cranberryvishnu · 6 months
I had just finished a wagon run with people I thought were my friends. Then after I had put my weapons away and my back was turned - the snake struck. Fortunately, I was able to humanely euthanize the villain.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - With Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... VII
The sprint to the building I had selected for myself was not far - but the deep snow made it feel like a bad dream. 
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It was the feeling of running with desperate urgency, yet not moving in accordance with my efforts.
I slogged past the locals who had agreed to help in the resistance - but they were woefully unprepared for what was happening. Some of them had pitchforks!
Really?! Pitchforks?! 
We are not pursuing Frankenstein’s monster here! This is a battle for our lives and we have villagers from a Mary Shelly novel assisting us?!
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Rubble from ruined buildings littered the dirty snow filled streets mingling with the bright, arterial blood spray and bodies of the unfortunate.
Finally, I reached the structure - it had a low overhanging roof above the front door. Without breaking stride, I leapt up onto a nearby wagon and used it to spring up to the roof.
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It creaked ominously under my weight but didn’t break as I lightly ran up the large, pointed roof. From here I was able to get a better view of what we were up against.
I raised my binoculars up to get a better look -  it was not good. We were hemmed in on three sides with the snowy tree-covered mountains at our backs.
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Out by the creek, I could see Eli. He was holding something half submerged in the water… it was something - large… it was… hard to see. Then I watched as he pulled a dead enemy up out of the frozen creek by the collar of his coat. 
I could even see the expression of horror frozen on the dead bandit’s face. 
Then - faster than I would have thought possible - Eli whisked the body around like a rag doll and used it as a shield to block a hail of arrows fired from the hillside. The shafts seemed to sprout from the dead man’s body as they struck his chest. 
Casting the dead man aside, Eli drew his Lancaster and fired a series of thunderous shots with deadly accuracy. I could see the antagonists on the hill flail and scramble as they were cut down. 
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Behind him about twenty five yards away I saw two bandits break from the cover of the treeline to rush him. They had large, razor sharp machetes drawn and I was not sure that Eli was aware of them.
I snapped my Carcano to my shoulder, sighted briefly and fired - the CRACK, CRACK  tore across the valley - and that act - it woke something up in me.
Like a bubble of ancient vapor from the bottom of a swamp, the memory floated to the surface of my mind.
As I watched the two villains drop loosely to the ground, I was reminded of the way my little ragdolls would flop onto the floor when play time was over and I was called away by my mother and father to tea. 
Just squeeze the trigger once… plop. Twice…plop.
Time for tea.
In the distance I could see Eli was aware of my assistance. He looked my way and tipped his hat, then ran towards another attacking group further to the east.
Maybe he did not need my help. Maybe he would have seen them in time... Maybe not.
I did not have time to think about that - out of the corner of my eye I could see three horsemen approaching. Again, I sighted briefly and fired directly into the chest of the first horse in the trio.
The poor beast went down in a flailing heap, causing the other two riders behind to crash and tumble into a screaming, thrashing chaotic pile.
Three more headshots - three more puffs of pink mist spattering the snow - three more rag dolls lifeless - I felt the heady rush of focus - I knew… I knew I could not miss!
Three more targets by the tree line! Without a thought - I was firing.
Three more headless puppets staggering in mindless circles as they spiraled to the bloody ground with their strings cut.
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If I see you, then you are dead!
I heard a shot ring out right behind me - 
As I turned to face my attacker - a brigand with a machete who fell across me knocking me to the ground!
I moved swiftly to shove him aside before he… he was already dead!?
There was a smoking hole in the center of his back. Thick, bright oxygenated blood was pumping out of the fatal wound.
I looked left - right… then I looked to the street below and saw…
“Bloody TOM! Thank you - you saved m-”
Bloody Tom didn’t seem in a chatty mood as he responded.
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“If you’ve GOTTA be on that fuckin’ roof Cranny - then - watch your damn back!”
As if to emphasize his point he cycled another round into his Lancaster and… and I don’t know how he did this - but without seeming to look, he swung his gun at a 90 degree angle and [BANG!] blew a large hole clean through the skull of an invader who had been taking aim at him from behind a supply crate. 
I saw two more bandits panic and dash away from that position - I felt that excited rush as I brought them into scope - they were so close, and I could feel their fear - it tasted delicious! 
They didn’t have a chance. It was like hitting the side of a barn with the side of a barn… 
CRACKABOOM! CRACKABOOM! Two more floppy little dolls in the snow.
I moved to the highest point on the roof and took refuge behind the chimney as I scanned the open ground beyond the creek looking for Mr. Grimfrost.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Watch "Cranberry - in Rhodes... Attacked from behind." on YouTube
You really never know who might try to make trouble. This wicked villain tried to shoot me in the back.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Morning Routine
Ever since Cripps abandoned me to aid the wicked Master Olcott - I have been able to make my own accommodations wherever I please.
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I mostly enjoy setting my camp by water. A nice slow wide spot along the river or on the edge of a lake. This allows me to engage in my morning constitutional.
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It consists of an invigorating swim in the early hours of the morning. I do this first thing before breakfast. Even Dogstoyevsky is not awake yet! I love the quiet - and the sound of the cold water all around me.
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Today I found a desert iguana and tried to race him! He is so elegant in the water and was far too fast for me.
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I lost track of time - the sun is already up! I have to feed Dogstoyevsky - he will be very cross with me...
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After Dogstoyevsky and my trusty horse, Star Billiard are taken care of, I can have breakfast. No more of that horrible slop Cripps used to make.
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I prefer chili! I have many recipes that have been shared with me by other wanderers that are quite good. Even one that uses iguana... so that little scamp was lucky I could not catch him today!
