cottoncandyink · 1 year
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part 5
TW: michael acting feral
8 ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs ɪɴ
Things between you and Michael were amazing. You and Michael were closer ever since that night 1 month ago. He was much more comfortable showing his face around you and every morning when you woke up the only thing you wanted to do was look at him. You two made love regularly and openly sought out each other's affection. He still never talks and still mostly stared when you did anything, but he squinted from time to time so that was an improvement. 
There was one thing bothering you though. Your period was supposed to come a week ago. You waited to worry about it just in case it was just late, but a week has come and gone and you felt no cramps and saw no blood. You can I hoped desperately you were pregnant. You were 8 months into the 10-month deadline and you couldn't afford to waste any time. You would die if you weren't pregnant by ten months. 
You hadn't told Michael of your suspicions. You refused to get his hopes up if it turned out to be negative. 
The next time the nurse came in to give you both your morning breakfast, you pulled her aside and quietly asked if you could see a doctor. You were speaking in whispers so you knew Michael couldn't hear you but you could feel his eyes staring at you questionably. The nurse's eyes widened and she looked quickly around the room as if looking around would help her find the words she wanted to say. 
“ have… have you had your monthly period?” She asked in a small whisper. Even you could barely hear her, and you were standing in front of her so you know Michael definitely wouldn’t be able to hear. 
“ no…” you responded quietly. Her eyes widened even more. She silently pressed the button on her walkie-talkie signaling for the guards to open the door. A few seconds later the large steel door opened, and the nurse grabbed your arm and quickly dragged you out of the room. From the corner of your eyes you could see Michael quickly get up from his bed as if to follow you but the door was quickly shut and locked behind him. You were halfway down the hall, still being dragged by the nurse and followed by guards when you heard a huge bang sound from your and Michael's shared room. It sounded like something heavy hit Against the thick steel door. You gulped knowing that it was Michael. He was mad. The farther you got from the door the more frantic the banging against the steel door got. It was as if he was trying to break down the steel door. You had never witnessed Michael's anger firsthand, so hearing the power behind those furious bangs was slightly frightening. 
The nurses and guards ignored Michael's anger though and kept on moving. They took you to another steak door, and one of the guards following behind you stepped up and opened the door with his fingerprint. You were quickly ushered into the room by the nurse who followed close behind you. You took a look around and honestly.. it looked like a normal doctor's office. Nothing out of the ordinary. It had the typical patient's bed that they can lay down on and a regular doctor set up. Everything was light blue and white. Just like a normal office. 
“ sit on the bed dear “ the nurse pointed over the patient's bed in the corner and you quickly obliged. The nurse quietly told one of the guards who had followed you two to go get the doctor and bring him here. Once the guard had left the nurse quickly came to your side by the doctor's bed and took a seat next to it. She shot you a reassuring smile, that you nervously returned. 
The walkie-talkie on the remaining guard went off loudly. Interrupting the thick silence. An unknown voice went off from the other end. “ Carpenter!” The guard at the door sighed and quickly answered back. 
“ what craven?” The guard whose name you now knew was carpenter responded in an annoyed voice.
“ Where the fuck are you!? That psycho is going Insane!” Psycho? Does he mean Michael? 
“ chill dude he’s just banging on the door,” Carpenter said with a roll of his eyes. “ it’s four-inch fucking steel man. Not even the freak could break that.” 
“ well, he’s certainly trying! Where’s the girl? You think he’s killed her or something? “ craven said in an exasperated tone. Carpenter rolled his eyes again and responded with an equally exasperated tone. 
“Me and a nurse are with her right now dude. Just leave him be he’ll stop soon” and with that, he quickly turned off his walkie-talkie. 
You weren’t scared or frightened by this new information it made you proud knowing he was that worried about you. Well if you get the news you hoping to get them he won’t have anything to worry about for the next nine months. 
The door suddenly opened and in walked a short and stubby old man with a white doctor's coat, and… the man in black. He smiled happily at you and quickly stood by the nurse who was still by your side. 
“ I was starting to think this day would never come my dear! Let us hope for the best yes?” He asked with excitement. The nurse noticed your discomfort and fear and quickly took your hand in hers. You squeezed it tightly in a silent thanks. She squeezed right back. 
“ ok dear no need to waste much time this will be fast. All you have to do is take a simple pregnancy test.” the short doctor said in a jolly voice.
