curhatan-ayumu · 3 months
NEON Carnival Q&A Pamphlet Translation
disclaimer: apparently Taiwanese Mandarin is different from what I speak, so some of these may need to be taken with a grain of salt! my credentials are that my native language is Cantonese and I know - but am rusty on - Mainland Mandarin.
Q: Do the characters have set dick sizes? A: The team has a "super⭐secret measure", every time they draw the characters they'll reference it.
Q: Between Quincy and Olivine, who has the bigger breasts? A: The team fought over this and couldn't decide, so there's no answer.
Q: I want to know the ages of the long lived ones, the yokai, and the familiars! Who's the oldest? A: From oldest to youngest are: Kuya > Quincy > Rei > Aster > Morvay > Yakumo > Garu. The specifics of their ages will be revealed in the game.
Q: Who's older between Father and Topper? A: Father is older than Topper!
Q: The game has a lot of retro stuff, super curious about the producer's age! A: Retro has nothing to do with the producer's age!!!
Q: How are the kinks of each room thought up? A: The devs think of them in the small dark room, the artbook sketches include clues. [t/n: I consulted two other Chinese speakers and I'm still not really sure what the answer actually means, so this is a best guess translation.]
Q: What's inside the small dark room? A: Tired and busy devs......
Q: When designing event outfits, how do you decide where to open holes? A: Different people will think of the parts they want to highlight, later on we'll also test different levels of nakedness. (it's not like we haven't thought of throwing darts to decide) [t/n: little unsure about this one too. it's possible it means they think of which part of the characters they want to highlight, but they used 眷屬 rather than 角色.] EDIT: @milkeumilkeou has informed me that in the specific context of nuca, 眷屬 means clan members. that's what I get for not playing the game in Chinese... in this case, the better translation is: A: Depending on the clan member the devs will open the holes at the places they want to highlight, later on they'll also test different levels of nakedness. (it's not like they haven't thought of throwing darts to decide)
Q: How were the voice actors chosen? A: The producer chose them according to the characters' personalities and the desired voice. Many thanks to the voice actors!
Q: How far in advance do future events begin production? A: Usually the topic is decided on about 4 - 6 months in advance, and then production begins.
Q: I want to know which character the devs think would be the best coworker! A: Everyone agrees the best coworkers would be Eiden, Edmond and Olivine; Dante's work ability is also very strong, but he's more like a head that scares people. [t/n: 'head' may also translate to director or manager.]
Q: Do the characters have body hair? A: The devs actually really wanted to draw it, but considered various realistic reasons, so the players can't see body hair, but you're free to imagine it! (let Quincy have some stubble... how would that be?) [t/n: I would guess that the 'realistic reasons' they considered are probably that BL typically doesn't feature body hair, so it might've made the game less marketable.]
Q: Who has the most sexual experience? A: Morvay! (super fast answer) [t/n: the question is literally "who has the most experience♂️?" lol]
Q: Does the Klein Continent have a habit of wearing underwear? A: Klein has underwear. Just like hats, gloves, and scarves, when considering factors like decoration and functionality, to wear or not to wear underwear, and what type of underwear to wear, all depend on each person's preferences.
Q: Is Eiden's light brown hair dyed? A: Yes, and he'll regularly re-dye it.
Q: Does Eiden prefer briefs or boxers? A: It's okay as long as it's snug and covers him, and he has some special styles.
Q: I want to know how Eiden gets to work! A: Eiden rides a motorcycle, and on rainy days he'll switch to public transportation.
Q: What opportunity led to Eiden's interest in design? Did his designing always have to do with sex toys? A: Eiden has had artistic talent from a young age, and hoped to turn his passion into a job. His first job was being a sex toy designer at Peak of Pleasure, and this job happened to combine his two interests of design and sex. Aside from the overtime, for Eiden, this was an ideal job. [t/n: in case you don't remember, Peak of Pleasure is the name of Eiden's old workplace as mentioned in Journey to a NU World.]
Q: I want to know Eiden's relationship history! Did he have boyfriends before? A: Eiden knew he liked men from a young age. When he was fifteen he had a bitter first love, and afterwards his partners were all short term. Towards relationships he carries a generous attitude of easy-come-easy-go, and thinks that being happy in the moment is more important.
