crobatics · 3 months
My oldest friend is teaching her nine month old daughter how to speak and I’m over here making penis jokes on the tumblr I’ve had since we were kids
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crobatics · 3 months
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It really is gutpunch after gutpunch
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crobatics · 3 months
Experiencing both kinds of bottom growth—
I’m a more well-rounded person but also my dick got bigger
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crobatics · 3 months
You are aware there are christmas and almost christmas memes in ace attorney, but did you know there's ides of march memes too?
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Anyways, happy ides of march
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crobatics · 3 months
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sumo wrestlers in a sunflower field
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crobatics · 3 months
who is the first david you think of when you hear the name david
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crobatics · 3 months
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Karlach propaganda:
“Sweetest girl ever. She could throw you across a room. She can burn down a house. But she just wants a hug and to be cared about and to live her life.” 
“Definitively overused phrase but she's a golden retriever she's so cute!”
“She's the perfect woman!!! She's so nice and cute and silly and strong and wow I love girls”
"Karlach is the champion slave of one of the Devils in a layer of hell, and was sold to her by someone she trusted, and on TOP of that she is an experiment with an engine for a heart and she knows she’s going to die and is in fairly constant pain but DESPITE that she is relentlessly positive and outgoing and silly because her spirit cannot be fucking crushed no matter WHAT"
Wyll propaganda:
“He's such a good boy. He's kind and charming and has literally given up his soul to protect people. If you romance him in game he will sweep you off your feet and spout some of the most beautiful, poetic words you have ever heard. And he makes a damn fun dance partner too.”
“He's literally the fairytale prince romance of the game.  He sold his soul to save his home.  His father disowned him for it and still he persisted, still he decided to devote his life to helping others.  You meet him and he's teaching a bunch of kids how to defend himself.  He's been tasked with killing someone who he thought was a dangerous devil, but as soon as he realizes she's innocent and he's been missed he refuses to harm her even though he KNOWS it means he'll be punished.  He plans a romantic dance in the moonlight for you. He proposes to you. He spouts the most wonderful poetic compliments OFF THE CUFF.  What a guy.”
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crobatics · 3 months
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no shit, who’s your main
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crobatics · 3 months
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crobatics · 3 months
what the fuck did you expect me to feel when you gripped the back of my head like that and sank your fangs into my neck? Indifference? Disgust? NOT sheer adoration? be serious.
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crobatics · 3 months
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I don't want to share the viral photo of Kirsty Paterson, the sad Oompa Loompa lady. She doesn't mind it, really, she understands why it went viral, but if I'm going to share anything about that clusterfuck, I want it to show that those actors had no idea what they were getting into, knew they might not get paid, and still gave those kids everything they could.
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crobatics · 3 months
I've seen trans guys discuss being unwelcome in queer spaces the more they pass as men and I believe it not only because listening to other people's experiences is important, but bc I'm an intersex cis woman who passes effortlessly as a cis man and the same has been true for me. I am a femme dyke who makes other queers uncomfortable bc they perceive me as a man, or more masc than them. Times I've put myself into queer only spaces have often been awkward or uncomfortable or isolating.
Someone else mentioned they can't even make being a femme trans man work for them at least to be in irl queer spaces without fear from others bc they're fat and balding and that's the wrong way to have a gender. The same has been true for me! When you're fat and hairy but the head hair is thinner and you wanna dress femme, you're seen as a pig freak even by queer people. And you're automatically a threat to anyone more feminine than you, no matter what.
It's crazy how much I relate to so many experiences from trans women and men both. Do yall ever think about how much you relate to intersex people? Do you ever think about how these things affect intersex people outside of the lense of transphobia specifically? Do you ever consider your experience with transphobia "misdirected intersexism"?
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crobatics · 3 months
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"Don't be a Job Hopper" 1940s Disney WWII propaganda poster
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crobatics · 3 months
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crobatics · 3 months
Three days remain
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crobatics · 3 months
France: hundreds of years with baguette -- DID NOT INVENT BANH MI
Vietnam: less than 100 years with baguette -- INVENTED BANH MI
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crobatics · 3 months
it’s funny how mia fey always comes across as a wise, calm, confident mentor who knows what she’s doing, when in reality, she is the ultimate ‘bullshit ‘til you make it’ person in the game. that’s her whole technique as a lawyer. that’s what she’s taught phoenix. if phoenix is a masterful bullshitter, mia fey is a god-level bullshitter, so much so that when phoenix is in a bad situation while working on a case and feels like there’s nothing more to do but accept defeat, she comes back from the dead not to give him direct clues that would make solving the case easier, but to tell him ‘no, phoenix, you haven’t given your all yet, man. there’s still so much bullshitting you can do. the judge’s eye isn’t even twitching, dude, there’s still so much time to talk about how the witness didn’t see a tiny scratch on the floor or some shit, go for it’
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