crinklylittlecub · 8 months
OMG please tease me
I love my big bulky pampers Please make fun of me 🥺
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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“Look at all the stuff they have!”
Your girlfriend Melanie was very, very pleased when you brought her to the brand-new adult daycare. The real shocker was that there was such a thing as an adult daycare, but hey, supply and demand, or something.  And they did have a lot of stuff. Really, their nursery was extremely well-furnished. A place where adults can truly be babies. The dress code certainly encouraged that. Diapers were mandatory and nothing could be worn to cover them. Including shirts. Only a pristine white diaper that the caregivers would change whatever the type of accident she may have. 
“This place is amazing.” she said. 
You thought so too. You watched the other diapered adults playing on the ground. A few of them literally in the middle of relieving themselves. All of them drooling and acting like, well, babies. Absolutely mindless.
“I’ll pick you up this afternoon, ok?”
“Ok!” She hugged a random teddy bear and gave you such a big smile that you felt a lot better about this whole thing. 
She’ll be like the others soon enough.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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It’s interesting how quickly the body adjusts to a new routine. At first this little lady complained endlessly about how she was far too old to still have a naptime, how it was annoying to stop whatever she was doing and change into a pair of her bulky bedtime diapers just so she could try and go to sleep in the middle of the afternoon when she wasn’t even tired. And for the first week or so, sure enough, she’d just lie in her crib grumpily, trying to tune out the tinkling lullabies Daddy put on in her nursery to help her drift off.
But it didn't take long before this self-professed mature, grown-up woman was utterly dependent on her mid-afternoon nap. Now, before it even starts, her eyelids are fluttering and she’s stifling yawns, protesting feebly that she’s “not tired” even as she allows her Daddy to strip off her clothes and swap her daytime pull-ups for a thick, overnight nappy. Like clockwork, she starts to get sleepy right around 3pm, and has to be excused from any social events before she throws a tantrum; if she misses her nap, you can bet she’ll get as cranky as any two-year-old!
It might seem minor compared to the humiliation of pull-ups and diapers, but little lifestyle changes like these add up. Getting washed and scrubbed in the bathtub by Daddy instead of doing it on her own. Being dressed in the mornings, responding to “arms up” and “step in” rather than putting her clothes on by herself. Being spoonfed, using a carseat, having naps. These are how you make her stop feeling like a grown woman whose partner makes her wear nappies, and start feeling like an overgrown toddler who genuinely can’t function as an adult.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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“Hehe, you didn’t know what you were getting…ugh…yourself…ugh…into…prfff…did you?”
Jacklyn was giddy with excitement. She had raised her dress to show you her diaper. You were stunned when you saw the bulge appear and the diaper grow yellow. How could you have thought that this cute girl was a grown and sexy woman? Something evidently not the case. The date had gone extremely well. She did invite you back to her house, didn’t she? That her parents were there was the first sign that something was wrong. The second was when she immediately, and publicly, changed out of her big girl clothes upon arrival into a little girl’s dress. Meanwhile, “Mommy” checked her and decided Jacklyn needed a change. Then, Mommy decided that you needed a change, because:
“Little boys should be in diapers" and that she “didn’t want any accidents.” It didn’t matter that both you and Jacklyn were in your twenties.
So there you were, in just a diaper and a t-shirt, in Jacklyn’s nursery. 
“Give it a try.” Jacklyn said. “I like you and if you want, you can stay. You won’t have to work, my parents will take care of everything. We can still go out and do grown-up things whenever we want…or stay in and do grown-up things whenever we want. What do you say? Wanna be a baby?”
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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This is definitely something I do even without my boyfriend being my daddy
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
Trans Girls belong in a fluffy diaper
reblog if you agree
this post is for the transgirls - domt reblog if your a sissy
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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September is cool and all, but who’s ready for OCTOBER THIRST?
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
not a sissy but yep
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😳 Ut ohs. Spaghettos.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
You’re such a silly little baby, you’ve fallen into the trap of becoming addicted to being little and there is no going back.
Soon enough you are going to be permanently diapered and doted on by a mommy and daddy who never, ever touch your privates except to change your poopy pampers.
You’ll watch and listen from your crib as daddy grunts while he fills mommy up with thick cum and all you’ll be able to do is hump your dirty diapers and hope they let you clean mommy up with your tongue afterwards.
You can’t escape this anymore - it’s who you are becoming. A poopy diaper cuck.
🙈🙈pinky promise?
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
Who cares what’s between your legs?!? As long as your butt is wrapped in a thick, crinkly, adult diaper, then that’s all that matters.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
There’s something really cute about having her wear mismatched socks, like no one will notice at first, but once they do, it’s just such a small little detail to discreetly discredit herself, causing people to take her just a little bit less serious, like smeared lipstick or a silly verbal slip 💕✨
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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Good to know. New rules and life coming for you soon baby girl.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
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Good to know. New rules and life coming for you soon baby girl.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
Turn my brain off so I don't have any more adult thoughts. Not like I need them anyway.
Laugh at me as you bounce me up and down, all whilst I'm filling my nappy and giggling.
Baby talk to me and nuzzle me as I squeal in delight at you playing peekaboo with me.
Guide my mouth to whatever it needs, all whilst I drool and look at you like you're my whole world, because you are.
Make me clap my hands along to silly baby songs and make a big thing about putting my pictures on the fridge.
It's not like I should be using my brain anyway, it doesn't belong to me.
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crinklylittlecub · 8 months
What does your partner think? Do you think he wants to fuck a girl who still wears diapers? Gross
I think he rarely wants to fuck me anymore (probably mostly because of the diapers) which is why I accept my place as his cuck and submit to him and the superior women he dates
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crinklylittlecub · 9 months
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Beware the baba to big soggy bottom pipeline…
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