crossroads-market · 4 years
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commission for @official-hajime for @flamehorse200 :)
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crossroads-market · 4 years
This Blog is Accepting Valentine's Day Stuff, Both Heartfelt and Shenanigans
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crossroads-market · 4 years
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Name: Lapis
Silkwing Spy
20 years old
Personality: A driven spirit, once Lapis sets herself to a task, she will see it through, no matter what. Somewhat stubborn, but loyal to a fault, this Silkwing holds family above all else. Willing to kill if necessary, but not fond of doing so, often feeling immense guilt afterward, not that she'll show it.
Bio: Born a Flamesilk to a fireless family, Lapis spent most of her years drafted into the service of the Hivewings in exchange for her parent's freedom (a trade between Queen Odonota and her parents, Lapis never knew, as she was in the middle of Metamorphosis when the deal was struck). Once she was indentured into the Hives' Flamesilk production line, she was encouraged to produce a lineage in addition to her daily quota of silk. At first, the idea appealed to her. A family all her own sounded nice, but the minute the guards moved to take her first egg away, Lapis realized exactly what kind of life she was in for. After her third egg, her third fight with the guards, and her first near uprising of the Flamesilks, she had caught Queen Firefly's attention, who then pulled her from the Silk Pit, offering her a special job in exchange for being given her freedom and her family both.
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Could you please reblog this if it's okay for me to come into your inbox even if we haven't rp'ed before?
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Masquerade Sentence Starters
“Would you like to dance?”
“I really hate dancing, so don’t even think about asking!”
“I’ve got two left feet when it comes to dancing.”
“Take my hand and I’ll have you flying on the dance floor.”
“I drank way too much, I think the world is spinning.”
“Where are the drinks? I’ve been trying to find them all night.”
“I don’t really drink, so this is probably going to be a long night.”
“Oh, I really like the bubbly stuff best, how about you?”
“I’m not old enough to drink yet.”
“You look….really amazing, wow. I’m speechless.”
“Where did you find that little number? Damn, you clean up nice!”
“Oh, honey, that outfit…it’s so not you.”
“Wow, where did you get that stuff from, the thrift store? You look cheap.”
“Oh, my god, that’s such an accurate costume. You look really good in your bitch costume.”
“You know when midnight comes, apparently that’s the most romantic dance…”
“When midnight comes…can I have a kiss?”
“When midnight comes….we’re going to go and kill the target since everyone will be distracted.”
“When midnight comes I’m going to dump pig’s blood on them.”
“Oh, hang on, you dropped your mask…oh, it’s you.”
“Hello, stranger. Care to keep me company?”
“Your costume is a bit undone, let me help you fix it.”
“I wonder who you are…I’ve never connected so much with someone before.”
“Seriously? How do you even lose a shoe? You’re not Cinderella!”
“Wanna go into an alcove and make out?”
“There’s a balcony nearby if you want to go and get some air.”
“Stay close to me, I don’t want anyone else stealing you away.”
“Hey, I know you! You’re–”
“All these people here….could be friends, could be enemies. I’m nervous.”
“I don’t do so well in crowds, this is pretty intense for me.”
“I love the high energy here! I’m going to have a fun night!”
“Do you think our host will mind if I just left early?”
“Uh-oh, don’t look now, but I think the person you hate is wearing the same costume as you.”
“Do you think there are any celebrities at this masquerade? That’d be so cool.”
“I’m just here for the food, really.”
“I didn’t have a date, so I came on my own…and I’m regretting that decision.”