“ umm I don’t mean to be rude but.. why couldn’t I have done that in my room?” You ask in a timid voice. The man in black answered this time. 
“ a pregnancy stick could be a potentially deadly weapon Michael could use. And any potentially dangerous objects around Michael and prohibited.” He said still smiling. 
“Oh,” you said understanding now. The shirt doctor handed you a test and signaled to the door at the end of the room for you to go in. You quickly got up and went into the bathroom. You locked the door and turned on the light as well as the bathroom fan. The bathroom fan was loud which was good because you didn’t the people in the office to hear you pee. 
You took a deep breath and took the test out of the package. Crossing your fingers and hoping with all your might it was positive. 
2 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓊𝓉ℯ𝓈 𝓁𝒶𝓉ℯ𝓇 
All you had to do was wait now. You were staring at the wall in front of you refusing to stare down and potentially find out it’s negative. You waited for another minute which felt like another hour before deciding to rip the band-aid off. You took a deep breath and looked down at the stick in your hands. 
It was positive. 
You felt like the world was lifted off your shoulders. You felt relieved. You were so happy you could cry. You would live. You would live past the ten months. The only thing you could think to do was jump in happiness. Michael, you had to tell Michael. He would be elated, even though you knew you wouldn’t get much of a response. 
You quietly laughed to yourself and quickly got off the floor. You walked into the main office with a new pep in your step. You went over to the man in black and held up the test. His entire face broke into a wide smile. Though it wasn’t a normal smile, it was a crazed one. 
You were being escorted back to your room and you were nearly skipping in joy. The banging had completely stopped but you wondered if Michael was still mad. Well it doesn’t matter now, does it? You were sure he would completely forget his anger when he found out. 
The guards unlocked the door and opened it up for you to walk in. 
You were shocked by the sight that met you. Your entire side of the room was trashed. He thankfully didn’t break any furniture, but every book was on the floor, your sheets were a knotted mess, and all the coloring materials on your desk were thrown all over the room. Michael was sitting at his desk. The same position he was in when you first met him. His back to you. His mask is on. You felt uneasy. He had never been bad to you. Even when you two were in a standoff those first few months, he wasn’t mad he just didn’t know you. 
You took small unsure steps into the room and heard the door being closed and locked. Leaving you and Michael alone like always. 
“ Michael…” you saw his shoulders tense. “ Michael...I” you were suddenly at a loss for words “ Mikey… I’m-“ you were suddenly cut off by Michael's hands grasping your throat. He moved so fast that you didn’t have any time to react. His hands were so huge his fingers were able to completely wrap around your entire neck and touch his palm. He pushed you to the ground forcefully and crouched down so you could be able to see the airy in his beautiful blue eyes. “ mike… please” you choked, your hands tried to pry his wrist away but you knew it was no use. He was panting in anger. He was furious that you left him. “ Michael I would… I would never leave you…” you choked out. He didn’t seem to believe you. His hand grew tighter around your neck. Almost cutting off your entire air supply. You were panicking now. You needed to explain “ B-Baby….. positive” you hoped he would understand, you hoped he would stop. 
His hand stopped squeezing, and his angry panting stopped. He fully let go of your neck now. You took greedy gulps of air and tried to calm your Racing heart. You needed to explain. “ Michael… I didn’t leave you I would never leave you. I went with the nurse because my period was late… Michael….. I’m pregnant.” You looked into the mask's eye sockets and saw his horrified blue eyes. You needed to see his face. You needed to see his expression, you needed to see what he thought. You quickly took off the mask, Michael didn’t move to stop you. He was too horrified to move. You saw his full beautiful face now. His mouth fully hung open in silent horror, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes were utterly shocked. 
You thought he would be happy. You thought he would hug you with relief. You thought he would kiss you. You didn’t expect him to look completely horrified. 
“ o-oh… ok I I’m I thought you would be happy with the news” your voice shook, and you quickly stoop up fully planning on running away to the bathroom. “ I guess - I- I guess I was wrong” you took only two steps before you stopped completely. You heard crying. Crying that wasn’t your own. You quickly looked back only to find a saddened look in Michael's eyes. You felt angry now. “ don’t act like you didn’t want this! You can’t possibly tell me all the times we made love was fake! You can’t tell me all the caresses didn’t mean anything! You can’t tell me you didn’t want this!” You were crying now. Angry and saddened. 
