creatureofword · 9 days
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Dreaming of Another World, Tim Walker
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creatureofword · 2 months
Let’s live it up y’all I got some canon/OC and canon/canon pairings for a slew of fandoms I’m looking for, as well as some non fandom plots! All M/F pairings.
Here’s my general info: 26, she/her, multiple responses a week, but I can’t ever promise daily. Sometimes it happens though SOMETIMES. Real life comes first and I have jobs and blah blah blah. I prefer discord, multi para, past tense, 3rd person format.
I love smut, love dark themes, I love intensity, drama, romance, all of it baby. My limits are few but most be respected, and I’ll do the same for you. Please only like if interested, gotten a lot of ghosts recently which I get happens, but let's not waste each other's time.
20 and up please, I don’t care about your IRL gender, as long as you play a male against my female! All characters over 18 as well, please.
If we have messaged before and things fell flat, you are always more than welcome to reach out again.
Okay, starting with fandoms:
SUCCESSION: Looking for a Kendall Roy (or Roman Roy, or Matteson, or Stewy) against my starving artist/anti-Waystar female OC, for a Romeo and Juliet inspired RP, info available on request. I’m BEGGING for this one. (happy to double up as Shiv in a pairing for you).
HANNIBAL: looking for a Hannibal Lecter AND/OR Will Graham, or Dolarhyde or Male OC against my updated/Fullerverse Clarice Starling (FC: Holliday Grainger), full google doc avail on request!
STRANGER THINGS: Looking for an Eddie, Billy or Steve against my rich girl theatre kid female OC, info available on request.
FALLOUT: Looking for a Nick Valentine or MacCready against my Sole Survivor or female OC. Also open to hearing about your male OCs!
THE BEAR: Looking for a Carmy against my female OC, info available on request
MARVEL: Looking for a Loki to my Sigyn, AUs and mischief are all welcome!
PIRATES: give me dubious con/kidnapping/Stockholm syndrome plot of sweet girl taken by a dark hearted insatiable pirate.
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: Inspired by the book and musical, a theatre "ghost" is enchanted with a young new muse - actress, singer, whatever. Could be fun to do this in the traditional time period, or try something in like.. the Italian Renaissance, or 1910s-20s burlesque.
CULT: any time period at all, but give me a cult leader lead to obsession by one of his brand new young members, making her the object of his affection and a prize to be won/toy to be played with.
Also interested in anything along the lines of WILD WEST, TITANIC, WWI/WWII, or ANYTHING HISTORICAL with a romance focus! Be that noir, fantasy, paranormal, some 90s rom-com vibes, whatever. Just… not of this current time period, lol
You got any ideas that go along these general lines? I’d absolutely love to hear them.
Go ahead and like this and I’ll reach out! I’m HUNGRY y’all, come play!!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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creatureofword · 2 years
Any Lokis role players out there still interested in roleplaying with a Sigyn?
I’ve been roleplaying as her for…. Over 11 years now? And it’s been quite some time since I’ve gotten a chance to use her. Would love to do something splendid between Loki and Sigyn.
Multi para, past tense, 3rd person writing preferred — and I do prefer discord or email to write!
Like this if you’re interested, I suppose? Will send writing samples, faceclaims, answer questions, you name it.
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creatureofword · 2 years
Hawkins wasn’t Chicago, and that was painfully evident. Kit Mayfield knew that the choice to stay here instead of moving to the big city was a sacrifice, yes, but that didn’t make the reality of staying in Indiana any easier. It was strange, to stay in the place where you grew up, now knowing that you were an adult and everything just felt… a little different. Hollow, maybe? Some of the same people were around, some weren’t. Some of the landmarks she remembered still stood, some had…burned. Which is what cemented her stay here. It was hard to even look Max and her Aunt in the face — for one thing, they couldn’t even keep eye contact, they were both so dejected, and for another, how could you look into the face of someone you loved and reconcile with the sadness that was there? No matter how painful it was, Kit vowed to be here, be present and be helpful in all the ways that she could, no matter the price. It certainly wasn’t going to be easy. It wasn’t like Billy was a peach by any means, in fact he usually did more damage with his presence alone than anything, but that didn’t mean that his loss wasn’t felt, and felt deeply.