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Well time to get back to work! The operation runs much more efficiently now that Cripps is no longer sniffing and drinking the chemicals. I also do not miss the odor left from his "dietary mishaps" he would leave behind the chuck wagon.
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Well now... I wonder what I shall get up to today?
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Healthy Living
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Now that I am in my 20's, I realized that it was time to take my health a little more seriously. I reflected on how fortunate I was to live in an enlightened age where modern medicine and health science has advanced so far and so fast.
The amazing work being done with mercury, electricity and iodine are really only the beginning of a long list of giant leaps forward in our compendium of medical knowledge.
When I visited the doctor in Blackwater, I was horrified to find that my body chemistry had (and I quote): "...alarmingly low levels of tar!"
Fortunately, we live in a time where a health crisis such as this can be averted by simply adopting new healthy habits.
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I tried cigarettes and found them to be rather chic, although a bit harsh at first. But after multiple attempts and the support and urging of medical professionals, I was able to develop quite a fondness for them.
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Although, I must say - I found cigars even more to my liking. It is true that they are less lady like, but to my surprise, I found the quality of the smoke to be much more agreeable.
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Yes... yes... This is the civilized way for a modern member of society to get their tar levels back to where they should be.
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Truly, a pause that refreshes...
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I am so very grateful that there is a whole industry dedicated to providing such wonderful products to people who dearly need them.
Finally - I decided to go to the source!
And for that - I needed to look no further than the good folks at the heartland oil fields. After it went dark, I snuck over and waded out into the pool and when no one was looking, I stripped down and rolled around in the the viscous miasma allowing the healthful properties to soak in.
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I don't remember much after that...
I woke up in Moon's camp. Apparently Titan had found me near death floating in the tar pit and was furious with me. He brewed me an herbal tea from Moon's recipe book, and I got a long lecture about the evils of the medical community's entanglements with the oil barons of the west.
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I am beginning to wonder if the scientific research on tar is to be trusted... Maybe high tar levels in the bloodstream... aren't good?
I suppose I should listen to Titan on this matter. He has smoked every substance known to man that is capable of being burned - and he cares about me.
I decided that I would take his advice, and the advice of Moon who is very wise and cut back a bit on the smoking and give this whole matter a good long think.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - With Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... VI: Preparing
Mr. Grimfrost’s sudden appearance atop the pile of smoking rubble was surprising - but most welcome. I was relieved that he had not been hurt in the initial assault. In fact - none of us had, which bordered on the miraculous. But that had only been the first wave.
The constant sharp cracking sounds in the distance, told me that the attack was still on… It was all happening. 
I knew what I needed to do - and I hated it.
During my training in the Ural mountains, I had learned early on how to handle fear. I knew exactly what to do with the terrible physical pain and emotional trauma that comes with war and violent struggle.
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There is a very specific method I had been taught for coping with the loss of friends, the destruction of beautiful things and violence in general - both received and given.
“There’s a large group coming across the creek. Gotta go - ” 
Eli muttered as he crashed out through the back window. I watched as he moved like an unstoppable juggernaut. He crashed through the snow covered brambles, leaving a huge ragged path as he rumbled off towards the small, winding stream that borders the town to the east. 
It was time for war. 
I grabbed my gear off the wall and with practiced ease, I swiftly pulled on that despised black uniform. The uniform that was gifted to me by my former mentor the Cossack Colonel, Domantovich.
As I buttoned up my vest and pulled on my boots - the muscle memory told me everything I needed to know about what was going to happen - what to expect. I could feel tears beginning to rise up - for with every piece of the uniform I put on, I removed a corresponding piece of my humanity. 
The finer feelings, concerns, emotions.. they all went in the box. A bright little ornate box shaped like a heart. I loathed that terrible box and the shelf in the back of my mind where I would place it.
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But that is precisely what I did. It would wait there until the mission is over and the danger has passed. Only then, will I take that awful parcel down and open it to face all the wickedness and shame of what I have done and endured.
It will again flood through me, all the evil experiences - causing nausea, tears… and pathetic promises to myself... to do better. 
Mr. Grimfrost put his hand on the blackened frame of the smoking hole to our building and leaned in to look around. He smiled and winked at me as I robotically snapped my gloves on.
It was only a quick gesture, but the warmth and kindness conveyed by it were as out of place in that situation as they were welcome - those warm feelings - they went in the box too.
Then he turned to Tom, who was shoving bullets into his Lancaster and swearing, disgusting, things to himself.
“Tom… Tom! TOM!”
Bloody Tom dropped a bullet and turned scowling…
“Gadammit - what - WHAT?! Shit...ASS - FUCK!!! Can’t you see I’m BUSY here - trying to load my fucking GUN?!”
Totally unfazed, Mr. Grimfrost responded in that relaxed way of his.
“Yeah, so - I’ll be on the north side of town - they’re all over the woods up there in the hills. Just thought you should know since your the leader and al-”
Tom didn’t even look up as he growled into his beard cutting him off -
“Good - GO! Kill every one of those bas - no wait - make sure you save some of those fuckers for me!” 
Mr. Grimfrost nodded then turned and darted out of sight, weaving silently through the burning broken wagons and smoking bodies that littered the snow covered street. He was gone so quickly that when I looked back at the ruined opening where he had just been standing - it was as though he had never been there.
And now I was fully equipped - prepared for another life or death conflict.
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But this time it was with three new allies who had cared for me when I needed help. They had become more than allies - they were friends. Yet, I could not let my affection for any of them cloud and paralyze my senses. That now was now an emotional luxury I could no longer afford.
I felt the familiar coldness penetrate my body and I became nothing more than an instrument… a thing that kills. 
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My Carcano rifle was on the floor next to me on a loose floorboard. As quick as thinking, I stamped down on the end of the plank causing the weapon to fly up into my waiting hand like a living thing, which it was. 
