cumbertunita · 6 months
Cinnamon skin (Part 2)
Tenoch Huerta x reader
Warnings: +18
Note: original English translation of “Piel Canela (Parte 2)”
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The Uber left us in front of the entrance of the building where I live, I opened the front door and we proceeded to enter. We waited for the elevator and as we entered it, Tenoch kissed me passionately, sticking his tongue in my mouth and making me moan. He took one of my legs and raised it to the height of his hip and began to rub his cock against my sensitive area.
"I want you, T/N" he said as he broke off the kiss for lack of oxygen "I'd like to make you mine right here".
"Patience, Mr. Huerta" I said between sighs.
The elevator doors opened and we walked to the door of my flat. Tenoch grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him, biting and kissing my neck while I tried to get the keys and open the door.
“Open the door...or I'll undress you here and fuck you in the hallway."
"Then let me...ahh" his continuous rubbing of his cock was turning me on more and more "L-let me open".
"Ok..." he said as he cupped my breasts stimulating my nipples "Open the door" he ordered.
As best I could I slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. Tenoch closed it behind us, put the lock on the door, and then he moved in on my lips, making the kiss even more intense.
He laid me back on the couch without stopping kissing me, started unbuttoning my trousers and slipped his hand into my panties so slowly it was torturous until he reached my clit.
"Please..." I said almost losing my mind.
"Are you begging?" he said, smiling and staring at me with his lust-filled gaze. His hand was simply hovering over my sensitive area...killing me with longing for him to touch me at his whim.
"I want you to touch me..."
"Easy, sweetheart. I've waited so long for this...I want to enjoy every part of you."
He then pulled his hand out, slowly pulled my trousers down as well as my panties. He left wet kisses all over my legs from my ankles to my thighs, where he left little bites that made me sigh shamelessly.
Dangerously close to my sensitive area but he only passed his lips almost brushing and his breath touching my clitoris...well he knows what he is provoking me, the way he is torturing me, he knows I need him and I want to feel him inside me. I'm still dying to kiss and caress every part of that cinnamon skin that has become master of my lowest passions.
He continued with his wet kisses and bites on my belly, abdomen until he reached my breasts where he took his time to remove my bra, kissing, sucking and grabbing them as he pleased.
"You are so beautiful" he said moving up to my neck to kiss it and back to my lips. It was my turn to take control of the situation.
Without stopping kissing him, I slowly straightened up until we were sitting up. I took his shirt and started to lift it up little by little making him sigh until I took it off completely, throwing it across the room.
I kissed him again and slowly moved my hands down his torso until I reached his trousers button, slowly pulling it down and unbuttoning the button.
"Ahh cutie...you make me so horny."
"I'm taking revenge for the torture I've gone through for a while".
I slipped my hand down his trousers to stroke his member over his underwear.
"Someone's ready to play."
"No, he's ready to be yours" I looked at him perplexed admiring every part of his face, his love-struck sheepish eyes captivating me more and more melting me inside.
"Just like me"
I stood up, took his hand and led him to my room where I kissed him again while caressing his member after removing his trousers and underwear. He didn't stay behind and slowly lowered one of his hands to my clitoris while with the other he squeezed my waist and pulled me towards him. This time...he did touch me and boy did he touch me.
First it was slow and provocative movements and little by little he increased the speed making me moan like I had never done before. I tried to keep up with him, I love the sweet sounds he gives me with the touch of my hand stimulating his member.
"I can't take it anymore, my dear" he said as he carried me and laid me down on the bed "you drive me crazy, you'll pay for that".
He moved vehemently down my body and finally brought his lips to my clitoris - God, I didn't know how well he could use that tongue! Instinctively I clutched my hands to the sheets and arched my back, moaning.
"Tenoch, I'm going to come..." I said, trying to hold on as long as possible.
"Oh no, you're not" he said attacking my lips with his mouth and seconds later he thrust his member inside me.
"You are so warm..." he said moaning as he got inside me.
"Don't stop...it feels so good."
"You're in charge, ma’am”
He started slow and then picked up the pace making our moans and grunts louder and we quieted them by kissing each other from time to time. He pulled out of me, turned me over so I was face down on the bed and kissed every inch of my back sending shivers down my spine.
He caressed my sensitive area with the tip of his dick.
"Tenoch, please, I beg you..."
"I love to see you aroused, I love everything about you" he then thrust hard and deep inside me, making me moan loudly "not so loud, baby...we might disturb the neighbours".
He leaned into my body and kissed me while he was making me his until together we came to orgasm.
I could feel his body giving off heat and sweat like mine. I had longed to be with him like this for a long time. He kissed me tenderly on the back, pulled out of me and lay down next to me trying to catch his breath as I did.