You were about to continue but stopped when Michael slowly got up. He Still had a saddened face but didn’t look like he cared. He slowly moved towards you, as if you were a jumpy animal. He stopped right in front of you and raised a shaky hand and caressed your neck. He looked from your neck to your eyes and back to your neck again. 
Oh. OH. He was horrified but not by the pregnancy news. He was horrified that he choked you, that he hurt you. That he nearly risked his one chance. You understood now. 
“O-oh Mikey baby it’s- it’s ok darling, “ you said in a soft tone. You took his hand in yours and looked him in his blue eyes. He looked at you as if you were everything. He dropped down to his knees slowly and shakily put his large hands on your stomach.
It was odd. Seeing this behemoth man, mass murderer, and psychopath saddened and upset because of you and your baby. He let out a choked sound and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pressed his face against your stomach. 
And you let him.
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cottoncandyink · 1 year
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A ᴄᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴏʀɴs
Part 2
Notes: here's part two! Hope you guys like it!
It had been nearly half a day since you were thrown into the same room as the boogie man. Nearly a day since you woke up in this strange place. It has been nearly a day of cowering and crying. You were still huddled in the corner of the room sniffling quietly. You tried your best to stay quiet you really did. You tried to quiet down your whimpers and hiccups. You feared that if you were too loud, you would anger the man on the other side of the room, And he would kill you. Even though the boogie man has made no move to come closer this entire time.
The moment the man in black left the room and locked the oak door from the outside, Michael went back to staring at the wall, as if deciding to completely ignore your existence. For this, you were grateful and confused. Wasn't he a killer? Why hadn't he made a move to kill you? Maybe it was because it wasn't Halloween? You had no idea. 
This entire time of sitting in a corner and crying, you not once took your eyes off the man. But his lack of movement and interest in you gave you enough courage to look around the room. 
It was huge. Almost as big as a hotel suite. It kinda reminded you of a cabin. The walls, floors, and ceiling were made of hardwood. The floor had a huge dark red carpet with gold linings that nearly covered the entire area. It looked comfy, comfy enough to sleep on even. On the middle wall was a grande stone fireplace. The fireplace had a checkered cage covering the opening but the fire would warm the room up all the same. You knew that if you turned it on it would heat the room in no time. 
On the left wall, was what you assumed was Michaels's side of the room. It was desolate of anything other than a queen size bed that looked untouched and a desk and chair at the corner of his side of the room. The desk was where he currently sat. Doing nothing but staring at the wood wall. You looked to the right wall and saw what you assumed was your side of the room. 
Your side, the right side of the room, was a different story than Michaels's side. Your side had even taken up some of the middle wall. You had a large bookshelf filled to the brim with thick books and poems. Your bed was also a queen but had a dark grey duvet cover with ten pillows resting on the bed's headboard. You also had a desk but your desk had papers and crayons on it. Huh. You bet they replaced the pencils with crays because he would probably try to kill somebody with one. You assumed it was the same story with the fireplace cage. Like that would stop him from killing. Yeah right. If Michael wanted to kill, he’ll find a way. Your mind went to that one Jurassic park quote “ life finds a way” you almost laughed at that morbid comparison. Almost.
On Micheal's side of the room on the left side of the fireplace were two doors. You assumed they lead to a bathroom and closet. You couldn't see anything from your position on the floor and you had no desire to Intrude upon Michaels's “ territory “. 
You were getting sick of sitting on hardwood floors and your legs were starting to fall asleep. You wanted to get up and sit on the bed. You were encouraged by Michaels's lack of movement. So slowly, ever so slowly, you got up. You never took your eyes off Michael as you slowly moved toward the bed. He suddenly turned his head in your direction, and like a child running from the monster in the dark, you ran towards your bed and jumped under the covers. You knew it was a dumb thing to do. Covering yourself with bed covers to escape was something a child would do. Covering yourself wouldn't stop the boogie man from getting you. 
You waited a couple of seconds while listening, staying silent, staying still. You heard no movement, no footsteps coming near you, no chair scraping against the floor, no hands around your neck. 
Slowly you pulled the covers down from your face. Michael was once again looking at the wall. You were about to sit up but once again Michael quickly turned his head to you. You squealed and dove back under the covers. Your eyes welled up with tears. It was nice to know Michael has a morbid sense of humor. Though you didn't like being the target of said humor. You imagined if he didn't have that mask on he would be smirking. That is if he had emotions at all. 