Now that it was in my hand, that gun was literally alive… the rifle became an extension of me - and it was hungry. 
There was a “whoop” sound that came from Bloody Tom’s direction. He had seen my sudden transformation and as I equipped my rifle, I could see he clearly approved.
“Shit yeah - that’s what I’m talkin’ about! You gonna snipe some shit Cranny!?”
I cycled a round into the chamber and checked the sights.
“I’m going on to the roof.” 
Tom didn’t seem happy about that.
“Uhhh - yeah, but if you get injured it will be hard as fuck for us to get all the way up there to you.”
I didn’t have time to argue - as my response was cut short by a large caliber bullet that ripped through the side of our shack and punched a large hole in the wall mere inches from my head.
The explosive impact ejected a jagged piece of wood that spun out of the window frame and slashed my cheek. Only a slanting shaft of pale light marked its passage through the crumbling wall. I could see the dust and ash particles swirling in the bright beam as it cut through the darkened room. 
“I will BE on the bloody... ROOF.”
Tom’s eyes widened slightly, I wasn’t normally short with him. This was also reflected in his rather minimal answer.
“Ahhhhh…. Ohhhh-kay.”
I turned and raced through the snow to the large out-building at the south end of the town. It was relatively untouched and I knew it would afford me a good view of the creek line and the woods beyond. 
I could hear Bloody Tom yelling truly foul phrases and epithets. The worst I had ever heard - at our approaching attackers. He punctuated his vulgar diatribe with the sharp, cracking shots from his Lancaster as he bounded out towards the onrushing attackers.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... Colter the first wave
This is part V of a series. If you want to read parts I through IV - follow these links: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Or you can just jump right in here!
"...So - to be clear - when you say: 'kicking an ass,' it has nothing whatsoever to do with animal abuse?"
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I had to be sure, but I could tell that Bloody Tom was getting a little tired of explaining it.
I glanced over at Eli who had been consolidating our armaments with Ezekiel, the mayor's slow witted, but affable son. They were stockpiling ammunition along the back wall of the bunkhouse we were in. The pile had grown large and alarmingly unstable, so I was glad he was there to help organize it all.
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I noticed Eli pause, and take a seat on one of the crates. As he settled in, he leaned forward to watch our conversation. It was as though he were about to observe something very amusing.
Then my attentions were swiftly drawn back to our discussion as Bloody Tom slapped his hand on the table, causing the plates and utensils to rattle and dance slightly. He wasn't known for his patience.
"For fuck's sake Cranny! NO! 'Kicking ass' is when you beat someone's shit! You WIN - and... and the other dude is your bitch!"
The Coffin Riders had taken to calling me "Cranny."
At first I did not like the name at all. It sounded a little like 'granny' and also evoked dark places in old cellars where insects might hide.
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Yet over time, I got used to it, and realized it's not the word - but who is saying it and how it is meant, that is most important. Now I find it has a rather endearing quality, and it would be most strange to hear my new friends refer to me by any other name.
Also, Tom's logic was starting to make sense - but now the word 'bitch' had been added to the taxonomical mix - and it's use generated more questions.
I leaned over the table and turned the key on the lamp to kill the flame as the morning sun's pale, cold rays had just started to slant into the window.
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We could be attacked any day now and needed to save the kerosene.
As I pursued my line of questioning, I softened my voice to signal my earnest desire to know. I really wanted to understand how they thought about things.
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"I see... but when you bring the term 'bitch' into the mix Tom, it just sounds more and more like you have some kind of vendetta against animals."
Eli made a sudden weird grunting sound as if he was stifling a sneeze. An understandable reaction, as it was quite dusty where he was sitting.
Bloody Tom opened his mouth to fire back, but I quickly put a hand up to signal I wasn't finished and continued.
"Now before you say anything - I understand that 'bitch' doesn't simply mean a female dog. I know that it is also applied to horrible ladies, and often it can be men who you are able to overpower and intimidate. But still - it just seems to me like you have something against animals in general. Animal related slurs are frequently directed at the center of whatever is vexing you in the moment."
Tom's eyes glazed over and he looked down at the rough hewn table we sat at. With his fingertips, he slowly pushed away the tin mug of coffee in front of him. It was as though this vessel contained the source of all his troubles.
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"Cranny - I don't even..."
He turned to Eli, but found no help there. Eli had gone back to stacking the ammunition with Ezekiel. When he turned back to me and spoke, it was quiet... controlled, and only the slightest tremor in his voice gave away his profound annoyance. I was truly touched by my leader's sincere attempts to modulate is temper for me.
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"We're gonna have to table this little discussion, because - it's time for me to go annnnnnd uh... do something meaningful now - so Cranny, I'm going to go out and kill us all some food."
I was embarrassed by my own impertinence and frustrated by my lack of ability to understand the vernacular of the west. I also wanted to do something meaningful too and made a suggestion.
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"Tom... I couldn't help noticing that there are bright red barrels and crates containing TNT inexplicably scattered all over town. That could be enormously dangerous if we are attacked. Shall I remove them to a single, safe location?"
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I heard that strange stifled sneeze sound come from Eli's direction again. When I glanced at him, I thought he was smiling - but it could have just been gas. It's hard to say with the quality of the canned food here in Colter.
I was most pleased to hear Bloody Tom agree with my idea.
"Uhhhh... fuck yes you should move them to a safe location. That would be a great idea Cranny! Won't lie - kinda thought that had already happened by now... but - whatever, just get all that shit stowed. Get a wagon and some help - and move those fuckers into the basement of the old church pronto!"
Eli slid the last ammunition crate into place and knocked the dust from his hands as he addressed me.
