cryptometaphor 5 days
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I haven't posted in a while and I might upload an Instagram video about this too because while what I really wanna do is try and financially coach people on crypto, I think we need to discuss from time to time the fake entrepreneurial spirit of alpha male YouTubers especially Andrew Tate.
I didn't know what a Bugatti was until Tate, never saw one before. I looked up the price and was floored. Do you have any idea what you could do with a million dollars? Not just as far as living freely not worrying about bills, I mean REALLY do? You could just buy out a business. You could turn one million into twenty million easily and make terrible investment decisions along the way. If anyone in my immediate circle bought a Bugatti, I would slap them, and tell them they are hereby banned from making their own financial decisions and I'm taking control from here on.
That's it. And not to say I wouldn't buy nice things. Most especially for the woman I love. I mean what a concept right? The future mother of my children, the person who means the world to me, but you wanna be an alpha male? Be someone whose reliable. Be someone who is sincere in everything you do and give it your all in everything you do. And trust me, that shit is hard. Not just because life is inherently just a directionless clusterfuck. But all the humiliation rituals day by day in basic social interaction and job hunting. I'm not saying it's simple, but I'm saying being a man, or woman, or just a human being really, just means to care and to wanna see better in the world. And that's why I'm not shocked Bugattis cost a million dollars. I mean yeah they do look cool, I'm sure they're high quality engineering, but it's because that's the human mindset. To squander and yield to a sterile posturing of what success looks like, rather than live through and with it. To think and feel it out and become the living spirit of it.
Andrew Tate is not an alpha male. Not because of the trafficking allegations, or his misogyny, or any of that. But because he's clearly designed to be the modern clown. Like an actual circus clown. And I like clowns, but you're not supposed to take clowns seriously, let alone base your life off one. The makeup comes off, the balloons and tricks get put away, and he's just a normal guy. Which is fine. But than you're shocked that the clown shit isn't working outside of the circus act.
It doesn't even upset me. Like I sound upset, but I'm basically just upset for myself and how long it took me to really get it. But like, by all means get a Bugatti. Get a Bugatti, while with the same million I'll fucking buy the 10% shares it takes to become board of directors, and than I'll decide what the next Bugatti looks like, and it's gonna be fucking ugly. Gonna be as ugly as my sister in law, and one of you dumb motherfuckers is still gonna get it, and parade around town being like "omg imma get so much pussy in the ugly mobile" and only I can hear the clown honk and see the polka dots.
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cryptometaphor 18 days
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1966 Chevrolet Impala
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cryptometaphor 18 days
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The MOnSter 6502
A dis-integrated circuit project to make a complete, working transistor-scale replica of the classic MOS 6502 microprocessor.
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cryptometaphor 18 days
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I think this would be a good time too explain the difference between sales and marketing. I've done both, but if anyone is thinking about being a weasel, they should probably know what basic words mean first and the media is no help. They use these words as synopsis.
In a cover letter I wrote how money is about efficiency. I could dig a hole and eventually make something. I could find something, maybe get an award for my big beautiful hole. (That would be my fiance) But isn't there a more practical way? Something that's less work or makes the money faster?
Sales is trying to convince someone to keep digging. Look at this new shovel. You know what you need? A decent shovel. Not the first thing you saw at home Depot.
Marketing is convincing people shoveling is a job worth getting into. Look at this big burly guy shoveling. He didn't even have to mew. Just digging holes gave him that peak physique! That could be you!
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cryptometaphor 22 days
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I'll tell ya what goes on in my head as people claim crypto is gambling. Certainly shitcoin buyers more resemble classic gamblers, circling around a campfire discussing non-credible meme coins that are a passing trend. But Bitcoin is as impactful as the dollar or yen because it represents technology itself. This is why JP Morgan and Black Rock are getting into it while they let Elon Musk make an ass out of himself with Doge. Musk appeals to the reddit brains who deserve their lot in life.
But even a shitcoin isn't real gambling. You go in with the knowledge to make a profit either later or much later. Timing the market vs time in the market. Bitcoin is more like when boomers stock up on gold or rice.
Even gambling itself has levels. A casual gambler with a burst of hope playing the lottery is just a misguided investor. A guy who plays the same ticket weekly is basically a financial Christian waiting for his Rapture. Real gamblers do it for the dopamine. That's why they spend so much. Whales do what they do because they like doing it. It was never about the money. Big wins make them feel important.
I like winning. We all like winning. I like gaming the system. It's not even so much I want to win but no I maximized how and when too. Boomers will gravitate toward poker and Blackjack tables with this mindset and can lose a lot of money too. But what I do is I rummage through my pocket and think ok I have five dollars. I have several options now.
1: Just put it in a corner somewhere to accumulate over time. That's what the change jar is for. Money too small to use but don't want to part with.
2: Monster energy. I'm only gonna drink one at a time so this still doesn't answer the question.
