creamnkookies · 4 years
I'm so baffled that Bts army dont understand a simple thing like market value?
#JIMIN is not just a random hashtag. It's a trend mark associated with Bts Jimin. And if that's not enough to demand his company to respect that...then please just leave Jimin out of your mouth.
There is literally to much going on in the world to deal with immature kids who dont understand how the real world works.
There are so many idols in the industry that have the name Jimin, but they each have their own twitter handle. And though Jimin did not officially trademark (#JIMIN), it is still associated with him based on the fact that the algorithm is linked to his name.
Anyone using that hashtag is jumping on his trend. And thanks to Twitter mute it as common, the #JIMIN doesnt show up on Twitter anymore which means it is affecting Jimin.
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Its simple as that. Now let me get back to fighting for change. ✊
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creamnkookies · 4 years
Here's a list of all the petitions
If we arent able to protest we can at least sign
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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since i have not seen anybody share information on this here, please pay attention to the philippines right now and provide any support you can. if this bill passes, people's basic rights to free speech will be taken from them.
anyone seeing this from the ph, please stay safe and stay strong. these are scary times.
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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creamnkookies · 4 years
BTS+Jikook/Kookmin & Fan Service: Part 2
Now, we will start by taking a look at some other more recent examples of fan service and what it looks like within BTS. I still use fan service lightly because often times they are still just comfortably interacting how they please and are just going with the flow rather than trying to meet a fan service-y agenda. I think a lot of i-army especially, just call things fan service out of habit (a lot of times as a way to discredit moments from meaning anything) without taking a look at the history or context of fan service and what it actually entails. A lot of moments with BTS that get called fan service, realistically usually isn't. As stated before, I'm sure there are times they might do intentionally, but I don't view that as the standard with BTS.
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(I'm specifically referring to their interactions and not necessarily the possible differences.) Taekook consistently interact a couple of times during Boy With Love, however it's not always the same thing. The exact same goes for Jikook during their part in So What. And as well for Vmin during Mikrokosmos. There are many more, but these moments are pretty consistent, as well as constantly changing in little or big ways. Further showing that they all really tend to just go with the flow and do what feels most comfortable in the moment. Planned interactions for fans in songs doesn't make them less meaningful or suddenly feelings are being faked for a show. Remembering how comfortable BTS are with each other, this is just normal. They still just have fun with it. A lot of times you may expect an interaction to happen, but don't necessarily know what you're going to get, and sometimes you won't get an interaction at all where you'd typically expect to.
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Next we have just the members usual interactions on and off stage, this is where skinship and comfortability often times gets rolled into fan service. It's a wide and random variety with BTS. Whether it be them slapping each other's butts, picking each other up, slow dancing, gazing into one another's eyes as they sing or just for the hell of it, hugging, holding hands, etc. it's all very much done in good fun and with love. They look like they are having a good time messing about as friends/band mates, comfortably teasing each other and us, the fans.
I think it's important to point to another pretty common factor under the umbrella of fan service within BTS, and that is Vmin (Taehyung and Jimin.) I won't be discussing each members interactions per se (aside from Jikook of course.) But these two especially interact with one another and other members quite frequently. Often, also being the initiatives (not always because other members have their fair share too.) Tae and Jimin specifically are both fairly extroverted personalities that are both confident in pursuing physical touch (of course they aren't always this way as they are human and personalities, and people change with circumstance, time, etc....with this in mind. Continuing.) Jimin is a seemingly vivacious, yet cuddly, yet soft, yet sensual type of vibe (think Serendipity mv); And Tae is a seemingly sultry, air of mystery, yet flirty/teasing kind of vibe (think Singularity mv.) Don't get me wrong, again, we shouldn't base this simplified idea as the definitive expected standard of their personalities because there is always eb and flow, as well as you know, BTS members are complex unique individuals that can't be put into a box. However for example sake, this is how they tend to present themselves (in variations imo) most consistently as individuals, together, and with other members. And for the sake of understanding the context of said fan service within BTS, and how their personalities play into the fandoms perception of the members, and the validity of their interactions based off said personalities and tendencies...it's important to bring it all into consideration when trying to look at the bigger picture. (I'm laughing because this was a long winded run on sentence...but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say in too many words 🙃??) In short, ships involving both Tae and Jimin can sometimes get either downplayed or overhyped due to their presumed bolder flirty, friendly, personalities and tendencies...i.e. you sometimes see comments saying "Oh Jimin does this with everyone it doesn't mean anything." To which I'll proclaim, subtle differences may evade you. And just because you see him interact in the same or similar ways with all members doesn't mean it inherently means nothing if it happens frequently. Nor does it imply all those interactions equate the same bond or feelings.