"I'll give you a hand with that Cranny -"
He turned to the young man who had been helping him - and patted him good naturedly on the shoulder.
"Thanks Zeke, you were a big hel-"
Zeke's head was there one moment and then suddenly... it was gone! Only his neck stump remained, belching up a terrible fountain of dark red foam. Eli's wide eyes were bright as they contrasted against his blood spattered face - yet surprisingly - he was the first to speak. He turned to Bloody Tom and me as we just stared...
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"I swear - I just touched him on the shoulder. Seriously, it was just a friendly pat - it wasn't that har- "
The whole front of the building exploded inwards. It was like the furniture, all the jars on the shelves - everything sprung to life and flew at us in a mad rage. Eli and I were flung like dolls against the back wall and I dimly saw Bloody Tom fly off in the opposite direction, crashing like a meteor through tables, chairs and bunks.
The ammunition boxes ruptured and the shelves caved in causing thousands of bullets to slide and cascade down, piling up around Eli and me burying us in loose clattering heaps of brass and lead.
As the ringing in my ears subsided, I could hear the sounds of gunfire and shouting coming through the smoking, blackened ruin that was once the front of our bunkhouse. I could smell smoke - sulfur...
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and realized it had been there a while and was shaking me. It was Eli -
"Cranny, you okay?"
I sat up causing the bullets that had covered me to slide off chattering onto the floor. I ran my hands over my body and did a quick assessment.
"I, uh - y-yes... fine... and you??"
Eli was already unslinging his gun and stuffing cartridges in his pockets.
"Yeah, I'm good. We're under attack and need to move quick - where's Bloody - "
From the far corner of the room, we first heard - then saw to our great relief - Bloody Tom emerge unscathed from beneath a pile of broken burning furniture and twisted metal. He wasn't happy...
"Yeah - I'm fine TOO! Thought I'd just mention that since NO ONE is asking. But I guess that's because I'm just a worthless piece of shit... But hey - I'm glad YOU'RE okay!"
Eli just rolled his eyes as though it were some inside joke - but I called to our leader over the sound of sliding debris and settling rubble. I was horrified that he would think such a thing!
"Oh Tom that is not true we were SO very concerne - "
A huge explosion hit the church just across the narrow street from our destroyed building. The shockwave knocked us all to the ground as soot and ash rained down everywhere. Again, the ringing in my ears gave way to more shouts and gun fire. As we scrambled to our feet a second time - the light behind me was blocked by something - or someone - coming through the opening!
I spun up to my knees and drew my LeMat - but held fire - it was Mr. Grimfrost! He was standing on a pile of broken stone that had once been a chimney.
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Like us, he was covered with soot, and paused calmly to brush some burning embers from the shoulder of his jacket. When he spoke it was in that gentle, relaxed way of his that made every situation seem quite reasonable.
"It looks like the attack started a little early... so... when you ladies are done napping - we could really use your help."
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... Colter | Part IV
It turned out that I had been taken all the way to the village of Colter!
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It was a small, snowbound community that had somehow clawed its way into the inhospitable West Grizzlies region of Ambarino.
It turned out that gold had been discovered near the town and a group of outlaws had sworn to drive the residents out and take it for themselves. They had appealed to Bloody Tom and his posse, the "Coffin Riders" to help defend against the oncoming hoard.
It was there that we met up with Eli. The third member of Bloody Tom's posse - the "Coffin Riders."
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I found Eli to be quiet, cordial and even quite humorous at times. Yet there was an ever present atmosphere of danger around him - like a storm about to break at any moment.
We had arrived before the bandits, and had about a week to set up our defenses. This was good, because I still had much recovering to do from my earlier injuries.
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I spent the time re-familiarizing myself with my weapons, and rebuilding my stamina. I took quite a bit of time to get my reflexes back. I practiced drawing and firing again and again... and again, until I had regained the speed and accuracy I had lost.
I also helped Bloody Tom and my new found colleagues hunting and gathering supplies in preparation for the stand we would have to make.
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It was during those relatively quiet days, that I was able to learn more about Bloody Tom, Eli and Mr. Grimfrost. As my familiarity with them grew, I realized just how fortunate I was to have literally fallen into their company.
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Eli as I had described above was quiet. He generally let his actions do the talking. In spite of his gruff, irreverent nature, I found him to be thoughtful and kind to his colleagues as well as a perfect gentleman to me. This stood in stark contrast to the swift, decisive annihilation of his enemies.
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Mr. Grimfrost was quite different. It was not unusual to find him off on his own just wandering around admiring the view or strolling through town. We would often walk along in complete silence, just listening to nature and being in the moment. In spite of his tranquil demeanor, Mr. Grimfrost was capable of sudden, deadly action if his friends were ever threatened.
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Bloody Tom, the leader of the Coffin Riders was animated, with a unique sense of humor that was as uproariously funny as it was vulgar. He was never at a loss for words. I noticed that he was quick to anger but also, if the occasion called for it, quick to forgive. Bloody Tom was fiercely protective of his posse, and like Eli and Mr. Grimfrost he always put the others first.
I found their loyalty to each other and those they cared about touching. It made my respect for them grow beyond just their combat skills.
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It was at the end of that fateful week of preparation when I realized - I would also be willing to put myself in harms way to keep them safe.
For more - Cranberry on YouTube
Cranberry on Reddit
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... Colter | Part III
If you would like to first read parts I and II follow the links below:
I snapped awake and in a panic I rolled off the bed and hit the floor. I scrambled like a fiddler crab, sliding on my backside across the cold hard ground until I came to an abrupt stop against a stack of hay bales. With nowhere to go, I faced the stranger in the room.
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The man with the mustache made no attempt to stop me, he only stood by, crossed his arms and watched as I crashed into the far wall. Then he cautioned me to be careful.