3: Scratch offs. I know I'm not gonna win. But if I do that'd be great. Not to mention I get a code to use online to maybe win again. So essentially it's adult pokemon cards. It's a booster pack. Any competitive player would tell you never open boosters unless you're a pack opening channel or buying boxes. But this is a sealed format kinda card game so every scratch off is a booster.
I mean now I have a fourth option as my fiance is always on my mind. But most likely that gift was thought out prior. If I do win, that covers a gift too. Cause like even those dollar scratchers can go up to like 200 grand or earn you a week hotel stay at Las Vegas. If I could surprise my honey with a week vacation or a motorcycle she can ride on the back of with me, that's a W. I'm just really fucking smart what can I say? lol. I wasn't born into anything, but I can pretend by circumstances and if circumstances throw cool trips and motorcycles my way, noone else is gonna know otherwise and just think that guy must be like Elon Musk only not a jackass.
Now I can just use my big brain for someone else. Love it. It's my favorite thing in the world. I gambled for years, decades on dating apps and social media looking for someone like her. Gambling my time, my patience, my sanity, my feelings on a lot of worthless tickets. Women's biggest lie in the dating scene is this notion about being on friendly terms with an ex. Not once has there ever been a put this code on the phone-app and have a good friend who helps you find a job and listens to your problems. I should sue their ass for fraud. Lawsuits are a kind of gamble too. Russian roulette is not the same without a gun. Can't beat my poker face.
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cryptometaphor 22 days
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the mr beast extension has created a thumbnail that made me laugh so hard my body started hurting
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cryptometaphor 22 days
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NGL, it kinda pisses me off how much people admire the stock-market as this sort of smart, complex, system rich people do, when really all it is, is gatekeeping, gambling, and pyramid schemes. Meanwhile they rag on NFTs which has the potential to be what the stock-market should have been, but with more transparency and linear action. Wouldn't it be nice to have a stock-market that does not confide itself to "mommy says I can't trade today" or worse, just being a series of can't do that because of perquisites in your liquidity, fees, brokers, etc. I despise the stock-market not because it's gambling or investing, but because it's not. It's a gay club nobody is invited into.
NFTs could do the same thing. You'd have a company mint a series of NFTs, open the market to them, people buy said NFTs being provided a promised dividend and a potential in quick profits buying and selling these shares via the NFT itself. It's quick, it's efficient, it's real money with real results. But reddit brains have convinced themselves NFTs are just people trying to screw you. My brother in Christ, you bought the jpeg without even considering what the jpeg could do. A third good thing about NFTs is it couldn't just be locked out by Robinhood having a bad day. But people are dumb and will fight every step of the way to stay poor, lonely, and miserable. That's why I'm a capitalist. Not because I'm like "oh it's the best system" it isn't. It's the only system that works because you igaboos are fucking stupid and deserve what you get.
And people can get mad about it all they want. I'm right, that's all that matters. If ya wanna make money, you'd be admitting I was right too. Simple as.
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cryptometaphor 22 days
I knew this technology was possible even back than. Crypto and NFTs could've existed at the very beginning of the internet and to a degree kind of did like the dot com bubble.
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cryptometaphor 22 days
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The actual future of the economy locally and internationally looks bright once crypto becomes normalized. That is the first thing I want to get out of the way and highly encourage others to learn about it. The reason governments are suspicious of it isn't because of the rug-pulls. They never gave a shit about your rights and neither did you. You get screwed every day in the workplace and at home. The real reason governments and elites in general are so hesitant to accept crypto is the impact it will have is too large once normalized. It would be bigger than pre vs post -industrial society.
First of all, pricing as you know it is gone. A loaf of bread costing 0.05 Bitcoin or 10 Pepecoin isn't very shocking, but what is is the very next day that same loaf could cost 0.5 Bitcoin vs 4 Pepecoin. This is madness and noone can prepare for it. Speculative markets become an actual sport in the future. The world loses its collective mind and you have three primary politics to consider.
Haphazardly centralizing your markets banning all shitcoins and sticking to tried and true ones. This seems most plausible as we can just turn shitcoins into scapegoats. Calling them market terrorists trying to circumvent the delicate balance.
Centralizing even further with state crypto. Third world countries might definitely try this.
Impotent market caps trying to control price variance and establishing some sort of UBI to ease people into the idea that at all times you're going to need about three different kinds of coin in three different wallets.
Regardless, society as you think of it today just would not exist. Taxation would be impossible to enforce, fiat currency would be completely obsolete, rare metals would be even more of a meme than now. The government and big banks aren't ready for it, let alone your gooning ass. Although I have heard JP Morgan and Black Rock are trying to get their hands on Bitcoin. Which depending on the way the wind blows, either means Bitcoin will stay the golden calf of crypto, or disappear into obscurity as who the hell wants to let JP Morgan and Black Rock continue to be as influential as they are? Certainly not me. Fuck JP Morgan especially.
As soon as you can buy milk and gas using crypto and I mean commonly and with the ease of a credit card swipe, this will be your future. I don't know if that's five or ten years from now but I can tell you it's less than twenty. So it's about the amount of time my fiance took to become my fiance lol.
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