consacro · 4 years
PSA;; officially moving blogs
I won’t be logging in here anymore, I, along with the pantheon will be moving over to lotofayoi
For mutuals, my dis.cord is Siyon#6504 if you’d rather us interact on there instead. Let me know who you are when you add, though.
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consacro · 4 years
PSA;; officially moving blogs
I won’t be logging in here anymore, I, along with the pantheon will be moving over to lotofayoi
For mutuals, my dis.cord is Siyon#6504 if you’d rather us interact on there instead. Let me know who you are when you add, though.
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consacro · 4 years
@son-of-skarmory​ said:
"Doctor, if you have a moment, I'd like to speak to you about Hiroto."
The brothel owner was tall and broad-shouldered, with a stern face.
"I haven't seen any improvement in his condition. While I don't doubt your skills, the fact stands that he's not bringing in profit, and his housing and treatment are becoming a toll on our humble business."
Right, humble. 
"I wanted to propose a business deal with you: erase his medical debt, and you can have him. I hear you doctors are always looking for new subjects to study."
Right...what was the phrase. Only those who work have a right to eat, or something to that effect, no? It was true the owner likely didn’t see any change. Most likely, given that it wasn’t some miracle quick-fix, it was already a loss for him. Even if he would eventually get better, there was no guarantee he’d ever be able to make the business enough revenue to make up for the herbs used.
Well. Actually harvesting the plants needed for Hiroto’s treatment was paltry for the pair of thunderbirds. Far distance and extreme climates held no bearing to them. Not even the sea.
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Exchanging a life, huh... It was true it wouldn’t be the first time the stormbringer accepted an offer like that. “Sickly” children. Street urchins used as bartering chips. The era set what counted as morally correct, which was convenient given that they and many gods didn’t especially put much weight into what humans considered right or wrong.
But any humans surrendered to the pair were cared for until they decided to leave of their own accord. Epoch wasn’t able to save everyone that they cared for, but they were at least able to make final hours more comfortable.
“Give me a few days to consider. The debt incurred by Hiroto has been quite steep. While he does make an interesting study of illness in the human body, it is also true that I’ve exhausted quite a fair bit of rare supplies in his treatment.”
A swindler would be met with a swindler. They had no interest in telling the owner that they could obtain foreign plants as easily as one went outside to pull weeds. They especially couldn’t let it slip lest brokers seek them out for “business deals.”
While Epoch had been pulled away by the owner, their link allowed Archel to make her way through the establishment ahead of time. Chilled amber eyes sought only to navigate the hallways, ignoring the sultry voices chiding for her, the eager hands in greed and boredom pulling at her clothes. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t have any of them if she wanted.
It was a matter of wanting.
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The door she was seeking came into sight, pulling the door open with enough force for the frames to clatter together.
She never was well versed in subtleties. Not to mention the doors in the building were so old and rickety by the birds’ standards that likely even being as gentle as possible would threaten to break the aged wood.
She stared at HIroto, mildly surprised to see him sitting up. Not that it especially showed on her face, though. Nonetheless,a hand went into her clothes, rummaging around for the corn husk and charcoal she used to communicate in lieu of paper, writing something down before turning it over for him to read.
The owner is offering to give you to us so he doesn’t have a debt for your treatments. Do you want to come with us?
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consacro · 4 years
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The bird’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the declaration. Started life as a human? Did he mean she was reborn, or that she somehow “became” a god. The thought of the latter subconsciously caused his nose to wrinkle. Perhaps it was influence of his creator, but the very idea of gods and mortals mingling - especially humans.... It made his skin crawl.
“Luckily the attention of both Homura and Rahi was shifted at the address of the vine. They paused long enough to look at one another for a moment.
“That wasn’t you?”
The ho-oh looked at Rahi curiously.
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“Not me,”
The little Tapu responded nudging Homura in response, though. It was their turn to introduce themselves. He’d taught them to at least be civil if no animosity was presented.
“Homura, a golden Ho-oh. This little one is Rahi, a ..craft..made by an Allfather. Our understanding is that their species is regarded as “Tapu Yula.”
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consacro · 4 years
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“Hey Grey?”
The bird’s appearance is nothing new. He descends with an audible fwoom.
“Do we have any mutual friends that know how to sew? This was left at the Temple’s alter on the mainland.”
He produces a small stuffed animal that looks rather uncanny to a certain owl.
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consacro · 4 years
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She tried not to laugh at his revelation. Though, the bird also made no motion to stand or move when he sat up either.
