crazymonster94 · 25 days
That random grabbing for the Jade Plushie....that's me.
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crazymonster94 · 1 month
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獸化超好玩的  別想阻止我
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crazymonster94 · 1 month
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「My apprentice want to f**k me.」 ↓ More nsfw fan comic on pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=76627324
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crazymonster94 · 1 month
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crazymonster94 · 1 month
How do you think Kevin and checkmate (separately) would react to finding out there lover is Asexual?
I headcanon Kevin as Asexual and Aro or Demiromantic already so personally, I reckon he's going to be relieved when his partner tells him. He probably hasn't discussed his own sexuality with them before due to just not wanting to be vulnerable, but having his partner open up to him gives him the chance to do the same.
Checkmate...well I doubt Sunshine gave him the whole 'sex education' thing as he didn't really do much other than train him and throw axes and shit at him.
Depending on when Checks starts dating, he may have had a god awful explanation from Terry or Mantaro and either be extremely confused or down right terrifyed of sex.
So when his partner confesses he has absolutely no idea what they're on about and begs for clarification, fearing whatever awful shit he's heard from the others.
With a bit of education a gentle guidance, I don't think he'd have a problem with it all.
Besides, cuddles on the sofa are far better.
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crazymonster94 · 1 month
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crazymonster94 · 2 months
Zeke is hot.
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crazymonster94 · 2 months
yay how about Espresso with Zeke? i'd like to think the morning is when everyone is the most vulnerable so i'm curious to see what he's like
Definitely! Thank you for requesting! 😊💖
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When Zeke is sleepy, he is very cuddly. It’s a strong, subconscious desire to stay cozy. If he’s alone in bed, he’ll burrow under the blankets and stay there for as long as possible. If you’re there with him, no matter how many times you try to get up, he’ll keep pulling you back in, grumbling about how warm you are. If you ask him about it later, after he’s woken up and had his coffee, he’ll seem unsurprised, but he won’t really remember it happening. It’s an instinctual, half-asleep reflex.
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Sleeping Positions…
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Sleeping Positions HCs ( AoT x GN!reader )
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith, Zeke Yeager
Warnings: domestic fluff, cuddling, gender neutral reader, sfw, barely there mention of spicy themes
Author’s Note: just some long-ish headcanons about cuddling with my favorite aot boys. request are open but NO S4 SPOILERS PLEASE <3 also feel free to request this HC for a character i didn’t include.
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Levi Ackerman:
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Soft Sunday: how would Levi, Jean, Reiner, Zeke, Armin and Pieck react to butterfly kisses? (This may or may not be inspired by the bunny kisses one👀) it was adorable 😭😭
(the bunny kisses ask was such an adorable idea, and so is this!!)
Levi, Jean, Reiner, Zeke, Armin, & Pieck Reacting to Butterfly Kisses from their S/O HCs
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Levi’s first reaction would be something like, “What the hell are you doing? That tickles.”
Your explanation of butterfly kisses will be met with, “Tch, is that what the kids are into these days?” and he’ll brush it off as something silly.
Definitely keep bothering him with the butterfly kisses, eventually he’ll relent and start giving you them right back, “See? It tickles!” while actually tickling your sides as well to give you twice as much back until you’re laughing and asking him to stop. He’ll act like it’s some grumpy punishment from him, but really he’s having fun seeing you laugh.
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You’re touching him and he’s happy, that’s all there is to it at the end of the day! He’ll give you that charming smile of his and go, “Aw, for me? Thanks.” then put his arm around you to pull you against him and give you butterfly kisses right back.
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Reiner isn’t sure what it is you’re doing either, but he leans in and smiles as you give him butterfly kisses. He’s accepting of any of your affections, and thinks this is just another cute one. He wouldn’t be likely to give you butterfly kisses back, but he’ll laugh a little and say thank you when you give them to him.
If you have kids though, he’ll give them little butterfly kisses on their cheeks, remembering how happy and cared for it had made him feel.
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He’ll pull back for a moment, amused, but then bend back down to let you do it again. “If you must.” he’ll say, giving into your little whim as he often does.
He won’t give you butterfly kisses back, though if you ask him to return them he’ll instead rub his beard on your cheeks, “Best I can do, I’m afraid.”
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He’d think it was sweet, and even ask you to do it again before returning your affections with a proper kiss. He loves that you think of him so tenderly and express your feelings in ways like this that might not be the most obvious. It reminds him that you’re truly special, and so is your relationship. He’ll return butterfly kisses if you like, but only after he’s given you a long proper kiss first. You make him so soft, so easily.
