cryst4ll1n3-co · 1 year
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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Nonor: An equivalent and/or alternative term for the word "queer," which is equally inclusive and encompassing. Comes from the phrase "non-normative."
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While the term nonor may be used by people who are just uncomfortable with the term queer for themselves, it can also be used by anyone who simply enjoys the term. Someone could identify with both queer and nonor, if they'd like.
If one wants, the term nonor can be used in terms where queer is used. However, it's very important to make clear that you should not use this label to erase one's queer identity/label. For some, queer is a very important word, and replacing it with nonor without their consent isn't okay.
Nonor people are, of course, welcome to use any kind of queer flag instead of the nonor flag (or make their own nonor flag), if they're comfortable with it. Furthermore, users are welcome to spell out the full phrase if they want to ("non-normative.")
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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A gender related to being a neogirl and a thing, or a neogirlthing
A gender related to being a neoboy and a thing, or a neoboything
Requested by anon
Flag ID (neogirlthing): A flag with 11 stripes. In order, they are black, dark purple, purple, pink, light pink, white, light pink, pink, purple, dark purple and black. /End ID
Flag ID (neoboything): A flag with 11 stripes. In order, they are black, dark purple, purple, blue, light blue, white, light blue, blue, purple, dark purple and black. /End ID
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
genderfiend (remake)
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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal stripes. the first four stripes are a gradient from dark purple to deep red-violet to soft deep pink to soft peach, the middle stripe is thinner than the rest and a pale cream-yellow, and the last four stripes are a gradient from soft blue to deep blue to deep true blue to dark purple. in the center of the flag, there is an off-white symbol outlined in near-black purple, consisting of a triangle with a cross coming out of the bottom and small curved triangular horns coming out near the top. END DESCRIPTION]
a gender related to being a devil/fallen angel and a feeling of innate monstrosity, inhumanity, and unholiness. remake of our first coin. symbol is based on the alchemical symbol for sulfer.
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
sometimes I want to scream and cry at people who still like dream
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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a gender that is related to analog horror in the way they are used in args — such as found footage, home videos, vhs tapes, etc.
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
anyway systmeds and exclus aren't allowed near me!!
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
I am so addicted to vaporwave radio
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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Alternate Aro4aro flag
Aro4aro: A term for aromantic/arospec individuals who are either exclusively attracted to aro(spec) individuals or emphasize/prioritize their attraction and relationships with other aro(spec) individuals
Flag inspired by this aromantic spectrum flag
Requested by anon
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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[ID: 2 flags. 1st flag has 9 stripes. colors are listed in order from top to bottom: blue, light blue-green, mint, yellow, black, yellow, orange, red, magenta. 2nd flag has 6 stripes. colors are listed in order from top to bottom: bright red, orange, yellow, black, mint green, blue]
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hazardqueer is an identity/movement that i thought of last night and i really liked the concept so i thought about it some more and made some flags. i made it partially in response to an exclusionist term called "safequeer" which excludes some marginalized identities like mspec gays (not very safe huh)
its about being your unapologetic and queerest self, supporting and uplifting disabled people, POC, ND people, and queer people, and solidarity and unity amongst each other!!
