Cutting off perfectly healthy organs that do not affect your physical health, is mutilation. shocker. I do agree that people should not have their genitals messed with.
Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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and by urs kids should mutilate their bodies bc they feel like it..
Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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You’re really reaching. How is someone ‘just trans’ without enforcing gender stereotypes?
Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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“it’s not cis people’s place to talk about gender” why not though? according to gender ideology cis people have a gender as well, we are just ok with what we were “assigned” at birth. a cis woman has a gender otherwise she wouldn’t be a woman right? so what makes you more qualified than me to speak about gender and what gives you the right to talk over me about it when we both apparently have one?
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Anyone w a different opinion: I don’t agree w u
libtards: you want us to get beaten up and DIE!!!
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Autogynephilia. Look it up.
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There is no natural inclination to want to surgically remove your body parts.
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you can wear make up and wear dresses as a man and feel pretty without thinking “this must mean i am a woman”. you can cut your hair short and feel masculine as a woman without thinking “I cant be a woman because i feel powerful and charming, therefore I must be a man”.
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yall would rather push young people to invasive and irreversible hormones and surgery before their frontal cortext has even fully developed to form their personality let alone fathom the concept of gender.
you can go ahead and push people to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on risky surgery and fake hormones for the rest of their lives and feed a multi million dollar pharmaceutical industry who’d be happy to do it.
I’m done w following trends and cancel culture bc it’s done nothing for peoples mental health and instead pushes people to extremes in order to “affirm” how they feel instead of accepting that sex has nothing to do with gender expression.
I am just as equally against plastic surgery, anti-aging and porn industries which promote harmful ideas to young people for just being who they are and capitalise off of their insecurities and dysphoria.
If you want to do it by all means go ahead. But accept that not everyone will agree with you.
Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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Making up a small portion of the community isn’t a point. Idk who Cathy Brennan is. I’m just pointing out how nonsensical it is. People can have different opinions to yours.
Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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You're not transmasc/nonbinary in spite of your conservative upbringing but because of it
Your parents and your culture growing up taught you that women are weak and subservient and must be feminine and obedient and exist to please others and be looked at and lusted after. That's not what you want to be, and rather than expanding your definition of womanhood, rather than realizing women don't have to be like that, you slap a label on yourself to differentiate yourself from all other women, who are definitely like that. Women get harmed and raped and humiliated and you want to feel proud and dignified and safe. You're not like them, that's why you feel that way. Women don't have complex thoughts and personalities. They're nothing like you and you're nothing like them. You're nonbinary.
Your parents and culture have taught you that men are strong, reliable, that their opinions are heard and respected. They're in charge, they're dominant, they can never be hurt. You don't question that image, you aspire to be like that. You're not a weak woman who is worthless, your opinion matters, you matter, so you're a man. You're safe from rape and abuse now, you feel valued and unashamed, and that's not what women feel like. They're happy to be put in their place, you're not. You're a transgender man.
You're so deep entrenched in the gender hierarchy you don't even notice a world exists outside of it. You don't see that women and men come in all possible nuances of every personality under the sun: you were never taught that's possible. You're not getting out of that pit of your upbringing. You're digging it deeper and painting it sparkly purple.
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aren't you sick of the way women are sexualized at such a young age
aren't you sick of the way the beauty industry preys on women's insecurities
aren't you sick of society tying a lot of a woman's worth towards her youth and appearance
aren't you sick men are trying to take up women's spaces
aren't you sick of men making sexist jokes to their friends all the time
aren't you sick of women having to make women only groups in secret
aren't you sick of lesbian dating apps filled with men
aren't you sick of the porn industry making millions off of the degradation of women
aren't you sick of all the men that think watching violent porn is normal and healthy
aren't you sick of young women trying fad diets and trying to get skinny so they look "pretty"
aren't you sick of all these male celebrities dating significantly younger women and no one bats an eye
aren't you sick of the lack of representation of women in the government
aren't you sick of laws being created to restrict us from our own bodily automy
aren't you sick of everything women have to go through
aren't you angry
because i am
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Hot take: Lesbians like vagina and gay men like dick. That’s why it’s called same-sex attraction.
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Transgender ideology is contradictory and reinforces gender stereotypes.
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Exmuslim arab girl. lived a pretty difficult life (as one does). I’ve always had shame and guilt instilled in me. I’ve been molested multiple times by different people as a child and teenager. by both men and women. by my father aswell. It was horrible.
And i’ve always felt bad and never talk about it because i feel dirty. and getting a talk from my mother saying “you have a piece of meat down there and if it opens i’ll have to kill you” (in arabic ofc) doesn’t make it easier when ur 10.
it’s not fair that i’ve worn hijab for 12 years and it’s done absolutely nothing for my safety or self esteem. all the people who have done horrible things to me are muslim too.
if i try to bring it up now “it’s in the past” or “just dont think about that stuff”
i cant help but think “yeah there are good parts of islam” sometimes, like charity and being kind. but the obsession with female (in some cases even male) innocence and virginity is soo wrong. It creates sick adults obsessed with ‘pure’ kids. it creates a perverted society with sexual deviants.
This obsession is not natural. it is not ordained from god. It is a LEARNED behaviour like rape and pedophillia.
And it’s not all muslims ofc. there are amazing muslim fathers out there. but where was mine when i needed him? where is the islamic ruling on that which doesn’t leave me to suffer?
I’m so sorry love, you didn’t deserve any of that ❤️ Please feel free to dm me if you need to vent about this, or need a room at a shelter.
Islam is like Catholicism, it hates pleasure and freedom, even dancing to music or drawing or pda or any form of self expression is forbidden: the repression and misogyny and hatred for women and girls creates this horrible evil monster that women and children have bear the brunt of.
Wearing a hijab or even niqab doesn’t stop male violence/exploitation. Salat, dua, reading Quran … nothing protects from men. Someone has to finally stand up for these girls. Someone has to name and shame these men. This evil religion. Islam caused this. It has always. There will be a million Aishas until we finally call out what happened and is happening. Until we can finally organize and end this.
You will always have our support, you will always find women ready to support you. ❤️
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Why would God feel emotions such as love? anger? disappointment?
These are human emotions and are a clear mechanism we’ve developed for survival. To communicate with one another.
The love between a mother and her child. The anger of betrayal of a lover. The disappointment of little crop yield.
Why would the creator of the worlds feel? If anything, they wouldn’t have these mortal feelings.
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