocha was sentenced to 12 years and 10 months in prison and Yogesh Patel was sentenced to five years in prison.
Arif Patel left for Dubai in July 2011 and never came back to the UK. He was found guilty on all counts, on April 11, 2023, following his trial at Chester Crown Court while he was not present.
Mohamed Jaffar Ali was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud public revenue and money laundering on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. He participated in the majority of the trial, but on March 27, 2023, he skipped court and a warrant for his arrest was issued. Next month, he will also receive a sentence. Meanwhile, Munaf Umarji Patel and Faisal Patel, brothers of Arif Patel, are still wanted by Lancashire Police.
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
Fake clothing boss from Lancashire convicted of £150m fraud
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The mastermind of a fake designer clothing scam has been convicted of one of the UK’s largest ever carousel tax frauds.
Sock manufacturer Arif Patel, 55, of Preston, and his criminal gang tried to steal £97 million through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones.
They also imported and sold counterfeit clothes that would have been worth at least £50 million, had they been genuine. The proceeds were used to buy property across Preston and London through offshore bank accounts.
Following a joint investigation between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Lancashire Police, Patel was yesterday (April 11) found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public revenue, the onward sale of counterfeit clothing and money laundering.
Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the revenue and money laundering yesterday.
The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court.
Reporting restrictions have now been lifted and it can be revealed for the first time that 24 members of the criminal empire were convicted in five trials between 2011 and 2014 and jailed for a total of more than 116 years.
HMRC has also restrained more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets and proceedings are now underway to recover these funds for the public purse.
Richard Las, Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: “These guilty verdicts close a significant chapter in one of the biggest tax fraud cases ever investigated by HMRC.
“For more than a decade HMRC and our partners have worked tirelessly and together to bring this gang to justice.
“Arif Patel lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the law-abiding majority. Tax crime is not victimless and fraudsters like this pair steal the money that funds the NHS and other vital public services we all rely on.
“Our work doesn’t stop here. We have more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets restrained and have begun the process to recover all those proceeds of crime.”  
Sam Mackenzie, Assistant Chief Constable, Lancashire Constabulary, said: “While presenting himself as a genuine and reputable businessman Arif Patel in fact used stolen taxpayers’ cash to line his own pockets and fund a lavish lifestyle.
“This is money that should have been used to fund the vital public services which we all rely on and to which most of us contribute our fair share by working hard and paying tax.
“I welcome these guilty verdicts which are the culmination of a lengthy and complex investigation which has involved many years of hard work and dedication by police officers and staff and partners from HMRC who have worked together in a truly joint operation.”
Patel was convicted in his absence, having remained in Dubai throughout the trial.
The CPS will now pursue confiscation proceedings against the defendants, to prevent them enjoying the benefits of their criminal enterprise.
Patel’s Preston-based company, Faisaltex Ltd, was the heart of his criminal empire. From here, he ran the counterfeit clothing import operation and false export business.
As well as being a major player in the overall criminal conspiracy, Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK, including Liverpool, Southampton and Felixstowe.
Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97 million on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64 million of the claims.
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. 
Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the city’s main shopping street.
Patel’s criminal enterprise relied on dozens of lieutenants around the UK, including professional enablers. This involved two chartered accountants from a Preston-based practice: Anil Hindocha, 69, from Preston, and Yogesh Patel, 66, from Aylesbury.
Hindocha was jailed for 12 years and 10 months in 2014 after being found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public Revenue and money laundering.
Yogesh Patel was jailed for five years and seven months after being found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering.
Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, April 11. He will be sentenced next month.
Jaffar Ali was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering. After attending the majority of the trial, he failed to attend court on March 27 and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He will also be sentenced next month.
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
El Supremo respalda al juez Gadea e inadmite la querella de la plataforma de criptomonedas Kuailian
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El Tribunal Supremo ha inadmitido el intento de los responsables de la plataforma de inversión criptomonedas Kuailian, investigada por presunta estafa, de abrir una causa contra el instructor de este asunto en la Audiencia Nacional, Joaquín Gadea. Una Sala presidida por el magistrado Manuel Marchena respalda la instrucción realizada por el juez de refuerzo sobre este asunto y rechaza la "innegable razonabilidad" de las resoluciones adoptadas en el marco de la misma, descartando la "existencia de indicios mínimamente consistentes de la eventual comisión de ilícito penal alguno"
El juez Gadea imputó el pasado mes de mayo al fundador de la plataforma, David Ruiz de León, por una presunta estafa piramidal en inversión en criptomonedas, y la investigación penal ha sido prorrogada desde entonces. Las pesquisas avanzan y el pasado 4 de enero fue detenido en Emiratos Árabes Unidos uno de los encausados, Cristian Albeiro, en cumplimiento una de las órdenes de busca y captura dictadas por el magistrado de refuerzo del Juzgado Central de Instrucción número 6.