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"Slow down... You need to take it easy. You've been out for a long time."
I just stared at him... And as I tried to bring my surroundings into focus, my hand reflexively shot to my side - but my LeMat wasn't there, my holster was empty!
"Wh-Where's my gun?!"
I was shocked at how shaky and rough my voice sounded...
Before he could answer, the door flew open and we both turned to see the man who shot me enter the room. He looked stern but I could also see relief soften his features. I saw the tension around his eyes relax, as he pointed to a chest not far from where I was crouching.
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"Your fancy little gun and all the rest of your shit's in there."
I carefully stood and willed the tremors to leave my legs. I didn't want to show any weakness. Then, I slowly, cautiously walked over to the chest keeping a sharp eye on them. As I approached the chest, he continued speaking.
"You were floppin' and thrashin' around so we took it from you. We didn't want you to kill yourself or one of us with it."
My LeMat was right on the top of the chest.
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I snatched it up and flicked my wrist to snap the cylinder open. I spun it slowly and saw that it was loaded - all nine .42 caliber bullets were there. I checked the large bore barrel below, and saw that my custom 17 gauge shell was in place. I quickly put that back in my holster and gave it a pat. The man who shot me, continued speaking...
"My name's Bloody Tom, but you can call me Bloody Tom. The guy who woke you up - his name is Mr. Grimfrost. You can call him whatever you want."
I placed my hands on the lid of the chest, and looked up. First at "Bloody Tom," then at "Mr. Grimfrost." I gave them both a short nod, and cleared my throat and answered.
"Bloody Tom... Mr. Grimfrost, how do you do? My name is Cranberry Vishnu, you may call me Cranberry."
Feeling a little better now that introductions had been made and most importantly that my cherished pistol was equipped, I opened the chest and to my surprise - everything... all my things were there!
It was Mr. Grimfrost who spoke next...
"Yeah, we had to leave the area - and couldn't leave you. Your camp was nearby so we grabbed your horse, and all your stuff."
"Yeah..." Bloody Tom added "...that crap was really heavy too, so... you're welcome!"
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I was stunned. I had fully expected to be murdered or worse... It was very reassuring for me to realize that...
These people are unusual, but they have a sense of honor...
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... Near Death | Part II
Go here to read part one
I was lying in a dark room. Or... at least I think it was a room. The ceiling, if it existed, was obscured in blackness.
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I rolled heavily onto my back, and turned my head to the left, then the right... I couldn't see the walls. It was like I was adrift in a black void.
It was suffocating -
I wanted to call out but realized, to my horror, that I could not! I began to feel panic mounting, and it was just at that moment, that I noticed them.
Two of the most beautiful beings I had ever seen.
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They were dressed in bright armor. Like knights from a fairytale. Their raiment and samite robes were intricately patterned and evoked for me long forgotten stories of Arthur's court from the grail romances I read as a child.
I loved Chretien de Troyes and Wolfram Eschenbach's tales of the round table. I remembered sitting in the large window seat, reading for hours, by ochre glow of the lamplight.
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I recalled how my mother would laughingly tease me about all the oil I was using, and that if we ever ran out of whales - she'd know who to blame.
I suddenly realized how very much I missed my mother, and father... our cat and that little stone cottage in Douglass harbor. I felt a huge wave of melancholy rise up and tears started to form - I wanted to go home.
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My attention was irrepressibly drawn back to the moment, as the knights continued to approached me. I noticed as the pair drew near, that they were radiating an aura of light against the stygian darkness that was all around us. They were a vision of loveliness and most of all - of hope. And it was in that moment, I knew... I knew they could take me home.
I still couldn't move, and they could tell I was in distress. Their smiles dissipated my fears as easily as the sun clears the cold mist from the shore in the morning. They each leaned over and carefully took an arm. I could feel myself rising up.
As I was brought higher, they hesitated. I felt a slight tremor, then suddenly, I slid out of their grip and was back on the floor!
They looked down at me kindly and smiled reassuringly, then reached down to lift me again.
As I was pulled to a sitting position, I could see that in spite of their confident demeanor, there was visible strain in their faces. I saw one of the knights look at the other with wide eyes - then they both turned back to me and pulled hard. Yet once again, I slid through their grasp and sank to the ground.
The smiles had faded from my benefactor's faces and were replaced with fixed looks of determination. They glanced briefly at each other and nodded, then turned to me and knelt by my side. One of them gently brushed some stray hair from my eyes and lovingly patted my shoulder as if to say - It will be alright. - Then - with purpose, they each threw one of my arms over their shoulders and heaved with all their might.
I could tell the burden was incredible for them, but they were single minded in their task. They were not going to be denied and as their intensity increased - they roared!
Their roar brought me right back to sound of the storm tossed waves that crashed against the hull of my father's ship. I remembered the cold spray of the Irish Sea in my face - as we made that rough crossing to Liverpool.
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With a final, supreme effort - they heaved me to my feet, I was standing with them! But before we could take the first step together, I slid from their grasp again! But this time - when I hit the floor I landed with a resounding...
The sudden jolt caused my eyes to flutter open and I could see someone - someone's face staring at me... he was not one of the beatific knights, but I have to admit, he had a glorious mustache. His wide, surprised eyes shone with compassion as he turned to a person I couldn't see and shouted:
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"She... She's awake! Hey TOM! It looks like she's gonna pull through!"
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders
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I crossed paths with the infamous Bloody Tom purely by chance. The day had started out rather uneventfully. I was leading Enkidu through the meadow not far from Emerald Station.
We had been having a marvelous time picking wild flowers and herbs to bring back to camp, when I suddenly felt the hot rush of air as a bullet ripped past my cheek followed swiftly by a sharp report that split the sky. I crouched down and lowered my gun to show I was not a threat, but another bullet sailed just over my head - we were under attack!
