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I really hope they get my point. #Scammers #conartistssuck https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoozLED3uB/?igshid=1aycm4vv07gyf
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What have we learned from Coronavirus?
The short answer, a lot of things.
We have learned that Governments are not truly interested in the people or the economies best interests.
We have learned that the left -right paradigm does not work in the majority of peoples best interests.
We have learned and witnessed that time and time again our Governments and politicians continue to operate on a platform of dishonesty, confusion and conflicting resolutions. These people that the masses of people entrust to make positive changes are career Capitalists. They have been so disconnected from the reality in which the people they serve are daily put in. Democratic representation has failed and an idea would be to move to direct democracy instead of the vote for representation that we see played out today.
We have learned that we are not as comfortable as we once believed we where. The Western bubble of "rights and protection" has now been busted, and the reality of real life vulnerability has began to surface and remains in the thoughts of all.
We have learned that the system can and will change without any public input as we entrust are representatives to do their jobs but due to corporate interests and lack of real representation the masses of people have no control in how the society that they are apart of runs and again it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it yet again isn't in our best interests.
I suggest that people strive to become more self sufficient, educate themselves and try in their everyday lives to make as much small differences in whatever way we can to make our world a better and safer place for the generations that we leave it to.
Now is the time to develop our talents, skills and education so that we can support each other in practical ways and continue to go "toe to toe" with issues such as the right to support ourselves, the Justice system, racism, misogyny, sexism, equal rights, and to end poverty and hunger. These demands are not far fetched or impossible, they just don't make profit for Capitalists and bankers, that is why they are overlooked and regarded as and i quote "Impossible".
Oppose any other counter culture that decides to raise its ugly head and stop us creating the society that all of us deserve.
We should all expect more from our so called representatives, not just lip service AND NOT JUST WHEN IT COMES ROUND TO VOTING TIME.
Through these small actions we can strive to persevere, grow together and make the society that we want, one that serves all, and not just the Corporate Global Society that they are pushing for to serve themselves and fill their greedy pockets. They do this by enforcing political and corporate agendas that they disguise or simply hide from the public a quick google search will validate this claim. Mainstream politics have and only seemed to serve and enrich the lives of the few while the masses of us (The Public) and our children will continue to play the game of holding them up and keep them in power. Growing up I have always known this to be true and I am sure you have also. Many of us will say there is nothing we can do....if you are this way then I suggest you continue to live your life the way you are until the above mentioned creeps into your life while you least expect it. If you do not hold this defeatist view and are sick to death and feel that you are not currently happy with the status quo then we have something in common.
In a true "Democracy" they are to serve us and not us to serve them.
I do not like to use the terms "us and them" for obvious reasons as i see everyone as human but for once I would like to see a system that is balanced for everyone not just the wealthy few.
If anyone would like an example of this just have a look into Golf Gate and you will see a clear picture of what I am trying to convey.
They are public servants and we are the public.
Need I say more
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Hello Tumblr, I'm brand new here and hope to gain value from your platform.
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