Q: Does Topper have others of his kind? A: He used to, but when he met Quincy, among those of his kind only Topper was left. [t/n: 手足 may also translate to 'siblings' or 'close friends', as opposed to 'others of his kind'.]
Q: Who makes Topper's outfits? A: Sometimes they're prepared by Quincy, sometimes they're made by Eiden.
Q: Does the food Topper hide in Quincy's hair affect Quincy washing his hair? A: No, Quincy will wash his hair when it needs to be washed. But not long after Quincy washes his hair, the food stores in his hair will be quickly refilled by Topper.
Q: I want to know Topper and Father's weights! A: Little animals' weights will fluctuate, but there's no direct link to fur amount. Topper weighs about a third of a pampo, Father only weighs about half a music box. [t/n: pampo as in the pumpkins from Eerie Escapade.]
Q: What's Yakumo's signature dish? A: He's good at everything, especially savory food. Because of his grandparents' influence he rarely eats sweets, and he can't quite grasp the seasoning amount, but after meeting Eiden he's begun to research sweets recipes.
Q: How is Edmond's knights' uniform worn? A: The uniform has a top piece and a bottom piece, the jumpsuit has a zipper on the back for convenience.
Q: If Edmond came to Taiwan, how sweet would he order his boba tea? A: After ordering full sweetness, Edmond would feel that it could be twice as sweet.
Q: How many nipple chains does Olivine have? A: Olivine makes all of his own nipple chains. He'll change them based on style and mood. The number continues to increase.
Q: Will Quincy help brush Topper's fur? A: Quincy will sometimes help brush Topper, but most of the time Topper will groom himself.
Q: Quincy, Olivine, and Kuya, who would win an arm wrestling match? A: Olivine would win, because Quincy wouldn't take it seriously and Kuya wouldn't compete.
Q: Please reveal Kuya's real height! A: It's 178cm ^^.
Q: I want to know Kuya's experiences before and after becoming a yokai! A: Kuya's journey of becoming a yokai will be revealed in future scenes. What can be revealed now is that, after Kuya became a yokai, he was a lawbreaker for some time...
Q: When Kuya addresses Quincy, why did it change from "boring associate" to "old friend"? A: When Kuya says "old friend" he doesn't mean true friends, he just likes addressing people in ways that make them uncomfortable, like "Master Rei". [t/n: Kuya probably didn't call Quincy "boring associate", but I have no idea where to begin looking for what he actually called Quincy.] EDIT: Kuya used to call Quincy "boring clan member" rather than "boring associate". credit to @milkeumilkeou once again!
Q: Does Garu sleep nude? A: He doesn't like pajamas that are restrictive or impede movement, but if it's cold Eiden will wrap him up in clothes or a blanket!
Q: When Dante first adopted Sooley, how did they get along? A: At first Dante got bitten terribly, because he tried to train Sooley to do various tricks. As they spent more time together, the two eventually developed some mutual understanding of wildness.
Q: Can Dante swim? A: Dante thinks that with something as small as swimming, you just need to learn! [t/n: Dante dodges the question here and neither confirms nor denies whether he can swim, just says that anyone can learn. knowing how he is, he's probably being ambiguous because he doesn't want to admit he can't.]
Q: How many darlings has Blade made? A: Because Blade's favorite is cute things, it's infinitely increasing...... [t/n: 'darlings' as in the goofy little statue guys]
Q: Has Rei always been in the Water Territory? Has he moved before? A: Rei doesn't have a fixed home, he moves regularly. The room in the Water Territory is just one of his hiding places, it used to be an abandoned house.
Q: Does Rei eat when he's experimenting? A: He'll eat if he remembers, if Father's there he'll also remind Rei.
Q: If Fluff Balls think Fluff Balls are cute, will they eat their own kind? A: They won't eat each other. If there aren't cute things around, the Fluff Balls will journey in search of them. [t/n: since when was eating cute things part of Fluff Ball lore...?]