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I leapt upon Enkidu and raced towards Emerald Ranch as fast as he could go. I was hoping to find some form of cover from my unknown assailant.
The bullets were buzzing past my head like angry steel hornets and although my assailant was far in the distance, his accuracy and murderous intentions were quite apparent.
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Arriving at one of the outbuildings, I ducked behind the wall to get my bearings and see if I could reason with this person.
What does he want? Why is he trying to kill me?? It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense!
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I began to slowly poke my head around the corner of the building and my lucky hat was immediately shot off!
I tried climbing to the top of the building to get a better view. If I could only spot this person then I'd have a chance...
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Once on the roof, I was able to see the glint of sunlight catching on the barrel of my antagonists weapon. It was hard to tell what he was using at such a distance, but it was a large caliber weapon and not to be trifled with. I sighted and shot back and sent his silly hat flying flying into the air.
I only had a moment to gloat before he answered back with two more shots, one going through the loose sleeve of my shirt and the other striking my shoulder, spinning me like a child's top. I tumbled back off of the roof and landed with a bone jarring thud, flat on my back!
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I was stunned from the fall and feeling sick from the shock of the bullet strike. As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized how much blood I was losing. My desperation was matched only by my indignation as I called out with all the strength I had left.
"Why are you attacking me?! I'm not an enemy you... you... (it was the worst thing I could think of to say, so I said it) dim-bulb!"
To my relief - I heard an answer float over the hills. The voice was rough and angry.
"I'm TRYING to fight with another guy! NOT YOU - He's been having his posse surround me - I thought you were one of them - goddammit!"
At this point I had slid along the wall and was able to make it inside the stable. As I hugged the central support beam - my vision was swimming and all the color was fading from the surrounding environment. The door to the outside was bright... blinding. I was dimly aware that my gun was still on the ground next to my feet. It just felt too impossibly far to reach.
I could see my adversary stalking through the barn towards me... His gun was pointed right at my face, there was nothing I could do - he could kill me easily, but I simply refused to let this slide...
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"Y-you - scoundrel... I lowered my gun... I crouched down... showed no threat and yet, you shot at me all... huh - all the same. You... you're the one who needs - you're a dim bul- bulb. Yes - I said it twice, and you don't...dare - uff."
As I fell, he caught me and lowered me to the ground. After he did, He plucked that awful looking hat from his head, smiled and stuck his finger through the hole I had shot in it.
"You're a pretty kick ass sniper, I must say."
As everything faded to black, I remember thinking.
What is it about "kicking asses" that fascinates Americans so much? I just can't comprehend it. Asses are kind and gentle beasts with no malice in them. They don't deserve such treatment. Yet everyone seems to... think... it is perfectly... natural to kick... -
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Blackwater... Senseless Violence
What happened:
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I was walking along the dusty lane that winds over the hills towards Blackwater. As I crested the final rise, I saw the town below me.
I watched as the smoke from the chimneys mingled with the morning mist. I heard footsteps coming out from behind a nearby farm house. The person made no effort to conceal his movements and I turned to see what I thought was just another traveler like me. I smiled and greeted him with a friendly bow.
I became a bit apprehensive when he just stared at me and didn't move - I started to get the feeling that things might turn bad.
I thanked him and took a cautious step back - turning slightly, so that he could not see my thumb flick the pin on my LeMat's hammer. This way - if I was forced to draw at close range - I'd have the advantage of a 19 gauge shell.
No sooner had I done that, the stranger pulled his gun and fired several times. His shots were wild - but he caught me in the leg. It was a solid shot and I sank to the ground in agony.
My pain was only matched by my confusion. I couldn't understand why he would want to harm me. Before I could even ask him why - I saw him pull out his ropes and rush forward. I was terrified and in spite of my pain knew I had to act - and fast. He threw his lasso just as I was able to scramble to my feet and fire.
I fell ensnared in his rope. I know it would have been a slow, drawn out end for me had I missed my shot - but I did not miss and saw the triumphant expression fade from my tormentor's face as he crumpled straight down to the ground in a loose heap.
It took me several desperate seconds before I could untangle myself. Once free, I went over to check on my attacker. He was not moving and very dead with a large hole in his chest.
Such a profound waste. We could have been friends. Why did he have to do such a thing? A question that I knew would never be answered.
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Instead, all I could do was meditate on his soul's journey. I hoped that he would now find peace.
"Kindness should be the natural way of life - not the exception."
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Moonshine bar... New Band
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I had just finished working on a magnificent batch of huckleberry flavoured brandy with Marcel - that man is truly a gifted artist - when I heard a frantic pounding on the door.
I shot a quick glance at my French associate and mentor, who wisely ducked down behind the workbench.
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"Stay here please."
I tried to sound calm as I drew my LeMat and dashed upstairs.
"I'm sure it's nothing - probably just someone who has lost their way. I'll be right back."
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As the constant pounding increased in volume, I thought to myself -
Damn revenuers found us! Well, it's time to Make Maggie proud...
In a single motion, I flung the door open and shoved the barrel of my pistol into the surprised face of a young man. He was only a little older than me, and was dressed most inappropriately for the rugged environment we were in. The stranger's eyes were wide as saucers as he threw his hands up in immediate surrender!
"Have a care luv!"
In spite of the gentle, friendly tone of his voice - I narrowed my eyes and continued to hold the gun on him as I stood on my toes to look over his shoulder. I wanted to know if there were others.
Except for the donkey pulling a cartload of curious instruments, he was alone. I slowly holstered my gun being careful to keep my hand on the handle... It was the stranger who broke the tense silence.