"Hehe...did I leave you exhausted?" He said with a tone of triumph
"Show-off" we were silent for a few seconds "Will you hug me?" I said stretching my arms towards him
"I thought you'd never ask me," he moved closer to me and settled my head on his chest.
"I wonder why we didn't dare to do this before..." I said, caressing his chest.
"I was afraid...I thought that because I was an actor, you would never take me seriously" I looked into his eyes and kissed him.
"I thought so too, but with this...what's in store for us?"
"Would you like to give it a try? I mean, this thing we just did turned out pretty good...and I've never felt with anyone what I've felt with you. I want you next to me and make you smile..." he moves closer to my ear "and moan...always".
"Of course I'd like to give it a try, with you I had a connection I've never had with anyone. If this goes VERY well...imagine what we could achieve together" We both smile at each other and hug "Stay and sleep with me tonight, just as we are".
"I'd be honoured" we kissed, pulled sheets and duvet, cuddled and slowly drifted off to sleep.
So sorry for the delay translating it!! Hope you like it 🥰
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cumbertunita · 7 months
Piel canela (Parte 2)
Tenoch Huerta x reader
Advertencias: +18
English translation: Cinnamon Skin (Part 2)
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El Uber nos dejó frente a la entrada del edificio donde vivo, abrí la puerta principal y procedimos a entrar. Esperamos el elevador y al entrar a este, Tenoch me besó con pasión metiendo su lengua en mi boca haciéndome gemir. Tomó una de mis piernas y la subió a la altura de su cadera y comenzó a rozar su miembro contra mi zona sensible.
“Te deseo, T/N” dijo al separar el beso por falta de oxígeno “quisiera hacerte mía aquí mismo”
“Paciencia, señor Huerta” dije entre suspiros.
Se abrieron las puertas del elevador y caminamos hacia la puerta de mi departamento. Tenoch me tomó de la cintura y me pegó hacía él para ir mordiendo y besando mi cuello mientras yo intentaba tomar las llaves y abrir la puerta.
“Abre la puerta…o te desnudaré aquí y lo haremos en el pasillo”
“Entonces déjame…ahh” su continuo roce de su miembro me estaba excitando cada vez más “d-déjame abrir”
“Ok…” dijo al momento de tomar mis pechos estimulando mis pezones “Abre la puerta” ordenó.
Como pude metí la llave en la cerradura y abrí la puerta. Tenoch la cerró detrás de nosotros, puso el seguro y se avalanzó sobre mis labios haciendo el beso aún más intenso.
Me recostó en el sillón sin dejar de besarme, comenzó a desabrochar mi pantalón y metió su mano en mis bragas de forma tan lenta que fue torturador hasta que llegó a mi clítoris.
“Por favor…” dije casi perdiendo la razón
“¿Estás rogando?” Dijo sonriendo y posándome su mirada llena de lujuria. Su mano simplemente estaba encima de mi zona sensible…matándome de ansias de que me toque a su antojo.
“Quiero que me toques…”
“Tranquila, linda. He esperado tanto tiempo para esto…quiero disfrutar cada parte de ti”
Acto seguido, sacó su mano, bajó mis pantalones poco a poco al igual que mis bragas. Dejó besos húmedos por todas mis piernas desde los tobillos hasta mis muslos, donde dejó pequeñas mordidas que me hacían suspirar sin vergüenza alguna.
Peligrosamente se acercaba a mi zona sensible pero sólo pasó sus labios casi rozando y su aliento tocando mi clítoris…bien que sabe lo que me provoca, la forma en que me está torturando, sabe que lo necesito y quiero sentirlo dentro de mi. Igual muero por besar y acariciar cada parte de esa piel canela que se ha vuelto dueña de mis más bajas pasiones.
Continuó con sus besos húmedos y mordidas en mi vientre, abdomen hasta que llegó a mis senos donde se tomó su tiempo para quitar mi brasier, besarlos, chuparlos y agarrarlos a su antojo.
“Eres muy hermosa” dijo subiendo hacia mi cuello para besarlo y volver a mis labios. Era mi turno de tomar el control de la situación.
Sin dejar de besarlo, fui enderezándome poco a poco hasta quedar sentados. Tomé su camisa y comencé a levantarla poco a poco haciéndolo suspirar hasta que se la quité por completo, lanzándola al otro lado de la sala.
Volví a besarlo y lentamente bajé mis manos por su torso hasta llegar al sierre de su pantalón, bajándolo lentamente y desabrochando el botón.
“Ahh linda…me pones tan caliente”
“Me estoy vengando de la tortura de hace rato”
Metí mi mano en su pantalón para acariciar su miembro por encima de su ropa interior.
