crankysims929 · 5 years
100 Day CAS Challenge Sims 4
Day 1: Go Crazy (make a sim in anyway you want, go crazy) Day 2: Colour (make 7 sims, one for each colour of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) Day 3: Animal (make a sim that looks like an animal, CC is recommended for this one) Day 4: Doll (make a sim that looks like a doll) Day 5: Punk Rock (make a sim with a punk rock style) Day 6: Element (make a sim that represents an element, fire, earth, water, air) Day 7: Gothic (make a sim that has a gothic look) Day 8: Alien (make an alien sim) Day 9: Hybrid (make a hybrid sim, like a mermaid, half human half fish, or a satyr, half goat half human, or something you made up by yourself) Day 10: Child (make a child sim, it can be either gender and it can look however you want) Day 11: Model (make a sim that looks like a model) Day 12: Ages (make one sim in each age group, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder, they could be a family, or it could be one sim through every life stage, or something entirely different) Day 13: Girly-Girl (make a sim with the style of a girly girl) Day 14: Tomboy (make a sim with the style of a tomboy) Day 15: Singer (make a sim based of a singer) Day 16: Actor (make a sim based of a actor) Day 17: My Style (make a sim with your style) Day 18: Dessert (make a sim based on a dessert) Day 19: School Girl (make a sim based of a school girl, it can be fantasy too) Day 20: Fruit (make a sim based on a fruit) Day 21: Pride (make a sim dressed as if going to a gay pride festival) Day 22: Pastel (make a sim with pastel colours) Day 23: Simself (make a sim based on yourself) Day 24: Seasons (make 4 sims, one based on each season, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer) Day 25: Plants (make a sim based on a flower or plant of your choosing) Day 26: Love (make a couple) Day 27: Book Character (make a sim based on a character in a book) Day 28: Crystal (make a sim based on a crystal of your choosing) Day 29: Diversity (make a sim that is of a different ethnicity to you, examples, Caucasian, Asian, Arabic, African American, Mongolian, there are thousands to choose from) Day 30: Gamer (make a sim that looks like someone who does gaming) Day 31: Disney Princess (make a sim based of a disney princess) Day 32: Ugly (make the ugliest sim you can make) Day 33: Beauty (change the sim you made yesterday from ugly to beauty) Day 34: Teacher (make a sim that is based of a teacher, they can be of any subject area, examples, art, math, history, science) Day 35: Hobbies (make a sim based of a hobbie, examples, painting, drawing, photography, bush walking, gym) Day 36: Weather (make a sim based of a particular kind of weather, examples, storm, rain. sunshine, cloudy) Day 37: Disney Villain (make a sim based of a Disney villain) Day 38: Ohana Means Family, Family Means No One Gets Left Behind (make a sim based of one of your family members, or if you want you can make all of your family) Day 39: Wedding (make a sim or couple dressed ready for a wedding, they can be going as a guest or the bride/groom or even the bride/grooms family members) Day 40: Power (make a sim based on a goddess or god, you can base them of a already existing god or goddess or you can make them up) Day 41: Fan (make a sim based of a fangirl or fanboy) Day 42: Celebration (make a sim as if they are going to a celebration) Day 43: Style Stealer (make a sim in the style of another simmer) Day 44: Friends Forever (make a sim based on one of your friends) Day 45: Refurbished (remake one of your sims that you made a long time ago) Day 46: Youth (make a elderly sim and then create their younger self) Day 47: Cartoon (make a sim based on a cartoon you watched when you were younger) Day 48: Holiday (make a sim based of a holiday you celebrate) Day 49: Pattern (make a sim based of a pattern, examples, polka dots, tartan, stripes) Day 50: Classic Childhood Movie (make a sim based of a character from a classic childhood movie that either you or your parents watched as children) Day 51: Nature Lover (make a sim that looks like a nature lover, perhaps a hippie or something similar?) Day 52: Plain Jane/Average Joe (make a sim that is very plain and ordinary) Day 53: Grim Reaper’s Apprentice (make a sim that you think would look like a grim reaper’s apprentice) Day 54: Runaway (make a sim that looks like a young runaway) Day 55: Post-apocalypse Survivor (make a sim that looks like they just survived or are surviving a apocalypse) Day 56: Widow (make a