commander-henrietta · 11 days
my 18th birthday today 🎉 happy adult day for henri yippee
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commander-henrietta · 16 days
LISTEN. IF WE'RE GOING TO ASCALON IN THE NEXT EXPAC I WILL YELL. Y'all know how feral I am about Ascalon. That will win it 10 points in fucking advance because I've been asking for a return to Ascalon for ages now
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commander-henrietta · 21 days
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april (na) vsartparty!!!! some of these are from april and some are from past months! 🌸🌸🌸
Rhivaen & Meteorologist Vhexx: @mordremvari
Caï: @blightingpods
Mordrem Rose: @mordremrose
Nightingale Dragora: @starlightsuncrow
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commander-henrietta · 21 days
Tyria Pride discord announced that it will be on the 22nd and 23rd of June, and I for once will be able to attend fully and consistently (unlike the previous 2 years) and I will be on Henri with the bisexual colors (to represent myself and her) !
Fellow moots, I invite you to walk and not to forget Palestine as we queers raise awareness in favor of humanity
Queers for Palestine, and queer muslims for Palestine !
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
Dear Charr artists, share your secrets RAAHHH
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
I wish I had a furry phase when I was younger so charr could be easier to draw
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
*grabs the mic*
I don't wanna be that guy but I have to say it because I see it so often and It Bothers Me:tm:
The plural of Asura, is Asura. Not Asurans.
that is all
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
I think people are a bit too hard with Phlunt. He is a terribly flawed character, indeed, but I think he gets undeserved hate: here is my unnecessary advocacy! >:D
First, let's eliminate the obvious critic: his look and age. According to many, he is ugly and too old to be in activity, which would be a valid reason to hate him. This kind of arguments are really weak, and seem to be just simple insults on disguise. I am sure we can do better than staying at this level. Without forgetting that councillor Flax is probably older than him and no one ever questioned his ability to lead to arcane council, there is no showing of any dementia or even physical issues that would makes him unable to do his work. Quite on the contrary, he seems to be really in good shape, not hesitating to move by himself when he is needed, in Cantha or in the middle of the Jungle. His fighting move is actually a the Kick skill, which is not an easy movement to throw in a fight, showing his perfect physical state. Of course, time did not go easy on him, and his face is now filled with wrinkles. And? If it was a valid reason to despise him, we should be coherent and do the same with every elderly person, like Snaff for instance. It is obviously an absurd argument. In this lab, we do not allow this kind of ad hominem attacks.
Once this first topic eliminated, people usually raise the fact that Phlunt is an unpleasant character, someone who is unbearable. He is indeed not the most soft person to talk with, going straight to the point, and usually not embarrassing himself of smalltalk or other kind of conventional audience charming. Phlunt is a man of science, who has a lot of experience, and does not bother with trivialities. He lacks social intelligence, this is undeniable. But so are a lot of us, without it being a proof that someone is a bad person. It is a flaw, but we should learn to accept that people are flawed, and not to fuel hate with that. A simple question we can ask ourselves is: Does Phlunt want to be mean, unpleasant, makes people uncomfortable, or hurt them? And obviously not. He is probably not even noticing this. This is not an excuse for doing the wrong, but we should have the honesty to admit that Phlunt is not doing it on purpose.
Speaking of this, Phlunt is not evil. He is not plotting in the back like Flaxx, Yahk or Haia. When he shows reluctance to act against Mordremoth during the world submit, he exposes his arguments by clearly stating the safety of asura citizens was his priority, and when presented an argument going against his, he reconsider his position with honesty. Phlunt might even be one of the most reliable of the arcane council.
Another attack against this poor man is that he is stupid, he is not doing anything, and even a thief! That last point is clearly diffamation. The two cases with Taimi are hard, but Phlunt not only had the right to do so, but all the reasons to do so. The waypoint recalibration device he took over was about a very critical issue, and one could easily understand that the arcane council wanted to be as efficient and fast as possible. Phlunt, as the dean of the College of Synergetics, used his right to take the invention because it was a key component in the crisis handling situation that was happening with the waypoints. No one could decently blame him for not trusting a 14yo progeny, and by doing so, he could put other asura on the task. Taimi was working alone, out of Rata Sum, near inquest labs. Of course it was a better solution to take the invention. And as a reminder, Phlunt clearly stated that this would be temporary, until Taimi graduates. For the Rata Novus situation, the same kind of argument can be raised. I would personally not trust a progeny I know very little and that already proved me being irresponsible to direct investigation in a whole underground city. Of course, Phlunt in his role doing what he did. Even more, we can point that he did not delegate the task, preferring coming and directing the investigations himself, which is remarkable.
If we look at what Phlunt does, he is the dean of the Synergetics, so responsible of the education of one third of the asura, and probably some of the most abstract parts of fundamental research. On top of this, he is a very active arcane council member, which is a role that is imposed to him and that the other ward of college describe as a responsibility they would like to be able to avoid. He also gets involved in many efforts made by his college, such as the handling of the waypoint crisis or the researches in Rata Novus. We also know he continues his own researched aside. On top of this, he is responsible of a lot of diplomatic exchanges for the Arcane Council, and usually the most important. This is a lot of responsibility and he never complained about this. And finally, he is a Fashion jury. I would not describe this as "not doing anything". Phlunt is doing more for the asura than anyone else.
The fact that Phlunt is the diplomatic face of the Arcane council is also making a lot of sense. He defends well the interest of the council and Rata Sum, while allowing Flaxx to avoid any public appearance. Flaxx prefers staying in the shadow, and sending the councillor that everyone hates but does the job well instead. And if a problem appear, he can still get rid Phlunt while keeping this hands clean. Phlunt is, to Flaxx, a convenient scarecrow. And by hating him openly, you all are playing his little game!
So why so much hate? Is this just the "this old man is annoying and ugly" effect? Would it be different if he was still young? I think we should reconsider his treatment by the community, and show more kindness to him.
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 1 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
أنا جداً آسفة ولكن ما أقدر أتبرع اي شي لكم لأن ما عندي حساب للبنك وما عندي فلوس، كله من عند ابوي والله العظيم. و عائلتي مو قادرة حتى تشتري طعام عادي، كل شوي الثلاجة فاضية كأننا صايمين بالليل بعد.
والله العظيم لو كان عندي جان عطيتكم وتبرعت بس والله ما عندي حتى عشان الطبيب ما نقدر كلنا مريضين أنا صرت ما اسمع عدل واخواني الصغار مو قادرين
دعيت لكم أهل فلسطين في ايام ليالي القدر و كل يوم انزل ستوريات عن فلسطين على حسابي الإنستغرام كل يوم والله العظيم
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commander-henrietta · 24 days
What is vs art party i see it all over gw2 tumblr and i do not understand
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commander-henrietta · 25 days
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you make not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like.
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commander-henrietta · 25 days
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Poor Nathume is having a really tough time adapting to chaotic party life
Here’s some detail closeups too
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commander-henrietta · 25 days
Please more baby characters pls all races or just one pls omg
I'm like two months late to this ask but
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commander-henrietta · 25 days
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cool cats 🐈🐈
little sketch before i get into a bigger painting of them. blond one belongs to @torchlight-troubles
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commander-henrietta · 26 days
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commander-henrietta · 26 days
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tysm for anyone who offered their meow meows <3 Helped me a lot the rest of what i got will be done next time!! thank you so much again and i hope these are nice enough <3
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commander-henrietta · 26 days
youll never guess what i did
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new character again. new character. again. once again. AGAIn
her name is adelaide shes DEAD. she died
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