consumnivore · 3 years
“A Consumption Manifesto.”
So here goes. Step 1 was actually registering a blog account (Check). Step 2 means I guess I should set this thing in motion...
To consume with purpose. To waste less. To understand and value your purchasing power as a consumer on this planet. These are a few of our favorite things we’ll plan to tackle as the blog journey continues.
BUT, today’s mission is to share our consumption strategy. A plan to keep us honest, and on a path committed to eco-conscious purchasing. Kicking off in ‘21 here’s how we plan to consume. As in, when we throw a card down (I mean who has cash anymore!?) and someone or something takes our $ and holds us accountable.
1. Purchasing from females/women/she/her locally-owned small businesses.
2. Purchasing from locally, minority-owned small businesses.
3. Purchasing items designed or created by females/women/she/her.
4. Purchasing items designed or created by minorities groups.
5. Purchasing vintage, up-cycled, or thrifted items.
6. Purchasing items containing recycled content, bio-based content, or natural fibers. 
7. Rejecting big brand purchasing (global scale, like as in not a neighborhood local shop). 
8. Avoiding big box retailers like the plague. 
That’s all for now folks. Comments/questions, or cool suggestions always welcome!
-Love and all that Jazz-Consumnivore
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consumnivore · 3 years
Buying is much more American than thinking
Andy Warhol
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consumnivore · 3 years
The Intro.
Hello world! We’d like to introduce ourself. We’re a bit shy as this is a BIG first for us to be out here in the world, making claims and putting stakes in the ground (so please be kind!) Our name is Consumnivore. Our philosophy is grounded in the sole belief that eco-conscious consumption matters. What the hell does that mean? Good question friends...Simply put, because yes, simplicity does matter; we give all the fucks about consuming in a mindful way. Because we believe thinking about what you’re purchasing, putting into your mind, listening to, putting into your body or on your body, or surrounding yourself with does matter. It matters because someone or something made it. It matters because it was created for a reason, with a problem to solve. And it matters because it should add value, not waste. And, above all it matters because it impacts the very ground we stand on and the air we breathe. 
DUH, Save the planet, you know?! It’s a real thing. We have to live on this Earth, she’s our Mother, and just like in real life, you should be nice to your Mama. She birthed you, and she put up with you. So pay her back in kindness, it’s the least you can do. 
So, it’s like that. We care. We’re concerned. We’re listening. And we want to be better. So we created this little blog of sorts to share our thoughts around eco-conscious purchasing, what we’ve come to know thus far, and what we are seeking to find. 
Thank you for listening. Oh wait..it’s more like reading ;)
Stay tuned. 
LOVE from your earthly companion, Consumnivore XO
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