“Alguien ya está listo para jugar”
“No, está listo para ser tuyo” lo miré perpleja admirando cada parte de su rostro, sus ojos de borreguito enamorado que me cautivan cada vez más me derretían por dentro.
“Al igual que yo”
Me levanté, le tomé la mano y lo guié hacia mi habitación donde volví a besarlo mientras acariciaba su miembro después de quitarle pantalón y ropa interior. Él no se quedó atrás y bajó lentamente una de sus manos hacia mi clítoris mientras que con la otra me apretaba de la cintura pegándome hacia él. Esta vez…sí me tocó y vaya que me tocó.
Primero fueron movimientos lentos y provocadores y poco a poco fue aumentando la velocidad haciéndome gemir como nunca lo había hecho. Yo traté de seguirle el ritmo, adoro los sonidos dulces que me regala con el tacto de mi mano estimulando su miembro.
“Ya no aguanto más, linda” dijo mientras me cargaba y me recostaba en la cama “me vuelves loco, pagarás por eso”.
Recorrió mi cuerpo con vehemencia y al fin acercó sus labios a mi clítoris. ¡Dios, no sabía lo bien que sabe usar esa lengua! Por instinto aferré mis manos a las sábanas y arqueaba mi espalda soltando gemidos.
“Tenoch, me voy a venir…” dije tratando de aguantar lo más posible.
“Oh no, no lo harás” dijo atacando mis labios con su boca y segundos después introdujo su miembro dentro de mi.
“Eres tan cálida…” dijo gimiendo al momento de entrar en mi.
“No pares…se siente muy bien”
“Tú mandas”
Comenzó lento y después fue aumentando el ritmo haciendo nuestros gemidos y gruñidos más sonoros y los acallábamos besándonos de vez en cuando. Salió de mi, me volteó para quedar boca abajo en la cama y besó cada centímetro de mi espalda provocándome escalofríos.
Acarició mi zona sensible con la punta de su miembro.
“Tenoch, por favor, te lo suplico…”
“Me encanta verte excitada, toda tú me encantas” acto seguido, dio una estocada fuerte y profunda en mi interior que me hizo soltar un fuerte gemido “no tan alto, linda…podemos molestar a los vecinos”
Se inclinó hacia mi cuerpo para besarme mientras me seguía invistiendo hasta que juntos llegamos al orgasmo.
Podía sentir que su cuerpo desprendía calor y sudor como el mío. Hacía tiempo que anhelaba estar así con él. Me dio un tierno beso en la espalda, salió de mi y se recostó a mi lado tratando de recuperar el aliento al igual que yo.
“Jeje…¿te dejé agotada?” Dijo con tono de triunfo
“Presumido” estuvimos en silencio unos segundos “¿me abrazas?” Dije estirando mis brazos hacia él
“Creí que nunca me lo pedirías” se acercó a mi y acomodó mi cabeza en su pecho.
“Me pregunto porqué no nos atrevimos a hacer esto antes…” dije acariciando su pecho
“Yo tenía miedo…creí que por ser actor, nunca me tomarías enserio” lo vi a los ojos y le di un beso
“También lo creí, pero con esto…¿qué nos espera?”
“¿Te gustaría intentarlo? Digo, esto que acabamos de hacer nos salió BASTANTE bien…y con nadie había sentido lo que he sentido contigo. Quiero tenerte a mi lado y hacerte sonreír…” se acerca a mi oído “y gemir…siempre”
“Claro que me gustaría intentarlo, contigo tuve una conexión que nunca he tenido con alguien. Si esto nos sale MUY bien…imagina lo que podríamos lograr juntos” Ambos nos sonreímos y nos abrazamos “Quédate a dormir esta noche a mi lado, así como estamos”
“Será un honor” nos besamos, jalamos sábanas y edredón, nos abrazamos y poco a poco nos fuimos quedando dormidos.
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cumbertunita · 7 months
Cinnamon skin
Tenoch Huerta x reader
Warnings: none, it’s fluff :) but part 2 maybe won’t be 🔥
Note: This is the official English translation of “Piel Canela”
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I have been with him since the beginning of this journey, since he accepted the role of Namor in the MCU for the Black Panther Wakanda Forever movie. I have worked with him intensively day and night to make sure everything went perfectly during filming and at the premiere. Yes, I am his English teacher.
Tenoch Huerta and I met during the filming of The Forever Purge. I was hired as a support interpreter for the actors and crew who didn't speak English well. Part of my job is to make a connection with the parties I will be serving, so I spent a lot of time being around the entire film crew to build trust. This often happened during the lunch hour.