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You and Pieck will have been giving each other butterfly kisses from the start of your relationship, to be honest. When you two cuddle together on the couch or in bed, with one of you lying on top of the other, she’ll bring her face to your neck to leave little butterfly kisses along it. Her lashes are so long and pretty that it’s a natural form of affection for her. 
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Titan Warriors and their Pets HCs
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He’d have a dog like a pit bull or a staffy, it would 100% have a mean name like Crusher, and it would 100% be an absolute and total big dumb sweet baby. Porco’s social media will be 90% videos of the dog napping, giving him cute eyes, rolling in the grass, with a flower on it’s ear - this is his BABY, and he talks to it in that goofy baby-talk voice. He lets his dog lick his face too, smh. If his apartment has the space and it will because he’ll just get rid of some of his own furniture Porco would buy one of those mini couches for the dog to chill on. You’ll see him on a jog or in the dog park with his dog every day, running it around in circles, or playing tug of war. They’re both relentless at tug of war, Porco will be getting dragged around by the bit of rope toy they’re playing with having the time of his life. 
Overall 100% the type to baby his dog, giving it lots of treats and always being ready to play, and he’ll even cover the dog’s eyes during scary parts in movies. You can also catch them napping together on the couch, both on their backs, both drooling and snoring. Birds of a feather, Porco and his pup!
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Has a tortoiseshell cat, and I can see it with a name like Maeve or Xanthe (something do to with mythology or some kind of historical thing he’s read books on in his free time). The cat will be largely independent, with Zeke leaving a window open in both his home and office for her to come and go as she pleases, but more often than not she’ll be lurking in the background staring at any visitors. 
She can be seen on Zeke’s lap sometimes, as he loves to pet her absentmindedly when he’s deep in thought, but she does tend to end her cuddle time with her claws in his hand. It won’t be uncommon to pass by Zeke’s office as he mulls over some report while stroking the cat’s tummy and then as you walk away you’ll just hear “Maeve let go… Maeve… ow, shit, why?!” She’s overall sweet to him and him alone though, and will often wake him up at 3 am by rubbing her face on his beard and purring.
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Pieck could have many types of pets, I see her being one of those people animals seem to always like - it’s not uncommon for her to be late getting somewhere because she’s stopped to pet a stray for 15 minutes. I see her with something like a Bombay though - a handsome little black cat that almost has the playfulness of a dog. She’d give it a strange but sweet name, carefully chosen after she’d had time to get a feel for their personality or something sentimental to do with how she’d found them. Maybe something like Müll (German word for “trash”) because “I found her in the dumpster behind a pub!” or Rigatoni because a bit of uncooked pasta Pieck dropped was it’s favorite thing to bat around. Either way she would be so loving with this cat, and it would be stuck to her side from the minute she got home -  and Pieck always has a cat toy near her to play with her lil friend. She would be the type to have a framed picture of her and her cat in her house too for SURE.
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I’m not strong enough to resist the joy of Big Man with Little Dog, so… he’d have something on the smaller side. Reiner can be active and Reiner can be patient, so he’d be pretty open to a lot of different breeds. I see him going to a shelter and picking up whichever dog gave him the saddest eyes, maybe it was a dog with a disability or an older dog - Reiner won’t care, they all need a companion. So i’ll say he’d end up with a tiny formerly stray mutt, a little fella that is some kind of mystery mix, but he’s wiry with floppy ears and sweet eyes and Reiner is absolutely smitten. He’ll take all the time he needs to gain the dog’s trust, and once the pup is happy in his home they’ll be inseparable. 
You’ll catch Reiner in the outdoor market to pick up produce with a grocery bag in one hand and his little dog in the other, or in the winter he’ll be walking the dog with little shoes on it’s paws so it’s feet don’t get cold. He’d give it a people name if it didn’t already have one when he adopted it - something like Julie or Rich - and with the way that he talks about it people would think he was talking about his kid or something at first lol. This dog 100% has a spot next to Reiner in his bed, all cuddled up to him. Reiner will end up sleeping in some uncomfortable position so the lil fella can have the center of the bed too.
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Zeke Jaeger NSFW Headcanons
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Thanks for the suggestion, anon! 
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Zeke Jaeger NSFW Alphabet
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MINORS DNI/18+ only under the cut!