El pasado mes de diciembre los responsables de Kuailian presentaron querella contra el juez, un alto mando de la Unidad de Delincuencia Económica y Fiscal de la Policía (UDEF) y una abogada que les asistió en Dubai y que aportó relevante documentación a los investigadores de este asunto. A juicio de los empresarios, habrían cometido delitos de revelación de secretos y prevaricación, entre otros, en relación con una documentación aportada a la causa a través de una abogada de los responsables de esta plataforma en Dubai que según éstos tenía procedencia ilícita y origen anónimo, y que dio lugar a resoluciones injustas.
El alto tribunal inadmitió de plano esta acción penal el pasado 31 de enero en un auto al que ha tenido acceso EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA y que ha tenido como ponente al magistrado Leopoldo Puente. En coincidencia con el Ministerio Público, el Supremo rechaza la existencia de indicios mínimamente consistentes de la eventual comisión de ilícito penal alguno, y añade que la querella carece de "cualquier soporte objetivo que la dote de una, siquiera aparente, consistencia", por lo que archiva las actuaciones.
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dailynewzhungary · 2 years
US places sanctions on officials of Intl Investment Bank in Budapest
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The United States imposed sanctions on three leading officials of the Russia-controlled International Investment Bank in Budapest on Wednesday, including a Hungarian banker.
The three names added to the sanctions list are Russian Federation nationals Nikolay Kosov, the bank's former chairman, and Georgy Potapov and Hungarian national Imre Laszloczki.
"IIB executives have coordinated with Russian Federation officials on IIB business even after Russia's further invasion of Ukraine in February 2022," the U.S. department of treasury said on its website.
The U.S. was concerned that the International Investment Bank – abusing the diplomatic immunities they are entitled to have – would send more Russian spies to Hungary. IIB chairman Nikolay Kosov is from a KGB family: his father was Budapest's KGB head.
The U.S. Treasury Department announced the penalties, which will target the International Investment Bank (IIB), a controversial institution located in Budapest with ties to the Russian state. The bank’s presence in Hungary has drawn the ire of Western officials, who fear it could be used for Russian intelligence operations inside Europe.
Speaking to reporters in Budapest on Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman said Washington had repeatedly shared information with Hungarian counterparts about how Russia could use the bank to expand its influence — to no avail.
“Unlike other NATO allies previously engaged with this Russian entity,” the ambassador said, “Hungary has dismissed the concerns of the United States government regarding the risks its continued presence poses to the alliance.”
The IIB was originally created in 1970 to foster trade within the Soviet bloc and moved its headquarters from Moscow to Budapest in 2019 despite worries from Hungary’s allies.
“We have concerns,” Pressman said, “about the continued eagerness of Hungarian leaders to expand and deepen ties with the Russian Federation.”
In addition to the broader IIB sanctions, the U.S. will also penalize three individuals affiliated with the bank’s leadership — former board chair Nikolay Kosov, a Russian citizen, and two current senior management officials, Imre Laszlóczki, a Hungarian, and Georgy Potapov, a Russian.
While Hungary is a member of both NATO and the EU, U.S. officials have expressed growing concern over the past decade about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s moves to centralize power at home and build closer ties abroad with Moscow and Beijing.
But the relationship has deteriorated significantly since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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dailynewzhungary · 2 years
Opposition Demands Hungary Leave “Russian Spy Bank” IIB after Czechia and Romania Pull Out
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Following the Czech Republic, Romania is also withdrawing from the Budapest-based, Russian-majority-owned International Investment Bank (IIB) due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Telex reports, citing Adevarul.ro. Meanwhile, Hungary’s opposition parties demand Hungary’s withdrawal as well, calling on the Orbán government to expel the formerly Moscow-based institution from the country.
The Czech Finance Ministry said in a statement on Friday that as part of actions to punish Russia for its attack on Ukraine, the Czechs would speed up their planned departure from the IIB.
Following this, on Sunday, the Romanian government also announced they would initiate a procedure allowing for the country’s withdrawal from the IIB.
The International Investment Bank (IIB) was established in 1970 to promote the economic development of the Comecon member countries and Hungary was among its first members. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the bank lost its status and most of the member countries left it. Hungary officially withdrew from the bank during Viktor Orbán’s first term in 2000. The bank was revived by Vladimir Putin in 2012, with Nikolay Kosov appointed as president. Hungary rejoined the bank in 2015, gradually becoming its second-biggest shareholder. Despite condemnation from the U.S., the bank even moved its headquarters to Budapest from Moscow in 2019.
According to the Orbán government, moving the headquarters to Hungary was to further strengthen the role of the country and Budapest as an international financial center.
But the decision proved extremely controversial, with many of the bank’s critics saying that it serves predominantly Russian interests. After all, Putin’s long-term goal is to establish a financial system that could operate as an alternative to the Western banking infrastructure dominated by the US.