The two of them visibly feed off each other's different flirty energies. It's harmless, sweet, playful, and now just seems natural and comfy for them. Many times you'll see both Tae and Jimin interacting with other members in similar ways. At the end of the day, all the members very much seem to just genuinely enjoy each other's company on and off stage.
This is never fan service (specific to BTS):
(Nearly coming full circle to my thoughts on Jikook. Thank you for patiently following along.)
Majority in the fandom will absolutely not think this way in the slightest. I am sad I'm having to address this at all. But I've very unfortunately seen comments made by people who have implied emotional support moments amongst the members (any) can also be considered or written off as fan service. An example of this is when Jimin comforted a crying Jungkook during the Seoul LYS final day 3. I saw people comment to dismiss this bond by saying "Jimin comforts all the members" or "it's feeding into the fan service agenda." No.
I am sharing these thoughts outside of my beliefs in Jikook. Yes Jimin indeed comforts all the members. But the way Jimin comforts and dotes on Jungkook is visibly different in certain situations. Regardless of yours or my perception of what their relationship may or may not be because of how we see said interactions. The difference is there (as all relationships vary from pair to pair.) Difference doesn't take away from the importance of the other relationships they have with the other members. But downplaying a genuine bond because, I don't know why, perhaps because it scares them? Perhaps it's too real? Peharps because it eliminates other preconceived notions of what they once excepted? Whatever the case may be, it is quite shameful to do. Jungkook and Jimin just have a different relationship, whatever it may be, whether people like it or not. And the difference will always be prevalent and valid no matter what kind of relationship it is. Jimin and Jungkook love each other, as all the members love each other, just differently. This isn't up for debate, as this isn't an assumption. This is just what it is.
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The members emotionally supporting each other is never for the sake of fan service. Never. And should never be placed in such a dim ignorant light. BTS all love each other deeply.
Let's talk about Jikook:
With all the context of fan service and how skinship is essentially rolled into one with BTS. I can now better explain my thoughts on Jikook in regards to fan service and how I think their dynamic works within it.
I'll start by saying, I very strongly believe Jikook are able to use the blanket term of fan service to their advantage. They are able to be more themselves with one another under the guise of "it's just fan service" (on stage especially.) Some may forget Jikook are in a uniquely tricky position, so for them to interact with one another more freely in ways they can't usually, under the premise of fan service, could possibly be quite cathartic at times. To just, be. And I want to reemphasize by saying since I believe most interactions between members are genuine and authentic, I say the same certainly goes for Jikook, and maybe even more so. Their interactions with one another do not seem forced or done out of obligation. And on many occasions, they introduce a whole new level of intimacy you do not typically see with other members. Keeping in mind the way BTS do and don't interact with one another when it comes to skin ship and fan service, Jikook tend to push that boundary, and many onlookers question it at one point or another.
One of the biggest differences I notice with Jikook and fan service becomes much clearer not only because of the other members reactions to them, but because of Jungkook himself. Jungkook is the type to wear his heart on his sleeve and is often not very good at hiding his true emotions or feelings (this isn't necessarily a bad thing.) Jimin has his moments as well, but as a whole Jungkook tends to be much more readable. Because of this, it's noticeable to see there are moments when Jungkook shows genuine trepidation with Jimin, and really only with Jimin. His hyper awareness of Jimin and his interactions with him are suddenly odd considering Jungkook usually has no issue with engaging with other members he's known and had many years to get accustomed to. At least, not in the same way as with Jimin. Especially with sometimes innocent moments that wouldn't usually have any cause to raise an eyebrow. With that, it makes you wonder why Jungkook would ever show reservations with Jimin rather than other members of the group, especially if it's only just fan service and or skin ship.
A standout moment I feel I need to discuss is the Rosebowl ear suck moment. This is a prime example of something that really cannot be explained away as just fan service within BTS (unless it's really just an absolute fluke, to which I'd scratch my head.) As well, the ear moment really can't be explained away as just skin ship either. There are no other really comparable examples to that particular moment, within such a context. And context is extremely important here given it's such a unique moment. Always keep in mind context in regards to understanding Jikook, and making sure things aren't being blown out of proportion for the sake of wanting to meet agendas. But also not being downplayed for the sake of wanting to meet agendas. I see a lot of people (both Jikookers and non) say Jungkook did that to comfort Jimin, and that people shouldn't think anything of it, or take it too seriously. And I strongly disagree. I'm sharing what I believe happened, and I AM adding in my speculation to what I think it meant. Either way. The ear suck moment happened, that's a fact. What you think it means is your own perception and opinion. I'm stating here what I think it meant, but, this moment indeed happened.