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Zeke looking like he's deep in thought but really mind empty just Mii channel music on loop
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Congratulations on 200!! :D
um 20.00 and 15.00 for zeke for the event 😳
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[RE:] Kojinnie’s Milestone Celebration :: 24/7 Writing Event
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Thank you!!! There you go, hope you like it boo~ ✿
15.00: Their pet peeves
20.00: How do they sleep at night with you
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As a person who has a superiority complex as a way to compensate his own insecurity, Zeke tends to think highly of himself, and with such thought comes a lot a self-made justification for him to find other people annoying. My headcanon would be that most of his pet peeves would come from the little things that other people do. It can really start from simple things.
One example, when you were out for lunch with him at a restaurant, Zeke would audibly sigh in annoyance when the waiter came to take up your order and interrupted him mid-sentence while he was talking to you. He would leer at the waiter and furrowed his brow in an evident dismay. He wouldn’t be overtly rude though, as that’s not his jam. All he would do was clearing his throat and told the waiter that you weren’t ready to order, and he should come back later – putting words in your mouth just to shoo a waiter, because he still cared about his image in the eyes of strangers and did not want to assume the consequence of having people think of him as an asshole.
When the food finally came, he would scoff because the waiter served the food from the left-side and not the mannerly proper right-side. He’d make a condescending remark about how “People nowadays just don’t care.” And it would really set his mood to a bad turn.
In workplace, he'd finf people who are overtly meek and obedient to be quite a nuisance. He believes everyone should have their own degree of independence, and people who obey without independent thoughts are such fools. He’d find himself peeved by Colt Grice often because he’d be looking up to Zeke too much. One who never goes further in inspecting whether the beliefs one upholds was of truth or rather a fabrication. It's always “Yes, War Chief!” or “Wow, you’re so cool!” but never “Why did you come up with that plan?” or “Can I know your decision-making process?”. People who would do things as ordered without mustering their own thoughts into it are the type of people Zeke finds annoying and to a certain extent—he considers as expendable. I’m not sure whether this can be classified as a pet peeve, but this particular dislike is the most common reason to Zeke’s annoyance.  
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Zeke for sure is an extraverted thinker, meaning that he likes to exercise his thoughts out-loud and verbally, and one of the places where he’d find himself be comfortable enough to talk about all of his ideas would be in bed with you. Honestly, I think his significant other has to have similar values with him or else this “wit exercise” would only be a gateway to relentless arguments. You’d be in bed first because Zeke would really savor his time in the bathroom before bed, he’d appear out of the bathroom with his beard still damp, brushing his teeth, topless with his lounge trousers – all while talking shit about either his teammates or the stupidity of the government. He’d pace around the room, ranting, throwing glances at you frequently as he looks for your affirmation that you’d gladly give – maybe weigh in your thoughts in the matter as well, he’d love it.  After a while, when the foam of the toothpaste starts to get stale in his mouth, only would he start cleaning up and finally retreating to bed with you. Contrary to popular belief, Zeke is such a big baby when it comes to sleep. The way he’d make weird noises as he slithers into your embrace, his arms on your waist, resting his heavy head on your chest – is a thing that often makes your heart coos. He’d really groan and whine, and talk shit about people again until his energy depletes and finally drifts to slumber on your chest.
Zeke often gets waken up in the middle of a night, either by nightmares or anxiety kick that would come univited at ungodly hours. No matter how tough he's seen as, no matter how much horrors he'd brung as the Beast Titan, these persistent nightmares about his parents, would nail the coffin on his strong facade and he may break down. When you're around, he'd really appreciate your help, just to fetch him a glass of water and cradle him back to sleep would be something rather meaningful for him, since it was something he had never received when he was a child.
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
Hey!!, hope ur having a great day so far, could u do 🥺 pls? ( what they find cute abt their gf )
Hi honey,
Yes, totally. I’m so glad you asked! And thank you I hope your have a great day as well.
From the ——-> Prompt
Requests are open
Q:what they find cute about their gf
:: Eren::
He finds a lot things about his gf cute but I think later on in the relationship his mind starts to get dirty so he thinks that what was cute about you is hot now.
Anyways, he thinks it’s sooooooo cute when your shy about pda. He just thinks it’s cute that you blush, he finds it adorable how you get a little tense or surprised and how you just want to hide.
Eren thinks it’s cute when your shy when talking about certain things. He finds it cute the way you want to change subject and how you avert your eyes since you no he’s looking at you.
Eren is the type to always look at his gf’s ass eyes. So when this happens you end up looking away constantly cause you don’t want to stare at him for to long even though he’s talking to you and you should be looking at him.
Eren likes the way you put on make up and finds it cute and heart warming the way your so gentle when applying makeup.