sim that is a widow, her husbands death can be recent or a long time ago, its up to you) Day 57: Experiment Gone Wrong (make a sim that looks like an experiment gone wrong or a scientist that just had an experiment go wrong) Day 58: Royalty (make a sim that is royalty, you may base them of a real life royal or a made up one) Day 59: Modern Day Witch/Warlock (make a sim that is a witch/warlock but that looks modern, not medieval) Day 60: Raised Wild (make a sim that looks like they were raised in the jungle or somewhere wild) Day 61: Twins (make a pair of twin sims, they can be identical or not, its up to you) Day 62: Coffee Addict (make a sim that looks like someone who loves coffee) Day 63: Blogger (make a sim that looks like a tumblr blogger) Day 64: Steampunk (make a sim in the steampunk style) Day 65: Chef (make a sim that looks like a chef, it can be an existing chef or one that you make up) Day 66: Lyrical (make a sim based of a song) Day 67: Siblings (make a pair of sims, a bigger sibling and a little sibling, they can be either gender and the older sibling can either have the protector role or the bully role) Day 68: Jealousy (make a sim that represents jealousy) Day 69: Inside Out (make your favourite character from the movie Inside Out) Day 70: Ideal Guy/Girl (make a sim that would be your ideal guy/girl, that you find attractive) Day 71: Planet (make a sim based of a planet, examples, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto) Day 72: Emotion (make a sim based of the emotion your currently feeling) Day 73: Art (make a sim based of a piece of artwork you like) Day 74: Old Times (make a medieval sim) Day 75: Cards (make a sim based of a card from a deck of traditional playing cards, examples, king, queen, jack, ace, 4, joker) Day 76: Alcoholic (make a sim based of the different kinds of drunks, examples, happy drunk, angry drunk, sleepy drunk) Day 77: Farmer (make a sim that looks like a classic farmer) Day 78: Party (make a sim that is going to a party) Day 79: Vacation (make a sim that is about to go or is on vacation) Day 80: Outdoor (make a sim that loves being outside, perhaps a gardener?) Day 81: Athletic (make a sim that loves to workout) Day 82: Bookworm (make a sim that loves to read) Day 83: Snob (make a sim that is a snob, that thinks they are better than everyone else) Day 84: Forever I Will Live (make a sim who is immortal) Day 85: Long Lost Friend (make a sim based of a friend that you no longer talk to but still consider a friend) Day 86: Internet Sensation (make a sim based of a current or old internet sensation) Day 87: #Goals (make a sim that is your own goals) Day 88: Wanderer (make a sim that is a wanderer, someone who travels everywhere, it can be medieval or modern, its up to you) Day 89: Stereotype (make a sim based of a stereotype of your choosing, examples, goth, gay, punk, cheerleader, biker, redneck, surfer) Day 90: DJ (make a sim that is a DJ, it can be a real DJ or one of your creating) Day 91: Down The Rabbit Hole (make a sim based of any character from Alice in Wonderland) Day 92: Crossover (make a sim that looks like one of your characters from a different game) Day 93: Rave (make a sim that is rave themed) Day 94: Dancer (make a sim that is a dancer, examples of different kinds of dance, ballet, hip hop, contemporary, tap dance, salsa) Day 95: Typical Foodie (make a sim that is a foodie) Day 96: Cancer (make a sim suffering through cancer and then use the same sim but change it so they become a cancer survivor, to help raise awareness and support) Day 97: Star Sign (make a sim based on your star sign) Day 98: Typical Teenager (make a sim based of the stereotypical teenager, pimples and all) Day 99: Stranger (make a sim based of a stranger you have seen today or a random person of the internet, make it look as much like them as you can) Day 100: Update (update your simself that you made on day 23 to look more like you currently do)
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crankysims929 · 5 years
The Pop Culture Sim Challenge  By BlogginginSimlish
There have been multiple sims challenges floating around the simblr community and I decided I will try my hand at mine. It is inspired by my everyday life/interests. I tried to make each category relatively gender neutral. So here it is, the Pop Culture Sim Challenge. The idea is that all the sims will be based on something almost everyone knows and is part of our culture (And things I like).  Don’t forget to share with your friends and followers!