It probably wasn't a good idea to fall asleep in the presence of a serial killer but you honestly didn't even know you did. One moment your crying and the next you wake up after what felt like a deep sleep. Even though you didn't have a clock, you assumed it was morning. Honestly, you were surprised to even be alive. You assumed Michael would kill you in the night but you were mistaken. You looked around the room trying to locate the giant man but you couldn't see him anywhere. Your heart rate spiked and your breathing became panicked. This was it. He's going to jump out of hiding and kill you. Just as your eyes were sweeping the room the large oak door opened. The noises startled you and you let out a short panicked scream. 
Standing in front of the now-closed door was a short middle-aged woman with red hair and warm brown eyes. She gave a short laugh at your reaction to her presence.
“ oh dear, I am so sorry. Didn't mean to startle you like that “ she continued to laugh until she saw your scared expression. Her features immediately turned to pity “ oh I am sorry. I scared you didn't I?” 
You slowly nodded. “ well, I'm not going to hurt you, dear. I have your breakfast” she raised the tray in her hands at the end of her sentence as if to punctuate it. She had bottled water and a plate of eggs with bacon. You never noticed how truly hungry you were until now. Your mouth nearly watered at the sight of the delicious food. She set the tray down on the table and you slowly got up from the bed and sat on the desk chair. You turned to her and realized she was waiting for you to eat. you ate like a starved man on the brink of death. It’s amazing how good food can taste when you're starving. You finished the meal and water in 4 minutes. You ate so fast that you almost felt embarrassed. But the nurse didn’t seem to mind. 
She moved to take the tray from you but you quickly jumped up to stop her. You wouldn’t let this opportunity pass. You needed answers.
“ w-wait!” Your voice was scratchy due to its lack of use and your crying. The nurse looked startled so you quickly tried to explain. “ pl-please I need your help” she looked apprehensive now. “ not in helping me escape, no I wouldn't put you in danger like that... I-i just” you tried to hold back your tears and get through what you wanted to say “ I need answers” the nurse's face softened and she quickly moved to put a comforting hand on your shoulder. She moved you to sit on the bed and took a seat next to you. Hand still on your shoulder. 
“ Oh, oh dear, ok I’ll help,” she said with a soft reassuring voice. “ what would you like to know” 
“ wh-what’s your name?” She chuckled at that. 
“ My name is sally. Sally O’Connors “ you nodded and quietly told her your name.
“ what’s… what’s the deal with….” you sucked in a breath trying to gather the courage to say his name. “ Michael Myers.” She sighed and looked down at the bed. 
“ what about him” 
“ was he taken like me or…?” You let the questions hang heavy in the air. You know she doesn’t need more clarification.
“ Michael Myers was taken just like you. Although he had always been a part of this organization. “ you were surprised at this answer. While you didn’t expect Michael Myres would be a willing participant in this experiment you also couldn’t imagine him being taken or part of an organization. While you never knew The boogie man personally you were told story’s of him when you were a kid. The six-year-old who snapped and killed his sister and escaped during a transfer to kill the rest of his family. You always imagined him as a lone wolf type. Doing what he wants, killing who he wants, never holding back. And the thought of the behemoth man being kidnapped was nearly comical. You nearly laughed at the thought. Nearly. 
As if reading your thoughts Sally decided to clarify. “ well he never knew he was part of this… you see Michael is like this organization's muse. They study his movements and behaviors. He never knew he was being constantly analyzed. This is the first time he was made aware of this organization. “ this made way more sense than Michael being a cult member. You were almost glad your perception of the Man was correct. Your eyes darted to his side of the room. Suddenly you became very aware of the lack of furniture. Her eyes followed yours and she let out a small laugh when she noticed where your eyes were focused. “ he destroyed everything. Ripped apart everything. They had to replace everything in this room including some stones on the fireplace. When a couple of guards went into the room to see the commotion he killed them all. They had to sedate him the day you arrived so they could put your furniture in. He was only let back into the room around three minutes before you were let in.”
With this new information, you were even more shocked that he hadn’t killed you or at the very least broken some of your bones. You had one more question left.
“ Will I ever be able to get out” you looked her in the eyes this time. If she was lying you’d be able to see it in her eyes. She signed and shook her head no. 
