crystalwolflite · 3 years
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WHOO! Now let’s see if my theory was correct.
Some new info we have is that Ave 1 means the average of the last 2 months, so it makes sense that it changes, but Ave 2 is the average of when they first started, which is age 4, and I’m guessing the average of the first 2 months cause the 4 yrs that take tests also have 2 different averages.
Idk if that made sense.
Anyways, lets figure out who’s gonna die hehehe
Norman- all 300s. He's a genius and the best product Grace Field has ever had. Yada Yada Yada. Y'all already know
Ray- His average of a 4 yr old was 292. Mr. EmoBoi is a genius as well, he just needed time to get all 300s.
Emma- her average of a 4 yr was 265. Mrs. Smarty Pants wasn’t close, but wasn’t far behind Ray. With Ray’s guidance, Emma finally started making perfect scores. That's my tangerine!
Gildia- her average as a 4 yr old was 231 which is about behind Emma. What the hell happened? She now has an average of 205 which isn’t bad, but damn.
Don-His average of a 4 yr old 228, which isn’t bad either. He’s now at 198. Same with you beanhead
Lani- his average as a 4 yr old was 173. (192 now) He’s doing pretty well, even though he's labeled as an idiot in the anime.
Anna- her average at age 4 is 180, but her average as of now is 181. She barely went up 0.03%.....how is she alive?
Nat-his average at age 4 was 178..his average now is 176. It makes sense that you shipped with Anna.
Thoma-His average of a 4 yr old is 157. He is now at 165. Even by a bit, he improved unlike some ppl.
Dominic -His average of a 4 yr old is 132, his score is 154 which is good, but needs to get better. I’m pretty sure that he would be the next shipment.
Conny- Her average as a 4 yr old was 98, which is pretty bad but he improved A LOT unlike some ppl.
Phil-his average as a 4 yr old was 160, he is still 4 but his recent scores are an average of 195 which is very good! That’s my jawline boi (check last epi of s2 to know what I’m talking about)
Rossi-159 was his average age of 4, now he is at 183 which is good. Yes Mr. BigHead Norman lookalike.
Sherry- My baby ginger! She started at 150 at the beginning of age 4, she is at 182 which is super good. She’s smarter than me.
Marnya- her average at 4 was 154, she is almost 5 so ab an average of 172 is still good. GO MISS CUTIE!
Jasper-152 was his average, his score has increased to 169. I don’t know or remember which one he is, but he's doing very well.
Yvette-159 was her 4 yr old average, She is now at a 166, which isn’t too bad, but you are letting 4 yr olds beat you
Naila-151 was her average when he first started testing. She is now at 165, which is fine. She’s 4(lookin 6) and doing her thang
Hans-160 to 162. Sir, pls dont turn into an Anna
Jemima- 143 to a 156. Girly, congrats you're not the dumbest. Get it, it makes sense because you're my favorite. (My theory was wrong, but I’m happy that its wrong cause I wouldn't want my baby to die).
Mark- His average of a 4 yr old was 130. He is now at 153. Mark, I would suggest to start loving tem grades, instead of food
Chris-137 to 151. Oh sugar honey ice tea it seems like we have a tie here.
Alicia-131-151 Miss girly, you better be pumping up those muscles cause someone is getting adopted.
Now Alicia and Chris are tied, but technically Alicia has improved more since age 4, which means Chris gets so say bye bye.
Basically If Conny was 5, Chris would leave.
Now my theory was â…” wrong. Mark was in the bottom 3, and he barely made it, but we aren't gonna take about that. I have another issue
Now I’m gonna argue and say that Conny did not deserve to get shipped out, and here’s why. How tf did Anna and Nat survive 3 yrs, and their scores have not increased more. Again, if Anna’s average at 4 was 180, and she is now at 181. Something ain’t right, same with Nat except the fact he went DOWN. I know Conny’s score was bad, but 98-120 is 22 point difference, which is good bc even Dominic who’s average at age 4 was 132, and he is now 154 which is the same difference as Conny.
Why eliminate someone with actual potential instead of someone who isn’t improving? Exactly the same with Nat except he is worse. He went down. That’s a red flag. They just keep eliminating ppl once they turn 6. They have no time to improve.
Now I’m not talking about Don and Gilda because their scores were in the 200s, and if your score is in the 200s, you should be set for life. They did terribly too, and I’m shocked because they could be at the same level as the trio, but hey I know they aren’t getting shipped out.
