No duh, I meant aside from that. Okay, fine. You’re boring. Go on, go to the rum store, buy all the rum, and then you can drink until there’s no tomorrow. But you still remind me of someone.
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You don’t happen to have a brother, do you?
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Drinking rum. I thought we established this? I’m walking to the rum store where they sell rum so I can drink it.
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It’s two in the afternoon. Well okay, whatever you say. It is a free country, you’ve got me there. Oh, well thanks, hopefully my professor thinks so.
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Thanks again, this should definitely help. So, what are you doing roaming these streets? Looking for someone? Clearing your head? Hey you know, you remind me of someone. That’s what he said he went on walks for; to clear his head. Like me.
I’m not a drunk. Just a man who enjoys his rum. Besides, last I checked, this was a free country. I can drink rum and roam the streets if I so choose.
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A picture of me? Darling if you want one, you don’t need to make an excuse such as school work. Although, I’m sure you’d get an A+ on whatever assignment that is.
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Me bothering you? I beg to differ. I’m not a drunk man wandering the streets. Okay, maybe I was judging. Hmm I suppose you’re right. I must have forgot that I was like this.
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This is much better. Oh, I was just... never mind. It’s silly. Now then; could I ask a favor? Do you mind if I take a picture of you? I’m working on a collection of drawings for a study project I’m working on. 
That certainly didn’t sound like not judging. And I believe it’s you that’s upside down, love. Which begs the question why? Or did you forget that along with why you’re bothering me?
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You know, you look like you could do without all the rum. But hey, I’m not judging. I think I did, but I don’t remember. I was distracted by the smell of rum on your breath. Hey, hold on, why are you upside down?
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If you have something to say, spit it out. You’ve got about five minutes before the rum wears off.
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modern disney aesthetics [19/?]: jane porter
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“Oh yeah, totally! That sounds like an awesome idea, actually. We could even decorate it each month! You know, like maybe some little leaves for November, and a turkey, little snow men and Christmasy things for December; Oh, or a menorah. We have to be inclusive.”
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“Yeah, it is! I love it, honestly. My daddy always used to tease me about it, but he knows that it’s where my heart it. But I totally agree with you; I’m not a big fan of the whole blood situation. Not that I faint or anything at the sight of it, it just makes me uneasy. Yeah, the zoo is a lot of fun. My coworkers are pretty cool, too, so that’s a bonus I guess.”
“Oh wow, that sounds super cool, though. History is very interesting, but then again I could definitely see you as a teacher. I think whatever you do decide, if you do eventually, you’ll be excellent at. And hey, you don’t have to stay in one place forever. You could be one of those people who just sort of float by. Spend a little time in one country, jump to the next. If I could, I’d do that. I’d go to all sorts of places.” 
“Omg you have a planner? Me too! I like to color code mine, I think it adds to the aesthetic. Man, if we room together can we have like, a giant color coded calendar in the kitchen? Like, complete with sticky notes?”
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“Also Veterinary Science sounds super rad. For a brief time in high school I thought about becoming a RN but then like– blood, and being responsible for a person’s life like… that’s a lot. I think that the human race is super interesting, but I think I’d prefer studying it and appreciating it rather than saving it. Also, your job sounds super fun, I wish I could bottle feed a baby leopard. The only thing I’ve ever bottle fed was my baby brother. And he spat up on me afterwards.”
“Oh that’s right, I didn’t tell you what I was going to school for. Well, right now I’m taking a year or two off– not sure how long yet– to just work and save up money, right now I have my BA in History and I want to go back and get a degree in Teaching because I think education is cool. But also I’ve never really ever been able to commit to one dream because one side of me wants to, like, join the peace corp and live out the rest of my days in some remote country like Nepal and just teach English to the local kids in this small village. But then another part of me want’s to go to Paris for Fashion Week. Ya know?” 
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Right? No sir, not for me. I’ll stick to meeting people in real life, thank you very much, internet. Although, I do have a fondness toward it for other things, just not dating or socializing with strangers.
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Up until I turned 18, everything I shared on the internet was under every single privacy setting you could imagine. Most of my things still are, but I’ve been slightly more open in my further young adult years.
Have you ever had to deal with a case like that? People getting kidnapped from online meeting-abductions? I wouldn’t be able to handle it.
No thanks necessary. It was my pleasure.