Tenoch and I exchanged glances from time to time as the others chatted and laughed. Suddenly we would start our own conversation about films, poetry, racism and other cultural topics that he had mastered to perfection. The conversation was enriching and so entertaining that I didn't want it to end, the breaks were so short. At the end of the day, we always said goodbye with a kiss in our cheeks, and as time went by I was dying to stay by his side, that our conversations and exchange of glances would last forever, but he is an actor...he would never feel attracted to someone like me.
On the last day of filming we said goodbye like any other day, everyone praised me for my great work and that they hoped to see me soon.
"Well, then... today is the last day, right?" Tenoch said lowering his eyes as he put his hands in his trouser pockets, "will I see you again?"
"I have no idea, I hope so...when you make another movie in Hollywood."
"Because of my skin colour and my background you know they probably won't cast me in big roles..."
"Hey, you're the most hard working person I've ever met in my life. You'll see that someone will discover you soon and take you to Hollywood" I took a breath and got very nervous, but I couldn't help it, I reached out to him, took his face in my hands and he gave me a beautiful smile.
"heh...your hands are very soft...it feels very nice".
At that I heard a honk interrupting our moment, it was the film director offering to take us to our respective hotels. We both got into the car and first went to drop me off at my hotel. I said goodbye to him with great difficulty as I didn't want to leave him.
I returned to Mexico and continued my work as an interpreter and English teacher for several months until one day I received a call from an unknown number: it was him, how did he get my number?
"Hi, Y/N"
"Tenoch? How did you get my number?"
"A little birdie over there shared it with me" we both laughed "how are you?"
"Good, just finishing work here at a conference at the WTC."
"Can you have lunch with me?"
"Yeah, sure. Where are you?" I said as I walked towards the exit of one of the halls in the building.
"Behind you" I turned around and there was Tenoch in a tight t-shirt, jeans, dark glasses and a cap. He looked so good, that cinnamon skin awakened something in me that I didn't know.
We both couldn't hold our excitement and ran to hug each other tightly. I hadn't realised how much I missed him until that moment. We turned to look at each other and I could see a special glow behind those dark glasses and his sly smile.
"How did you find me?"
"Mmmm...Instagram" he said making a naughty boy face.
"So I have a stalker" I winked at him and we both laughed. One of his hands let go off my waist and he took off his glasses. His eyes studied every part of my face and without a second thought he presses his lips to mine. A kiss I've been waiting for since The Forever Purge...so much so that I couldn't help but respond with the same sweetness.
"Ever since The Foreve Purge I've wanted to do this” he said pulling away for lack of oxygen.
"Me too" I said trying to catch my breath, it was almost a whisper "and that lunch date is still on or do you intend for us to stay here cuddling?"
"I wouldn't mind...but we can go and eat some tacos nearby because I have great news for you".
We went out to eat those tacos he wanted so badly while he told me that Ryan Coogler contacted him to offer him the character of Namor in the Black Panther Wakanda Forever movie. Obviously it was already something I expected to happen because Tenoch is a super talented and hard working man, as well as an excellent human being, he deserves the best in the world.
We finished eating and decided to go for a walk in the surroundings to continue talking as we did during the filming of The Forever Purge. I missed the laughter and the debates that were generated around everything we read and thought about certain topics and of course, I missed his devotion to the eradication of racism in Mexico.
"And how are you doing with your English? I don't think everyone speaks Spanish".
"Don't make fun of me, my English is a bit chewed up but I can defend myself".
"aha..." I had an idea that will possibly have some consequences, but I didn't want to lose the opportunity to stay by his side "hey what if...what if I go with you like when The Forever Purge? I'll be your language assistant... we can discuss the details in my apartment... if you like".
"Are you making me an unseemly invitation?" he said mischievously.
"If I were..." I said as I slowly approached him "...I would do this" I put my arms around his neck and kissed him fervently. He responded to the kiss in kind and grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him.
His tongue demanded access to my mouth, which I granted, deepening the kiss. He began to caress my back and I tangled my hands in his hair.
"Let's go," I said as I pulled away from the kiss, took my mobile phone and requested an Uber.
Well, I think this English translation is good, isn’t it? Tell me what you think! Part 2?? 🔥 🔥
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cumbertunita · 7 months
The party
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Explicit smut (18+ Warning, Minors DNI)
A/N: You may recognise this as a prompt I did on my old account. I wasn't happy with the other one, so I have edited it and added a little more to it, so I hope you like this.
The prompt in question was: "Keep the noise down, baby. Someone's gonna walk in while I have my dick in you/you have your dick in me."
Summary: You are dragged to a party by one of your friends, and part of you wishes you never agreed to go until a certain stranger catches your eye.