“ even if you do kill a guard and escape this room you wouldn’t be able to find your way around the building. It’s built like a maze and only tho use who are of high standing know the complete layout and exit paths. This room is completely soundproof and has zero cameras in it. This was taken as a precaution so no… guests could persuade a guard or other worker to help.” She signed and avoided your eyes. 
“ well... couldn’t Michael like... I don’t know take down the door or something?” The redhead let out a sharp bark of laughter and shook her head no again. “That door is 5 inches of solid steel. Even Michael Myers wouldn’t be able to tear it down.. and he tried” so the oak door isn’t oak. Huh. You would have never guessed. Even if Michael were to break down the steal door he would have probably killed you long before. 
“ where is he now? “ your voice is no longer shaky but it's still quiet. 
“ I'm sorry darling I have no idea.” with that final statement Sally gets up from the bed. Your eyes follow her short form. She picks up the tray on the desk, walks to the door and takes out a walkie-talk from the belt on her waist. Odd you didn't even notice it was there. She requests to be let out the door. And as the steal door opens she shoots you one last pitying look and walks out. You don't feel like crying anymore you just want to go back to sleep. You go back under the covers and take a restless nap. 
You don't know what time us is when you wake up again. But one of the first things you notice is the feeling of eyes on your form. You don't need to turn your head to know it's Michael Myers. Still, you take a look. And there he is. His full body facing you, his entire attention on you. Even though you can't see his eyes due to the mask's shadow you know they are looking directly at your face. 
You don't cower this time. You sit up in bed and move your body to be in the same sitting position he is in. And you stare right back.
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
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First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
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I don’t normally ask for a lot but please help my friend find her sister, the last time she was seen was august 4th 2022 around 6 am. She was wearing black and red plaid pajama pants and a black hoodie. Last places she was seen was 3110 Norway pl norfolk virginia. She’s a black girl around 5’5 with brown hair and blonde dyed tips and faded red streaks in her hair.
@seraphsanzu @strawberriebunn @kyovtani (sorry for tagging y’all i just need to get a boost 😞)
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
God Dokja doesn’t have an ass but by the time I’m done slapping it, he will.
Have a nice day.
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
DISCORD IS BACK UP—for me at least
warning discord and Spotify are down LMAOO
so fucking rude of them
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
good morning tumblr readers, ask me anything you feel like
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cottoncandyink · 2 years
all happiness ive ever felt. gone. in 2 seconds flat.
(credit is in comments of video, pinned to top.)
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(for those who can’t see the link)
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
Sucrose Villain Prompt
sucrose villain arc- like-
imagine albedo loses control and she chooses him over mondstadt and helps him instead of stopping him because she just wanted control. over everything.
like 20K slowburn, maybe between traveler and sucrose (traveler realizes how shitty the people of Teyvat are and finally understands his sisters words so he has this whole villainy route with sucrose and they basically destroy everything ig?) or albedo and sucrose (albedo gets his humanity back after the damage is already done and tries to convince the one person he has left that he still needs her)
like- the ships- aren’t even needed, only if you’re into that- but pls can someone make this fic reality?
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
Def gonna Fuck king reblog cause there are so many people who are in need of this and might never see it without.❤️❤️Stay safe loves.
Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
just an average day on the server🙄
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I’m the green text🥱
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
yes, this is what i made for my photoshop course... and yes, all the heads are photoshopped on🤌
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
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cottoncandyink · 3 years
I really liked all the playlists on this list, especially the first and second one😤 I almost cried during some of these😭
✧・゚*playlists for adventurers*・゚✧
drag the dark into the dawn - for the kings that claw their way back out of their graves
i’ll stay in the darkness with you - your beloved is strange but no stranger than you. if only the local villagers could see all that they do for them. maybe then you wouldn’t have to sneak into the forest every night to catch a glimpse of the monster that holds your heart.
crooks & bastards alike - there may be no honor among thieves but you won’t find it alongside kings either [insp. the arcana]
loyal little soldier - ‘this is a gift’ they tell you. a blessing. the strength to carry on without falter. but what happens to the immortal warrior after the battle is over and the dust has settled? when silence falls? does anyone remember their name?
my darling, my cosmonaut - someday the world will wake up and see it’s cultural cannibalism. destruction of progress in the name of preservation. till then we’ll remain in the shadows, hand in hand. [insp. 'only lovers left alive’]
[try again?] - you fucked up the last timeline. but not again. this time it will be different. it has to be. [insp. homura akemi]
by the light - the road goes ever onward—songs for a journey into the unknown.
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