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Holidays in Pyrrhia
i like the idea of each tribe having separate holidays and events like new years that they celebrate differently, so as it’s the festive season here are some headcanons: - icewings have two main holidays - the winter and summer solstices. on the winter solstice the family comes together for a meal, no matter how scattered they are, and celebrate the fact that the dark season is half way over. higher ranking families exchange gifts on the night. the summer solstice is spent with friends, hunting and flying and enjoying the daylight and public holiday. - in the desert, sandwing holidays are based around the different constellations that rise and set over the course of the year. there are festivals for the rising of the queen’s crown constellation (it’s said to be the luckiest day of the year), for the setting of the tiger’s eye (marking the beginning of the dragonbite viper’s least aggressive season), and many more. - nightwing holidays are few and far between, and celebrations from the lost nightwing queendom are long forgotten. they used to be anniversaries of arbitrary events that the queens declared holidays to boost morale, but in recent years more and more nightwings are adopting rainwing holiday customs. - rainwing holidays are all based around the growth of various plants. unless you want to be caught off guard by playful dragonets, it is wise to memorize the pranks that are traditionally pared with holidays. for example, when the pigmented indigoarrow plant fruits, many dragons will drop the berries from trees to temporarily stain the scales of those below. - skywings rarely have official days off, apart from the yearly queen’s birthday celebration. this is a week long festival tailored to the ruler’s interests. for example, scarlet’s always involved a lot of gore and death. jubilees are also held to observe milestones in the monarch’s reign: celebrations such as the silver jubilee, for a 25th anniversary, golden jubilee, for a 50th anniversary, and platinum jubilee, for a 70th anniversary. - mudwing public holidays are carefully spaced throughout the year, and only new years is celebrated with particular vigor, since mudwings tend to focus on hatching days for coming together and exchanging gifts. the mudwing new years parties are famous across pyrrhia for their length and amazing food. - seawings celebrate the movement of the stars like sandwings, and also have holidays related to the migration of whales, turtles and fish. every year in the queen’s birthday her subjects compete with displays of art, music, and feats of agility and strength to try and win the royal family’s favour. - these are just my ideas! feel free to add anything
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Hc that baby MudWings follow their bigwings around like ducklings because wouldn’t that be the cutest thing
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Magia (AmaLee vers.) Lyric Starters
“One day the light of love, though it may seem far away, will shine again in your eyes.”
“Transcend and rise above.”
“But there’s only one dream.”
“It’s been ripped at the seam.”
“This world will end in ruin.”
“I’ll lose all I love.”
“Stifle all your doubt.”
“Let your lust cry out.”
“I will help you swallow your hesitation, so trust me.”
“You yearn with greed.”
“Your heart may bleed.”
“Will we fade away from this world with no hope to hold on to?”
“I remember you from a dream that I thought was truth.”
“You, bright with magic, and I, blinded by my youth.”
“All I wish is for your hand to hold, you see.”
“Only your smile kills the dark in me.”
“With these hands I try to hold what I cannot seize.”
“I’m like a rose thrown into a violent breeze.”
“All my strength’s blown away.”
“With my heart I will stay praying for light.”
“One day it will come true.”
“Save the one that you love.”
“Is that a selfish act?”
“It will capture your heart, this love born under the stars.”
“You’ll say words you’ve never heard.”
“Just how would you react?”
“If I can go on and not lose my way…”
“I will sacrifice all my heart and let it fray to pieces.”
“What I really need is a spell to cast.”
“Stand up against all the pain and fear that will always last.”
“You are still lost in a dream like a memory.”
“I’m not the same.”
“I’m still wide awake.”
“I will keep marching on into your light.”
“With these hands I’ve picked a rose and have stopped it life.”
“Only now I understand it’s not what’s right.”
“I’m alive.”
“For my love, I’ll survive.”
“I won’t regret making this sinful wish of mine.”
“The stories that I heard as a child kept me dreaming.”
“Magic runs free and stars held captive remain always gleaming.”
“The fairy tales I loved have taught me no matter what hurdles there may be, your wish comes true.”
“Was I a fool in trust in those lies?”
“The old magic stirs.”
“With your hands you can change this whole world of yours.”
“Everything that you wish for is in your grasp.”
“All I want is to forever dream with you.”
“Live a life where all of me is alive.”
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Here’s your chance! You now have permission to try and win my muse’s heart!
You can do anything from stealing a kiss to a full blown romantic gesture! The sky’s the limit!
If multi muse, please specify!!
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Get to know my muse! Send 💌 and my muse will tell you something about themself.
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Labyrinth Lyric Sentence Starters
“No one can blame you for walking away.”
“Life can be easy.”
“It’s not always swell.”
“Don’t tell me truth hurts, little girl/boy/one.”
“You’ll find someone true.”
“It’s only forever, not long at all.”
“Nothing ever hurts again.”
“Gotta get me out of here.”
They’re lost and they’re lonely.”
“Heard about a place today.”
Magic Dance
“You remind of the babe.”
“I saw my baby cry as hard as babe could cry.”
“What could I do?”
“What kind of magic spell to use?”
“Slime and snails or puppy dog tails?”
“Put that baby’s spell on me.”
“Put that magic jump on me.”
“Slap that baby.”
As the World Falls Down
“There’s such a sad love deep in your eyes.”
“I’ll place the sky within your eyes.”
“Such a fooled heart beating so fast.”
“In search of new dreams.”
“I’ll place the moon within your heart.”
“Pain sweeps through, makes no sense to you.”
