cripkid · 6 years
there’s a difference between “just do a little yoga it will cure your depression forever :)” and “going for a run won’t solve your problems but it will make you feel a little better and that’s the first step” but this site seems to treat them as the same thing
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cripkid · 6 years
Therapists are just
. Common sense filters
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cripkid · 6 years
someone: quit bouncing your leg me: hesitates but continues to lowkey bounce my leg
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cripkid · 6 years
Period feels that don't get talked about enough
-constant feeling that you need to poop -crotch pains -those moments when you can feel the blood dripping out -cramps for days before you actually see any blood -simultaneous nausea and ravenous hunger -simultaneous WANT SEX NOW and DON’T TOUCH ME EVER -maximum rage at cis men* -got sensory issues? now they’re a lot worse -got mental illness? no you don’t, any and all of your emotional problems can be blamed on your uterus -that legitimate breakdown you had last week about a serious issue? PMS -got any preexisting health issues? they’re all worse now -gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross
*NOT because cis men are inherently bad or the only people who can be bad, just because they don’t experience these problems and other groups of people who don’t have periods typically have other difficult experiences connected with that fact, such as dysphoria, misgendering or medical problems. I know this isn’t cis men’s fault, but I can’t control that it makes me angry.
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cripkid · 6 years
â€ȘIt’s 9 am and someone has already compared deaf people to chimpanzees. At least let me have my morning coffee first đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïžâ€Ź
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cripkid · 6 years
medicine commercials:
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cripkid · 6 years
I’m very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very tired.
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cripkid · 6 years
i want to reside in a universe in which you never hurt me
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cripkid · 6 years
to read during a panic attack:
it won’t last forever. it will be crazy and overwhelming for a while, but it will stop eventually. i promise.
breathe through your nose, it will help slow you down.
call a friend if you need to talk, they will listen. even if they can’t help much, get your thoughts out if you need to.
don’t scratch at your arms or legs, don’t pull at your hair. try to be gentle with yourself please
biting your nails isn’t going to help anything.
turn on some rain or waves sounds, or a comforting song
if you can’t stop shaking your hands out, clench them into fists, don’t dig your nails into your palms.
if you’re rocking back and forth, listen to a slow song and gradually rock to the beats.
don’t listen to the intrusive thoughts.
when you’re calm, pick yourself up, and freshen up if you can. even if it’s just splashing your face with water. just a little something. take a shower if you’re able.
breathe steady. you’ve gotten through this before, you can do it again.
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cripkid · 6 years
it’s not fair that you got to hurt me when all i wanted to do was love you, it’s not fair that you lost feelings and changed your mind and it’s not fair that you’re doing fine and i’m still hurting and it’s not fair that i still miss you
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cripkid · 6 years
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via [x]
[Brooke Winters tweeted: “As a disabled person I don’t want to be told I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I want to know that what I can do is good enough.”]
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cripkid · 6 years
There is a specific crushing feeling when everyone leaves the house to do something fun and you are being left behind because you don’t have the spoons to go. The moment the door closes the silence hits you, growing increasingly loud with each passing minute. It is an abrupt reminder that you don’t have a choice but to be responsible and think of your body first. That while everyone else is out wasting their youth, you are doing your damnedest to preserve what is left of yours. 
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cripkid · 6 years
Self care
You feel like sh*t: An interactive self-care guide
How to make a comfort box
Self-care masterpost
BRACE method
How to practice self-care
What will help?
8 ways to practice self-care in college
5 ways to take care of yourself today
Pleasant events scheduling
Self care can mean different things
Masculine self-care
Self care when you hit rock bottom
Little self-care things
Self Care When You Lack a Sense of Self
Interpersonal Self-Care
Emotional Self Care
Physical Self Care
How to Do Self Care When You Only Have A Little Bit of Time
Self Care For Cold Weather
5 tips for self-care in a culture that glorifies stress
3 steps to create a better self-care routine
5 ways to stay informed about the news without getting emotionally drained
7 questions to help you balance self-care and resistance
A guide to self-care for student activists
How to help the cause when you need to help yourself
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cripkid · 6 years
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cripkid · 6 years
Confession #3,436
the question ‘how are you doing?’ makes me feel so uncomfortable because like are they 1) referring to my illness? or 2) just trying to be polite/make small talk?
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cripkid · 6 years
“How do you go through ableism when you dont even look disabled?”
Like that. Thats part of the ableism.
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cripkid · 6 years
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I made a few Spoonie versions of the Same Hat!! meme.
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