Q: Where is everyone's erogenous zones? A: Aside from the gemstones, everyone's erogenous zones are as follows: Eiden: lower abdomen Yakumo: tongue Edmond: nipples Olivine: entire chest Quincy: dick, palms Kuya: ears Garu: tail Blade: darling♡ Dante: tattoos, especially the Adam's apple and fingers [t/n: might be throat instead of specifically Adam's apple] Rei: moles
Q: I want to know where everyone starts washing when they shower! A: Hair: Eiden, Yakumo, Edmond, Olivine, Topper (the fur on top of his head) Face: Dante, Sooley Upper body: Quincy, Father (chest feathers) Lower body: Garu (tail first), Morvay (also tail first♂️) Anywhere's fine: Rei, Blade (e-droids' bodies will automatically maintain cleanliness) Kuya: nobody knows where he washes first, but it's said he showers every day Aster: likes to bathe
Q: When drawing characters, are there emphasized specialties? A: Eiden: dick size, the balance of everything Yakumo: height, his slender body, the size of his feet as proportional to his height, finger length Edmond: waist to hip ratio, thighs Olivine: chest, eyes Quincy: arms, shoulders, pecs, Topper Kuya: face, palms Garu: his face/cheeks shape, his round butt Blade: eyes, balanced model-like body, his cheeks when he smiles Dante: perfectly triangular upper body Rei: the firm lines of his body Aster: brattiness and cuteness Morvay: muscular but not too buff
Q: In Aster's mansion, does everyone have their favorite locations? A: Eiden: his own study (he designs a lot of things here) Yakumo: kitchen (cooking) Garu: kitchen (stealing Yakumo's cooking) Edmond: garden (frequently has afternoon tea here) Olivine: library Blade: library Quincy: quiet places where he can sleep Kuya: next to the fireplace Dante: living room Rei: places to put collectables Aster: personal money vault Morvay: likes being outside, doesn't like staying home
Q: Do the characters have personal clothes? A: Eiden: in his rebellious phase he liked dressing up, now he prefers simple, comfortable clothes. He has a changing room at Aster's house, and every event he'll absorb the local trends and design outfits that fit Klein aesthetics and seasons. Yakumo: aside from traditional snake yokai attire, Yakumo's clothes are almost entirely bought by his grandparents. Edmond: because he's nobility, he has a lot of clothes. Olivine: because he dedicated his life to the priesthood, Olivine doesn't have many personal clothes. Quincy: he has few clothes. Most of them are made by him, so they're rare. Kuya: he likes trendy and new stuff, so he has a lot of accessories. Garu: it was only after he started living with Aster that he started getting more clothes (Aster and Eiden buy a lot of clothes for him). Blade: he'll wear whatever people give him, and he looks good in everything. Dante: he doesn't like wasting money, but as the Sun Lord, he has special outfits for important occasions. Rei: it's fine as long as it's wearable, he prioritizes ease of movement. Aster: prefers pretty, fancy designs, and especially likes clothes with cute accessories. Morvay: likes practical (easy to take off) clothes.
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curhatan-ayumu · 2 years
[Kanji & Romaji Lyrics] NU: Carnival Tidal Wave of Summer - Summer Dream
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***** If you find any mistakes, please tell me and I will edit the lyrics. Thank you!