Regardless, in that moment, I don't think Jungkook sucked on Jimin's ear to comfort him. I do see they (Jikook) tend to touch one another's ears often, presumably because of comfortability. But, this moment was different. You have to look at the bigger picture of what was happening. I believe Jimin didn't start crying until after Jungkook started saying I love you (it seems) in response to Jimin (into his mic.) Jungkook begins to say/do whatever he does to Jimin's ear. And as Jungkook seems to suck on Jimin's ear, Jimin's head visibly sinks lower & he cries harder when he realizes what Jungkook is doing. Now, I'm sure Jimin was emotional beforehand, as performing is their passion and they are often moved by Army, I'm not taking away that sentiment and it very well could be that that was the only cause (I don't believe this though.) However, I do believe, the catalyst of those, specific, visibly touched emotions that progressively grew on Jimin's face, were seemingly caused by Jungkook's actions. I believe Jungkook did that, simply because he wanted to. It was another grand gesture. For Jimin first and foremost, and as well, for the world to see. It was another way for Jungkook to proclaim 'I love him.' It's one of many.
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Additional thoughts on Jikook and fan service:
I mentioned planned interactions (ex. So What) earlier, and I think the members don't often know how Jikook will interact with one another in those moments and outside of those moments, which is why more times than not we see them on guard when it comes to Jikook. For example, I think they gave Jikook more free reign during the LYS Seoul Final concerts and a great example of the members feeling nervous (to an extent) about Jikook, is right before, and during their Serendipity moment.
I don't think other ships or any ships are meant to cover up one another. It's just not realistic or sensical to cover up a real gay relationship with a fake one. Additionally can you imagine how mentally and emotionally exhausting it would be for the member who's in both ships to pretend to be in a fake relationship for the world in front of the person they're really in a relationship with? That would be torture and terribly unhealthy to put yourself through for years, mind you, years. It's not reality. Imagine how utterly unrealistic it is to think GCF Tokyo, Jungkook's own passion and art, is demonized and written off as a fan service? Who benefits from that sort of toxic mentality? No one. Truly no one. And lying to themeselves if thinking otherwise.
If the company or whoever was worried about Jikook or their interactions I think they would do their best to just lessen Jikook's interactions for the time being, simply by asking them to be mindful (notice they were more careful after Seoul Concerts because of said events that followed right after.) Outside of that (if Jikook interact less for whatever reason,) the other members continue to go on about their usual interacting with one another... and as I mentioned before, in turn, other ship moments just happen, not that it's meant to intentionally distract from Jikook. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's still helpful there are multiple ships in regards to taking some of the spotlight away from Jikook, because it does cause a sort of discombobulated "illusion" to the army fandom and the general public. Helps to not create a hyper focus on Jikook only. I just don't believe it's inherently done for the sake of hiding Jikook per se, because I think the members just love each other and interact with one another and ship moments just happen as a result. Remember, BTS don't live to constantly feed and fuel ship agendas and dreams. *Again, there could be times when they are asked to interact on purpose to "feed" a ship. But I wouldn't count on that being the constant (I'm sorry I've said this a lot and in several different ways but, it's just an important point to get across.)😅
Lastly, if Jikook are really all just a grand scheme, and it's all fan service for the sake of the fans and pulling people in. Well, they've truly outdone themselves, above and beyond honestly. The lengths they've gone to push a fan serviced relationship agenda is quite frankly, absurd. It's a good thing that's probably not the case or I'd be very concerned 🥴. I do wonder why it's easier for some to assume it's all an elaborate hoax, or just a friendly brotherly bond, rather than believing it possible two men just fell in love and are doing their best to love one another in the limited ways they can?
With all that being said, I think Jikook are different for many more reasons. But this post has already gotten quite long. If there's any topic or moment you'd like me to discuss specifically, whether it be a post or in the dms, feel free to let me know! 💕
Thanks for reading! Please take good care of your health! ❤️
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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Awww this is so cute...
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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bring it, bring the pain oh yeah
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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Smitten 😊
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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jungkook + eating food 
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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jungkook in all black 🖤
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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the most dedicated MC ♡
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creamnkookies · 4 years
So got mini time to scroll through tumblr
And my god...people are at it again with their bs...I expected this from taekooers but damn minimoni are losing their minds too...
