Workout of the Day
Kipping Skill Work 20 Small, Medium, Large Swings
AMRAP 7 4 Strict+4 Kipping Handstand Push Ups / Box Assisted 10 Ring Dips / Box Dips
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Workout of the Day
5 Rounds Not For Time: 5 Split Jerks 10 Strict Pull Ups ( weighted) *increase weight each round - build in weight with no misses - drop in weight if necessary
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Workout of the Day
Snatch Skill Work 4 sets of 3 reps each Hang Snatch Hang Snatch below knee Snatch high pull+snatch
EMOM 8 Even: 10 Reverse KB Lunges 55/35 5 Double KB Clean 5/35 Odd: 5 Triple Unders
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Workout of the Day
3 Rounds 50 Cals Assault Bike 50 Air Squats
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Workout of the Day
Clean Skill Work 4 sets of 3 reps each: Hang Clean Hang Clean below knee Clean high Pull + Clean
For Time: “DT” 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerk
P: 155/105 F: 135/95
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Rest Day
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Athlete Saturdays
Build to a heavy 3 rep Tempo Front Squat
1 rep at tempo (3 down, 2 at bottom)
then 2 regular front squats
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Workout of the Day
For Time: Run 800m Row 1000m Run 800m
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Workout of the Day
Snatch Skill Work 4 sets of 3 reps each: High Hang Snatch   Snatch From Below Knees Snatch High Pull + Snatch then As a team of 2 or 3 BBJO DB/KB Bench Press Wall Ball Shots +2 Rep Scheme each round moments increase by 2 reps As many reps as possible in 14 min
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Workout of the Day
Clean Skill Work 4 sets of 3 reps each: High Hang Clean Clean From Below Knees Clean High Pull + Clean  
For Time: 3 Rounds 30/20 Cals Assault Bike / 20/15 cals row 15 Kettle bell Swings 70/55 8 Strict Ring Dips
Rest 5 min then 1 Max Effort Set of: AB Cals in 1 min / row cals in 1 min Max Unbroken Set of KBS 70.55 55/35 Ring Dips / stationary dips
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Workout of the Day
In 15 min build to heavy Z Press then perform as quickly as possible with as little rest in between 5 at 90% 6 at 80% 7 at 70% 8 at 60% 9 at 50% 10 art 40%
Every 90 secs for 7 rounds 8-10 deadlifts 225/155  185/125 Run 50M then AMRAP Double Unders
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Workout of the Day
Kipping Practice 20 Small Swings 20 Medium Swings 20 Large Swings
Tabatas: Pull Ups(:20/:10) Plank Hold(:30/:15) Ring Rows(:20/:10) Ab Mat Sit Ups(:30/:15)
Close Out 3 sets 8-10 Reps Bicep Curls 8-10 Reps Tate Press 8-10 Reps Lateral Side Raises 8-10 Reps Front Raises
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Workout of the Day
2 Rounds:
Row 200m
then Farmers Hold for as long as it took to complete Row
Row 400m 
then Farmers Hold For as long as it took to complete row
Row 600m
then Farmers Hold For as long as it took to complete Row
Complete with as little rest as possible
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Workout of the Day
AMRAP 3 Burpees -rest 1 min- AMRAP 3 Hollow Rock -rest 1 min- AMRAP 3 Burpee Pull Ups -rest 1 min- AMRAP 3 Weighted Hollow Rocks -rest 1 min- For as long as possible Bar Hang For As Long As possible Plank Hold
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Workout of the Day
In 15 min build to a heavy 10 Rep Max Back Squat
With a partner
Run 50m
15 Floor Press
one person works at a time
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Workout of the Day
“Hidalgo-Ish” For Time: Row 1 Mile / Bike 2 miles Rest 2 min 20 Squat Cleans 135/95 20 Box Jumps 24/20 20 OH Walking Lunges 45/25 lb plate 20 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Squat Cleans 135/95 rest 2 min Row 1 mile/ Bike 2 miles
Wear weight vest if possible
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Workout of the Day
2 Rounds 30 sec Max Effort Strict HPSU + 30 Sec Handstand Hold rest 60 sec 30 Sec Max Effort Kipping HPSU + 30 Sec Handstand Hold
WOD EMOM 14 Min 1: 5 Pull Ups + 5 CTB + 5 KTE + 5 TTB Min 2:  45 second Max Effort Double Unders Score is total number of DU Completed
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