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Sipping on your second drink of the evening, you sat at a table at the party you had planned on not attending. It was your friend who pleaded with you to come, and every time you refused, she kept asking and begging, until eventually, you gave in. Yet part of you wishes you had never bothered going, because your so-called friend had just abandoned you, going off with guys she had met at the event. 
Despite your plans to leave after finishing your drink, a certain person dressed up in an Armani suit caught your attention as you looked over at the bar, and it seemed as if he was interested in you as well, his gaze fixed on yours. The grey streaks in his hair indicated that he was older, but it made him look even more handsome. 
After thinking about it for a while, you decided to talk to him. Getting up from your chair, you walked over to the bar and stood next to this handsome stranger with your empty wine glass in hand. Before the barman could serve you, the handsome stranger spoke up, grabbing your attention. 
“Oh, allow me miss,” he said before clicking his fingers, filling up your wine glass. 
You were shocked by what you had just witnessed. “How did you do that?” you wondered, swooshing the glass around to check whether the liquid was real. 
After shrugging at you, he extended his hand, gesturing for a handshake. "I'm Stephen, by the way."
A smile appeared on your face before shaking hands with him. “I’m Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” he smiled back. 
"Same here."
After that, you spent most of your night drinking and talking to each other. However, as the night went on, both of you drank more, and soon you became too comfortable with one another. Whenever you laughed at something Stephen said, he would put his hand on your hip and gently squeeze your skin while you placed your hand on his chest.
“I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, Y/N,” Stephen said while setting his empty glass down on the bar. 
“Same here,” you replied, finishing your own drink.
Despite your desire to make a move, you were worried he'd reject you due to his age and your belief that you were not on his radar. Then again, you knew you'd probably never see him again, so you decided to just take the chance. You leaned forward, gently pressing your lips to his, kissing him. When Stephen didn't kiss you back though, you pulled away to quickly avoid the sheer embarrassment you felt. But he quickly pulled you back into the kiss, his lips colliding with yours.
You moaned into his mouth as he kissed you, his tongue slipping into your mouth for a short moment. Stephen eventually pulled away for a breather, leaving you breathless as well. Then he leaned forward, his warm breath on your neck making you shudder as he whispered in your ear.
"Why don't we get away from all these people and go somewhere quiet?”
Stephen then pulled away from you and looked at you intensely. A long moment passed as you stared at him, processing what he had just said, before sending him a quick nod. Taking your hand, Stephen then led you away from the party and into a quiet room, shutting the door behind him as you entered. 
Then he moved to kiss you, slamming his lips onto yours, kissing you hard and rough. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as your lips moved together. But Stephen suddenly broke off the kiss and he turned you around, pinning you up against the wall. He then grabbed your hips, pulling them back as your back arched slightly before he lifted up the dress you were wearing and squeezed at your ass, digging his fingers into your skin.
“You’re so beautiful, baby. I’m going to have my way with you now. Is that okay with you?” Stephen asked with a growl. 
“Yes,” you whined, and it seemed that was the only response he needed to hear because you then heard the sound of him unclipping his belt. 
You waited in anticipation for him to touch you again, and you let out a little whine when you felt Stephen’s fingers on you, pushing your panties to the side. In a desperate attempt to get him inside of you, you wiggled your hips a little as you felt the tip of his cock at your entrance. 
Stephen then gave you what you wanted. He pushed into you, and you let out a filthy moan as he filled you up. A deep groan left Stephen's mouth as you took every inch of his thick length. As soon as he was in balls deep, he gave you a moment to adjust to his size, which you appreciated. 
After giving you time to adjust, he moved, pulling almost all the way out of you before slamming back into you, causing you to whine.
Then his hands were on your hips, gripping you harshly before he began to pound into you, the sound of his hips slapping against you filling the room. You cried out as he moved, his cock feeling so good inside your pussy. 
"Keep the noise down, baby,” Stephen chuckled. “Someone's gonna walk in while I have my dick in you.” 
The only thing you could do was whine in response as Stephen continued to fuck you, his thick cock stretching you out in the best way possible. You then felt one of his big hands on your throat before he tilted your head up and kissed you. Moaning against his lips, you kissed him back when the tip of his cock hit a sweet spot deep inside of you. 
“I love all the sweet noises you’re making for me, sweetheart. But do you want someone to hear us, huh? Do you want them to know how good you are at taking my cock?” 
“Yes!” you cried out. 
Stephen sent you a smile before he kissed you again. He kept moving, kept fucking you at a fast and punishing pace. You could feel yourself dripping all over his cock as he moved, coating him with all your juices. 
“Please don’t stop,” you begged. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You feel too good for me to stop.” 