“You should be more careful, it’s pretty easy to hurt yourself out here in the wilds. It’s not too far from civilization but it’s far enough that if anything happened you likely wouldn’t be found or noticed for a few days.”
She didn’t really understand the purpose of using man-made medicine. Dried berries worked just as well as fresh ones, and lasted quite a bit longer. Why not just keep those on hand? ..Ah..then again, if one already made the mistake being paralyzed or frozen didn’t give you much hope of being able to do anything until it wore off.
Assuming you didn’t die from the affliction anyway.
“So? What do you plan to do now? Not find out how more status ailments feel, I hope.”
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consacro · 4 years
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Given everything that happened the day before, she couldn’t even be surprised that he’d done that. Cemented by the sounds he was making behind her as she pulled off the last ball from her own stick. Cyan eyes glanced back at him in a mixture of pity, surprise, and wonder. More specifically, a wonder of how he’d managed to do that. She hadn’t thought Aura would be one to try and eat wood, after all - he knew what that was!
“You..uh... You eat the balls one by one. You can use your paws to pull them off the stick too if you want to try again later...”
The dragon trailed off. She wasn’t entirely sure what else to say. Luckily the dropped food wouldn’t go to waste too badly. Zigzagoon scampered through the streets at all hours, any food snatched by them was always taken to the closest river and washed off before eating. Being given hot food was always a bonus but they weren’t above being street cleaners.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the training field, already underway as groups of volunteers - both humans and pokemon, were broken into groups ranging from pairs to larger groups to simulate guerilla combat.
“Oh..no, none of them compare to me.”
It wasn’t bragging. Rather, Fulmine simply stated facts. What mortal could dare compare to a millennia-old god that specialized in combat, after all? With a soft grunt, she slid to sit down on the grassy knoll at the edge of the recessed pit. Surprisingly, the entire area was simply packed sand. It was useful, though. Fulmine had an easier time controlling electricity through a surface that insulated her sparks, and any damage or scuffs done to said floor were easy enough to repair.
“I’m gonna finish my coffee before joining them, but you can just invite yourself into a group, if you want.”
There was a surprise waiting, oh, yes. Aura would find soon enough, the spartan training and chaos didn’t begin until Fulmine joined the fray. Everyone knew this, and had to prepare to try and impress her while she was still inactive.
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consacro · 4 years
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I’m tentatively making a fe verse for Homura, where he’s a designer combat Kinshi, bred for unique colors and to try and overcome the species’ shortcomings. Breeders were so busy with looks and stats they forgot about temperament
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consacro · 4 years
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Homura gave a noise as he listened, slowly shifting out of the way to avoid stepping on the smaller forests. At the very least, his presence was felt far enough ahead of time for pokemon to get out of the way.
“I guess I can get being territorial. If they try and fight us we can just kick their ass.”
It was a simple solution to a simple problem. Don’t read too much into it Grey, it wasn’t as if the ho-oh thought too deeply into things. Nearing the edge of the region, massive golden wings unfurled to carry them into the sky. Given the bird’s weight it was still baffling that he could even achieve flight, but best not to think too deeply on it.
“No kidding? No humans deforesting large habitat zones because it’s a convenient location and wanting to industrialize everything with a bunch of buildings?”
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consacro · 4 years
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Maybe from the beak having a lack of nerve endings, or poor vision, but he hardly reacted at getting pecked at. Rather, the massive ho-oh inhaled and exhaled a lung-full of heated air.
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consacro · 4 years
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consacro · 4 years
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What’s a tiny murkrow doing at the Temple? Much less on his roost? His beak is barely inches away from her as he tries to figure out where this stray bird came from.
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Yes, the witch is aware that she is currently a Murkrow. No, she’s not changing back - she seems more than content to Roost like this for a few hours. 
Yes, she is also aware that her current Roosting spot may or may not be a person.  No, she doesn’t care. The witch is tired. She’s not moving. Deal with it or be Pecked.
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consacro · 4 years
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This is still all I can think of when I read “plumicorn” rofl
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consacro · 4 years
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consacro · 4 years
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consacro · 4 years
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I’m finally catching up on all my webtoons after like two months of not touching the app and wanted to try the style from Weak Hero / Eleceed
Look at the rbf boys rofl @bxstiae
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consacro · 4 years
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I remember reading somewhere that alola persian looks weird like that bc it’s supposed to be based on a british shorthair, which has a very iconic fat/round face
Don’t get me wrong, canon design is still a disaster, but if you make the head/body actually proportionate it doesn’t look too bad imo
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