its also acknowledging that we shouldn't have to pander to non-queer people by having to have "safe" and "palatable" identities and that we should strive to be happy and authentic with ourselves rather than trying to put each other into boxes non-queers have tried to put us in for so long
this is an inclusionist term/movement, so no meanies!! >:(
this is also pro mspec gays, pro lesboys/veldigirls, pro chronosians, and pro systems of all origins, so if you don't like that, then don't use hazardqueer!! simple as that
this is however against: pro-contact/anti-recovery of harmful paras, "consang", and bad faith/harmful trans-x identities
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the empty yellow triangle in the middle is its symbol bc it can be replaced with any of these and more if you want!!! (personally im an explosion risk queer idk about you)
(symbolless flags below the cut)
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@kenochoric @frightfulfangz @neopronouns @epikulupu
if yall are intereseted :)
p.s. i have scp queer terms planned
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
pov u find out someone you know is exclus of ur identity and they have a history of being aggressive so u are now very scared to be near them
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
DNI if:
-You have a long DNI listing which kind of lgbt people you do and don't find 'acceptable' because you don't get to decide which labels are and aren't 'valid'
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
"If I ever met an mspec lesbian in public I'd punch them in the face" wow so you'd commit a hate crime against an lgbt person because of their identity? Because you don't understand your identity, that's uh, cool I guess, no no it's fine it's, idk, I feel like I've heard that sentiment before, yknow, of assaulting people bc of their queer identity, but it's probably nothing, it's fine
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
saw a stupid post in the tags anyways mspec lesbians and lesboys/male lesbians are valid as fuck, speaking as a system with multiple members who use both labels <3 blatantly being against them otherwise is actively choosing to believe in radfem rhetoric and you need to go outside if you think going "but that's too contradictory to make sense" about other queer people is remotely acceptable behaviour outside of your blog and just shows you don't give a shit other queer people when they don't fall into a neat little box
because reminder, being queer does not mean you can't be hateful against other queer people! you are not exempt from that and you are a piece of shit when actively excluding members of the community, especially in these times when the community should be coming together, not tearing each other down. quit traumatizing members of your own community and learn your own history for gods sake
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
yes people that say “lesbians can’t like/be men” are aligned with terfs. Lemme lay this out for y’all. because I know some people just don’t know the connection and might actually be willing to change their minds. 
all that’s changing with the “men can’t be lesbians/ lesbians can’t like men” from its usage moving from terf spaces into exclus lesbian spaces is the definition of what a man or a woman is. terfs say “you can’t be a woman/lesbian if you were born male” and that “being a man is being male”. The modern online exclusionary lesbians say “you can’t be a lesbian if you’re part/also a man”, targeting nonbinary & multigender people who may also be a “nonman” 
Also, “lesbian only spaces” are rebranded “female only spaces”.  “bi lesbians are forcing real lesbians to like men” is rebranded “trans lesbians are forcing real lesbians to like penis (men)”.  “real lesbian” is rebranded “real woman”.  “words have definitions a lesbian is xyz stop removing us” is rebranded “words have definitions a woman is xyz stop removing us”. 
This wave of anti mspec lesbians is just rebranding radical feminism to be more palatable to a more progressive general society. accepting these is letting radfems slowly indoctrinate young people. don’t become compliant in these ideas spreading. 
Not to mention people who live most of their life assuming they are a man because that’s what society told them based on their genitals may still hold on to that. Some trans women consider themselves to have once been men, or to in some part still be men. gender is complicated.  Since gender is a construct (something “real” that we made up, like money or language) different people will view it differently, also transphobes exist. people will perceive people who are Not men as being men. When you say “men absolutely cannot be a part of this” and act like you’ll actually explode if maybe some are, you start to “defend” yourself from anyone you think is a man. yes even if they’re not a man. besides people do not owe you their gender identity…
By trying to simplify the definition a sexuality (which is informed by gender) you are actively harming people with complicated genders and basically all transgender people in general (not necessarily as individuals) 
Also! in regards to lesbian men, many lesbians have always had connections to manhood and masculinity while still being a lesbian. Butches exist
Using a phrase used to chase transgender women out of lesbian spaces will never be appropriate or respectful, no matter how much you say you think trans women are women. Actions are louder than words yk. Even if you “don’t mean it like that”, these are still the ideas you’re promoting by enforcing ideas like this.  Because guess what. it’s the same thing. I’m not even covering all the similarities, or the history that terfism and lesbian only being exclusive sapphics both come from the same/similar radfems…
Overall “policing” other peoples definitions is bad. one person saying this is what x means to me does NOT mean that’s what it has to mean for you. Someone else’s identity should not have to conform to what you understand. the individual will always understand the words that are best for them better than you. saying things like “lesbians can’t be men! lesbians can’t like men!” will stop absolutely nobody, there are more important things than validity. 
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cryst4ll1n3-co · 2 years
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