crazyforcosmere · 10 days
you know what we need to talk about? buck living with chronic pain
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crazyforcosmere · 10 days
i love that one of buck’s defining character traits even from episode one even when he was an immature reckless asshole is that he loves kids. the second he’s got a baby in his arms or a kid to comfort on a scene he becomes all smiley and goofy and soft he melts like butter under the southern california sun like. he’s just a sweetheart :’) a bit of a bitch but a sweetheart nonetheless
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crazyforcosmere · 10 days
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Maddie, I know this was a rough call, but don't you think maybe you're a little too close on this one? Wouldn't it be better if someone else...
No, that's why it should be me. I have been the passenger in the seat of that car. I understand her more than anyone else can.
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crazyforcosmere · 10 days
the thing i love about 911 is it really shows how non-linear healing from trauma is. like a lesser show would keep piling the catastrophes up and up and up, maybe deal with the consequences once if at all. but the fact things keep haemorrhaging and rupturing in 911 is SO fucking true to life. bobby will never truly be out of that apartment fire. something in eddie will always be on that intersection with shannon's hit and run. something in maddie is trapped in big bear. like they have come MILES but progress isn't linear and i am SO grateful with the nuance 911 is showing these characters
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crazyforcosmere · 17 days
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911 HIATUS REWATCH One Scene Per Episode - 'In a Flash'
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crazyforcosmere · 17 days
eddie making buck chris’ legal guardian if he dies is still so funny to me years later because like. bro if this was for normal reasons you would have picked someone with less than a 70% chance of being taken the fuck out right there with you
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crazyforcosmere · 26 days
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Cant have fucking shit in Detroit
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
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A boop cat to live on your blog!!!!!
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
Something that literally changed my life was working with a friend on a coding thing. He was helping me create an auto rig script and was trying to explain something to me but his words were just turning into static in my brain. I was tired and confused and there was so many new concepts happening.
I could feel myself working toward a crying meltdown and was getting preemptively ashamed of what was about to happen when he said, “Hey, are you someone who benefits from breaks?”
It broke me.
Did I benefit from breaks? I didn’t know. I’d never taken them.
When a problem frustrated or upset me I just gritted my teeth and plowed through the emotional distress because eventually if you batter and flail at something long enough you figure it out. So what if you get bruised on the way.
I viscerally remembered in that moment being forced to sit at the table late into the night with my dad screaming at me, trying to understand math. I remembered taking that with me into adulthood and having breakdowns every week trying to understand coding. I could have taken a break? Would it help? I didn’t know! I’d never taken one!
“Yes,” I told him. We paused our call. I ate lunch. I focused on other stuff for half an hour. I came back in a significantly better state of mind, and the thing he’d been trying to explain had been gently cooking in the back of my head and seemed easier to understand.
Now when I find myself gritting my teeth at problems I can hear his gentle voice asking if I benefit from breaks. Yes, dear god, yes why did I never get taught breaks? Why was the only way I knew to keep suffering until something worked?
I was relating to this same friend recently my roadtrip to the redwoods with my wife. “We stopped every hour or so to get out and stretch our legs and switch drivers. It was really nice. When I was a kid we’d just drive twelve hours straight and not stop for anything, just gas. We’d eat in the car and power through.”
He gave a wry smile, immediately connecting the mindset of my parents on a road trip to what they’d instilled in me about brute forcing through discomfort. “Do you benefit from breaks?” he echoed, drawing my attention to it, making me smile with the same sad acknowledgement.
Take breaks. You’re allowed. You don’t have to slam into problems over and over and over, let yourself rest. It will get easier. Take. Breaks.
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
the way aragorn runs is so chaotic
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
love how in midnight donna has a nice spa day and the doctor has one of the worst days of his life
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
My cats have this meow that means "please come with me to fix this" after which they'll lead me to the problem in question, usually a empty (or 'empty') food bowl or a closed door they want open. They look at the 'problem', they look back at me, clear message.
What fascinates me is how this illustrates what they percieve as being in the realm of my 'power.' I control the food, I control the door, sure, but my cats love to sit on the balcony in the sun, and it has happened plenty of times that on a rainy day they come get me, go to the balcony and show me... the rain. "Please fix this" they say. "Please get rid of the wet"
"Silly kitty," I say, "I can't control the rain." I then walk into the shower and turn on the rain.
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
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crazyforcosmere · 2 months
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crazyforcosmere · 3 months
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One of my favourite things in the Iron Man movies is that the one time a fire happened in the workshop, poor DUM-E couldn’t put it out
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crazyforcosmere · 3 months
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My diagnosis is that you’ve experienced a severe anxiety attack. Me?
― tony + anxiety, requested by anonymous  
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