Feel free to share the lyrics ^^ *****
Music Video
Kanji lyrics :
Summer dream 声が Oh darling, I’m missing you You’re my precious one
思い出すあの夏 キミの手を引いて 駆け出した恋は いつまでも僕の中に
離れてしまえば 消えていくのかな? 輝く笑顔は 色褪せないまま
遥かな地平線 目を細めてみれば いつかの陽炎 あのね?キミが好きだよ ずっと
Summer dream 奏でて声が枯れるまで キミに届くように 青空を超えて
虹が消えても 夏が過ぎても I’ll be with you 想い続けるキミを Forever love for you
煌めく波間に 映る蜃気楼 振り返ればほら 瞳が眩しい
このまま二人で 誰も知らない場所へ 胸に秘めたまま あのね?キミが好きだよ ずっと
Summer dream 奏でて声が枯れるまで キミに届くように 青空を超えて
虹が消えても 夏が過ぎても I’ll be with you 想い続けるキミを Forever love for you
重ねていく年月も 君の面影 色褪せることなく
Summer dream このまま 目覚めなくていい キミに触れられる距離で 時を止めて
Summer dream 奏でて声が枯れるまで キミに届くように 青空を超えて 
虹が消えても 夏が過ぎても I’ll be with you 想い続けるキミを Forever love for you 
Summer dream Oh darling, I’m missing you You’re my precious one
Romaji lyrics :
Summer dream Koe ga Oh darling, I’m missing you You’re my precious one
Omoidasu ano natsu Kimi no te o hiite Kakedashita koi wa Itsumade mo boku no naka ni
Hanarete shimaeba Kieteiku no ka na? Kagayaku egao wa Iroasenai mama
Harukana chiheisen Me o hosomete mireba Itsuka no kagerou Ano ne? Kimi ga suki da yo Zutto
Summer dream Kanadete koe ga kareru made Kimi ni todoku you ni Aozora o koete
Niji ga kiete mo Natsu ga sugite mo I’ll be with you Omoi tsudzukeru kimi o Forever love for you
Kirameku namima ni Utsuru shinkirou Furikaereba hora Hitomi ga mabushii
Kono mama futari de Daremo shiranai basho e Mune ni himeta mama Ano ne? Kimi ga suki da yo Zutto
Summer dream Kanadete koe ga kareru made Kimi ni todoku you ni Aozora o koete 
Niji ga kiete mo Natsu ga sugite mo I’ll be with you Omoi tsudzukeru kimi o Forever love for you
Kasaneteiku toshitsuki mo Kimi no omokage Iroaseru koto naku
Summer dream Kono mama Mezamenakute ii Kimi ni furerareru kyori de Toki o tomete
Summer dream Kanadete koe ga kareru made Kimi ni todoku you ni Aozora o koete 
Niji ga kiete mo Natsu ga sugite mo I’ll be with you Omoi tsudzukeru kimi o Forever love for you
Summer dream Oh darling, I’m missing you You’re my precious one
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curhatan-ayumu · 3 years
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curhatan-ayumu · 4 years
[Kanji & Romaji Lyrics] センチミリメンタル 「僕らだけの主題歌」 || Centimillimental -  Bokura dake no Shudaika
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***** If you find any mistakes, please tell me and I will edit the lyrics. Thank you!
Feel free to share the lyrics ^^ *****
Lyrics source
Kanji lyrics :
春を待つ僕らの青い痛みを 愛や夢でごちゃ混ぜにして走った
ぼやけていくのに消えはしないような じゃれ合いの中でついた傷を 重ねた場所とは違う所から 歩き出すから 泣きじゃくった日々を背に
僕は行くよ ねえ見ててよ 可笑しくて笑った すれ違い怒った あなたとの夢を叶えてくるよ 悲しいときすごく辛いとき 思い出す記憶を過ごした時間を この心の背もたれにして
今度後ろを振り向くときは 手でも振って笑いあえたらいいな
森の奥深く迷い込んでても 差し込む朝日に夜明けを知る たとえ見えなくても 過去未来今が手を繋いで 次の夜を照らしてる
ここにいるよ そばに来てよ 置き去りの願いもまだ残してるんだ 何食わぬ顔で生きていても 会いたいとき抱きしめたいとき 思い出す記憶を過ごした時間を 見えぬ未来の灯りにして
もう消えたい逃げたいと 叫んだ絶望の中を 出会いも奇跡さえも恨んだ 最低なあの日を 無かった事には出来ないのだから それでも生きて良かったって せめて最後に思えますように
僕は行くよ ねえ見ててよ あなたより大事なもの探してくるよ 何よりも大事なあなたのために 会いたいとき抱きしめたいとき 思い出す記憶を過ごした時間を この心の背もたれにして
何回も歌うよ大事な思いを 僕らだけの主題歌にして
Romaji lyrics :
Mou modorenai ne
Haru o matsu bokura no aoi itami o Ai ya yume de gocha maze ni shite hashitta
Boyakete iku no ni kie wa shinai you na Jare ai no naka de tsuita kizu o Kasaneta basho to wa chigau tokoro kara Arukidasukara nakijakutta hibi o se ni
