cutielatias · 20 hours
É...terminamos o sonic unleashed, foi legal e triste💧pelo visto parece que ainda choro com o final dele💧a cena do chip indo embora tmb é uma que me faz chorar pra caramba (quando eu era criança eu ñ chorava tanto nessa cena (provavelmente porque eu ñ intendia)apesar de já achar ela meio triste)eu hoje em dia já nessa cena eu já tô derramando umas mil lágrimas,ugh💧, essa cena é triste💦, tem algo triste pra mim a cena ficar focando no chip colossus,me deixa triste,sonic sendo arremessado para fora e chip apenas ficando ali,olhando💧 (para mim sempre achei que o colossus ficava olhando)essa cena é triste💧. Agora nós finalmente re-jogamos o unleashed, esse era um dia que eu sempre imaginava como seria…foi um pouco diferente de como achei que ia ser (mas ñ num sentido ruim) achei que fosse ficar muito emotiva com tudo do jogo, mas até que não, na jogatina em si eu fiquei bem normal,claro que me dá um pouco de coisa, porque eu me lembro, eu me lembro de eu jogando essas fases quando eu era criança, mas eu ñ fiquei tão triste por causa disso, por isso que sinto que o sentimento de tristeza que o sonic unleashed me traz é diferente, minha tristeza por ele ñ parece vir de uma nostalgia,parece…ser algo mais profundo. Aah💧, esse jogo me faz me sentir estranha quando eu termino ele, é quase como se eu ficasse de luto, eu me sinto meio vazia (sinto que estou sentido o mesmo sentimento que a criança sentiu na época),eu me sinto meio estranha quando termino ele,pois quando vc termina ele, vc realmente sente que acabô, mesmo se vc jogar as fases denovo ou que quando vc abre os templos/faz as missões o chip ainda está ali/o jogo ainda "continua",não parece ser a mesma coisa, vc realmente sente que a aventura termino💧.(suspiro) Eu me lembro de eu criança gostando desse jogo💧, eu me lembro de gostando FORTEMENTE do unleashed, eu adorava esse jogo, adorava o sonic e o chip, eu me lembro de sendo tão obcecada/delirante, lembro que eu criança, eu fortemente acreditava que sonic e chip existiam / estavam em algum lugar lutando e salvando o mundo haha💧, mas era estranho, pois apesar de eu ser uma criança bem pequena e eu fortemente acreditava nisso,parecia que lá no fundo eu sabia que não era real💧,que eles não existiam e era só um jogo💧(eu era uma criança um pouco estranha/engraçada). Me lembro de gostando tanto desse jogo,esse jogo realmente mexe muito comigo/ é muito especial pra mim, sinto que ñ consigo deescrever o quão importante ele é pra mim apenas com palavras/texto. O unleashed me faz lembrar de uma marina tão diferente (mas tmb ñ tão diferente) eu me lembro de gostando muito, MUITO! desse jogo, mas é triste pois eu não posso ser mais assim(pro meu próprio bem, eu ñ posso ser assim💧) eu não posso me entrega tão fortemente para as coisas que eu gosto e isso é o que eu tento fazer hoje em dia (para o meu bem e para o bem das coisas)…mas eu me lembro de sendo assim com unleashed, me lembro do sentimento, jogar ele me faz lembrar de como era ser essa marina/sentir um pouco isso, mas assim como eu e ana conversamos(apesar de infelizmente eu acabar ficando um pouco assim com tudo que eu gosto) eu sinto que o que eu tive com o unleashed só tive com ele,e apenas ficou nele, o sentimento que tive com o sonic unleashed/sonic e chip é apenas do unleashed e sempre será apenas dele ( depois dele,nenhuma das coisas que eu gostei/gosto,eu me expressava/ gostava de um jeito igual o dele)
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cutielatias · 1 day
we finished shadow game (not literally still have a lot to do, but we finish the last story) i really liked the game,so cool, what a badass ending, but not gonna lie the end would be way badass if the song from the boss/credit was this "who i am" by magna-fi(it fits so well). Hmnn, whataya a coincidence me and ana play this game on this year, i heard that 2024 is meant to be shadow's year, i don't know much why? but i know its meant to be.
