cpurubyheart · 2 days
Ruby: One time I swallowed Jaune’s cum and said ‘my compliments to the chef.’
Ruby: He ain’t laugh.
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cpurubyheart · 2 days
Weiss is the jealous type
Jaune: I saw someone at the store who looked just like you.
Weiss: Was she hot?
Jaune: This is a catch 22.
Weiss: Answer the question, coward.
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cpurubyheart · 2 days
~Jaune has been arrested~
Penny: Jaune! If you want be absolved of your crimes you must sign this paper!
Jaune: Really? That's it?
Penny: Yes, now hurry!
Jaune: Okay *He signs the paper*
Penny: Thank you Hubby!
Jaune: Hubby?
Weiss: Jaune, if you want to ba absolved-
Penny: You are too late Weiss! He has already married me!
Weiss: Fuck! *She punches a wall, cracking it*
Jaune: What's going on?
Penny: By marrying a Citizen of Atlas, you have been granted a green card and all crimes (Provided they are non-violent or acts of treason) previously enacted against the Kingdom have been pardoned.
Jaune: Oh! Thanks Penny! Why are you upset Weiss?
Weiss: *Blushing as she crosses her arms* Because I had wanted to do it.
Jaune: Really? That seems like an overreaction to the situation.
Penny: It's because she likes you romantically, much like I do.
Jaune: Wait, What? Weiss?!? You LIKE- *Processing what Penny said* YOU BOTH LIKE ME?!?!
P+W: Yes. Yes we do.
Jaune: ... Huh ...
Winter: *barges in* MISTER ARC-
P+W: Too late.
Winter: FUCK! *She punches a wall, Shattering it*
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Kid Ruby: When I grow up I want to marry someone like the Rusted Knight.
Ruby: A good person who always tries to help people!
Taiyang: Uh hm.
Ruby: Oh, and I'd like if he was blond and had a lot of muscles.
Taiyang: *Thinking* Note to self: Beware of muscular blonds.
Kid Pyrrha: I think I'd want a kind husband who would do anything to help the people he loves.
Pyrrha: Someone with a hear of gold.
Mama Nikos: That's nice dear.
Pyrrha: Kind of like a golden retriever, but in human form.
Mama Nikos: Like a faunus?
Pyrrha: Eh, sort of? I'd love him no matter if he was a human or faunus though.
Mama Arc: What kind of girl would you like to marry, Jaune?
Kid Jaune: I'd like her to be nice.
Mama Arc: Nice?
Jaune: I probably need to lower my standards, don't I?
Mama Arc: ...
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
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"You okay back there, Weiss?"
Weiss: 😳
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Locker Room
Ruby: W-Why do we have to have co-ed locker rooms?
Weiss: It is a rather odd design choice.
Blake: Do you think you're always going to have privacy in the field?
Yang: No, but it's easier to wash when people aren't-
Jaune: *Walks through naked* Nora, did you steal my towel again?
Nora: It's so fluffy~.
Jaune: Well give it back!
RWBY: ...
Ruby: Maybe it won't be so bad.
Weiss: The design seems to have it's advantages.
Blake: I've seen horse faunus less hung than that.
Yang: Guess I'll be the one doing the staring this time.
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
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Weiss, Weiss... :[
Commission for @/Jeanjim77 on Twitter, thank you ! Drawing Jaune as the Rusted Knight takes a LONG time-
I'm still finishing a few commissions, then I should be able to reopen them o/
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Jaune: Thanks for bringing me drugs, even if it is the weak shit.
Weiss: It's herbal tea!
Jaune: And it's the weakest drug I've ever had.
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Jaune: Saph, I swear Adrian gets bigger everytime I see him!
Saphron: *Over the phone* Ugh, Jaune, You sound just like Uncle Drayk.
Jaune: Hey! I can't help being right!
Pyrrha: Who are you talking to?
Jaune: My sister Saphron! You wanna meet her?
Pyrrha: Uhm .. Sure. Hello?
Saphron: Hey! You're Pyrrha Nikos! Every restaurant around town claims it was your childhood favorite. You treating my brother Well?
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: Sorry Saph! She can be a little nervous when people greet her like she's a celebrity.
Saphron: SHE'S A CELEBRITY? Well, I guess it'd make sense why people around here like her so much!
Pyrrha: *licks her lips* Oh, I'm sorry, yes I am, and I do my best to give Jaune the same respect he gives me!
Saphron: Well that's great to hear! He's told me a lot about you - You should come meet the Family! Here - I'll send Jaune a picture!
Jaune: Thanks Saph! Look at this- this is my Family!
Pyrrha: *internally* Oh lords who art in the Heavens, I give the my most deep of Thanks for the wondrous Gift of Jaune and his family! So many beautiful Blondes~
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Jaune: *Dressed as an alien, wearing an "I Come in Peace Shirt*
Ruby: Hey Jaune, What's the occasion?
Jaune: Pyrrha.
Ruby: Pyrrha what?
Pyrrha: *Pregnant, Wearing a shirt that says I'm Peace* Hello Again~
Ruby: Ah.
Jaune: Yeah.
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Pyrrha: *Walks into RWBY's dorm carrying Jaune on her Shoulder* Good morning.
Jaune: Hey guys.
Ruby: hey ... What's going on?
Pyrrha: *Picks up Weiss, slings her over the other shoulder* Mine.
Weiss: H-hey! I still need to brush my hair!
Jaune: Just let it Happen Weiss. She'll let us go eventually.
Pyrrha: Mine. *She walks out with both Weiss on Jaune*
Weiss: Wait! Guys! Help!
Yang: ... You wanna fight her?
Blake: Pyrrha? Hell no.
Ruby: Yeah. Are either of you scared for Weiss? She'll be fine, Right?
Yang: Yeah, She'll be alright.
Blake: Frankly, I'm a little jealous of Pyrrha.
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
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Family photo
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
*Weiss and Jaune are laying in their bed the night before Jaune has to go to the hospital to get a kidney transplant*
Jaune: If I die during the operation tomorrow, will you do one thing for me?
Weiss: Oh, anything sweetheart!
Jaune: Blow up the hospital…
Weiss: Hrmmmm. Well, I said I'd do it, so I guess I'll have to.
Jaune: That’s my girl!
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Ruby: Jaune.
Jaune: Yeah?
Ruby: I long for you both emotionally and physically.
Jaune: Oh, wow. I never expected-
Ruby: And I would love nothing more than for you to bend me over right now and f-
Yang: *Covering her ears* Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah! I can't hear you!
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
Penny writes Jaune a valentines letter
Valentine's Day letters. (Penny)
Jaune: A Valentine's Day letter from Penny. I see that she is experiencing the festivities.
He opens the letter and says:
"Now that I'm human, I no longer have a reactor. But when I look at you, I always get a reaction~"
Jaune: *Blushing* Aw~
"P.S. I mean that you make me horny"
Jaune: *Red* Oh!
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
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@ehlihr so uh, suite life of zack and cody au
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cpurubyheart · 4 months
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anywaysss screw the canon have nice girl chloe
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