Boku wa iku yo Nee mitete yo Okashikute waratta Surechigai okotta Anata to no yume o kanaete kuru yo Kanashii toki sugoku tsurai toki Omoidasu kioku o sugoshita jikan o Kono kokoro no semotare ni shite
Kondo ushiro o furimuku toki wa Te demo futte warai aetara ii na
Mori no okufukaku mayoikondete mo Sashikomu asahi ni yoake o shiru Tatoe mienakute mo Kako mirai ima ga te o tsunaide Tsugi no yoru o terashiteru
Koko ni iru yo Soba ni kite yo Okizari no negai mo mada nokoshiterunda Nani kuwanu kao de ikiteite mo Aitai toki dakishimetai toki Omoidasu kioku o sugoshita jikan o Mienu mirai no akari ni shite
Mou kietai nigetai to Sakenda zetsubou no naka o Deai mo kiseki sae mo uranda Saiteina ano hi o Nakatta koto ni wa dekinai no dakara Soredemo ikite yokattatte Semete saigo ni omoemasu you ni
Mou modorenai ne
Boku wa iku yo Nee mitete yo Anata yori daijina mono sagashitekuru yo Nani yori mo daijina anata no tame ni Aitai toki dakishimetai toki Omoidasu kioku o sugoshita jikan o Kono kokoro no semotare ni shite
Nankai mo utau yo daijina omoi o Bokura dake no shudaika ni shite
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curhatan-ayumu · 4 years
[Romaji Lyrics]  森羅万象 「キラメキ居残り大戦争」|| Shinra-Bansho - Kirameki Inokori Daisensou
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Vo. :
>> Ayaponzu* as Sports-chan (bold) >> Ayo as Culture-chan (italic)
>> Both (normal)
***** If you find any mistakes, please tell me and I will edit the lyrics. Thank you!
Feel free to share the lyrics. I would be very grateful if you put my tumblr link as a source ^^ *****
Undou, bunka dochira ga OH! YEAH! Zettai ouja seikai…!
Sou yo kyou mo giragira tonde kirakira Kitto nante fantasutikku Netami sonami sura zenbu Kirameki inokori daisensou
Suu-ichi suu-A zenmetsu! Kagaku ni-juu ten! Butsuri wa juu ten! … Darui Bukatsu ni karaoke ikitai Kedo hoshuu desu… Nani yo jiizasu!
Zenzen nanmo wakannai yo? Jugyou no naiyou hainnai yo? (Kara kara kara) Doushiyou… Somosomo benkyou nante mono ikiteku uede wa tsukawanai! (Muda! Muda! Muda…!)
Kyou mo taiki ken takami kara nijimu gesensa Otoko wo haberasete Yametette hontou wa shitanai… Ha? Nani sore? Daikirai
Daiboppatsu giragira tonde kirakira Kitto nante fantasutikku (houkago) Kyou mo kimi ni mugamuchuu Aa iraira suru nan de!
Mesen bachibachi (bachibachi) Omeme pachipachi (pachipachi) Kyou mo mauntingu (mauntingu) korizu ni Kimi no ara wo sagashi tsudzukeru no Chururirura! Ah
Kyou mo kyou tote dokusho ni romansu Kiyoku tadashiku majimena sutansu Nee dokoka no shiranai anata e to 
Dounimo naranai kyou dakara Hora mukae ni kite yo ouji-sama Aa maji fucking! Hedo deru gaddemu! Ohanabatake One. Two. Three!
Yamato nadeshiko? Yoku iu jan? Kyoushi ni gomasuri Put your hands up! Sumashi gao shite otoko suki! Kekkyoku sou desho? Zettai shojo da wa damare
Daigekisen bokoboko ura de pikopiko Taimurain jouhou sensou (houkago) Kyou mo kimi ni mugamuchuu Ura aka de forou shiteru
Atama gachigachi (kurukuru) atama gachigachi (kurukuru) Kyou mo mauntingu (mauntingu) korizu ni Hakunetsu suru inokori daisensou
Undou, bunka dochira ga OH! YEAH! Saikyouna no ka zettai kimero! Undou shinkei zunou ni hora Choujou kessen No No No No!