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cutielatias · 16 days
Happy birthday Daniel
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cutielatias · 1 month
oohhuuu!! Today I'm awake up "pro-player"😂, two golden stamps in the sifu arenas (and with the woman!), manage to get the two missing esmeralds on sonic heroes (the yellow and the red one) and also finished the boss, and now I've also finish my play of shadow the hedgehog game(i start the game today and finish the game today!).
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cutielatias · 2 months
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cutielatias · 3 months
I find fatal frame a little interesting cuz despise being a horror game, if we look deep into it, the games are actually about very simple and sad themes/situations(all the horror games are like that,now thinking). Even the second one that I thought it was more horror cuz of the haunted ville theme,actually is about a more deep/simple situation, after seeing a text from the director talking about the endings/characters this becomes much more obvious. I'm going to try to do a mini analysi of "what i feel the situation of the game is about" and will be interesting to see from a twin's point of view(since the whole theme of the game is about twins (identical)/ twin's relationship). In shorts words, is about how much society/"life" tend to want to separate twins and how this is harmful to the twins and twins itself fear this fade.
●The ritual the ritual represents society/people's ideia(mostly adults) that the twins after reaching a certain age (adulthood(18)) they should be separated, so much so, that the people who perform the rituals are even the adults(i know i know, is because only a adult/"wise" person would know how to make a ritual duh, yeah but let's forget it the horror aspect and think in a more normal way, is very specific being adults, already showing that this demanding comes mostly from a authority/the people in general), people do this believing that this will be better for the twins or somehow this is more appropriate to society's standards, with that, the ritual in the game is even something said to be done for the sake of the village and their residents, the village representing society,how for society it's best the twins being separated, the thing of "becoming one" on the ritual, is a way of saying becoming one in a way of becoming "one person", without your twin by your side/without being around your twin,but just like in the game we can see that this is not right at all/this is something that the twins themselves don't like it/try to run away, even the twins that do the ritual didn't want to do it, and the twin's that stayed/lived none of them have happy endings or lived for to long after that. ■kiryu twins- if we seem the story in a normal way, basically, the other twin got so sad with the loss of her sister that she even got depressed and lose herself and gone crazy. ■tachibana twins- itsuki end up feeling so guilt and sad by living without/losing his twin that he end up commiting suicide so that they could stay together again. ■Yae and Sae-(this twins are kinda weird actually, doesn't even feel that wrong to separate they…, but fine) though we don't know much what happend with yae after she runs away, i think she didn't lived much longer after that, sae died with sadness and anger cuz of her sister breaking their promise, and yae becomes emotionless and died cuz she couldn't live with the fact that she left her sister behind.
None of them have good endings, even though it may seem like something good, live by your ownself "again" the fact of being such abrupt choice, that its not made by the twins own wish, makes very harmful.
●mio and mayu feelings In the beggining it's has a flashback of mio and mayu when they were kids( i never really understand much of this flashback before, i thought it only exist to show the similarite between mio and mayu with sae and yae, but now seeing the director commentary, even this scene have way more deep meaning and very twin relatable) mayu slipped on that day on purpose(and the same happend a little with that sae)mayu always felt that mio could lived without her, and while mio was slowly leaving her behind this thoughts become bigger and bigger, making her almost suicidal, so she decided to slipped/hurt herself so that mio could pay attention to her again(i find interest on the director words he says that mio also knew that mayu did that on purpose on that day, and this is such twin move, we can sense each other feelings, so we probably feel when one twin do something on purpose; but mio just didn't understand why she did that, but she feels, which is a very twin thing). both mio and mayu have the fear of losing each other or that somehow life will separate they, this is a thinking that a lot of twins really can have, since when we grow old, we end up building our own lifes,especially ordinary people, people date, have works, marriage and some even have kids, whinch are things that separate us, you can't always stay with your twin when you have this things (nowadays i don't have much of that fear but when i was a kid i used to think about it but now, not much, cuz i gonna be honest, i not normal(this is very obviously), so i probably wont have an ordinary life, and i don't feel me and ana's paths are much different from each other, so we probably will always stick and stay together)but for ordinary twins this probably a thinking. the meaning of mio and mayu journey is very relatable to that feeling.