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You’d have every right to be terrified. I don’t understand why so may people insist on meeting online when there’s several different horror stories on the news of girls being abducted and people killed when they met a “friend from online.”
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I see... I guess I don’t see why exactly you would need to break into his car, but I won’t ask. I feel like on a normal occasion I’d be inclined to call the police, though, but I’ll take your word this time.
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If you must know, I’m secretly meeting someone on the street corner to rob a store. No, actually I’m not, but I figured I’d see how well I could pull that off. Answer? Not very well at all. I think I can handle myself, though, but I appreciate the compliment.
Truthfully, walking outside at night helps me clear my head. It’s sort of a hobby of mine. And I assume yours would be breaking into cars?
Hm? Oh, sorry. I was trying to break into my best friend’s car without breaking the window again because he wasn’t too happy about that last time. Don’t ask, long, painful story.
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So, what’s a beautiful girl like you doing out here alone by herself at a time like this? Shame, really.
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I uh... said, are you sure you know what you’re doing. 
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What exactly are you doing, by the way? I mean, not to sound creepy, but from the few seconds I’ve noticed, I haven’t seen much progress. 
Obviously not you.
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I’m sorry, did you say something, darling?
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Are you sure you know what you’re doing?
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Oh no, they never fight, they just want extra attention the next time I see them. It’s quite adorable, actually, and they all have names, too. Well, all of the animals do. Cleo is the youngest leopard cub, and she loves attention.
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Oh wow. Yes, I totally agree. Lions are pretty incredible. I haven’t had the pleasure of spending as much time with them since that’s usually my fellow co-worker’s domain, but from what I gather, they’re sweet, but definitely powerful.
I can see why you’d be drawn to them. Have you gone recently?
Zoologist? Thats really amazing. I bet you get to see all the animals and take care of them. And of course they would love you since you hang out with them. They get jealous? Thats so adorable. They don’t fight over you do they?
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Cats. Big cats. Lions to be exact. There’s something just so majestic and powerful about them that draws me in. I mean I used to hang around the lion area all the time when we went to the zoo.
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Close! I’m a zoologist, so I work with all kinds of cat family members. My favorite would probably have to be the little baby leopards and jaguars. But don’t tell the others, they get jealous.
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Although if we broadened the circle to all animals, I have to confess, I’m very partial to Gorillas. They’ll always be in my heart. So, what would your answer be?
You work with cats? Are you a vet or something?
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Oh no, not from the internet. Actually a co-worker of mine. Originally we were going to meet at the Zoo, where we work, but then they asked if I wanted to go for coffee first, and I said sure. 
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People from the internet can be scary, sometimes. I don’t know how people go through with all that tinder stuff and online dating. I’d be terrified.
Thank you, again, by the way. And fair warning, I’m probably going to say it twice more.
It’s really no trouble at all. Just doing my civic duty, miss. 
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So, meeting someone you said? Not from the internet, I hope. That could be dangerous.
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Oooh, that’s a tough one. I like I’m more of a cat and kitten kind of girl. Though maybe I’m bias, since I work with them all the time.
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So important question. Puppies or kittens. Or do you prefer dogs or cats.
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I constantly find that I’m making them, myself. I can’t help it, sometimes. I don’t know, maybe it’s like a disease or something. We’ve been infected with the bad-pun gene.
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Really, you don’t have to. But I mean, if you wouldn’t mind, that’d be incredibly kind of you.
No, you’re perfectly fine. I’ve heard my fair share of bad puns. Mostly mine. Oh, the cafe. That one I believe is near the shopping district. I don’t think it’s far, but if you’d rather not walk my patrol car is just there.
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Oh, well that’s pretty silly. I mean, yeah, that happens, and I can see why that would be annoying. Some people never learn, right?
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Okay, well I’m supposed to be meeting someone at the Story teller’s cafe, and I know that it’s in Arendelle, but I have to confess; I’ve never been there before. I was hoping that you could point me in the right, well, direction, haha. Sorry... I know some people find puns cheesy.
Oh, just directions?  Sorry, I thought you were coming to me with some “emergency” that would really turn into you having locked your keys in your car. I get that more often than you’d think.
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Now, where are you headed?
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Well uh... actually, I um... just wanted some directions. But I guess I’ll leave you to whatever it is that you seem to be doing. Other than caring, I guess, since you said you don’t.
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Have a nice day, though...
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I’m sorry. You must have me mistaken for someone who cares.
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