daelightsaving · 8 months
“But let me give you the dark side of writing groups. One really dark side of writing groups is, particularly newer writers, don’t know how to workshop.
“And one of the things they’ll try to do is they’ll try to make your story into the story they would write, instead of a better version of the story you want to write.
“And that is the single worst thing that can happen in feedback, is someone who is not appreciating the story you want to make, and they want to turn it into something else.
“New workshoppers are really bad at doing this. In other words, they’re really good at doing a bad thing, and they’re doing it from the goodness of their heart. They want you to be a better writer. They want to help you. The only way they know is to tell you how they would do it, which can be completely wrong for your story.”
—Brandon Sanderson, Lecture #1 Introduction, Writing Science Fiction And Fantasy
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daelightsaving · 1 year
I have so many thoughts.
First I really like the idea that this is showing us how exo are coming back together to end the fight or right the wrong.
To me Baekhyun scenes being by the water seems to be a reference to him being lost in power/don't fight the feeling. I wonder if it's just emphasizing that him getting lost is part of the trigger to all of this?
I really like your take here! I never notice the little details in mvs like this. When you first started posting these I just ate them up!! I love the idea of all of the mvs being intentional and tied to be larger story, but struggle to pay enough attention to piece anything together so Ive always been grateful for your attention to detail in these posts and I just feel like whether it's SMs intention or not, your theory is the story I believe!!
Thank you for posting! It's felt so isolating over the years as the fandom has grown up and more and more people have gone offline in the boys absence (not that I'm not guilty of doing so also). I joined the fandom in 2015 when everything was really at it's peak and I miss so much of the content from those days. Reading this installment of the theory made me all the more excited for the comeback. Thank you again :)
EXO Theory Pt. 14 - Let Me In
Hello, it’s been a while. Not sure if anyone will read this, but I am in the mood to write down some more EXO theory so… here we are.
To Let Me In - I love this song. It’s so wonderful, and I am eagerly anticipating the full album and the next two MVs - hopefully they will also be chockful of lore because that’s what makes EXO MVs so fun. 
<<- First part | <- Previous part | * Masterpost
The main theme of this MV seems to be time reversal. At the beginning of the MV we watch a boy throw a stone into the water, somehow setting off a chain of events that become the music video. 
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By the end though we are watching the stone fly back up out of the lake and everything in the music video become undone. 
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This idea of a time loop, or an erasure of time in a singular event is not new to EXO. Back in the days of Pathcode teasers, we were told Beginning=End, then in Tempo promotions it became End=Beginning. 
If we take the beginning literally to mean the beginning of the story, and the beginning of EXO, we have to look at MAMA, and there is a significant line in the opening narration:
“To tend and embrace the Heart of the Tree of Life, the legends hereby divide the Tree in half and hide each side, hence time is overturned and space turns askew.”
Since the beginning time has been overturned and non-linear. This has been reflected time and time again in the MVs. A theory I’ve long since held is that the members could somewhat control this disturbance to time and space through their powers - ultimately you had two members at the beginning who could control time (Tao) and space (Kai). Since Tao is no longer in the group and his power is gone, the members have much less control of time and so that is why in Miracles in December when Tao is present, he can make time go backwards himself and he can determine the outcome to keep the members safe but now there is nobody to control it and so the members are almost bystanders to its effects. 
If you’ve read other parts of my theory you would know that I had suggested that Kai’s power had been somewhat sacrificed early on in the timeline so that the Guardians could keep the Heart safe - if that’s true then the EXO members now have little control over space either, or at least a drastically decreased control, which is why we are now seeing space become disturbed in the new MV.
I personally think that this entire era, but specifically Let Me In is the time that was described at the beginning of Power, when the narrator says:
“The universe has transformed. Distorted space has been reassambled. Warped time has been reset and the unpurified Red Force imbrued two suns with darkness.”
That seems to be talking about the events of Let Me In. Especially if you consider Let Me In to be directly after Don’t Fight the Feeling and/or Obsession where we see meteors fall and planets set alight. We watch in real time as time resets itself and space reassembles. I’m cautiously predicting we will see more of this, and perhaps the two imbrued suns, in the following MVs for this comeback. I hope so.