●Final now we get to the end/the ending (or the conclusion or final message of the game, I think) it's difficult to say whats the game wants to say/express (because i think just like anything, its depends on the point of view),but I think the game just portrays a twin connection/relationship, and shows how the twin's bond is so strong to the point that not even a ritual where the twins kills/hurts the other, the twins will never stop to love each other, and it's also shows how it's a beautiful connection but at the same time there's a suffering and melancholic on it, the part of people wanting to separate them and the fear of the twins themselves if one day this happens and how the twins almost cannot live without each other (they can live but it will be an empty and depress life), and how the idea of ​​separation is something painful for the twins, so much so that in the end where we kill mayu, I feel that the reason why mayu/sae wanting to kill themselves /do the ritual so much, comes from the feeling of both of them being afraid of their twins leaving them(a bit possessive…but ok~) but at the same time they know that this can happens and that it's also wrong to not let the other twin live their lifes, so they prefer to die, so that they don't see them and their twins separating cuz for them this is more painful than die, but at the same time also letting the other twin live their life/"be free".
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cutielatias · 3 months
yeah,it was sad💧, I almost cried but I managed not to, probably because I tried not to think too much about the whole situation, but when I think about it... it's so sad💧 (especially when I associate it with me and you), ugh it's so horrible the way that this mayu dies, there's something so sad and desperate about the body of someone you love being thrown into an abyss, you no longer see their body, you can't even give them one last hug, their body just stays in there, and vanish into the darkness💦. The scene of that mio saying "i'm sorry, i'm sorry" also hits me a little💦, she running after mayu's butterfly, seeing mayu slowly disappearing among the crowd of butterflies, losing sight of her, but for one last moment mayu butterfly returns to her, almost like a last goodbye💧… ugh I better stop talking the more I think about the scene more I feel like crying💧💦
....okay, we finished the game, i almost cried with the ending(but i controlled myself so i didn't, i think it's pretty much because i put myself in the scene,ugh, is sad), okay this chou is kinda cool/emotional(i like more kurenai marina is the one that listened to this chou), I find the killing scene kinda weird(these sisters are sus, i no dumb, I know this game has that, and i don't judge is just a game/fiction), ugh, the scene of this mayu being thrown in the abyss, is soo........ugh, i thought the body transforms into a butterfly while falling💦, but no, the body is just thrown in there(only the soul becomes a butterfly), the scene with this mio realising what happened(she shaking her head in denial, seems almost as if she's fainting), ugh, that hits me, ugh, i almost cried with this together with this song, i think i just didn't cried because i didn't let myself think much about it💦, it was sad
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cutielatias · 3 months
playing a horror game about twin sisters together with my twin sister
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cutielatias · 3 months
i really like those apps cuz they remind of my childhood! they remind me of those clothing flash games(though the clothing games wasn't one of my favorites i used to find them kinda boring🙄, but anyway)
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cutielatias · 3 months
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❤𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔 💥
