conspirartist · 22 hours
oh laios is X kind of creep laios is Y kind of freak- WRONG!!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG! laios would be your HERPETOLOGY BOY who posts about nothing but his worrying amount of reptiles and rescues and people worry if he has decent husbandry until you go to his place and he has EXCELLENT enclosures and amazing climbs and tanks and has Turtles in his fucking fridge- but now the new worry is that his only space for himself is the kitchen, one table, and his mattress on the floor. He researches every aspect of them and wonders how individual dinosaurs would taste and which ones would taste more like chicken and which taste more like reptiles. Which he would never eat his prized specimins of course, but has probably eaten a wild, dead lizard off the ground (because he knows the right amount of decay, threat levels of each native species, and how to identify disease), so you drive him down to the Tennesee Bass Pro Pyramid to taste a real Croc Burger and he gets so excited he throws up in the car on the way there.
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conspirartist · 22 hours
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Okay so, something I don’t see people talking about at all is how the Falin/Dragon chimera moves. How Falin’s muscle memory is overriding the dragon’s. She needs to hit something? Well then she’s going to reel back her arm of course, even if it isn’t the thing making contact. There’s something so wrong yet so right about it, a subtle thing that shows off the awkwardness of her new form that displays the body horror front and center. Something that when you stop to think about it, makes her less efficient, because if she was perfect, she would move separately, casting with her arms while fighting with her wings and tail. But she isn’t perfect, she’s a beautiful abomination.
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conspirartist · 22 hours
when thom yorke said "I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul" in creep by radiohead, this is what he meant:
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conspirartist · 22 hours
marcille’s lifespan isn’t even that long that’s just normal for italians. my nonna was still doing headstands in her late 80s and could still walk in her mid 90s
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conspirartist · 22 hours
ultimately I have become the old man on the internet who must keep up with trends and that is actually very relaxing because it means I can say fucked up shit that's wrong and feign ignorance.
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conspirartist · 22 hours
Even if I didn’t have a solid plan, in the back of my head, I always assumed I’d kill myself.
Now I’m an adult and people my age have their lives in order and I’m stuck here, confused, because I never planned to be alive and I’m so far behind.
I feel like I’ll never catch up.
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conspirartist · 22 hours
Venti truly is the epitome of "he WOULD fucking say that, as part of his facade, but you seem to think he would mean it genuinely" the fact that interpreation of him ranges from "drunkard, weak god, doesn't care for his people" to "he lied about being the weakest, his drunkeness is a facade, he's the best archon in regards to the management of his people" and everything in between. It's amazing, what a guy of all time.
He's fascinating, because he's such a black box that there are a variety of ways to get him really wrong but there are also a variety of ways to interpret him that are reasonable. How strong is he really? How emotional? Can he form truly equal relationships with mortals (edit: at least post-becoming-a-god) or will they always feel like children to some extent to him? Are his time abilities very limited, or does he fuck around with timelines like the player navigates hangout events, or something in between? Why does he sleep? What did he do in Khaenri'ah? What the hell are his long-term goals, if any?
There's a chunk of fan interpretations where I'm like 'bro you are being played, reread the source material'. The main example is people taking the Signora cutscene at face value; it gets more obvious Venti sandbagged the more you think about it lmfao. Fanworks that hyperwoobify him or lean really really hard into him being a god and treat any humility from him as a facade also feel wrong to me.
But then there's a lot in between that I might not vibe with but are completely reasonable interpretations. And we're probably all wrong considering we're missing major parts of his backstory and have no idea what the pov of a wind-spirit-with-time-powers-turned-deity would be like.
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conspirartist · 22 hours
Stray cat breaks into Lynx’s enclosure at zoo
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conspirartist · 22 hours
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I feel like we need to stop Twitter callouts and go back to publishing them in the newspaper like gentlemen.
(source: The Frederick Hornet, September 27, 1803.)
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conspirartist · 1 day
Made a chart for sorting fantheories
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conspirartist · 2 days
okay okay okay one more dungeon meshi thought
I keep seeing people saying Falin is "better at social cues" than Laios. Y'all she's just quiet. 😭 She just keeps her mouth shut. 😭😭 Girl was proposed to, said "let me think about it," and then did not even tell her own brother. She doesn't know what's going on either she's just quieter about it!!! 😭😭😭
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conspirartist · 2 days
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Copying over my comment from this post since the original now has reblogs turned off:
It's interesting to consider all of this in full context of how Toshiro is framed in the scene. The argument starts with Toshiro insisting that Marcille was wrong to revive Falin with black magic and that she should go back with him to face punishment from elvish society, then get their help in putting Falin to rest. Laios argues that they can actually help Falin, and that eating properly gives them the strength to pull it off, at which point Toshiro tries to shut Laios down by throwing his past frustrations in his face. When Laios eventually overpowers Toshiro, he attributes it to his party taking proper care of themselves, at which point Senshi shows up to offer Toshiro food. Meanwhile, Maizuru expresses frustration at Toshiro's behavior, and when Toshiro talks about his out-of-the-blue proposal to Falin, Mickbell questions why he would do something like that, while Chilchuck remarks that it's the kind of world he lives in. Every part of Toshiro's position here comes across as antithetical to the protagonists and the quest we're following them on. Even other characters present don't seem to think much of his behavior here. And, while playing that antagonistic role, we see him imposing those social standards on someone who finds them confusing and alienating. The result is that the primary lens through which the viewer is encouraged to see the scene is that of an autistic person being berated for not living up to a set of social standards, and in particular not meeting the standards of Japanese society. And while a Japanese audience might find it easier to understand why Toshiro thinks the way he does, the scene is very clear in sending the message that he is wrong and that, as previous comments noted, he's been stuck in a mindset that's hurting both him and Laios. The outcome of the fight suggests that Toshiro would benefit from learning to think more like Laios about food - and I think the audience is also meant to feel that Toshiro would benefit from learning to think more like Laios about people.
And the addition from @delvinanaris:
More than that, Toshiro’s last line of that scene—expressing his envy of Laios—suggests that he, too, feels that he would benefit from learning to think more like Laios about people.
Also here's the original tweet and a great comment on it:
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conspirartist · 3 days
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just some casual girlfriend reanimation, nbd
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conspirartist · 3 days
in b4 95% of all websites in june 2024 announce that "for security" they will only work with browsers that use manifest v3
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conspirartist · 3 days
As a lesbian, it’s happened twice already that one “guy” stands out to me and I think “huh maybe they’re kinda cute and interesting, I wanna get to know them” and then I get to know them better and it’s a closeted trans girl who I somehow sniffed with my little nonbinary lesbian nose
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conspirartist · 5 days
Loid Forger really said “ah yes Yor is such a normal person” after she drop kicked multiple people on their first date and then ran after a mugger on their second
THEN he spends one evening with her overprotective drunk brother and immediately clocks him as a member of the secret police.
The duality of this man is truly inspiring.
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conspirartist · 5 days
i know “yor finally gets assigned to kill twilight/loid finally gets assigned to thorn princess” is a really fun and popular future plot line people like to think about, but i think “yor gets assigned to kill desmond sr” could cause equal amounts of drama. because operation strix is not KILLING desmond, it’s getting close to him and infilitrating his inner circle. and you can’t do that if he’s… dead
cue shenanigans of twilight miserably trying to keep this horrible man alive from this demoness who he had assumed was an urban legend and yor going “who is this fucker who keeps getting in my way”
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