I love how when people Analysis that Jikook broke up, they conveniently forget about Jikook moments that throws away their theory....
The timeline she said is that Jikook broke up since 2019....
Yet...Rosebowl, I was happy...movie dates, hanging out with friends...birthdays...the new year vlive in 2020...
So miss elephant in the room analysis... do you really believe that Jimin or Namjoon who hold Jungkook close to their heart would idk after breaking hook up with each other...
Like what kind of fanfiction or fantasy are these people reading, and if you are going to talk about a trio then include everything not just cherry pick. 🤡
People are so into drama...anyway, think for yourself. Have your opinion but dont be so fucking obvious with your biases if you are trying so hard to be objective 😬
I'm crawling back to my hole...I only had a few days to breath🤭🤭🤭🤭
PS: Fyi this elephant in the room has 2018 cherry blossom Jikook break up post blog...you guys remember that...now we have one in 2019 🤣🤣🤣
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creamnkookies · 4 years
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Can you spot the difference challenge? 😏
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creamnkookies · 4 years
So got mini time to scroll through tumblr
And my god...people are at it again with their bs...I expected this from taekooers but damn minimoni are losing their minds too...
I love how when people Analysis that Jikook broke up, they conveniently forget about Jikook moments that throws away their theory....
The timeline she said is that Jikook broke up since 2019....
Yet...Rosebowl, I was happy...movie dates, hanging out with friends...birthdays...the new year vlive in 2020...
So miss elephant in the room analysis... do you really believe that Jimin or Namjoon who hold Jungkook close to their heart would idk after breaking hook up with each other...
Like what kind of fanfiction or fantasy are these people reading, and if you are going to talk about a trio then include everything not just cherry pick. 🤡
People are so into drama...anyway, think for yourself. Have your opinion but dont be so fucking obvious with your biases if you are trying so hard to be objective 😬
I'm crawling back to my hole...I only had a few days to breath🤭🤭🤭🤭
PS: Fyi this elephant in the room has 2018 cherry blossom Jikook break up post blog...you guys remember that...now we have one in 2019 🤣🤣🤣
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creamnkookies · 4 years
i really dont see a difference between the way jk treats tae and hobi or jin he’s touchy with all of them and looks like he has nothing to hide but when it comes to jimin he gets extremely shy, nervous and avoids direct eye contact like crazy lol that was one of the first things i realized he gets so stiff next to jimin and that was the first reason why i thought they might have something going on because jk is so easy to read and always looked very obvious to me unlike jimin
I agree anon that JK openly and freely touches the other members without hesitation. There’s no second quessing. However with JM, his interactions do have a different feel to them. It’s almost like he toes the line between should I/I want too verses I shouldn’t/can’t.
Sometimes he’s shy about it, like he’s monitoring himself from going too far. Other times he’s like screw it, I’m going for it full throttle. JM is a bit harder to read, but one thing is for sure, he’s so much softer when it comes to JK than he is with the rest of the other members. JK is that soft spot for JM always! 🥰💜💜
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creamnkookies · 4 years
gosh! Is it normal for you to hush asks with ships when you cant reply properly. Im not a minjoon shipper, im a realist. And love how you ignore the part where "Jikookers assumptions r based on observations and footages too"... You guys are funny when the asks leave you tongue-tied! tsk tsk tsk...
Okay, so let’s break down what you said:
Minjoon happened aka Jimin chose to hang around Namjoon and acting cold towards Jungkook based on…
2018/2019…you said he pushed him away from the group hug…aka bullshit…you need to go and watch the video again.
BV4: Jimin said he loves stargazing
Army zip: This is Jimin’s Young forever interview…he never mentions Namjoon in the second question…so that was your assumption
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Hmmm… what else did you mention????
Oh yeah the airport.
So Jimin didnt fix Taehyung’s hair as well. He brushed of Namjoon’s shirt. But you took that interaction and let your wild IMAGINATION run crazier than a person in a crazy house.
Then we had…oh yeah the picture that ariana grande’s posted of Jimin hugging namjoon…
Did I miss anything….you said things make sense from 2018 to 2019 that Jimin dumped Jungkook….but it seems like you forgot all these happened as well…
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So get your selective ass memories out of here. I could answer you properly and could have thrown all the shit you said out of the window …but I would have to dumb down everything for you, just like I did now.
Ps: he flew from Paris for his birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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