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cutielatias · 3 months
mingau nesse tempos está tão magro eu fico preocupada😓, ele só fica na casinha/cama dele,me preocupo se talvez ele…não! eu não gosto nem de pensar, bem pelo menos eu vi ele saindo da casinha e andando um pouco hoje, mas mesmo assim muito pouco(não mingauzinho por favor aguente mais um pouco,eu nao sei se estou preparada pra isso💧💦) esses tempos os dias já são tão miseráveis/tristes, essa casa hoje em dia é tão abandonada/isolada que parece que minha única companhia são os meu bichinhos e a ana. Talvez ele queria ficar dentro de sua casa pois esses dias estão bem frios…eu espero💦,fico preocupa mingau é o nosso gato mais velho (ele é tão velho que eu nem sei quantos anos ele tem, ele ja era um pouco adulto quando o adotamos)... espero que não seja nada
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cutielatias · 3 months
now we finish playing this rule of rose and that kuon,gonna be honest none of them were that scaring at all, even this kuon that is consider one of scariest games of ps2, i didn't find that scarying(i swear that i remember watching a video of a person recommending some ps2 horror game and the person said that this kuon were one of scariest game on the list, and on the person's opinion the third act (kuon phase) was the most creepy phase of the game)but even the third act wasnt that scaring for me 😅(was a little creepy in the beggining(has something weird about seeing the place after all the massacre has already happend)but the rest is not scaring, and for this rule of rose, nothing about it it's that scaring, actually this game is a little more heavy (…and sad)than scarying. this games actually made me more mad than scaried haha😂💢, geez that fight gameplay is sooo annoying/suck, i got very pissed, the character have the worst aim of the world(except for utsuki she was very good to play but the others)
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cutielatias · 4 months
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cutielatias · 4 months
does this guy ryan gosling is haunting me? everything that i like has some reference or something relate to that guy at some point. life is strange 2 with sean shirt on ep4 (i know that his shirt image is about a meme of this guy) sifu with the white jacket (i know that the jacket is a reference of a movie call "the driver", and guess who wear this jacket and it's the movie protagonist?…this guy again!) and now we have the barbie movie where this guy is the ken. ok, are only 3 things (which doesn't seems much but its funny that it happend 3 times) this guy is everywhere! It's only missing the pokemon😅 the way that it is i don't doubt it that will have something about that guy at some moment…does have?
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cutielatias · 4 months
People drawing/liking the woman mc wearing pretty and delicate dress/things give me the ick, argh i don't like it...to don't say that i HATE IT!💢🔥
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cutielatias · 4 months
🎆Músicas de 2023🎇
Hot wings(I wanna party)(sped up/slowed)(layalaya loop overlay)
E.T (cover by Everyone dies in Utah)
Sweetest poison (by Nu Pagadi)
Gladiator (by RaVaughn Brown)
Lollipop (candyman) (by Aqua)
Balkanize (by Tzusing)
Can't remember to forget you (cover by Midnight red)
(Don't fear) the reaper (by Blue Oyster)
Broke my car radio (slowed+reverb) (by Ericdoa)
Strong Enough (Bratz soundtrack)
Catch my breath (slowed & reverb) (by Kelly Clarkson)
Kiss Kiss (by Holly Valance)
When Did your heart go missing? (by Rooney)
Work it (Barbie Big City Big Dreams soundtrack)
Hey,Mickey! (by Baby Tate)
Casual Sex (by Darkest days)
Time Bomb (by All Time Low)
A Different side of me (by Allstar weekend)
Mr. Wonderful (by Allstar weekend)
Uniform (normal/instrumental) (by Bloc Party)
Go gyal (by Ahzee)
Alone (by Offer Nissim)