Agete mo sagete mo wakaranai Nete mo samete demo wakaranai
Hantei kekka nante Docchi dattatte ii janai? janai? Hora ne hora ne Anata anata watashi
Hontou wa kimi ni hontou wa kimi ni  Akogareteitanda Monogoto wo minuku me ni O shitoyaka sade mo
Sou yo watashi mo anata no you ni  Akaruku naretanara Nante ne naimonedari sa
Nou tenki guruguru atama gachigachi Docchi datte fantasutikku de (Shoujiki) Hontou ni daikirai Doushiyou monai jibun ga
Kimi ni naritai (naritai) kimi ni naritai (naritai) Kimi ni naritai dake nanda yo (naritainda) Hinnoyoi oshitoyakasa ni Sokonuke ni jiyuuna anata ni
Kekkyoku wa dochira ga kachina no? Enchousen
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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thus he earned his famous title ‘Merlin the dickwizard’ but funniest part is that this is actually canon lol
credits to OtakuDaiKun for the dialogues
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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kotegiri gou for anon~
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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mutsunokami for @alineazure ~
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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“wtf? is that me on your dakimakura?”
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
AAAAA Thank you so much ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
They’re cute!! 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。  ♡
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licorice & ater for @curhatan-ayumu ~
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
[Lyrics] ヒプノシスマイク Division All Stars「ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-+」|| Hypnosis Mic Division All Stars - Division Rap Battle +
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This is Division Rap Battle+ lyrics, with Bad Ass Temple and Dotsuitare Honpo, our new divisions! o/
***** If you find any mistakes, please tell me and I will edit the lyrics. Thank you! 
Feel free to share the lyrics. I would be very grateful if you put my tumblr link as a source ^^ *****
Senshusensei banshi issei Kesshite yuruganu muteki no buraikan Kotoba wa ima ya mashingan Mata wa mirai michibiku rashinban, Ah
Sanmiittai, It’s show time Rekishi ni kizamu orera no sutairu Senshi samayou idenshi no utsuwa Honnou ga mama ni tsuranukeze say what?
1, 2, 3, Ikebukuro division Represent Ikebukuro Homies we are Buster Bros!!! Socchi no choushi wa dou dai? Welcome to the division
1, 2, 3, Ikebukuro Division Represent Ikebukuro Homies we are Buster Bros!!! Bukuro saikyou no sankyoudai Welcome to the division
Welcome to my Division Ichiro, Ikebukuro daihyou Makuro kara maikuro Seimitsu dousa de kaiketsu suru Geek na Style Attouteki sore jitai ga shin jidai no Crime
Ataeyo anima Sore dake ga karuma Chuucho wa kaimuda Raimu dake ga Life Line Nijigen demo sanjigen demo ore wa ore dakara Kimetsukeru yatsura wa ototoikoi
Oh, my name is Jiro, you know ma steelo Ore no bero miro ore wa mikeranjero Ichirou no torusō o toresu shita jinan bou Tsumari saikyou no idenshi keishou shita raimu
Saburou sanjou inginburei de bureiki ga nai no wa chottoshita Subrosa Sono Pose ga ki ni kuwanē nara boku to shoubuda Omae wa mou taikan sokudo ga joushou shi Kabe ni merikomu kakugo gurai wa shite arundarou na?
1, 2, 3,  Yokohama Division Represent Yokohama Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW Hama no shinyaa no kaacheisu
1, 2, 3, Yokohama Division Represent Yokohama Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW Hamakaze ni mo sabinu sukiru Welcome to the division
Ore wa Samatoki-sama da kisama wa dareda Yokū fumi nareta yokuare tsurada na Yokubari san ga jingi yabureba Shinji gatai yona me ni ai kono arisama sa
Mesamase (Say what?) Ninkyou mo mappo mo Freaky na Navy mo Shiteigai Boast dan Hipunoshisumaikurofon Tsukatte kisama no ikinone tomaru made raimu shiyou
Hai stop stop stop! Inpei kousaku mo raku jinaishi Issen o koetara ore mo damattenaishi Ketsumochi wa kokkadakara marude omae ni kachime wa naishi Mā mā tachibatte mon ga wakareba yoroshī
Mazu wa keirei karee wa Friday Shoukan ni toccha mainichi ga survival Zen seibutsu ni kangeki kansha Kyou no guzai wa anata de kimarimashita
Tsū ni kecchaku dekē monchaku Unaru ore no hipunoshisumaiku Seishin chokketsu kasutamaizu Omae no shinapsu kogasu kotodama
Sanmiittai, It’s show time Rekishi ni kizamu orera no sutairu Senshi samayou idenshi no utsuwa Honnou ga mama ni tsuranukeze say what?