Your sweet moans continued to fill the room as Stephen kept pounding into you, and you could hear the distant chatter of other partygoers. You prayed that they wouldn't hear you being fucked by someone you had met a few hours ago. 
As Stephen kept moving you could feel your orgasm blossoming, and you were so desperate to cum. You needed it so badly. You turned your head to look at Stephen and you kissed him, clenching around him as he groaned against your lips. 
“Please keep fucking me. I’m going to cum,” you told him. 
“Fuck,” Stephen grunted, his thrusts speeding up.
“Fuck yes! Just like that,” you cried out as Stephen hit that sweet spot, and all it took were a few more powerful thrusts before you saw stars and the feeling drove you wild. 
Stephen fucked you through your orgasm, and your legs felt like jelly as he dragged out the feeling. It was evident he was close too because he wouldn't stop groaning as his length twitched inside of you. 
“Cum inside of me,” you whined, and it seemed that’s all Stephen needed to hear. He gave you two more rough thrusts before emptying inside of you with a deep groan, filling you up with his cum. 
Stephen pulled out of you once he had finished coating your insides, the both of you catching your breaths. You waited for Stephen to pull up his trousers before you spoke, and once he had done up his belt, you spoke up in a hopeful tone. 
“Could I see you again?” 
Stephen let out a low chuckle. “Desperate for more already?” 
The feeling of your face getting hot let you know you were blushing, your lips pressed tightly together as you stared at him. It was true, you wanted to see him again.
You then watched as Stephen performed the magic again as he had earlier, this time a little card appearing in his hand. He then handed it to you and you stared at it, noticing the address and phone number written on it. 
“Text me or visit that address whenever you’re up to it again,” he said before sending you a wink. 
You smiled at him. “Yes sir.” 
Stephen laughed before you both left the room and went your separate ways. You couldn’t wait to see him again.
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Tag list: @butchers-girl @azu21 @polytheatrix @lucimorningst4r @evelyn-kingsley @withalittlehoney @mirikusashes @bobateadaydreams @strangelockd @thealleydog @cemak @stewardofningishzida @lady-harvey @smokeywhalee @floatingfireflies @iamsherlocked1479 @icytrickster17 @asherloki @ssinimbrn-catsr0pia @aphroditesdilemma @strangesthirdeye @scxrleth3r @rmoonstoner @stephenswh0re
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cumbertunita · 7 months
Piel canela
Tenoch Huerta x reader
Advertencias: ninguna :) es súper cursi pero en la parte 2, si la quieren, puede que no lo sea tanto 🔥
Nota: English translation: Cinnamon skin
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He estado con él desde el inicio de este viaje, desde que aceptó el papel de Namor en el UCM para la película Black Panther Wakanda Forever. He trabajado con él intensamente día y noche para que todo saliera perfecto durante filmaciones y en la premiere. Si, soy su maestra de inglés.
Tenoch Huerta y yo nos conocimos durante la filmación de La Purga. Yo fui contratada como intérprete como apoyo para los actores y el equipo que no hablara bien el inglés. Parte de mi trabajo es hacer conexión con las partes a las que daré mis servicios, entonces me dediqué mucho tiempo a estar cerca de todo el equipo de filmación para generar confianza. Esto sucedía a menudo durante la hora del almuerzo.
Tenoch y yo intercambiábamos miradas de vez en cuando mientras los demás conversaban y reían. De repente nosotros iniciábamos nuestra propia conversación sobre películas, poesía, racismo y otros temas culturales que él dominaba a la perfección. La conversación era enriquecedora y tan entretenida que no quería que se terminara, los descansos se nos hacían cortísimos. Al final del día, siempre nos despedíamos de beso y yo con el paso del tiempo moría de ganas de seguir a su lado, que nuestras conversaciones e intercambio de miradas durarán para siempre, pero es actor…jamás se fijaría en alguien como yo.
El ultima día de grabaciones nos despedimos como cualquier otro día, todos me elogiaron por mi gran trabajo y que esperaban verme pronto.
“Bueno, pues…hoy termina todo” dijo Tenoch bajando la mirada mientras metía sus manos en los bolsillos de su pantalón “¿te volveré a ver?”
“No tengo idea, ojalá si…cuando hagas otra película en Hollywood”
“Por mi color de piel y mi origen sabes que probablemente no me elijan para grandes papeles…”
“hey, eres la persona más luchona que he conocido en mi vida. Ya verás que pronto alguien te descubrirá y te llevará a Hollywood” tomé aire y me puse muy nerviosa, pero no podía evitarlo, me acerqué y tomé su rostro entre mis manos provocándole una hermosa sonrisa.
