Heavy and Heartbroken
Hey Queens! I know it has been ages since I posted, and for that I apologize from the bottom of my heart! I know you are wondering where I have been and what I have been up to so let’s jump right into it.
Let’s start with… I met a man. You couldn’t tell me that he was almostexactly what I had been praying for. He was employed, had an entrepreneurial spirit, was a good father, we shared some…
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Change Your Life... NOW
Change Your Life… NOW
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Guess who is back… AND with a powerful message. If you have watched me go live on Facebook, seen any of my Youtube videos, or come to any of my Meetup groups you already know that I am big on the Law of Attraction.  If you are wondering what the Law of Attraction is the most simple way I can explain it is: ” Thoughts become things.” Period.  Whatever it is that you think… you become. Whatever you…
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Hey queens Hey! Ladies, I know that people have told you that black makes you look slimmer. This does not mean that you should only wear black, nor does it mean that it will make your 250 lbs look like 150 lbs. It’s Spring/Summer and you are going to fry like chicken if you do not cut it out. You should all know that black does in fact attract heat, so you are going to sweat even more than you…
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Makeup Mistakes and Memos
Makeup Mistakes and Memos
Hey Queens! It’s high time I returned to the style portion of this blog, and what better way to swing back into the topic than makeup MUST KNOWS?!? Many of us have been wearing makeup for a majority of our lives, but we must keep in mind that there are ladies out there who are new to the magic of makeup. That being said if a little of this information seems like common sense, remember that we are…
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Going Glam with Gwynnie Bee!
Going Glam with Gwynnie Bee!
Hey Queens! I don’t know if you have noticed, but we are living in the age of online shopping, trap music, and monthly subscription boxes. While I am still a baby online shopper, and I only like 3 out of every 10 new trap songs, I am somewhat the authority on monthly subscriptions boxes and packages. Admittedly, I subscribe to about 10 different product/clothing delivery services. One of my…
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Body Positive in 2017
Body Positive in 2017
  Hey Queens Heyyy! As you all know, I spend a lot of time talking about the importance of being body positive. I promote the movement on social media, in my every day life, and in my new book ( Beauty Isn’t Measured in Pounds… coming soon). What I didn’t know was that there are so many people who were unclear about what the movement was meant to accomplish. So let me attempt to clarify for those…
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Body Positive
After a very interesting discussion with a gentleman I met on IG I decided that it was time for someone to really explain what the big deal is with this body positive thing that everyone is talking about. Contrary to popular belief it’s not about glorifying being overweight. It’s about having the courage to know and not doubt  that you are worthy of love from yourself and from others. If you are 80lbs or 800lbs. We have allowed society to brainwash us into thinking that the “beautiful people” of the media were the standard of perfection. If we didn’t look like those people we were less than and somehow undesirable due to our flaws. This is sad but true. I struggled for years with my self-image and made a lot of bad decisions based on faulty belief that I had about myself. This is not a life that i wish for anyone! It is my belief that the body positivite movement will bring about a much needed and lasting change in the media, in society, and in our future
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Hey Ya’ll Hey! So it’s 1:14am and I am just getting home from one of the most LIT parties I have been to so far this year. When I initially saw this flyer I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go, but I am so glad I did. I met some amazing people, danced my tail off, and I was in love with the theme. Until tonight I had never been to a graffiti party. For those of you who are as in the dark as i was. It’s…
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Does Size Matter???
Hey Queens! I know I haven’t posted in a few days, but I’m back… and boy do I have a topic for you tonight. Does size matter? For years we have asked this question among ourselves in regard to a certain male part, but what I didn’t know was that men are asking this question about our weight. I was floored when I heard this today. Many of you know that i am somewhat of a social butterfly, it’s not…
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Fear is a dream killer...
Fear is a dream killer…
Hey Ya’ll! I feel the need to talk to you about fear. For whatever reason these past few days, I have come across so many people who are letting various fears control how they experience life. This is a huge problem. You cannot let fear control you or your life. If you really take the time to think about it, fear is just an unpleasant emotion. It is simply a feeling, and like all other feelings…
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When I initially started this blog, I wanted to be an inspiration to plus size women everywhere. I wanted to make a difference in your lives, leave an imprint on your heart, and help you on your journey to being the best you that you could possibly be. In my mind, I thought that this could be accomplished with a few fashion tips, motivational words, and confidence building exercises.…
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No More Excuses...
No More Excuses…
Hey Queens! Today is the day that the excuses stop. I used to be one of those people that ALWAYS had an excuse for EVERYTHING. This may seem like a rather big generalization, but it is true. I had excuses for why I was overweight, unhappy, wasn’t making enough money, had a string of failed relationships, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I spent so much time blaming, justifying, and…
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Class, Character, and Charisma Count!
Class, Character, and Charisma Count!
Hey Queens! Have you ever run into someone who was just plain rude? The first thing you think is …OMG they have no class. You do everything that you can to get away from them as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, some of the everyday habits that we all have are just as classless and rude. Fear not, you are not alone Queens. There are times when I find myself not behaving as ladylike and Queenly as I…
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