cosmiciinferno · 11 months
{Ended up being gone a bit longer than I meant to! Whoops!}
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{Trip was fine, but I needed a bit to recover from that, and then I ended up being busier than I thought for a bit. Still pretty busy, but I wanna give things a whirl over here the best I can.
Anyway uhhh, mutuals give this a lil like, and I will make you a starter eventually !}
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
Oh, they are DELICIOUS!
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The vinegar adds a most unique and wonderful flavor to the iced cream! It is even better if they are spicy! My friends are kind enough to allow me all the pickles as a topping to myself, as I enjoy it so much!
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Are they... good with ice cream? I know I eat ice cream with fries and it's quite good together...
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
"Certainly! Strength and durability are common traits on my planet."
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"Our skin is quite durable. Most earthly weapons and explosives cannot seem to break it. It's proven most useful here."
"Wow... you really are stronger than you look, huh?"
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
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can. can starfire kick slade's butt for me. i think he wouldn't stand a chance against a raging alien princess since he's still human after all
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
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can. can starfire kick slade's butt for me. i think he wouldn't stand a chance against a raging alien princess since he's still human after all
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
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"Well... Explosions and fire may cause pain, but I would certainly not be in danger of death."
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
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With pleasure.
can. can starfire kick slade's butt for me. i think he wouldn't stand a chance against a raging alien princess since he's still human after all
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
{Been kinda goin through it™ the last couple of days, so apologies for like… No activity lmao. I’m going out of town next week too, but once I get back, I think I’ll throw together a starter call.}
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{I do think it’s safe to say this account is somewhat low activity, at least for the moment, bc being an adult is just Like That sometimes.}
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
The flinch doesn't go unnoticed, and Starfire hesitates just a moment before giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. she lets her hand fall back to her side after.
"A confron--" She gasps, hands flying to her mouth. That's a lot of important info that she's only getting now, and that certainly makes it feel... Different. What could they possibly have a confrontation over? Why? "Azura, what did you-- ...No, I do not believe that is important anymore."
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She's silent for a moment, brows furrowed and mouth drawn into a thin line. She stares hard at nothing, lost in thought for a moment. Azura is not a titan. She is not a vigilante. She's human, and as soft and squishy as any of them. Slade's invitation to a fight was, presumably, to highlight that.
He always did enjoy putting Robin in his place, after all.
"... Perhaps it would be safest to have you stay with us."
"I'm trying not to!" She flinches a bit at her touch even without meaning to. It seems that she's on edge more than usual today, and one couldn't blame her. What happened before had shot her nerves completely. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout," she apologized, looking pale already.
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"Slade... We had a confrontation last night and he... he invited me to try and fight him and then I said things that I shouldn't, and- if I'm lucky, I think he hates me, which is good right?" Azura fidgets with her zipper anxiously, trying to think of the positive side of the situation. "I'm trying to stay away from him, I promise. I'm not seeking him out, I learned my lesson."
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"But so far, he's... he keeps finding me. And I don't think that's a good sign at all."
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
"Azura, I..." She sighs, letting her shoulders slump briefly. She wants to say she understands, and perhaps part of her does, if her sister is applicable to this situation... But she's not entirely sure that it's the same.
She doesn't want to lie to her, but she doesn't want to disagree with her, either. Azura knows what he's like, she said so herself... But at the same time, sugarcoating this won't do her any good.
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"My friend," Starfire begins slowly, resting a hand on the other's shoulder, "He will hurt you. He will hurt you, and he will not care... He has hurt enough of my friends. Please do not willingly add yourself to such a list."
"...I'm highly aware of his crimes and evilness, Star." She winces, running her hand down her face to hide from her friend.
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"But sometimes you just. Latch onto horrible people for absolutely no reason- surely you've been there, right?"
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
"Azura... He is evil."
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"I, too, enjoy the giving of second chances, but I do not believe Slade is the one to warrant such a thing. I am quite certain of that."
She really doesn't want to bring up his list of crimes, ranging from attempted, almost successful murder to grooming a teenage girl into a living weapon, but she will.
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
She's looking thoughtful. One hand is pressed against her chin, knuckle against her lips as she stares off in one direction. She looks for a moment longer, before doing the same in the other direction.
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... Ah, actually. She looks lost.
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
☆ I do not think you can do much harm "online", but I should hope so.
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You've caught me being good, I swear.
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
"Of course I do. You Titans do have a special place in my heart after all. The many adventures we had together... it was memorable at least, I believe, to you. Even though I doubt it was the good kind."
Well, she's getting a good idea of who this is, and she can't say she's terribly thrilled. A bit confused, a bit startled... Most of the criminals they've fought have had far more to say to her friends, rather than her. She'd find the blatant lie about wanting to know how she'd been more egregiously irritating if she wasn't so alarmed at the prospect that they had come to her.
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"If you are who I believe you are," she pauses only briefly to take another glance around, shoulders squared and hands gripped into tight fists, "Then I do not think mere conversation is all that you want. Not truly."
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
"Hello, princess. It's been quite sometime that we last seen each other, don't you agree? I wonder how Earth has been faring to our... dear alien royalty all these years."
She squints a little, wary of the tone being taken with her. Something seems... Off. In a very familiar way. She sweeps a glance around around, trying to pinpoint a source for the sudden voice.
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"I do not care for speaking to those that insist on being sneaky," she says slowly, "And I believe you do not truly care to know how I have been."
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cosmiciinferno · 1 year
{While I'm here; I'm also in the process of setting up 3 other blogs LMAO So, if you're interested, you can find them below. Please note the Hazbin blogs will not be pulling any punches in relations to dark themes given the source material. (Not that Starfire will be, either.)
Rapunzel: @fleurdusxleil
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Charlie Morningstar: @goodintended
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Arackniss: @sourspider
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If I'm not here, I'm probably on one of those, or on main!}
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