creepycat21 · 4 years
I have a funny dnd story I'd like to share with you.
So we were playing earlier today and everyone was stealthing and I failed my check. I got a 10 and their passive perception was much higher than that. While they were looking at me, I blurted that I was here to introduce lord voldemort. My DM had me roll deception.
I got a 20. It wasn't a Nat 20, but it was still a 20. They were completely intrigued and I panicked. I told them who he was and when I mentioned the snakes, the priestess was like 'I don't like snakes' and cast INSECT PLAGUE, but before that could happen a party member used a cantrip that was literally 'power word meow'. It would make the target meow (Homebrew). The priestess ran away in horror.
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