“Every thrill is gone.”
“Wasn’t too much fun.”
“I’ll be there for you.”
“I’ll paint you moments of gold.”
“I’ll spin you Valentine evenings.”
“We’re strangers til now.”
“I’ll place my love between the stars.”
“Makes no sense at all.”
“The world is falling down.”
Within You
“How you turn my world, you precious thing.”
“You starve and near exhaust me.”
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.”
“I move the stars for no one.”
“You’ve run so long, you’ve run so far.”
“Your eyes can be so cruel.”
“Just as I can be so cruel.”
“I do believe in you.”
“Yes, I do live without the sunlight.”
“Love without your heartbeat.”
“I can’t live within you.”
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crossroads-market · 5 years
spongebob squarepants sentence starters
change around as you see fit!
‘ oh brother , this guy STINKS! ‘
‘ my leg! ‘
‘ chocolate? CHOCOLATE! ‘
‘ the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma. ‘
‘ i’m ugly and i’m proud. ‘
‘ fine , i guess you’re gonna miss the … panty raid. ‘
‘ do you smell that? that smell. a kind of smelly smell. the smelly smell that smells … smelly. ‘
‘ don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else? ‘
‘ can i be excused for the rest of my life? ‘
‘ goodbye , everyone. i’ll remember you all in therapy! ‘ 
‘ firmly grasp it in your hand. ‘
‘ well , it’s no secret that the best thing about a secret is secretly telling someone your secret , thereby , secretly adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets , secretly. ‘
‘ come on. you know , i wumbo , you wumbo, he / she / me wumbo. wombology , the study of wumbo! it’s first grade , _____! ‘ 
‘ just get outta here you stupid , dumb animal! ‘
‘ we don’t need television. not as long as we have our imagination. ‘
‘ you just can’t wait for me to die , can you? ‘
‘ this is a load of barnacles … ‘
‘ this is not your average , everyday darkness. this is … advanced darkness. ‘
‘ i’m not just ready , i’m ready freddy. ‘
‘ i’ll have you know i stubbed my toe last week and only cried for 20 minutes. ‘
‘ ravioli , ravioli , give me to formuoli. ‘
‘ too bad that didn’t kill me. ‘
‘ well it may be stupid , but it’s also dumb. ‘
‘ quick , _____ , without think: if you could have anything right now what would it be? ‘
‘ we’ve been smeckledorfed! ‘
‘ oh well , i guess i’m not wearing any pants today. ‘
‘ umm , i got it. lets get naked! ‘
‘ a five letter word for happiness … money! ‘
‘ woo! shake it! shake it! yeah! shake that bubble butt! ‘
‘ _____! your genius is showing! “
“ you’re nothing but pure evil! just like newspaper comics! ‘
‘ liar , liar , plants for hire! ‘
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Send in 😷 for a starter where my muse is sick.
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crossroads-market · 5 years
media quotes sentence meme
i looked through the gifsets reblogged by the famous burgertv tumblr and hand selected a few quotes from tv shows & movies. change however you see fit.
“ lets clear the air. are there any more lies i should know about?”
“ i’m not basic. ya basic! “
“ any last words? “
“ you stole my car! i like my car! “
“ how did you find me? “
“ i just thought that we could hang out. “
“ i’m not doing anything else for men today. “
“ you are stronger than you believe. “
“ what is … happening … ? “
“ man , we are in a social slump. “
“ they’re all the same. some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can’t act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. it’s insulting. “
[ sung in the tune to ‘ o christmas tree ‘ ] “ apocalypse , apocalypse , we caused it with our dumbness. “
“ why don’t they ever make a movie about what happens after the big kiss? “
“ oh , put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it , _____! “
“ the nights are the hardest. but then the day comes , and that’s every bit as hard as the night. and then the night comes again… “
“ you’re brilliant , charming , obviously gorgeous. “
“ your accent is so cute. “
“ what the fuckity-fuck is that? “
“ i’m not doing cocaine , _____. i just have a feeling i would be unbearable. “
“ should i apologize or leave? i’mma leave. “
“ i’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about. “
“ if you could see your whole life from start to finish , would you change things? “
“ hold on. are you filling those squirt guns with fake blood? “ 
“ oh my god , please please don’t kill me! i’m not caught up yet on my shows! “
“ no one dislikes you , _____. “
“ stop being so mean to me , or i swear to god i’m gonna fall in love with you! “
“ hey , i was never happy! i was just less pissed off. “ 
“ you know what? forget i offered to help you. forget the entire fucking idea. “
“ my tv is broken, and i can not be alone with my thoughts. “
“ … but i found you , didn’t i? “
“ ‘ be myself ‘ what kind of garbage advice is that? “
“ but this is helping … hearing your voice. “
“ besides … i look cute in a tiara. “
“ i’m about to do something terrible. “
“ when i write about my life , and i will , i will not be kind. “
“ eat shit and die. “
“ i make grave mistakes all the time. “
“ maybe you’re not so bad after all. “
“ where is my candy , you son of a bitch? “
“ bitch , i told you i was gonna wreck it. “
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crossroads-market · 5 years
cold weather sentence starters
the air is chilly, but the fluff is warm
“It’s hand holding season.”