"You, uh... C-Cran - ah... Cranberry Vishnu?"
He spoke in a thick accent that I recognized immediately as one from Lancashire county.
I just stared at him, wondering who he was and more importantly, how he knew to find me here. But it was nice to hear the accent - it reminded me of my home and the sea. I had very fond memories of that rough, rolling crossing. I remember leaving our small port town of Douglas Harbor and venturing out into the Irish Sea. It was so exciting to see the big buildings and tall boats that lined the bustling docks of Liverpool. The people there were always so friendly and I thought it was marvelous how everyone universally called each other "luv."
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The sudden happy memories caused me to smile slightly, and realizing, I quickly glanced down to hide it. But the softening of my initial stern demeanor was not lost on the perceptive newcomer, and it helped him to find his voice.
He forced a big smile and stammered on.
"Yuh - well, hello - I'm Paul. Lovely to meet you. Me and me mates, we was just in San Denny, and they told us that you might be looking for a new band... ah - you know - for your club here. So I says to them - you lot stay put in the pub while I take Lucy and the cart to find you. I figured I could make an introduction and well, just sort out the details and see what's what. So, what do you say?"
His information was very good. I was - as a matter of fact - looking for a new band. I was fed up with my current band.
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They had been constantly taking breaks and hadn't learned a new song in over a year. Worse than that, they were drinking far more moonshine, than I could afford.
"As it happens... Paul, your timing is very good. I do have need of a new band for my establishment."
He was positively beaming as I continued.
"The weather's turning. Why don't we get your donkey stabled and bring those instruments inside before the rain gets here? I'll show you where you can set up. When your friends arrive, we'll talk about an audition."
He immediately jumped up and began unhitching the Donkey from the cart while he chatted away.
"That's wonderful news! You'll be glad you gave us a try - you can be sure of that!"
Then he turned his attentions back to his donkey. As he led her to the pen in the back of the shack he pulled a few carrots out of his pocket.
"There you are Lucy. You did very well to get us here today! I'd say you've earned these lovely carrots."
I discreetly watched Paul dote over Lucy from under the brim of my hat. I was touched by the gentle way he treated that old donkey. Too often I have seen people treat their animals with callous disregard for their feelings. As though they were things and not creatures with souls, and emotions.
Such a strange fellow... but he is so kind.
I also could immediately tell that Paul would not last two minutes out on his own in this rough and dangerous country. It was close to miraculous that he made it down to my moonshine shack from St. Denis without being harassed, robbed or killed.
As I helped him load all the instruments down the stairs and into the bar, he went on and on about how exciting America is - nothing like West Derby Village back home, hanging around the Albert Docks or dull old Sefton Park...
Once we had everything loaded, Paul and I had a long wait for his friends. I wasn't surprised by the delay, I had sent Old Maggie's nephew, Lem with the moonshine wagon to pick them up. It was quite a long stretch to get to the St. Denis saloon - and Lem is notoriously prone to distraction.
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Bored to beyond words... I was beginning to wonder if Paul's band mates would ever show up.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Twin Rocks... Ambush
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I had a horrible altercation when I was hunting in the hills not far from Tumbleweed. I had just shot a wild pig and no sooner had I jumped down from my wagon there was a huge explosion.
The shockwave threw me to the ground and it took a moment for me to get my bearings. Once my vision cleared I saw my wagon in flames and my terribly burned horse struggling and crying out in its death agonies.
On a nearby hill - I saw the culprit. Just some shirtless, ragged wanderer who had happened across a crate of dynamite. I was probably the first person who was unlucky enough to stray into his path.
He laughed, called me an awful, dirty name and pulled out another stick and threw it in my direction. Fortunately, I was recovered enough to dash away in time and avoid the blast. Dirt and rocks went up in the air in a huge plume and rained down all around me as I slid behind my shattered wagon.
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I was furious. I dropped my long gun and pulled my LeMat, being sure to flick the pin on the hammer that would activate the .20 gauge shell. Then I rushed the deranged individual's position, determined to end this.
He threw another stick of dynamite, but I was racing forward and it sailed harmlessly over my head blowing a huge crater in the dust far behind me.
By the time my assailant realized the danger and grabbed for his gun, it was far to late - I was on him. The collision slammed his smelly body up against the large, rocky escarpment he was crouching next to. The flat, hard slap as he smashed against the rock was satisfying.
In the fog of my rage, I heard him shout - "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I give up!"
Too late...
As I shoved my gun roughly under his chin, all I could hear were the sounds of my horse still echoing in my mind... then, just as his pleading eyes met mine - I pulled the trigger and the top two-thirds of his wicked head were blown straight up into the air in a shower of pink, chunky foam.
After my anger subsided, I was surprised at how I felt... I thought it would fix things... if I killed him. But I only felt shaky, and sick... sick and something else - ashamed.
The tears just welled up and overflowed as I walked to twin rocks and climbed up to a special place I often went in the past, to think.
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I sat there and watched the condors circle as the sun began to sink towards the western hills and reflected on how I had failed... I should have spared his life. I should have used my rope - not my gun and taken him in, to Sheriff Freeman. But instead, I became the very thing I loathe in that moment. I took a life out of anger.
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Later at camp, I vowed to be better.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Rhodes... Quaint but troubled
Whenever I come through Rhodes, I find that while the citizens are well mannered and pleasant - there is a distance. A constant feeling that you don't belong and aren't wanted.
When it starts to get dark, the "friendly" people disperse and are replaced by dangerous looking individuals.
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I stopped just long enough to re-stock, sell my wagon load of fish and then move on. When the sun went down - I was eager to leave.