- Try to make all the sims very different from each other. Diversity is your friend for this challenge.
-  No using other people’s sims as bases, I want full originality please. 
- Please don’t claim this challenge as your own. Thank You.
- I would very much appreciate it if you included a link to my blog or this post
- These could be inspired by the prompts or recreations. Whatever you prefer.
Day 01: Gossip Girl (preppy)
Day 02: Art Deco
Day 03: Punk Rock
Day 04: Southern Belle
Day 05: Edgar Degas’ Ballerinas 
Day 06: Panic at the Disco 
Day 07: Timelessly Classic 
Day 08: High Fashion Magazine Cover
Day 09: Crunchy Granola (Hippies)
Day 10: Hidden Princess 
Day 11: Single Parent
Day 12: Snow Bunny
Day 13: 2005 Emo
Day 14: Everyone’s favourite Teacher
Day 15: 80′s Prom
Day 16: Trophy Wife
Day 17: Beauty Guru
Day 18: K-Pop Star
Day 19: Swedish Style 
Day 20: Grandparent
Day 21: Air Hostess 
Day 22: Bridesmaid/Best Man
Day 23: Ran the Tattoo Parlor out of Ink
Day 24: Sunflowers
Day 25: Shopping Day                                                                                     
Day 26: Primary Colours
Day 27: Shotgun Wedding
Day 28: Drag Queen
Day 29: Graffiti Artist
Day 30: What your Simblr Means to You    
Share your Creations Please!
If you choose to partake in this challenge, I would really love to see what you come up with! Post your photos with #Pop Culture Sim Challenge so I can like and see them please! 
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crankysims929 · 5 years
Spring into Summer & Fall into Winter - challenge
A Sims 4 seasons challenge with very bad play on words. You get it? Spring, summer, fall & winter? Ahhh, never mind…
I am not aware of any challenges for seasons yet, so I decided to give it a try. The challenge is a 4 generation-legacy challenge, so short but not short, if you get what I mean 😉
The challenge wishes to explore the expansion pack, because there is a lot of new stuff! It also forces you to create some new holidays you can spend with your loved ones.
If you decide to give this a go, please use the hashtag #springtowinter.
There are some basic rules for the challenge:
You may start off generation 1 with §50.000 by using the money cheat (type money 50000 in the command), but no more cheats after this.
Lifespan must be set to normal, and season length must be set to 14 days (the normal is 7, so remember changing this)
A sim may only use an anti-aging potion ONE TIME in their lifetime, this includes the Potion of Youth and milking the cow plant.
If you don’t own a pack that dictates a trait, aspiration, career or goal, replace it with something you think will fit.
You do NOT have to complete the goals within a game-season - each generation represents a season, so you play in their lifetime.
When a child becomes a young adult, the next generation begins.
Have fun. Or else
💐 Generation 1 - Spring:
Traits: Romantic, loves the outdoors & vegetarian 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Gardener (Floral Designer-branch)
Spring has sprung, and the vegetables begins to sprout. As a romantic, you find this season to be the best. The flowers begin to bloom, bees are in the air, and the smell of rain. Ahh, you love it. The only thing missing, is someone to share it with. 
Goals (You MUST complete all to move on to the next generation):
Declare your love for rain (interaction in the friendly-category) 
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Earth day’. It must take place in the spring. Traditions must be: Gardening, give flowers, and thankful spirit.
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Egg-stravaganza’. It must take place in the spring. Traditions must be: Flower bunny, egg hunt, and baking.
