d20owlbear · 8 hours
You stand before Hades to be judged, and he is confused by the events of your death. When asked about it, You answer “Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera came to me asking whom I thought was the most beautiful. They didn’t like my answer.”
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
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cutie patootie (he has committed 124,925 counts of homicide)
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
The fact Light spends the entire second half of the series going like "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS N GUY? THINK YOU CAN TAKE L'S PLACE? HUH? Compared to L, you are NOTHING. L was the only person who made me feel truly alive, who are YOU to think you can replace him, huh????" is so funny to me.
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
L showing up at Light's school and introducing himself as Hideki Ryuga is fucking hysterical to me. imagine how every other student there must have felt. that's like if you were at college and some weird goth supergenius kid who looks like he hasn't stepped outside in 20 years showed up at your school and introduces himself as Harry Styles but not the one you're thinking of, and then he follows around some other weird supergenius kid for a week and they play the world's most homoerotic game of tennis and then they both disappear off the face of the earth forever
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
I think the reason I dislike the Joker being given backstory is not that I don’t want to feel sympathy for the Joker (I mean, that’s a small part of it) but rather that I think it undermines the point of the Joker. I don’t mean as a character with motivations, I mean narratively. Others have probably said this before, and better than I’m about to, but this is my blog and I’m going to ramble.
The whole point of the Joker that some writers seem to miss (especially films! films are ADDICTED to backstory for some reason) is that there IS no real reason. He’s a primary antagonist because his entire schtick is that nothing matters, and that’s funny as hell. He can treat people’s lives as a joke because they don’t mean anything.
Bruce, or Batman, as the protagonist is the exact opposite of this. The motivation to save others from what happened to him as a child is rooted in this concrete, fundamental-to-Batman truth: everything matters. This is why Bruce’s parents dying in a random act of violence in a before-then obscure alley has had such staying power: it wasn’t a massive event that changed the lives of dozens or hundreds. It was a small thing, a statistic in the grand scheme of violent crime, with no real motive other than desperation or greed. And it changed someone’s life completely. For Batman, the hundreds of small acts that fill a patrol all matter because each person does.
Joker’s obsession with Batman hinges on him believing the exact opposite, and trying to convince him that he’s wrong, and that THE joke is that nothing matters at all– walking away from a victim and torturing a victim have the same moral weight because there is no moral weight. The point isn’t to be the most evil or the most cruel, the point is to prove that it’s all pointless.
In a way, this means Joker’s greatest ally is the apathy of Gotham. Every person who turns away or keeps walking with their head down and claims “not my problem” supports his claim that nothing matters, because Gotham is proving by inaction that it’s pointless unless it impacts them personally. Nobody else matters unless I do, and then it’s too late. Do I think Joker’s crimes are Gotham’s fault, narratively and within their fictional world? Not exactly. But I do think Joker isn’t actually an embodiment of chaos but is a representative of what Batman is actually fighting against: a Gotham that doesn’t care.
Batman’s existence is a defiance of this. His work, masked and unrewarded, is a symbol of the fact that no wealth, no material comfort, no border of security, no past trauma, no law, no excuse justifies not caring. Every life matters, even if it isn’t your own, even if it’s a stranger. He can’t kill Joker in-world because of his moral stance on killing. He can’t kill Joker narratively because Gotham won’t kill Joker. Batman’s driving core is a relentless anti-apathy, and Gotham’s current collective social spirit is that they are helpless and not responsible for it.
Joker thinks it’s funny that anyone would care, and Batman thinks someone not caring is the opposite of funny. Caring can often hurt, but it isn’t pointless. Every single life saved or lost creates a ripple effect that matters and hurts or helps others. Each victim Joker encounters is met with the same presupposition: “I can hurt you and it doesn’t mean anything because you’re nobody. It doesn’t hurt Gotham because Gotham isn’t anyone.”
Every person Batman saves is saved by the same presupposition: “If I can save you, it’s like saving all of Gotham. Everyone matters…because each single life matters.”
The more people that build their lives on caring regardless of how they think it impacts them personally, the less sway the Joker has. Every person who shuns apathy is another person who will fight back against the Joker’s Chief Joke: It doesn’t matter.
And they fight back best by, like Batman, looking at each individual they come in contact with and deciding, “Yes, this one matters.”
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
[guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself voice] well on account of my charming and endearing nature. Of course
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
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Good stuff.
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
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oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
I wanted to offer my humble suggestion in your request for ideas
The most beautiful thing in my life and the reason for my existence: Punk Crowley
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I had so much fun drawing this so I hope you like it @voids-ideas
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d20owlbear · 17 hours
This a a reminder to not fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you invested time and energy into something, does not mean you should indefinitely waste more time and energy on it, if you decide it’s not what you want anymore. This goes for anything, from books, to relationships, to jobs, to hobbies, etc.
If it’s not serving you anymore, move on.
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d20owlbear · 18 hours
Note from Anon:
“Please say your opinion in the tags! I’m asking cuz I have two oc ships and I’m afraid that the age differences might be a problem, the first is a 28 year old x a 31 year old the other is a 41 year old x a 46 year old.”
-submit your poll!-
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d20owlbear · 18 hours
Me, watching my mutuals speak other languages, not understanding a single word: fucking superb you funky little bilinguals
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d20owlbear · 18 hours
Favorite thing about renaissance faires is that they have fuck all to to with the renaissance. This thang is not about historical anything this is about dressing up like a fairy and watching a joust
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d20owlbear · 18 hours
I was thinking about today's entry of Dracula daily, and something fascinating got my attention: this format of consuming a novel really does enhance how much we appreciate the details of a story. Think, if this was a project of "read Dracula starting at may 3rd and ending before November 7th", I don't think people would arrive at the book club talking about the innkeeper's wife. Would people be getting so emotionally invested in "for your mother's sake"? I don't know, I think that getting to spent a whole day slowly ruminating this bit of the story helps me to appreciate how kind and sweet this lady was. This lady that worried so much about the well-being of a young man she met the day before, giving him a holy devotional object while he follows his damned journey. An old lady I wouldn't even be thinking this much about if it wasn't for the pace at which we are consuming this book. Thank you, Romanian Lady, for looking after my good friend Jonathan Harker.
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d20owlbear · 19 hours
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Jennifer’s Body (2009) || Hannibal (2013-2015)
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d20owlbear · 19 hours
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Assume they have access to ikea furniture
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