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daelightsaving · 2 years
already got a blazed marvel post. the adpocalypse is closer than we think so heres your daily PSA
don't interact with corporate tumblr accounts
yes even to dunk on them. i don't care if you have the sickest burn of the century lined up, don't even give them the time of day
the eventual and inevitable fall of twitter marks a change in the advertising industry, and tumblr is unclaimed territory. if we want tumblr to remain the social media bastion it has become, it needs to remain as unappealing to corporations as possible. do not engage. in a marketing strategist's eyes, any kind of attention is good attention. don't "silence, brand" them. don't kungpowpenis them. don't send them hate anons. don't hate-follow them. corporate tumblrs are not a single entity and they will not be harassed off this site. we only have a shot at repelling them because of tumblr's lack of an algorithm. so turn off recommended posts on your dashboard, put it chronological order, and install an adblocker. if you don't seek out these blazed posts and actively ignore them when they happen upon you, the corporations will starve. in this case, the best kind of protest is a silent one
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daelightsaving · 2 years
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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daelightsaving · 2 years
Knowing too much and not enough about Jessica leaving girls generation drives me insane
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daelightsaving · 2 years
Lol. I told my mom that I wanted to marry Cameron and that we have been discussing it but that "Danielle will kill me if I get engaged before she does" and she was like "what no that's a non issues" And then she told Zach we were talking about getting married (because of course she did lol) and he said "oh yeah she can't even say that she wants to get married out loud in front of Danielle until after we are married"
As I come up on my 25 birthday Ive been reflecting a lot on how far I've come in the last five years. Honestly I was a shell of a person in 2017. I was just starting to socialize and make new friends after years of sitting in bed hoping for things to change. If you had told me then that in five years I would have a wfh office job and live in an amazing apartment complex with the love of my life and be discussing marriage and have a totally different group of friends I would have just fundamentally not believed you. The 5 years between 20 and 25 come with so much change and growth that I look at who I was then and I don't even recognize that person in such a wonderful way.
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daelightsaving · 2 years
As I come up on my 25 birthday Ive been reflecting a lot on how far I've come in the last five years. Honestly I was a shell of a person in 2017. I was just starting to socialize and make new friends after years of sitting in bed hoping for things to change. If you had told me then that in five years I would have a wfh office job and live in an amazing apartment complex with the love of my life and be discussing marriage and have a totally different group of friends I would have just fundamentally not believed you. The 5 years between 20 and 25 come with so much change and growth that I look at who I was then and I don't even recognize that person in such a wonderful way.
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daelightsaving · 2 years
can’t wait until people start claiming to be shadowbanned on this site and we collectively get to inform them that there’s no algorithm and their posts just suck
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daelightsaving · 2 years
To everyone running here for refuge from Twitter since they are selling it to Elon Musk, welcome! In order to survive here, you must sacrifice one of your monsters or discard your entire hand.
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daelightsaving · 2 years
When you finish a book and feel an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation for your boyfriend and you try to go bask in it with him but he's coding something and hyper focused.
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daelightsaving · 2 years
la petite mort - a dracula/barbie fic
yes, that dracula. yes, that barbie.
a crackship taken perhaps a little too seriously.
“Well,” she says, long and drawn out, and from the glint in her eyes he can tell this is some kind of inner joke, kept from him. “I’ve been a diplomat, and a race car driver, and a chef, and an astronaut, and a veterinarian–”
“An astronaut,” he repeats dryly. He wants to call her on her lie - but. But. How strange. There’s no indication of a lie: no rise in temperature, no quickening of her pulse, no change to her eyes, nothing.
She laughs. “You don’t know the half of it.”
Read on AO3
Read on FFN
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daelightsaving · 2 years
You know a few months back I met this woman at a wedding. She had been doing robotics for so long and she had this way of talking about it that enthralled me. Like she loved this program so much, as much as I did, and she talked like it chewed her up and spit her back out again. And I understood her in that moment because I'm still in the process of being chewed on. Slowly and meticulously.
I'm not sure what it is about this program but its drowning me as much as it's lifting me up. I have never ever before this moment wanted out so badly. It's like everything I have done to change my interaction and position has been met with a brick wall. It's like I ran straight into the brick wall two years ago and now I'm so disoriented Everytime I try to get up I smash into the same brick wall again.
Being a part of this program is like fucking whiplash. I have had some of my most amazing highs this season and some of my worst Lows.
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daelightsaving · 3 years
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Anupam Tripathi as Ali Abdul in Squid Game | 2021 
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daelightsaving · 3 years
Remember that text post from a few years back that was about how eventually this website would turn on John Mulaney the minute he did anything that showed he was a human person instead of the idealized pedestal we put him on. 
It’s happening now and I’m just seeing some awful takes about what’s going on with him and it’s like: guys you aren’t entitled to know what’s going on with his private life, and it’s very entitled to feel personally betrayed about a relationship you are not a part of. Just leave the man alone. Leave everyone alone for fucks sake. 
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daelightsaving · 3 years
The like person inside fo me knows that there is two narratives to every problems is like "this is fine they are stressed they arent meaning to be dicks. They just are their own people its not an intentional slight on you." However the frustrsted overworked "this was my dream job qnd now im leaving to find better things but i hate leaving" is just so blindly angry. I can not stop crying.
Im getting no exit interview. They were all being shitty on saturday. And if my ceo says one more time "jokingly" that i dont care anymore. Om walking the fuck out of this joint.
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daelightsaving · 3 years
I love aster in the dubs and i can not stop thinking about him. Like with chazz we know from the get go hes a little dumb but aster tries so hard to be sleek and cool. And hes just as much of a himbo
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daelightsaving · 3 years
I know, as a yugioh nerd, that GX stands for generation neXt of course. BUT the direct interpretation of that would be to assume it means generation X which makes Yugi a boomer
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