Get a beebox and fill up the relationship bar with them
Get to level 10 in the flower arranging-skill
Complete all traditions in the Love Day-holiday
Complete all traditions in the Earth Day-holiday
Complete all traditions in the Egg-stravaganza-holiday
Complete the aspiration
☀️ Generation 2 - Summer:
Traits: Good, hot-headed (get it?) & perfectionist
Aspiration: The Curator
Career:  Secret agent (Diamond agent-branch)
Summer has always been your favorite season, because it seems like everything is perfect. And, as a completionist, you have always been obsessed with perfect things, and always want to collect everything, while doing something good for the world.
Goals (You MUST complete all to move on to the next generation):
The generation heir must, as a child, join the scouts (afterschool-activity), and collect all of the scout-badges (THIS MUST BE DONE AS A CHILD, SO PLEASE BE AWARE)
Declare your love for sunshine (interaction in the friendly-category) 
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Be Proud’. It must take place in the summer. Traditions must be: Drinking, decorate, party spirit and romantic spirit. 
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Summerfest’. It must take place in the summer. Traditions must be: Bar-B-Que, fire, water fun, and tell stories.
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Day of the Dead’. It must take place in the summer. Traditions must be: Rembrance, grand meal, decorate, tell stories, and attend holiday ceremony.  
Get to level 10 in the herbalism-skill
Buy a money tree (Available in the rewards, and costs 5.000 points)
Complete all traditions in the Be Proud-holiday
Complete all traditions in the Summerfest-holiday
Complete all traditions in the Day of the Dead-holiday
Complete the aspiration
🍂 Generation 3 - Fall:
Traits: Genius, kleptomaniac & materialistic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career:  Criminal (Boss-branch)
The temperatures are dropping, along with most peoples mood. Except yours. You love the dark hours and colors. To you, your parents were good. Too good. You do not see the good in the world, and neither in people. You have always wanted to cause mayhem and chaos. 
Goals (You MUST complete all to move on to the next generation):
Declare your love for wind (interaction in the friendly-category) 
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Mischief Monday’. It must take place in the fall. Traditions must be: Mischief spirit, streaking, fighting and give gifts 
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘Spooky Day’. It must take place in the fall. Traditions must be: Spooky spirit, trick or treat, decorate, and wear costumes  
Buy the weather machine and fully upgrade it 
Woohoo in leaf pile
Befriend Patchy the Straw Man
Get to level 10 in the mischief-skill
Complete all traditions in the Harvest Day-holiday 
Complete all traditions in the Mischief Monday-holiday 
Complete all traditions in the Spooky Day-holiday
Complete the aspiration
Give birth until you get at least 1 girl - the last heir must be female.
⛄ Generation 4 - Winter:
Traits: Cheerful, foodie and family-oriented.  
Aspiration: Super parent
Career:  Social media-career (Internet Personality-branch)
Snow is falling, and as you look out the window you cannot help but wanting to share it with other people (on social media even). Winterfest has always been your favorite. The happy mood, the food, and spending time with the family makes you as happy as you can get. You know that your parents has not been the greatest of people, so you decide that you want to be that. The best parent in world even.
Goals (You MUST complete all to move on to the next generation):
Declare your love for snow (interaction in the friendly-category)
Create a new holiday (in the calendar) named ‘A Wintery Welcome’. It must take place in the winter. Traditions must be: Festive lighting, festive spirits, polar bear plunge, and fasting.    
Build 5 different snowpals (it is random, but there is 15 available, so it should be possible)
Only give birth once! - and that must be with father winter
Complete all traditions in the Winterfest-holiday
Complete all traditions in the New Year’s eve-holiday
Complete all traditions in the A Wintery Welcome-holiday
Complete the aspiration
If you have any suggestions or changes, please let me know!
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crankysims929 · 6 years
Ice Cream Simdae Legacy Challenge
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A ten generation legacy challenge with each generation loosely based on an ice cream flavor!
Use the tag #ics or #icecreamsimdae so I can check out your posts!!