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Hunted... Colonel Olcott
Cranberry here - Thank you so much for reading! If you would like to start from the beginning, please follow these links:
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
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Colonel Olcott glared into his snifter of brandy. Contempt, urgency, boredom, frustration... all these things competed for dominance of his troubled and preoccupied mind.
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Completely oblivious to his guest's profound annoyance - Amos Lansing puffed vigorously on his cigar sending thick, opaque clouds of dense, yellow/brown smoke up to the ceiling as he continued to pontificate.
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"Now don't be gittin' yer beard all in a flutter there Henry! Ah know that this here Cranberry-Voodo (whutever 'er name is), gal has a rep-u-tation for being a resourceful lil' creature. But let me reassure you! Ah my own self can help you and your fancy Chinese, boys hunt her down like a lost, shiverin' pup."
Colonel Olcott looked up briefly and muttered with some irritation...
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"They are not Chinese, they are from Tibet. And they are not my 'boys' they are my respected colleag-"
Barely hearing his guest, Amos interrupted reflexively.
"Oh sure... sure - poddon mah ingnorance! O'corse they's from Tidbit... o'corse they are...."
Then in an expansive flourish, he held up both of his hands palms out in what he thought was a reassuring gesture. The ash from his Royal Jamaican cigar tumbled onto the ancient Afghan rug. Colonel Olcott's brow furrowed slightly as he watched the hot ash singe and yellow the masterful threadwork. Then the steady drone of Amos' arrogant voice reasserted itself in the drawing room.
"Now, ah know what yore thinkin' Henry. HOW can a sophisticated gent such as myself help you? Why, ah am shore ah must appear to be a sheltered, child of privilege with a big ol' golden spoon stuffed in his craw. But what you may NOT know, is that befoah mah ascension into the finerys of the high and may ah say, exclusive ranks of society here in Blackwater, I was quite a foot-loose and fancy-free adventurer in mah own right, Hank."
Amos smiled, winked broadly then paused to finish his brandy, tipping it all the way back.
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This caused him miss the withering look the old colonel flashed at him. Col. Olcott was accustomed to being addressed either as "Colonel," or by the faithful of the Theosophical Society, "Master." In fact, he insisted on it.
Very few had the familiarity or the temerity to call him "Henry" let alone "Hank." The glance was saturated with pure danger, but as quickly as it manifested, it faded and was replaced with the dull complacent expression that polite, bored guests affect when they do not want to offend their dreary hosts.
Desiring to bring the conversation back to the main topic, Colonel Olcott produced an exquisite yellow/gold silken cloth from his top pocket and began to clean his spectacles as he spoke in a dry voice. His manner was gentle and direct, yet there was an underlying gravity that drew Amos' attention like a moth to a bright flame.
"It is so very reassuring to hear that you are an experienced man of the world, Mr. Lancing. Your regional knowledge will be most helpful in giving me and my associates a starting point in our search for Miss Cranberry."
He looked up and placed the cloth back in his pocket, then put his glasses on, fixing Amos in a magnetic stare, his eyes widened slightly to emphasize his point.
"I am most concerned about Cranberry. She is very dear to us and finding this confused child... bringing her home... is all we care about. Now please, describe to me what she was doing when she was last here in Blackwater and where you think she may have gone."
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - Hunted... Armadillo
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
Although I had put some distance between myself and Tumbleweed. I still had a long way to go before I reached Lemoyne. My first stop would be Armadillo. It was there I hoped to rest and re-stock before my big push up to Hennigan's Stead.
When I arrived at Armadillo I was struck by how empty and forlorn the town had become. I had heard since it had become a regular stop on the Central Railroad's rout, Armadillo would be a bustling, thriving community. What I found was quite the opposite.
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The whole town was practically devoid of life. Only a few drifters and sickly vagrants inhabited the dusty streets. Even the sky above the town had an eerie pall hanging over the shabby, dilapidated buildings.
I went to the general store, and found the proprietor Herbert Moon, to be less than helpful when it came to understanding what had befallen the area.
It was obvious to even the most casual observer that there was some sort of lethal plague that had swept through the community causing death and panic among the residents. Only the most stubborn, sick or foolhardy remained.
Yet in spite of that, Herbert was the picture of health. I found it strange that he was somehow unaffected by the pandemic that had clearly decimated this community.
"Well, I can see that you aren't all decrepit and ah, forlorn like the others that come through here... So I'm guessin' that you might be a drifter lookin' for a re-supply before headin' out towards Hennigan's stead."
I wanted to know more about the situation in town and humbly bowed as I asked.
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"What is wrong with the people here? I noticed the sick, and dying at the train station, in the streets, it - it was everywhere I looked. As though a terrible epidemic has gripped this town."
Mr. Moon was surprisingly abrupt and dismissive with me.
"I don't waste my time with idle speculation and rumor mongering. I like to keep my nose out of the business of others and squarely on my own affairs. So... are you gonna buy something, or do I have to bid you good day?"
There wasn't much in his store that I wanted or needed. It seemed like a rather slim selection of goods. Then my attention was caught by a stack of cans full of ground coffee! I had to ask...
"Is the coffee fresh?"
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The answer was one I should have anticipated.
"I will ignore the dire insult you have just afforded me, and chalk it up to youthful ignorance. Suffice to say - the coffee is indeed 'fresh' - just in this month from Marshalltown Iowa I might add - and the finest blend of beans you have ever seen."
I didn't even comment on the thick layer of dust and rust on the tops of the cans - I just grabbed several of the least dented ones and paid up. As I left - I heard him call after me:
"You won't find better prices anywhere!"
As I headed out of town, I came across an awful sight. The town undertaker had commissioned several mass graves and hastily constructed coffins were in the process of being interred there.
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The smell of rotten flesh and lime was strong. I said a brief prayer to the gods for the departed, and left the sad town behind me as I headed east.
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