csabusposts · 6 days
Final Exam
Title of painting: Hidden Arabian Beauty
Media: Acrylic of Canvas
Description: This painting is meant to show the hidden beauty of an Arab woman. The hijab represents the Islamic woman's modesty/morals. I chose a color palette of blues for the sky/hijab because blue symbolizes purity of the soul in Islam, thus implying the woman's innocence/beauty. Additionally, the black shades represent divine beings and secrecy, which can be tied to the secrecy of the woman's beauty. Also, the Arabic calligraphy represents Islam because Arabic is used in Quran, the Islamic holy book.
Practice drawings and painting:
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csabusposts · 7 days
Virtual Sketchbook #4
Jackson Pollock originally was an artist who was studying under Thomas Hart Benton and using abstract imagery in his paintings. Under Benton, Pollock learned about techniques of representational art and Benton's focus on storytelling within paintings. Pollock's shift to removing all imagery in his drip paintings began when he started to feel restricted by the representational imagery. Pollock was influenced by surrealism and the jungian psychology, allowing him to explore abstract ideas that were nonrepresentational. The drip paintings allowed Pollock to connect with his subconscious and explore his emotions and ideas. By switching from brush to pouring and splattering paint, Pollock could create dynamic compositions that reflected his innermost thoughts and feelings.
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The varied designs within each circle can reflect different emotional states of a person and the lines around them can represent thoughts/feelings that a person is yet to understand/comprehend.
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csabusposts · 1 month
Virtual Sketchbook #3
My chosen artwork from The Ringling Museum of Art is Pausias and Glycera by Peter Paul Rubens and Osias Beert. This is an oil on canvas painting measuring about 203.2cm x 194.3cm. The artist has mainly depicted organic shapes and used tints/shades of red and blue in this artwork. The main subjects of this painting is Pausias and Glycerin. Pausias was a Greek artist during the fourth century who was in love with Glycera, a townswoman. In this painting Pausias, who is depicted wearing a cloudy blue gown, is seated on the left side of Gylcera, who is portrayed wearing a red and beige gown, with his arm on her shoulder. He seems to be showing Glycera something is the distance. On the right side of Glycera there is a floral arrangement on a small table along with a basket of flowers on the ground. The artist makes use of detailed brushwork which is evident by the attention to detail in the clothing, facial expressions of the subjects, and the flowers. This painting would be considered balanced because the subjects are placed in the middle creating a sense of equilibrium. Additionally, the background is simple and doesn't have much detail, thus bringing attention to the subjects in the middle. The emphasis in this painting is on the subjects, Pausias and Glycera, which is created by the proportion that create a sense of balance and harmony within the artwork. In addition, a sense of rhythm is established through the flowy lines used for the drapery/gown and the subjects poses. There is not much contrast in this painting as there is only a subtle contrast in lighting/shadows.
I believe this painting evokes a romantic feeling. This is because it portrays an intimate moment between Pausias and Glycera and most people can relate to having an intimate moment with their significant other. I also think it evokes a sense of nostalgia because it depicts what love was like in the earlier centuries, where it seemed more pure in contrast to the "hook-up" culture that we have in today's generation. This "old love" is portrayed by subjects sitting next to each other with a loving look and just seeming to appreciate the something in the distance and the flowers also adds to the romantic feel of the painting.
This painting is associated with Flemish Baroque era. This is reflected through the expressive poses of the figures as well as the muscularity of the figures. There is also a sense of realism in the depiction of the figures and the flowers which contribute the Baroque ideals. This sense of realism is attained by the detailed brushwork of the flowers, the facial expressions, and the clothing/drapery. The artwork portrays the artists as people who pays attention to little details and focuses on making them look perfect so that the overall artwork as a sense of realism. By looking at the painting you can tell the artist is trying to convey the theme of love between two people. I believe the artist gets this message across by the positioning of the figures and their facial expression/body language.
I believe this painting contributes to the knowledge of Greek mythology, as it depicts a scene of the love between a Greek painter and a Greek townswoman. I think this painting is very interesting because it focuses on romantic love. During the time period the painting was made, the 17th century, most marriages/love was based on economic, political, or social reason, so I think it was interesting that the artist depicted true/pure love between two people. I mainly choose this painting because the theme of love interests me a lot.
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References for research:
Pausias and Glycera, ringlingdocents.org/pausias.htm. Accessed 28 Mar. 2024. 
Charles, Victoria, and Klaus H. Carl. Baroque Art, Parkstone International, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/scf-ebooks/detail.action?docID=886839.
"Peter Paul Rubens." Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 13, Gale, 2004, pp. 339-342. Gale eBooks, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3404705609/GVRL?u=lincclin_mcc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=174ff8e1. Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.