You being domestic for him sometimes is too cute. You act like a married couple and that’s just adorable too him, like the thought of his sweet girl being his wife one day hits him hard.
Bed head gets him. And your little sleep shorts.😂
This boi is so stuck on you, someone help him.
He likes how you hold his hand.
Thinks it’s cute that you are a lot shorter than him, so he rests his chin on your head.
He likes small hands and he probably didn’t notice it until you were sitting in his lap and rested your hand on top of his one day.
“Y/n, your hands are so cute.” He’d say holding it with his and examining it. He even compared it to his which made him laugh.
“There not cute there just a little small.” You’d say pulling your hand into your lap.
“What?! No, these are so cute and tiny. You have little hands like a kid!” He’d exclaim before holding your small hand again.
“I do not, you’re hands are just huge.” You’d laugh, seeing you got him offended.
“Yeah well these hands are the only ones that can do this.” He’d smirk gripping your hips before tickling your sides.
“Eren! S-stop it tickles!” You’d laugh, trying to remove his hands from your sides.
When he doesn’t shave his facial hair he always rubs his chin against your cheek and you always flinch or complain about it since it feels weird and he thinks it’s cute.
Thinks it’s cute if your worried about your weight and how to pay close attention to how much you loose and gain cause either way he still loves you.
Finds it adorable if your oblivious to certain in things. Like sexxxxx
He loves how you worry over him. And he thinks it’s cute when you get mad at him for getting injured.
“You idiot you could’ve died!” You’d say.
“Hey relax I’m fine.” He’d grin seeing you were mad. but your anger was soon replaced with sadness and tears since you thought you almost lost him and you were happy that wasn’t the case.
He finds it really cute when you get so worried about him that you get overwhelmed.
“Aw babe, don’t cry. Shh it’s okay come here.” He’d say sitting up in hospital bed (probably a car accident) patting a spot next to him so he could hug you. You climbed and fit in his arms perfectly.
“Y-you idiot. Don’t d-do that ever again.” You’d say between breaths, crying while resting the side of your head against his chest, for you to listen to his heart beat.
Your little sobs make him smile because he really thinks your just to soft sometimes but he finds it cute that you can’t help it.
“Shhh, hey everything is fine. Look see, I’m fine. It’s just a few bruises and cuts.” He’d say reassuring you while bringing you in a tighter hug.
“Yeah b-“ You look at him it’s tears on your cheeks.
“Did you really think I’d leave you?” He’d wipe your tears away.
“I don’t know! I just, I—I don’t know.” Your eyes look watery and you seem confused.
He’d kiss your forehead, “Silly girl, I would never do that.”
Seeing you were going to cry soon even you buried your face into your chest as you were still upset, “I h-hate you.” You’d cry a little more.
“I love you too.” He’d kiss your head while he held you still. He thought you were just so cute to worry about him. Even tho he doesn’t like seeing you cry.
So as I said before you being shy about pda makes his heart flutter, cause you’re just too cute.
he thinks his gfs body is hot but like he still thinks it’s cute, like he thinks your butt is cute. Cause he’s weird like that.
During, sex if you try to cover yourself up cause your worried he finds it cute that you get cautious and he just wants to reassure you that your beautiful.
He thinks it’s cute when you gasp in surprise cause he caught you off guard while making love to you.
The pathetic sounds you make are just so cute in his opinion.
If you have tears near your eyes cause it’s becoming too much for you or because it feels really good and he’s just going too rough, he finds it adorable and he feels bad that he’s made you this weak. But he finds the affect he has on you to be cute, seeing it overwhelms you.
He finds it amusing when you squirm and shake in his hands.
Finds it cute if you put your knees together rather than spreading them apart since you’re nervous.
He’s really hooked on the way your face looks during your orgasm/high and he doesn’t want you looking away. He finds it hot but also adorable.
The way you whimper, this man never gets over it and it makes him so charged.
When you show your cleavage by accident cause you didn’t realize or notice.
He also likes it when he catches you off guard during a make out session cause you’ll gasp or moan since well you had no idea what he was going to do.
:: Zeke::
The way you scream or look at him for help when there is a bug in the room.
“Ah, get it out of here!” You say covering your face.
“Relax it’s just a beatle.”
“Oh my gosh, just get rid of it please.”
“Babe it’s okay, look see it’s sweet.”
“Zeke no, I’m afraid of them and you know that.”
“Aww it’s okay, look I’ll take him outside.”
“Please do.”
When you curl into ball to sleep.
