cynthiaclearwater · 11 days
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"Yeah, must be something like that. The weather has been bad for so long, I almost forgot what sunshine felt like," Cynthia joked, "A bottle of wine, I was thinking, though I'm already stressing out about what kind to buy," she admitted with another laugh, "Thanks though, for the time."
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"Yeah that makes sense. I think it's all to do with our brains correlating the sun being out with being awake and all that," he nodded when she'd explained her reasoning. "Something for the dinner perhaps? That's sweet. But yeah, you'll have plenty of time to hit the shops on your way."
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cynthiaclearwater · 12 days
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"A natural talent? I suppose that's something," Cynthia raised an eyebrow at the other, "You're willing to teach me how to play better? I can't imagine you offer that to just anybody given that you'd not be able to hustle anymore," she joked.
"Well you have a natural talent for it at least." He offered up lightly, wanting to provide at least some comfort over her loss. "Well we could play and this time it does not have to be at a cost. If you wanted to learn a few things I would be willing to assist."
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cynthiaclearwater · 13 days
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"It's not a lot of money, yet, but it's not a little money either," Cynthia said, "And since it's my own money and not somebody else's now, I'd like to be able to spend it on the people I care about. Even if it's just drinks."
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"Okay, okay–" he chuckled, putting his hands up as though in defense. "I know better than to fight you on this." When Cynthia spoke about spending her big girl money he chuckled again. "Of course. I wouldn't be surprised if you make more in your line of work honestly," he added in good humor.
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cynthiaclearwater · 14 days
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The entire world has forgotten that I exist... so I have absolutely no idea what to do next.
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cynthiaclearwater · 15 days
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"If I've learned anything from therapy, the way you look like you're feeling tells me if isn't something stupid," Cynthia replied, smiling reassuringly, "We can get Thai, I'll call them up now. You know, if you wanna talk about what's bothering you, I'm here. I'm not just a roommate, I'm a friend."
"Nothing, just something stupid," Sienna replied, it was partly the truth. "Mmm, how about some Thai maybe?"
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cynthiaclearwater · 16 days
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"Well at Hogwarts, practice was only an hour or two a few times a week. Now, I play quidditch basically all day every day in the same way someone might have an office job. I still love it but it's more challenging now," Cynthia explained, "Less schoolwork but more exhaustion and muscle aches," she said with a laugh.
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"Was it really? How so?" Samantha asked curiously, always wanting to know more. "That does make sense I suppose. But you had to balance schoolwork on top of all the Quidditch practice, so it was a challenge in a different way I'm sure."
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cynthiaclearwater · 17 days
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"I'm okay, it's okay. I just cut my hand," Cynthia said, holding a towel tightly around the injury as she nodded to where she had been cutting some cucumber. A few droplets of blood could be seen on the counter and floor, "It's not too deep, it's just bleeding a lot."
closed starter - alison & cynthia ( @cynthiaclearwater )
Alison jogged lightly into the kitchen when she heard an alarming sound. "Are you alright? Sounded like something happened," she said.
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cynthiaclearwater · 25 days
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"I know," Cynthia said, "I know it's not easy. I know it won't happen overnight but I just need to know you're going to do it, put yourself first."
"I know," Alison replied, softly, "but you know that it's not that easy. At least not that easy for me."
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cynthiaclearwater · 26 days
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"It was more bearable at Hogwarts," Cynthia said, "But I spend more time practicing now than back then, "It's definitely worse now but worth it."
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"That's fair," she then replied with a brief nod when Cynthia had mentioned they were not comfy clothes after being worn all day. "I never played Quidditch so I don't know what it feels like to wear the uniform. Especially not for hours on end."
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cynthiaclearwater · 27 days
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"Tell me about it. It does make practices easier. I'm less exhausted when I finish and it's still sunny. Maybe that doesn't make sense but it is what it is," Cynthia smiled, "Good. I've got time. I'm meeting my partner for dinner but I wanted to stop in the shops to pick some things up."
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"It is– Godric, is that really the time?" he blinked, checking his watch again after having just been asked for it by the other. "The sun being out for longer always messes with me," Jesse admitted with a shake of his head. "Anyways," Jesse mumbled before giving them the proper time and even letting them see it on his watch for themselves, "Late for something?"
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cynthiaclearwater · 28 days
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"Except I'm not. I'm a good cards player but not a professional," Cynthia said but she made a mental note not to tell him what she did for a living in case she ever had the opportunity to hustle, "Well now I'm done playing."
"Something like that. You didn't ask." Xander answered with a smirk when the girl pointed out that he hadn't told her. "Unfair in situations like this really is a matter of perspective. It wouldn't be unfair if you were a secret cards player and didn't inform me of that in the beginning. In fact, you would be responding in much the way I have."
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cynthiaclearwater · 29 days
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"Yep. You've already paid for enough. It's my turn," Thia replied, shrugging, "You've got to let me spend that big girl money," she joked.
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"Goujons! What a great choice," Cyrus grinned before making sure to order them as well. "You're going to insist until I let you, won't you?" he chuckled when Cynthia offered to pay for their drinks.
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cynthiaclearwater · 1 month
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Cynthia nodded, "You're definitely right," she laughed, "Quidditch clothes aren't always comfy, especially when you've been in them all day but I do get your point."
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"All the more reason to make the most of events and occasions like this then, no?" Samantha grinned. "Although sometimes there's something nice about being in more comfortable clothes. Minus the muddy part I'm sure."
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cynthiaclearwater · 1 month
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huge tv meme → [5/10] otps: hosie
You had a crush on me? Of course I did, who wouldn’t?
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cynthiaclearwater · 1 month
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"You play cards for a living? You didn't tell me that. This is entirely unfair!" Cynthia protested, placing her cards on the table.
"You know, it's pretty poor planning on your part to go up against someone who plays with cards for a living." Xander spoke smoothly, a smirk playing across his features as he picked up his drink, leaning back in his seat now that their little game was done. "I actually feel a little bad for you..."
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cynthiaclearwater · 1 month
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"Cyrus, come on, let me pay for some of it!" Cynthia insisted, "I would like chicken goujons though. If you're going to pay, I'm paying for drinks."
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"It's really not ideal," he agreed with a laugh when he noticed the face that Cynthia had pulled. It wasn't the most comfortable mode of transport but much like she pointed out, it sure as hell saved a lot of time. "What do you want to drink?" Cyrus asked when he'd ordered them each a lot of halloumi fries. "Also did you wanna order anything else? My treat by the way– I insist."
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cynthiaclearwater · 2 months
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"I don't need you to try, I need you to do it. I need you to stick around so I need you to look after yourself," Cynthia insisted, reaching for her hands, "Of course I know that and I love you too, always"
"Okay, I'll try," they promised. "I love you, you know that right?"
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