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csabusposts · 3 months
1. Journaling
Unity: separate parts of an art piece, such as color and shape, that works together in a composition. (Ex: Unity using color in Johannes Vermeer, The Art of Painting)
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Variety: contrasting elements within an art work. (Ex: Variety through color variance in Claude Monet, Jan-Les-Pins)
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Balance: the distribution of elements in an artwork that makes it pleasing to look at. (Ex: Symmetrical balance in Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper)
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Emphasis: a part of an art piece that stands out. (Ex: Emphasis on color and design in Richard Anuszkiewicz, Deep Magenta Square)
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Subordination: to de-emphasize certain parts of an art work to make another part stand out. (Ex: Subordination using color in Pieter Bruegel, The Elder's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus)
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Directional forces: a path within an artwork that leads the eye. (Ex: Using the path in the painting to the lead the eye in Prinz Eugene, The Cloud)
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Repetition: repeating colors, shapes, fonts, line, etc. (Ex: Repetition of swirl pattern in Gustav Klimt, The Tree of Life)
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Rhythm: repetition of elements to create a pattern. (Ex: Rhythm using swirling brush strokes in Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night)
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Scale: size of an element in comparisons to the size of another element in an artwork. (Ex: Size of flowers in Georgia O'Keeffe, Oriential Poppies)
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Proportion: size of elements in relation to another element in an artwork. (Ex: Proportions in John Everett Millais, The Blind Girl)
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2. Connecting Art To Your World
Color can have a significant effect on individuals both psychologically and emotionally. For instance, when I look at a sunset the intensity of the shades/tints of orange in the sky evoke a sense of warmth and happiness. On the other hand, the blue sky during daytime evokes a calming sense. Overall, the colors I see when I look at a sunset and sky makes me feel happy and a sense of comfort.
If I had to pick a color scheme for my life, I would pick a neutral color scheme because neutral colors are my favorite because you don't get tired of looking at them like you would looking at a bright color.
3. Art Project
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This is an acrylic painting that depicts an Indian woman looking out at the city of Dubai. I'm passionate about this painting because I am an Indian girl and Dubai is my favorite city, thus while waiting this I imagined myself as the girl in the painting depicted.
4. Discussion
Michael Kors
The North Face
How do you know about these logos?
The logo's of Michael Kors, Apple, and MAC are ones that I always saw in my house growing up because my parents used products from  these brands. When I became old enough to use products from these brands, I began to see the logo's even more. I learned about the Stanley and The North Face logo's when I saw my friends using products from these brands, then later bought them myself. I learned about Gucci by watching influencers on social media platforms. 
What is your understanding of the value of logos?
I believe logos are very valuable and serve as a point of identification. Additionally, I think that having a memorable logo is very important thing for brands to have because a logo is often the first people see when looking at a product from a specific brand and its the first thing they will remember about that brand. A logo is also a way for brands to reflect their core ideas. 
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csabusposts · 3 months
Writing and research
My piece was Banksy October 9, 2013 Untitled:
Banksy was nominated for an Oscar in 2010 for the Best Documentary Feature for his film Exit.  
In 2015 Banksy opened Dismaland, an ironic theme park on the outskirts of Weston-super-mare, where the food was bad, the staff were useless, and the rides were dismal. 
 This artwork is accompanied by an "audio guide" narrating the shootout with "Crazy Horse" on a police radar.
Sound used in the "audio guide" is cut from the infamous Collateral Murder video released to WikiLeaks by Chelsea Maning in 2010, featuring the racket of gun turrets and radio communication between soldiers killing civilians. 
The artwork is surrounded with oil barrels and on one of them Banksy stenciled a number which takes the caller to a 39-minute recording of a 2007 air strike in Baghdad. 
The way I think about this piece is different from the way I thought about it when I first saw it. At first I thought the artwork was a mural of horses and some men, I didn't really see a connection between the two. However, the mural did seem very dark or meant to trigger some sort of emotion/trauma. After some research I discovered that this piece of art was a crucial pillar of Banksy's activism in his stance against all forms of war and violence. I also learned that the mural is a depiction of a shootout between armed men and hi-tech horses wearing night vision goggles along with a free phone number to hear the audio of an air strike. This artwork was used in conjunction with previous work to show Banksy's stance on not only the war in Iraq, but military intervention in general.
2. Art and writing
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This work of art is a painting that I painted, inspired from a Pinterest post. This painting hangs in my room and is one that I look at everyday. It was created on a canvas with acrylic paint. To me this painting serves as a reminder of Dubai, because Dubai is my favorite city and the building depicted is one of the famous buildings in Dubai. In my opinion this is a beautiful painting because it shows the beauty of Dubai's city lights at night.
3. Writing a self-portrait
I am an 18 year old female from Fort Myers, Florida, although originally from Kerala, India. One thing I do for fun is dance, I used to learn Indian classical dancing from age 8-16 and now it has become something I do for fun in my free time. I am part of a Malayalee Association, which holds events to celebrate South Indian holidays. This organization allows the younger generation to learn more about their culture and who they are. I believe one thing that makes me unique is my open-mindedness. I am someone who is willing to listen and understand other people's ideas/thoughts and their reasons for those beliefs, no matter whether I agree with them or not.
4. Art project (self-portrait)
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This collage represents me because it incorporates pictures of myself, a drawing to represent me, as well as some pictures that represent my culture and my insterests.
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