No cheating unless it is for storyline purposes
Heir choice is entirely up to the player
Live in any neighborhood unless specified in the challenge
You can have the heir dressed in the color of the ice cream flavor, but it is not required esp since there’s a lot of bland colors
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Gen 1: Vanilla
Super Parent Aspiration
Ambitious, family oriented, kleptomaniac
Ever since you were a child, you were never a very adventurous sim. You had very simple goals in life. A successful career and a happy family. Many people would say your life was lame, but you found entertainment in your secret hobby: stealin– I mean collecting.
Max parenting and mischief skills
Master business career
Have a collection of stolen items
Marry a service sim (nanny, butler, etc)
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Gen 2: Strawberry
Soulmate Aspiration
Art lover, romantic, glutton
Your parents fell in love despite being in different social classes. You wanted that kind of true love for yourself. But between your extreme love of food and passion for your career, true love was a hard goal to achieve.
Max painting and gourmet cooking skills
Master the painter career
Have a romantic bar with only one sim
Maximum of two close friends other than family
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Gen 3: Chocolate
Serial Romantic Aspiration
Noncommittal, outgoing, self assured
Your parents were always at home, talking to the same people. You, on the other hand, went to parties and became a trendsetter. People always flocked to your confident charms, but you never felt the need to settle down.
Max charisma and mixology  skills
Master the critic career
Complete the pen pal cork board
Have at least two significant others other than spouse
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Gen 4: Charcoal
Computer Whiz Aspiration
Loner, geek, unflirty
You never understood why your parent was so social. The only friend you ever needed was your computer and your games. You even moved to Forgotten Grotto to be alone. But just then, someone made you fall in love, turning all your plans upside down.
Max programming and video gaming skill
Master the tech guru career
Live in Forgotten Grotto
Have a child out of wedlock with a vampire
Never marry
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Gen 5: Lemon Sorbet
Public Enemy Aspiration
Music lover, evil, outgoing
You always hated being part vampire. You tried to learn about and suppress your plasma drinking urges. You secretly wanted to sing and be a sweet fairytale sim. But the plasma-sucking blood in your veins made you irritable and prone to fighting.
Max an instrument and vampire lore skill
Master the criminal career
Make and drink the Cure for Vampirism
Have four enemies
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Gen 6: Cotton Candy
Leader of the Pack Aspiration
Cheerful, insider, hates children
Your parents never was there for you, so you decided to search for validation online. Your unique style drew people in, and the world loved your content. You fell in love, but knew settling down and having children would lower your popularity.
Max photography skill
Master the social media career
Dye hair three times 
Have low friendship with spouse and children
Quit job when children reach the child life stage
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Gen 7: Red Velvet
Friend of the World Aspiration
Outgoing, insane, clumsy
Your parent never had the time of day for you. Throughout childhood, you often spoke to objects and your invisible friends. When you moved out, you vowed that you would provide a warm home for your future children.
Max charisma and baking skills
Own a successful bakery
Talk to imaginary friends until teen life stage
Have multiple children and a happy marriage
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Gen 8: Mango Sorbet
Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Bookworm, jealous, vegetarian
You had a nice upbringing, but you were never truly content with where you were in life. You wanted a successful career but also freedom. You thought writing was your passion, but seeing the great Granite Falls made you rethink everything.
Max herbalism and writing skills
Master writer career
Quit job after reaching level 10
Marry the hermit, move to Brindleton Bay
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Gen 9: Green Tea
Freelance Botanist
Loves outdoors, hot headed, romantic
Growing up surrounded by trees, you learnt the beauty of nature. You loved watering your plants and doing yoga. You always had the secret dream of finding true love, but your quick temper always got in the way
Max wellness and gardening skills
Make all money from selling harvestables
Do all laundry in a washtub
Divorce two times
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Gen 10: Ube
City Native Aspiration
Cheerful, mean, dance machine
Your parent cared about trees and flowers. You, on the other hand, loved karaoke and festivals. You moved to the city and partied your years away, building a wide range of skills (and a harsh attitude) to succeed in the concrete jungle.
Max singing skill
Master politician career
Have a collection (ex. MySims, snow globes)
Reach level five in at least three skills
Date three people from the city
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crankysims929 · 6 years
I think im gonna do this combo cause it sounds super fun
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Introducing Rosa Noir, my Snow White/Founder for my Disney Princess/It Takes A Village Challenge!