“je…tus manos son muy suaves…siento muy bonito”
En eso escuché un claxón interrumpiendo nuestro momento, era el director ofreciendo a llevarnos a nuestros respectivos hoteles. Ambos nos subimos al carro y primero fueron a dejarme a mi hotel. Me despedí de él con gran dificultad ya que no quería alejarme de él.
Regresé a México y continué con mi trabajo de intérprete y profesora de inglés por varios meses hasta que un día recibí una llamada de un número desconocido: era él, ¿cómo consiguió mi número?
“Hola, T/N”
“¿Tenoch? ¿Cómo obtuviste mi número?”
“Un pajarito por ahí me lo compartió” ambos reímos “¿cómo estás?”
“Bien, aquí terminando de trabajar en una conferencia en el WTC”
“¿puedes salir a comer conmigo?”
“si, claro. ¿En dónde estás?” dije mientras caminaba hacia la salida de una de las salas del edificio
“Atrás de ti” me di la vuelta y ahí estaba Tenoch con una playera ajustada, pantalones de mezclilla, lentes oscuros y una gorra. Se veía demasiado bien, esa piel canela despertaba algo en mi que no conocía.
Ambos no aguantamos la emoción y corrimos para abrazarnos con mucha fuerza. No había notado lo mucho que lo extrañaba hasta ese momento. Volteamos a vernos y pude notar un brillo especial detrás de esos lentes oscuros y su sonrisa ladina.
“¿Cómo me encontraste?”
“Mmmm…Instagram” dijo haciendo cara de Niño travieso
“así que tengo un stalker” le guiñé el ojo y ambos reímos. Una de sus manos suelta mi cintura y se quita las gafas. Sus ojos inspeccionaban cada parte de mi rostro y sin pensarlo dos veces junta sus labios con los míos. Un beso que he estado esperando desde La Purga…tanto que no pude evitar responderlo con la misma dulzura.
“Desde La Purga quería hacer esto” dijo separando el beso por falta de oxígeno.
“Yo igual” dije tratando de recuperar el aliento, era casi un susurro “¿y esa salida a comer sigue en pie o pretende usted señor Huerta que nos quedemos aquí abrazados?”
“a mi no me importaría…pero podemos ir a comer unos tacos que están aquí cerca porque te tengo una gran noticia”
Salimos a comer esos tacos que tanto quería mientras me contaba que Ryan Coogler lo contactó para ofrecerle el personaje de Namor en la película Black Panther Wakanda Forever. Obviamente ya era algo que esperaba que sucedería porque Tenoch es un hombre súper talentoso y trabajador, además de un excelente ser humano, se merece lo mejor del mundo.
Terminamos de comer y decidimos ir a caminar a los alrededores para seguir conversando como lo hacíamos durante las grabaciones de La Purga. Extrañaba las risas y los debates que se generaban en torno a todo lo que leíamos y pensábamos de ciertos temas y claro, extrañaba su devoción hacia la erradicación del racismo en México.
“¿y cómo vas con tu inglés? No creo que todos hablen español eh”
“No te burles, mi inglés es algo masticado pero puedo defenderme”
“ajá…” tuve una idea que posiblemente tendrá ciertas consecuencias, pero no quise perder la oportunidad de seguir a su lado “¿oye y si…y si voy contigo como con La Purga? Seré tu asistente de idiomas…podemos discutir los detalles en mi depa…si gustas”
“¿me estás haciendo una invitación indecorosa?” dijo con picardía
“si lo fuera…”dije mientras me acercaba lentamente a él “…haría esto” puse mis brazos alrededor de su cuello y lo besé con fervor. Él respondió el beso de la misma forma y me tomó de la cintura para pegarme más a él.
Su lengua pedía acceso a mi boca, lo cual concedí, haciendo más profundo el beso. Empezó a acariciar mi espalda y yo enredé mis manos en su cabello.
“vámonos” le dije al separar el beso, saqué mi celular y pedí un Uber.
¿Quieren parte 2? Espero les guste 🥰
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cumbertunita · 8 months
London trip
Benedict Cumberbatch x oc
London, that magical city where everyone wants to leave and maybe have a chance to meet the Queen, study English or practice it, well…lots of things and lots of dreams…but not for me at all. I came to London because my best friend, Cristel asked me to come with her as a “best friends trip”. I’m not a mean friend so I said yes and here I am.
Cristel is in love with the country since we were little, so when we finished university, her parents gave her this trip as a present for her great development.
She was obsessed with the Sherlock Holmes stories and freaked out when she found the BBC tv series. I don’t know how that series has become so famous when it’s not even that accurate to the original stories!! But anyway, it’s just my point of view. And gosh…everyone became obsessed with the star of the show, a guy called Benedict Cumberbatch.