1, 2, 3, Shibuya Division Represent Shibuya Homies we are Fling Posse Machi o irodoru sangenshoku Welcome to the division
1, 2, 3, Shibuya Division Represent Shibuya Homies we are Fling Posse Deta toko shoubu de shiyou Welcome to the division
Minna no aidoru Ramuda no banda Kou miete mo mou seijin danshi sa Kimi no namida mou mitakunai na Egao to negao ga kawaīkara sa
Kihon karafuru dekotta GAL fuku Mōdo ni pankusu Amerikan kajuaru Irotoridori no onee-san-tachi yo Boku no koto de kenka yametehoshī na?
Kankanbou kaburi kangu shoubun? Shingi chinki ni tatazumi kyoujun Jingen banji saiougauma Saigo ni wa bungei no sainou ga saikou no raimā
Mā mā shite ya koitsu wa sou oubakuchi Kan hiyashi kirinukerya chou ricchi Dairokkan ni nokkatte Dokka nokke kara name pu no jōkā
1, 2, 3, Shinjuku Division Represent Shinjuku Homies we are Matenrou Yameru machi Shinjuku daihyou Welcome to the division
1, 2, 3, Shinjuku Division Represent Shinjuku Homies we are Matenrou Neon giratsuku huyajou Welcome to the division
Shitto junbi OK (OK!) Namidame no kuranke (onegaishimasu) Subete makasetereba itami nado wa kanjinaidesu (itakunai)
Muge ni somukeba hakaana no naka Naishikyou tooshi anata no naka Mou harano naka o mitoushidaga mada aragau no wa orokana Mother Fucker
Goshimei arigatou gozaimasu kōru hairimasu Maigo no koneko ni (Love me do!) Hai kyou wa (Fooo!!) Anata ni (Fooo!!) Todokeru (Fooo!!) Mahou no (Fooo!!) Kirameku yozora to (Shanpantawaa)
Haa~~~ Shindoi Mamou suru seishin to tsurushi no sūtsu Tsuukin kaisoku tte moshikashite “Tomaranai no ka yo!” Igan taishoku imaya shakai no boukan-sha ”Kireru chuunen” no mi dashi ni nattaro kai
Senshusensei banshi issei Kesshite yuruganu muteki no buraikan Kotoba wa ima ya mashingan Mata wa mirai michibiku rashinban, Ah
Sanmiittai, It’s show time Rekishi ni kizamu orera no sutairu Senshi samayou idenshi no utsuwa Honnou ga mama ni tsuranukeze say what?
1, 2, 3, Nagoya Division Represent Nagoya Homies we are Bad Ass Temple Suttoba su ze namagusa seppō
1, 2, 3, Nagoya Division Represent Nagoya Homies we are Bad Ass Temple Hanatsu gengo wa baka fukenkō Welcome to the division
Reincarnation inga wa sesshō chikushōdomo no Jam Session Gakikai kara no zakodomo ni seppō Koccha bishamontenda mon de ki o mondemasu nē
Yuigadokuson tenjōtenge Nandakanda de Bang it, Bang it out nante kankeinai Itabutte suteru Buddhist wa Vandalist London Calling mitaku shakadō ni kōrin
Darkness obore obiete Mugen kairō de Towa ni samayoi kogareru Seirēn no ushinawa reshi setsuna
Kuso mazui kōhī wa maji-nashi Senmon bun'ya jiko bengo mendō mengo Sō nando mo tanoma recha yowai yo Bingo Tada kusa ni yoroke oru tawake bakka Take back
1, 2, 3 Osaka Division Represent Osaka Homies we are Dotsuitare Honpo Meccha eregarentona kuchihacchō
1, 2, 3, Osaka Division Represent Osaka Homies we are Dotsuitare Honpo Honpō hatsu kōkai Welcome to the division Do naiya nen omorō nai nōnai mo In mo kata sugi puraido taka sugi Marude tsunken shita tsūtenkaku Tsūkaten kakusho de tachidomattetara tenpo warui Massakasama rakudai-ten made
Owarai tōnamentoshō wa sō name sūtsu wa ōdāmeido De momo no taran yōna me tappā de mochikaeru Dosakusa ni kyabia foagura gu takusanna bokyabura Akan de honma yame sasete morau wa Guramu hakariuri karikyuramu bakarida yo Shidoromodoro no shidō yōryō nante kusodarou yo Kōnai bōryoku damn shit Hōmurūmu de hōmuru kabita kyomu shugi o Umi ni sennen yama ni sennen Sunda hebi wa ryū ni kawaru Yūwa o toku You wa o toku Jōhō ni yū ni ononoku