Rosa has grown up with her parents, King Lancium and Queen Raven Noir. They are royals of a small country, one of the last that follows an Absolute Monarchy, and while they live in modern times much of their clothing and style is outdated. Perhaps when she has to leave Rosa will learn what it’s like to live in the real world.
I’m following THESE RULES, which are a combination of these rules by @knotleaf and these rules by @mdebunny with minor adjustments to get them aligned and working right [Gen 1 Rules are below the cut.]
This challenge will be a mix of story and gameplay and will be rather NSFW, and rarely fluffy. I’m following a darker story with my generations, a mix of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and my own personal ways of making the stories have a darker ending. 
As mentioned in my previous post regarding this; my tags that will be best for blocking this if you cannot/should not deal with things of the nature are itaq, itaqg[NUMBER OF GEN], and nsfw;;;
Overall I hope those of you who read it will enjoy it. 
Keep reading
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crankysims929 · 6 years
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hello everyone! honestly i’ve been totally slacking in checking out my followers’ blogs so i’ve been feeling kinda guilty and would like to make up for it!
if you want me to check out ur blog, just like/reblog this and if im vibin with you i’ll definitely smash that follow !! thank you all so much for all your support and i’m looking forward to some new people to follow!!  💖
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crankysims929 · 6 years
Im starting a new legacy!!
Okay so my element legacy is about to get good so since ive been slacking with my posts (motherhood keeps me pretty busy) I am gonna start an additional legacy! Ill be posting my founder and her story line later! She is an incredible sim sim sure you guys will love her!(:
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crankysims929 · 6 years
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Heres some screenies of akira and raven and the twins madison and mason(: also raven is still working on mastering that social media career!! Im sooo ready for gen 2 you guys the story is sooo good!(:
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crankysims929 · 7 years
Okay so ive lost alot of screenshots with the update so I'm gonna skip forward to mason and madisons childhood years! Nothing crazy has happened but Raven and Akira have had their 3rd and final child and they have adopted a beautiful puppy!(: also they all got makeovers because i couldnt deal with all the broken cc in my town so they are in a new save and a new house(: ill be posting tonight(:
Have 3 children ✔
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crankysims929 · 7 years
Re-blog if you have a legacy/ challenge for me to follow
I’m in need of some new stories to follow! So re-blog if you would like me to start following yours, or you can recommend others.  Have fun re-blogging!  I currently follow: @thesimmerwithshimmer​ @thesmallersimmer​ @lilsimsie​ @abbyindia​ @mintiphresh​ @simmingnoobmag​ @sunlitsims​ @geekiesims​ Are you a maxis match finds blog? Re-blog this!
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crankysims929 · 7 years
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Reunite with mother once first child is born! ✔ Meet Dana!
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crankysims929 · 7 years
We got a new baby!!(:
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Female | Dachshund  MIX 
Moonlight Adoptions 
Available for download in TS4 gallery Username: Nativemoonlight 
*******NEW UPDATE!! ******
Thanks to @suebarr753 Violet has a download link and so will the other pets that will be up for adoption. I apologize to those who had trouble finding her. I’m still learning.
Download Violet HERE
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crankysims929 · 7 years
So since the update my sims are about to have a makeover because my cc is trash now lol:p
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crankysims929 · 7 years
Fav skin(:
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cinnamon roll skin v2 // (halloween treat pt.2)
• so much better than the last
• less harsh
• no seams. like at all. i think.
• new everything except for the face
• unisex, w free eye for asian sims.
mega | mediafire
credits go to @litttlecakes, @chisimi, @heihu and @reticulates. ♥♥
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crankysims929 · 7 years
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Welcome to the world Madison and Mason Kibo!! Yes she had twins(:
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crankysims929 · 7 years
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Ladies and gents its happening!! Baby Kibo is coming!(:
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crankysims929 · 7 years
Sorry you guys!
Sorry ive been mia ive been having some personal issues but im doing better now and i plan on posting more of my element legacy asap(:
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