Se ela dança eu danço(DJ Lívia Drum remix) (by MC Leozinho)
Pra me provocar (by MC Koringa)
Girlfriend (by Hemlocke Springs)
Jenny (by The Click Five)
If you can't hang (by Sleeping with sirens)
Automotivo Super Mario World 2 (by DJ NK3)
Amber (by 311)
Under the influence(slowed/normal) (by Chris Brown)
S.O.S (Let the music play) (by Jordin Sparks)
Whirring (by The Joy Formidable)
Camera shy (by School Boy Humor)
Mary (by Alex G)
Why can't I (by Liz Phair)
Kiss me again (by ROY BEE)
Sueño Nikté (Nikté soundtrack)
Mr Loverboy (by Little Mix)
From zero to hero (by Sarah Connor)
Les z'anges (by Soan)
The boys are back (High School Musical 3 soundtrack)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (by Paddock Park)
Only boy (in the world) (cover by Kevin Vasquez)
Hippo Grotto (v2) (Madagascar 2 game soundtrack)
L'Étoile D'afrique-#18 (normal/slowed/sped up) (by VDYCD)
You make me sick (by Pink)
Kugutsu (by Tsukiko amano)
Make you Love me (by Kaci Brown)
Tragic on the dancefloor (by Girl Friend)
Poison (by Girl Friend)
Bed Love (by Mario)
Destruir tudo de novo (by Dead Fish)
To tell you the truth (by Written by Wolves)
Self Love (by Metro Boomin)
Because the Night (Live Unplugged) (by 10,000 Maniacs)
Keep it Rolling (by Bloc Party)
Close To the Mirror (by Sylvain Lux)
Party Addict x Hotel room service (mashup)
I'II Do it (sped up/normal) (by Ayesha Erotica)
Alejandro (Rock cover by Helia)
Party Addict(sped up/slowed/normal) (by Kets4eki)
Chinatown (by Wild Nothing)
Gimme More (Jiafei ft Cupcakke version)
Unknown song "everybody knows that"
Cannibal love (by Horrormovies)
Ta Ta Ta (sped up/normal) (by Bayanni)
Hands Up! X Hey Baby (mashup) (sped up)
P.U.N.K. Girl (by Heavenly)
Mona Lisa (by Dominic Fike)
Distracted (by Honey Revenge)
Waste my time (by Girl Friend)
Fate (by Shiro Sagisu)
SHAKE THAT SHIT! (sped up/slowed/normal) (by Jnhygs)
More than friends (slowed+reverb/normal) (by INNA)
Jerk! (Sped up+reverb/slowed/normal) (by Jnhygs)
You & Me (by 6earlyhuman)
Ifeelsick (by Dion Dugas)
La canción de Alicia/Under the stars (lost media song)(both original version/cover by Richardvox)
Wine Pon You(normal/speed up) (by Doja Cat)
Can't remember to forget you (Acoustic cover by Siren Jean)
Moonlight (by Kali Uchis)
Calling (by Metro Boomin)
Bad Boy (KYANU Mix) (by Cascada)
Table For Two (by Nicole)
Back from the dead (by Skillet)
Undefeatable (Sonic Frontiers ost)
Sleepwalker (slowed) (by Akiaura)
Shinigami eyes (by Grimes)
Chammak challo (by Ra.One)
Me and my husband (by Mitski)
Met her on the internet (instrumental) (by Kempachii)
Look don't touch(normal/sped up/slowed) (by Odetari)
Sins (let me in) (by Kanii)
We Found Love (Glee Cast version)
L'Art Du Savoir (slowed/normal) (by VDYCD)
Sway (by Vanessa Carlton)
FASHION (by Britney Manson)
Say yes to heaven (by Lana del Rey)
High Life (by Bloc Party)
You're too slow (by Odetari)
Right side of the bed (by Atreyu)
Draw me Inside (by Skillet)
Not Tomorrow (Silent Hill soundtrack)
Wishful Thinking (Silent Hill 2 soundtrack)
Ecstacy (remix) (by Suicidal-Idol)
Himno Potaxie/ Ye Hua Xiang (by Jiafei)
Cry Baby (by Heidi)
Yutopia (by Heidi)
Suisou (by Heidi)
Dom Perignon (SATOMIC REMIX) (by Poshlaya molly)
Dumebi (by Rema)
If it's lovin on your mind (by Spice Girls)
How long (by Paula Toledo)
Hayyoda (by Anirudh Ravichander, Priya Mali)
As lovers Go (by Dashboard Confessional)
Donkey Kong Country 2- Bramble Blast x Hatsune miku
Life imitates life (by Quannic)
E.T. (Prismatic World Tour Instrumental with backing vocals)
Because of you (by Ne-Yo)
Not Responsible (slowed/speed up) (by Amon)
Get Back x 4 minutes (mashup)
Emily Brown (by Alice)
Miss Your Touch (by Cassie)
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cutielatias · 4 months
So many things relate to this year that i wanted to post😑😧,but i haven't, and now, THE YEAR IS ALMOST ENDING!!!!!
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