d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
(Truth Syndicate) Hello there, dear, I don't think we've met just yet. Can I get you anything?
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“Oh! We haven’t and not really.... I’m Yui Samidare by the way.”
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Yui when her life is threaten: *Internal Screaming*
When Kyoko's life is threaten: U FuCkInG wOt MaTe!!!
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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❖ ─ ━ ɩɴⅴеႽτɩնατοʀ As long the two get along with each other then it would be fine to create a bond for her, the other didn’t give a reason for her to hate the other after all and she seemed decent enough as well. Giving a small nod towards the other she let off a small hum in thought to what Yui said next, there was something unusual about it though which she didn’t know what it was, to begin with. Maybe she needed to look at it more in thought. ❝Pretty much. The victim was alive when the culprit was cutting him up it seems as the time of death was afterward, seems that he was tortured before he was killed. Ah, there was a number labeled on the jar….I didn’t think it was much importance at the time but now that I think of it more it could mean that the culprit was likely keeping them as some sort of trophies. ❞ She stated more explaining more of the scene to her, she was still a rookie a tad but she did get a good picture of the scene in her mind there. ❝I’m guessing this is the first time you heard of them then. Killer Killer is this mysterious serial killer that only targets other serial killers, no one has seen them in person or know why he only targets them. The only clue we have of them is that there is always a cute stationery note left behind where they were when they killed their target but that’s about it. ❞
The fact that the victim was tortured made Yui feel sick inside. She couldn’t imagine the pain the person went through before taking their last breath. No one deserved this kind of fate; it was pure barbarian....
“Hmm... Trophies... That would make sense with the jar having a number on it... What was the number?” Yui asked before listening to who ‘Killer Killer’ is.
From what she can gather from what she was being told; the person was a vigilante and taking justice to their own hands. As much she want to serves justice herself; she also knew that that should be a proper way to go about it as vigilanting justice was flawed.
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“I see... It’s seem me that they want to serve their own justice to the serial killers but still this is a problem... There's a proper way going about it....”
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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Like / reblog for a starter set during the Tragedy.  
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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By mizuki
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
When you should be doing replies but instead you are just chilling.
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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Like / reblog for a starter set during the Tragedy.  
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
send me an AU and i’ll tell you 5 of my headcanons for it
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Please like/reblog this if you're willing to roleplay with villain characters without acting like the mun is a terrible person.
I writing evil or nearly evil characters more fun than writing good guys. I’m sick of feeling like people are going to judge me for my characters. I have a right to rp what I want and explain my characters actions, but not try to justify them. Because I know why a character acts a certain way doesn’t mean I think they are excused. The world isn’t black and white.
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox without annoying the mun!
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Yui had been wandering around the ruin city and gathering resources such as food into the bag that she was carrying on her back until she arrived in a abandoned building which she decided to take shelter inside as she needed to avoid those whom had fallen into despair as she didn’t want to hurt anybody nor did she want to get kill by them.
However she was surprised to come across another presence in the building; a girl with short, light purple hair. She was also surprised at the fact the stranger seem to be alone then again she was traveling alone in this world as well.
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“Ah... Hang on... Let me see.” Yui spoke as she looked at the picture before frowning and shaking her head as she didn’t recognize the building. “No... I haven’t... Sorry.... Is there a reason why you looking for it?”
@d8t8ctiv8 requested a starter!
this is wrong. Everything is just so so wrong. Chiakia did not understand. How is that they all got this weird happy ending? This did not make sense at all! The main villains are not supposed to get a good ending. Just like junko! Just like her. But it’s okay. No matter how angry she is, glitches are there to show that they game is slowly falling apart. And that is good, that is what she wants. Currently, Nanamie was traveling to the last base of despair she had known of. It was empty, of course, but filled with usefull equipment and is yet to be discovered by what remained of the Future Foundation. At least those glitches were usefull enough to start something that wiped out almost all the people who could potentially stopped her beforehand and the others are busy doing their own stupid little things. However, the former ultimate games is stopped by the presence of someone else. Well. She did not remember this one…but she seems…important, somehow. Her intuition is telling her so. Yes. Put on a mask. Round one. Start.
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“oooh. Hello! Excuse me! I have not seen any people in awhile. Please, can you point me to this place? Have you possibly seen it?” Of course a girl traveling alone in this world demands an explanation. And she will give one. She is looking for something. A building on a picture that she immediately showed to the girl before her. 
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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“Okay, bring it in! Let’s take a super banging selfie!”
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“Of course.” Yui smiled as she got her phone out and hold it out so she could take a picture of herself and Ibuki.
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Send me your muse’s reaction to finding my muse’s dead body
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Remember to specify muse if the blog is multimuse!
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
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“Eh?! I’m not in my thirties and I’m also here for a reason which is none of your business!” Yui glared at the other for the comment he made. Surely she didn’t look that old!
@d8t8ctiv8 l i k e d ! for a starter:  
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❝ isn’t it illegal for someone of your age to be on the campus? hmm, you seem old, i’m imagining about thirties? but that’s me being a little bit nice, nee-hee! if you’re really on a high school campus for no apparent, should i maybe call the cops?❞
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Headcanon: ⚡
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
Yui personally find storms rather calming and like listening to them especially when she is reading a book in the warmth as it gives atmosphere which allows her to get more absorb into the book’s world.
Bonus points if it matches the environment in the book’s setting.
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Random headcanon meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep? 
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one? 
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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d8t8ctiv8-blog · 6 years
Yui was sitting in a chair with a notebook in one hand and a red pencil in another as she was waiting for something to happen considering a member from the future foundation told her to wait in the room whilst they went to get somebody.
Although waiting felt like a eternity....
Until finally she heard the door clicked and someone entering the room which  resulted her shooting up from the chair and face the person.
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“Ah....Are you the person I have to see?” Yui asked.
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