-Why does everyone love him so much? He’s not even that good looking- I told Cristel while she was showing me her new laptop wallpaper.
-First of all, he’s British. Second, his eyes change of color with the light. And lastly, he’s so talented, he’s the perfect match for the role! Now I’m asking you WHY?? Why don’t you love him?? Look at him!! He’s so cool and a gentleman!-
-I don’t know, maybe he’s not a match for me-
-Well, you have to find him handsome as fuck because guess what…- I looked at her with expectation -I bought tickets for Frankenstein! Benedict Cumberbatch will be the creature!!-
-Ok, I do love the book Frankenstein, so I hope this Cumberbatch guy does not spoil it at all-
-You won’t regret it, I promise. In fact, I’m pretty sure you will fall in love with him-
The play was at night so we changed our clothes, make up, perfume…and voilà!! We were ready to meet this Cumberbatch guy everyone is talking about.
We took a cab and arrived to the theatre. I don’t know but I felt kind of nervous, like if something was gonna happen.
The play started and it was kind of a great surprise for me! The lights, scenography, costumes, make up!!! The language, the story, everything was perfect!! But I couldn’t appreciate Benedict Cumberbatch so called beauty because of the make up he was wearing…but something weird happened: our eyes met in one scene…I can’t remember what scene because that moment was…unique, I don’t know, just weird. My heart started bumping so fast and felt my cheeks on fire. And he…he forgot his lines, he had to improvise and he did it pretty well indeed.
-I saw that- Cristel said in my ear
-The play is good, right?- I replied trying to pretend nothing happened.
-don’t play dumb with me…-
-shhh! You must be quiet in a play-
The play finished and all actors came out to thank the public for coming. We all stood up clapping in joy and again…our eyes met and he smiled to me. He left the stage and Cristel and I left the theatre.
She pulled me so hard while walking so but so fast that I thought I was going to break my ankles and fall.
-What’s going on???- I asked and then she stopped in front of a small black door with some barriers in the front. And more people were coming behind us. -What are we doing here?-
-We’re gonna wait for Benedict-
-Wait is he…is he coming out to meet his fans?-
-Look, I saw what happened between you two when he found you in the public during the play and when it ended. He smiled to you!!! That doesn’t happen very often-
-I-I don’t know w-what you’re talking about-
-And now you’re hesitating…you like him-
-I don’t like him!!- I shouted in disagreement and suddenly the door opened and he came out. He looked at me and smiled again. I think my heart stopped for a second.
-Is everything ok?- he asked us and we nodded. Cristel took her leaflet and lend it to him so he could sign it. He came close the barrier to sign it.
-How are you? Did you enjoy the play?-
-Yes, we did! It’s an honor to meet you, I’m your biggest fan, I loved your work!-
-Oh thank you for your kind words and for coming to watch the play- he took her leaflet and asked her for a pen, which she didn’t have, so I look on my purse and had one…for what? I don’t know, my purse keeps so many unsolved secrets. I took the pen and lend it to him.
-There you go-
-Thank you- our fingers touched when he took the pen and I felt like shaking inside. We stared at each other for just a couple of seconds that felt like eternity for me and then he brought back his attention to my friend. -What’s your name?-
-Cristel- she spelled it to him.
-That’s a beautiful name, Cristel- a bit of silence was made -and what’s your name?-
-Dude, he’s talking to you!- Cristel said while pulling the sleeve of my blouse. I was lost looking at him signing my friend’s leaflet.
-Oh, sorry! I’m Amaya-
-Did you enjoy the play?-
-Yeah, in fact I’m a big fan of the book! It was nice to see you as the creature, Mr. Cumberbatch-
He gave my friend back her leaflet and came close to me, took my leaflet and signed it, even if I didn’t ask him to. He’s such a weirdo…and I kinda love it.
-Amaya…more than a beautiful name. Where are you from?-
-We’re from Mexico- I answered
-I’ve never been there, I’ve heard it has beautiful landscapes and that food is good-
-It is one of the best in the world, indeed-
-Are you on your own? No boyfriend, girlfriend…? I mean, it’s so dangerous for two young woman walk at night alone-
-No kind of attachments, Benedict. We’re single, specially my friend- Cristel replied and I didn’t know where to hide.
-Good to know. Sorry, I mean…could you wait until I finish signing and meeting all fans here? It may take a while but I’ll try to make it fast-
-It’s ok, we can walk- I said
-No way! That’s so kind of you, Benedict. We’ll wait for you at the pub that is around the corner- she started pulling me to the pub -Come on, walk, walk, walk!-
Hope you like it! Do you want a Part 2? 💓
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cumbertunita · 8 months
Yes publish some fics please 🥺
Haha! Ok! Soon, I hope.
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