The majority of the extended Mayfield family had tried to keep everything hush hush, either electing to ignore the issue entirely and not reach out, or to help in the silent ways that made sense to them. In fact, Kit might’ve been the only one vocal enough to try and do something actively helpful, but when she offered up her home (against her mother’s wishes) to Max and her mother, she was met with a wall of pride and quick refusals. That was typical for every member of this family, but it didn’t mean an immediate deterrence. Perhaps against their outward wishes (even if internally there might have been some gratefulness), Kit found herself weekly at the Mayfield trailer, carrying armfuls of snacks and clothes and cassette tapes, anything to help soften the blow materialistically, since sweet words often fell on deaf ears around here.
And to be fair, material goods were not difficult to come by for Kit. She wasn’t ignorant, she knew the ease of wealth her family had, all spouted from the somehow miraculous lucrative painting career her dad had blossomed into when Kit was a child. She had never wanted for anything physical, and that was evident from the sheen of her patent leather penny loafers to the private school across town she’d grown up in. So it only made sense that once she had graduated that living in the city would be her best bet – spending time with her dad, interning at his art studio, trying to audition for plays and get into the theatre scene as she decided whether or not college was a good idea. It’s not like money would ever be an issue surrounding it, so Kit was by all means afforded the luxury of time and choice when it came to her future…even if it didn’t always feel that way to her in the moment. Being at home wasn’t easy either, as her relationship with her mother seemed to be straining like weak thread every time she so much as walked into the kitchen while the woman was there – which only helped drive Kit to spend more time with Max, trying to ignore the growing hole inside of her that felt restless and without purpose. Which is what led to tonight. Kit laid sprawled out on the floor, popping open her caboodle of many-colored eyeshadows and lip glosses, kicking her feet behind her as she arranged some pairings for Max. “You’re an actual psychopath if you think I’m wearing any of that,” Max sniffed, kicking at the edge of her bedframe with a loosely tied Converse covered in Sharpie marks and drawings.
“Come on Maxie, live a little hun,” Kit piped up. She popped open a container of blush, bright pink and in the shape of a rose, and dusted it across her own cheeks and nose. It even smelled expensive. “This can just be for fun, I’m not asking you to model it across town. Just a little makeover, for me?” She was met with silence, and switched to a new tactic. “What if we got out some Elmer’s glue and all my red and brown makeup and made fake bruises and cuts? You can use all the fake blood you want. I learned how to do all that kind of stuff in my costuming and makeup classes this past semester.” Max’s eyes lit up at that proposal, affording her cousin the smallest smile possible. She opened her mouth to respond, but Kit couldn’t hear a word of it, as the windows of the trailer rattled in the room from some fierce wave of sound across the street. An obnoxious guitar riff warbled through the air, and even though it was muffled, it still felt like someone was playing it a foot away. ”What the hell is that?!” Kit yelled over the din, standing up to peek out the window. “Munson next door, a total basket case. Don’t waste your time, this happens like three times a week!” Max returned. The music seemed to be growing even louder and louder, almost wailing at this point. How was the whole damn neighborhood not storming over and battering down his front door? It wasn’t like this was a quiet community, but it was small and the thin tin walls of all the trailers didn’t do anything to insulate for any outside sound.
“It’s 11pm at night, he can fuckin’ can it, I don’t care.” Kit had slipped her loafers onto frilly-sock covered feet, threw on her big plaid coat, and marched over. She was almost seething, annoyed that she wasn’t getting anywhere with Max, annoyed to be in this town, and more than happy to take it out on whatever asshole decided to make the neighborhood his own concert venue and playpen. Her face scrunched up and red lips pouted in fury as she banged against the cold metal of the door, shivering her ass off as her breath was visible in the frigid night air with every word. “WHOEVER IS BLASTING THAT SHIT, CAN YOU KINDLY CONSIDER THE REST OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE FACT THAT IT’S ALMOST MIDNIGHT?!” She hollered through the frame. The sound had stopped, but only for a minute, and soon the door swung open and a tall, wild-haired boy stood in the doorway, big brown eyes wide and expression inscrutable. Chains hung off his torn black jeans, and each hand was adorned with what felt like dozens of rings, silver and glinting in the bits of moonlight filtering in from outside. Fuck, he looked cool. And admittedly… really good looking, fortunately or unfortunately, depending how you looked at it. And almost a foot taller than her, too, but despite the rocker look and the incessant music he was playing a second ago, he didn’t look like some big grunge killer. Kit floundered for a second stunned into silence and almost forgetting she was mad, but soon the annoyance returned, wanting to stand her ground. Her cheeks suddenly revealed freckles in a blush sourced from bashfulness and anger.
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creatureofword · 3 years
lightning occuring outside yessss evil powers violence creatures of the night rise power of the rain and slug rise
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creatureofword · 3 years
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Francis de Valois || Reign 3.05 “In a Clearing”
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