Soku keiyaku shikashi Sore wa subete mokkuappu Mokka mōke wa futokoro ni gorogoro to koroge komu
Senshusensei banshi issei Kesshite yuruganu muteki no buraikan Kotoba wa ima ya mashingan Mata wa mirai michibiku rashinban, Ah
Sanmiittai, It’s show time Rekishi ni kizamu orera no sutairu Senshi samayou idenshi no utsuwa Honnou ga mama ni tsuranukeze say what?
Tsū ni kecchaku dekē monchaku Unaru ore no hipunoshisumaiku Seishin chokketsu kasutamaizu Omae no shinapsu kogasu kotodama
Sanmiittai, It’s show time Rekishi ni kizamu orera no sutairu Senshi samayou idenshi no utsuwa Honnou ga mama ni tsuranukeze say what?
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
[Romaji Lyrics] Centimillimental (センチミリメンタル) - Kizuato (キヅアト) || Given Anime Opening
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***** This is my first time to write a romaji lyrics of a song. If there’s any mistakes, please tell me and I will edit the lyrics. Thank you!
Feel free to share the lyrics. I would be very grateful if you put my tumblr link as a source ^^ *****
Kimi ga oitetta mono bakka ga Boku no subete ni natta no
Kokoro ni sasatta mama no kizu o Tazusaete hibi wa tsudzuiteiku Muri ni nukitoreba tomedonaikara Kitto kono mama de ī
Ame hare kumori Shunkashūtō 365-nichi Dore mo kimi ga yadoru
Fukaku egutte sono tsuide ni Isso kioku o ubatte yo Todokanai koe bakkari ga Mata boku o shimetsukerunda yo
Fukaku sagutte nē Boku no naka no itami mo mite yo Kimi ga oitetta mono bakka ga Boku no subete ni natta no
Kizuna ya kibō wa mabushi sugite Umaku me o aketerarenakute mo Katappoya usume demo īkara sa Chanto torae tenakucha
Ame hare kumori Shunkashūtō 365-nichi Dore mo kimi ga nokoru
Yume de aitakute imi nai yo Kimi wa koko ni inai no Nando mo kurikaeshi miru Mata ano hi no omokage o
Zutto aitakute Kidzukanu yō ni kokoro koroshiteru no Kimi ga oitetta mono bakka nanda yo Ima demo itsu made mo
Kikoeteru mada riaruna Kimi no kokyū o kawari ni ninatteiku Kitto sōshiteiku Zutto sōshiteiku
Kikoeteru mada riaruna Kimi no shinzō o kawari ni shotteiku Kimi ga boku ni naru Boku ga kimi ni naru
Ame hare kumori Shūnkashūto 365-nichi Ame hare kumori Shūnkashūto 365-nichi Dore mo kimi o omou
Fukaku egutte sono tsuide ni Isso subete ubatte yo Tte nageita ano yoru no negai o Sotto tojikome tokukara
Fukaku mogutte Sono oku ni nemuru kimi o mamoru yo Kimi ga oitetta mono bakka ga Boku no subete ni natta no
Kimi ga oitetta mono bakka ga Boku no inochi ni natta no
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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Given op. [13]
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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Given op. [12]
39 notes · View notes
curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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Given op. [11]
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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Given op. [10]
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curhatan-ayumu · 5 years
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Given op. [9]
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