The Hungarian state even granted IIB legal standing and immunity similar to that of diplomatic missions and offices of international organizations. IIB’s office and all material goods owned by the bank are immune to all restrictions, regulations, control, and moratoriums, and no executive or judicial power has the ability to decide otherwise. In addition, Hungarian authorities can only enter the bank’s premises if explicitly agreed upon by IIB. The regulation also ensures that IIB’s guests, business partners, experts, etc. are able to enter Hungary and the EU and obtain diplomatic immunity “with no regard to their citizenship.” For this, many went as far as to label IIB the “Trojan horse” of the Russian secret service, calling it a “spy bank.”
The financial institution rejected all of the accusations, arguing that as an international organization it has the same rights as other institutions of similar status. It also added that in “almost 50 years of IIB’s existence” there have been zero employees engaged in activities “incompatible with the status of an international official.”
The members of the Russian-led IIB include nine former or current communist countries including Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Vietnam.
Russia has the largest stake in the organization, with Hungary now being the second-largest shareholder (with 17%). With the withdrawal of the Czech Republic and Romania, Russia’s stake will increase to over 50 percent. As IIB is registered with the UN, it is not subject to the Western sanctions imposed against Russia.
At this point it’s hard to tell whether Poland, Slovakia, and Bulgaria- which are also members- plan to leave as well.
As Telex highlights, even though the government emphasized that Hungary is supporting all common EU and other Western sanctions against Russia, whether the Orbán government would agree to withdraw from the IIB is an entirely different question.
Opposition parties demand Hungary’s withdrawal from IIB
At the same time, the united opposition parties, officially called United for Hungary, demanded immediate sanctions from the Hungarian government on Saturday, including the withdrawal from the IIB, because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
Most recently, opposition green LMP- which is also a member of the united opposition- has called on the Hungarian government to immediately withdraw from the International Investment Bank and expel the formerly Moscow-based institution from the country, alleging that the bank was conducting spy operations in Budapest.
“There’s no reason why we should be maintaining a spy network practically operating with KGB tools that poses as a bank,” Antal Csárdi, LMP’s deputy parliamentary group leader, said at a press conference in front of the IIB’s Budapest headquarters on Monday.
Concerning Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Csárdi said: “We mustn’t allow Russia to take our eastern neighbor’s independence away.” He said LMP condemned Russia’s aggression in the strongest possible terms, adding it was also causing serious damage to Europe and specifically Hungary. “Russia isn’t aiding but rather threatening our country’s independence,” he said.
The group leader then announced a demonstration would be held against the IIB’s operations in Budapest.
The protest will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 6 pm in front of the IIB’s Budapest headquarters. The demonstration will be addressed by Péter Márki-Zay, the united opposition’s candidate for prime minister, among others.
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dailynewzhungary · 3 years
‘Creepy’: Tradie caught grasping the wrong tool on the job
The electrician was tasked to check the smoke alarms at an old flame’s unit – but her doorbell camera revealed what he really did.
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All sorts of hazards come with using the wrong tool at work. Perhaps the most obvious is that you can seriously injure yourself if you’re using a tool that’s not meant for the task at hand. But there are other dangers as well. If you’re using the wrong tool, you might not be able to complete the job properly, which could lead to mistakes or even accidents. This blog post will look closely at some of the hazards of using the wrong tool at work.
ools that are manually powered are called hand tools. Hand tools include anything from axes to wrenches. Common hand tools include Tin snips, hatchets, screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, anvils, wrenches, files, rasps, saws, punches, chisels, planes, boring hand-held tools, and pop rivet guns.
There are a few hand tool safety tips that every woodworker should know. First, always wear gloves when using power tools. This will help protect your hands from sharp blades. Second, never use power tools without eye protection. Always wear goggles or a face shield to protect your eyes from flying debris. Finally, be sure to read the owner’s manual for your power tools before using them. This will help you understand how to use the tool safely and properly.
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dailynewzhungary · 6 years
Scarborough Teacher Accused of Sexually Assaulting 10-year-old Boy
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A 24-year-old male teacher at a private Islamic school in Scarborough is facing charges after a 10-year-old student was allegedly driven off school property and sexually assaulted earlier this month.
Toronto police say that on Feb. 16 at about 11:15 a.m., a 10-year-old boy was taken from the grounds of The Islamic Foundation of Toronto School at Nugget Avenue and Markham Road.
Investigators allege the boy was driven to Neilson Road and McLevin Avenue in the Malvern area and sexually assaulted.
After the assault, the child was driven back to school.
On Tuesday, police arrested a suspect identified as Saleh Momla.
He was charged with one count of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference.
None of the charges have been proven in court.
Const. Jenniferjit Sidhu said Momla’s image was released as investigators believe there are other victims who have not yet come forward.
Islamic Foundation of Toronto spokesperson Yusuf Badat said the accused was employed at the school in a program where children memorize the Quran. The victim was enrolled in that program.
Badat said that once the school was made aware of the allegations, Momla was banned from school grounds.
He later resigned.
Sidhu said the school distributed letters to go home with each student after they were made aware of the allegations.
Badat said the letters urged any child who has been victimized to contact police immediately.
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