Your little smile when sleeping.
If you drool he’ll use it against you but find it cute.
“Good morning sleepy head, or should I say drooler.” He sat up on the bed waiting for you to wake up while handing you a tissue.
“Wha-Ahhh! oh my gosh, ew.” You’d frown before wiping your chin with the tissue he gave you.
“Ew? I don’t think it was ew last night, if you all you kept saying was ‘ohhh Zeke’ . I mean you were pretty vocal.” He’d tease.
“I don’t sleep talk and you know that, monkey.”
“I don’t like the vocabulary you’re using, fun size.” He grinned.
“Fun size?!”
“What you’re cute and small--it’s not like I called you--”
“Don’t you dare say those pet names.”
“What baby girl and bubbles?” He smirked.
If you have a bubble butt he actually will call you bubbles but he actually calls you bubbles because of the the power puff girl cause your cute like she is soooo. But he would never tell you that. So you thinks it’s only cause of your butt.
Plus, even during sex Zeke is quiet the character as he makes up pet names. Hence the pet name bubbles for you which is strange. He uses baby girl most of the time tho.
“Okay, okay, look I’m sorry.” He chuckled, blocking your hits.
When you’re focused on work and trying to figure out the answer.
If you ask him for help on something.
When you don’t know how to express yourself and get confused and you tell him not to laugh cause knowing him he would.
He thinks it’s cute if you wear things for him, like he thinks that’s sweet of you.
Finds it cute if you get mad at some things he does.
When you get jealous he thinks it’s just too adorable. He will tease, and tease.
If you have bows in your hair or ribbons.
When you wear a low ponytail.
If you have print design underwear.
When you make food for him.
The way you squeak with his facial hair poking you.
The little surprised face you make when you’re excited.
You follow him around when you’re bored and you cling on to him.
If he’s sitting down and you casually crawl into his lap without asking or anything, you just sit there like a kitten.
Asking for him to carry you since you’ve been walking too long with him somewhere out in public.
They way you giggle and cover your laugh with your hand.
Taking pictures of yourself and he just photo bombs it and he likes how you get annoyed about it.
When he brings up something embarrassing about you and you’re quick to shut him up. He also does it to his best friend that’s a girl, I’m sure. But in her defense she’d mostly likely calls him monkey for payback.
If your much shorter than him he’ll find it cute cause he knows you’re gonna need help.
If you do dances on tiktok with your friends or even practices dances like Kpop ones for example he’d find it adorable. Especially the cute girl groups😂😂
Don’t send in kpop ask please I’m not into it anymore.
He likes it when look at something in the store but are too bashful to ask him if he could buy you it.
“You could’ve just ask you know?”
“But I didn’t need it.”
“But you wanted it and now you have it.”
Your pout, since you know he has a kink for bratty girls. Which he finds it cute how you sometimes end up pouting without acknowledging it.
When your trying to seduce him but it doesn’t work and so now you wanna run away and hide. But this loser is quick enough to pull you in by the waist.
“Not so fast cutie.” He’d chuckle while you squirm in discomfort.
“Zeke, let me go.” You’d complain before he’d raise his hands and tickle your waist.
When you try to hold back your moans but fail miserably.
Having your mouth open cause your shocked by the pleasure he’s giving.
The way you hide your face and whine when an orgasm comes along.
Finds it cute how you fumble with his belt and have the hardest time taking it off him.
He likes how for aftercare you curl up right next to him and pass out afterwards.
How you kiss his jawline. It makes him love you.
When you ask for privacy to change but he’s seen you too many times.
When you wear miss matching underwear.
He likes it when you try to mark him. He finds it cute that you want to be in charge instead.
Thinks it’s cute when you pull away from a kiss feeling breathless.
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© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
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crazymonster94 · 3 months
adding to ur last post, zeke is a big cuddler and obviously a big attention seeker, so when ur laying down on ur bed this man walks straight to you and just drops himself, while you stay under his form letting him rub his beard in your neck like a cat and u pet his hair.
Anyways, zeke is a cat
Original Post
He is a giant cat who demands attention and all your loving. That's probably why he's so hairy, he's part cat. If you scratch the right area you'll earn a deep purr and feel the vibrations from his chest.
You tell him you need to go to the bathroom and he won't move an inch. He'll move his head like he's trying to get more comfortable on your chest. " I don't want to let you go though... hold it in a little longer." And when he does get off of you, he will follow you to the bathroom. Closing the door? Not a problem for this guy, he'll be standing outside waiting. Long bathroom sesh?
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