“I got the biggest blanket for us to share.”
“Get outside– you can see your breath in the air!” 
“Your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!” 
“I’m not letting you forget an umbrella ever again.”
“My mom made soup and sent some for me to give to you.”
“I got us matching fuzzy socks.”
“This scarf isn’t big enough for two people.”
“If your hands get cold, you can put them in my pockets.”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
“I don’t care if it’s freezing, I want to walk through the park!”
“I made hot chocolate.” 
“Hug me; I’m cold and love you.”
“Your coat makes you look like a penguin.”
“Are you really walking in public wrapped in a blanket?”
“My bunny slippers are too cool for you.”
“These roses cost extra because of the season– I hope you’ll give me extra kisses as thanks.” 
“Are you cold? Let’s cuddle, it’ll make you warmer.”
“What time is it? Don’t answer, it’s Christmas.”
“If it snows, wake me up.”
“I thought it would get warm in the day, but I was wrong.”
“You stole another of my hoodies, didn’t you?”
“Christmas songs this early?”
“Please stay warm; I don’t want you to get sick.”
“I refuse to let you go– I’m cold.”
“It’s icy outside– also, can you help me limp to the couch?”
“I don’t need mistletoe to kiss you.”
“I’m glad I get to spend this season with you.”
“You’re my designated cuddle-buddy tonight so stay close.”
“Pajamas and movies sounds really nice.”
“Your favorite winter drink was back on the menu, so I got it for you.”
“Can we take holiday card pictures together?”
“Your cheeks are rosy and cute.”
“Are you shivering?”
“I ran you a bath since it’s freezing outside.”
“Stay in bed with me, it’s warmer here.”
“I don’t understand how you love this kind of weather so much.”
“I know you’re excited about the snow, but please put on better shoes than slippers!”
“The cookies and I are the only things hot this season.”
“I bought you a beanie! Isn’t the pompom cute?”
“Are you blushing or cold?”
“Oh, darn, I seem to have forgotten my mittens– please warm my hands?”
“Is it too early for Santa hats?”
“I don’t think cold weather is an excuse to drink ten times more coffee.”
“Well, you can never have too much hot chocolate.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait for it to snow.”
“Being with you makes the season even better.”
“Since it’s cold should I start calling you ‘snow angel’?”
“Matching hoodies!”
“Are you going to share this coat with me all night?”
send a sentence and a name!
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crossroads-market · 5 years
50 “Not so Nice” OC or FR Asks
List your OCs in the tags or link your lair so that people can ask you!
1. What is one word to shut them up?
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?
8. Do they have anything that triggers them?
9. What is their greatest physical weakness?
10. What is their greatest mental weakness?
11. Do they have any vices?
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?
15. Who do they hate the most?
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
19. Do they consider themselves ugly?
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable?
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
22. Do they have any mental illnesses?
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped?
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped?
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust?
26. Have they ever been seriously injured?
27. How many times have they been in the hospital?
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
29. Does what they cannot see scare them?
30. Have they ever been bullied?
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues?
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents?
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well?
34. Have they ever self harmed?
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?
38. Have they ever been imprisoned?
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do?
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems?
41. Do they get sick often?
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life?
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts?
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide?
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through.
50. Create your own!
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crossroads-market · 5 years
Open starter
"Step right up, folks, step right up!" Called Cattail, the Mudwing/Nightwing hybrid. She was standing beside a wooden cart, balanced precariously on her back legs and tail, trying to distinguish herself a bit from the bustle of the busy corner. "Come take a look, we've got Silkwing tapestries, straight from the talented Pantala weavers, we've got Nightwing poetry, we've got Skywing jewelry! Come on by and take a gander!" She locked eyes with a dragon in the crowd, inviting them forward. "You there! Fancy a look at our carefully curated wares?"
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