In summary, when the 5 yr old batch turns 6, Chris will get eaten first. I believe that Anna and Nat should have died instead of Conny. It would have made more sense.
The End
Don’t believe me? Here’s where I got my info from: https://1000sunnygo.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-promised-neverland-fanbook-vol.html
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crystalwolflite · 3 years
I’m a big fan of the Promised Neverland, so I gonna do one theories here and there about it.
This one is about the shipping order and who the has the worst scores in this house, and if they were getting shipped, would they replace Conny?!
Now the score we already know is Norman, Ray, and Emma’s score which is a 300, a full score. But after seeing episode 1, we know know that the smartest is Norman, followed by Ray, then Emma. Ray’s lowest score, as of age 11 is 265, while Emma lowest score is a 261. Then Norman has all 300s.
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And in Ray’s side story ,It is confirmed that Norman has been making perfect scores since at least 5 years old.
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Next you see is 65194, which is Gilda’s number makes an average of 205, followed by 16194(Don) who’s average is a 198. Now By looking at that, it seems like it’s going from oldest to youngest, which I also thought. But Ray is older than Norman, and he is below him. Only bc if scored.
Now after the main 5, the next number I saw was kinda shocking.
which actually belongs to Lannion. Yes, I’m surprised as well. Lannion who is 7 years old is right after the main 5 with an average of 192. It also confirms that they go by scores and not age, otherwise it would be either Nat or Anna that goes next. Speaking of them, where do they place. Because their both 9, their scores can’t be that bad considering that they survived for 3 yrs.
Now, the other source I’m working with is when Emma and Ray went through the scores and wrote them down. This is way more updated, but they didn’t show Don and Gilda’s scores so it may have changed, but let’s get on with this
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Thus paper says that Anna has an higher average than Lani with a 195, so we are gonna stick with that. Now with Nat, his average is a 276, which is very much average when it comes to the rest of the kids, even being 9. So if a demon asks for an nine yr old, you know who’s gonna go between the 2..
Next is Thoma, who has a average of 172 literally right behind Nat, (which is surprising he isn’t an idiot) and then there’s Dominic, who is the only 6 yr old left in Grace Field House. Luckily, Ray and Emma included Conny along with the other 6 yr olds score to compete with. Conny’s average was more and likely a 120, and Dominic’s average was an 157.
Dominic and Conny has the lowest scores in the house, so it was between them who gets shipped, and we clearly see who and why that person survives.
Now, surprisingly on the list, they didn’t show any of the 5 years old except for one, but you unfortunately can’t see the name. They did show two 4 yr olds.
Phil is one of them, with an average of 205 and is the smartest 4 yr old in the house, next one is actually Sherry. It has been stated multiple times that Sherry is right behind Phil in scores, and also if you look in the paper, the top of the last letter isn’t covered by Don’s hand. That letter is a Y. So the next highest score is Sherry with an 189.
After that it doesn’t give anymore names, but we can see that a 5 yr old’s average is a 185 behind Sherry, and another 4 year old with another 174, which is very impressive.
So, it only leaves the 5 yr olds.
and Alicia
I’m surprised that they are not on the paper at all, mainly bc they only have months left before becoming the age of shipments. But, based on a side story, Isabella stated that Jemima, Rossi, and Mark are nothing special, so more and likely they will be the next options for shipment.
FIANLLY we finished all that so let’s give the final results of the everyone’s average from highest to lowest recorded,
Either Yvette, Chris, or Alicia-185
Either Marnya, Hans, Naila, or Jasper.-174
that means..............
Low Quality: Yvette, Chris, Rossi, Mark, Alicia and Jemima
Average Quanlity: Dominic, Thoma, and Nat.
Good Quality: Lannion and Anna.
High Quality: Don and Gilda
Premium Quality: Ray and Emma. (y’all already knew that but whatever)
I got the numbers from Chapter 37 of the manga, or 38...either one
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After all this we realized that Conny had the worst scores in this house, and at the next shipment, it’s probably gonna be either Dominic, Thoma, or Nat. If Conny had higher scores, Dominic would have went out. We also learned that possible if Rossi, Mark or Jemima was six, they could also replace Conny.
Bam, I’m done.
Snap: GamerGirlKB14. (pls don’t judge)
Insta: RandomUser._.13 and blue_kinda_sus_tho
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