commander-daine · 4 months
Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 
AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.
Here are the important details:
We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.
If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.
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commander-daine · 3 years
I have been standing around Lion’s Arch for the past 2 hours trying to get this on video, so behold the fruits of my labour - vindicator idle banter!
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commander-daine · 3 years
I hope there is some truly horrific stuff to put in my mouth in Cantha, PoF really disappointed in the culinary adventures aspect.
Things the Commander has canonically eaten, ranked
1-Tasty meat, Blazeridge steeps.        Self explanatory. It’s good meat!! Good enough to give you magic. Eat this. Please eat this.
2- Fragrant Cactus fruit, Silverwastes        It’s fruit I guess. I know what good meat tastes like but I don’t know what prickly pear tastes like so. It says in the description it smells good, so that’s promising.
3- Raven Tonic, Snowden Drifts        It’s booze with a neat party trick, turns you into a Raven! How fun is that! However it is ale that turns you into a raven, so it can’t be higher than actual food.
4- Morgan’s Orchid, Caledon Forest        All of the descriptions surrounding this say that eating it is a transcendent experience. But also that’s a flower that you just ate. Why did you eat a flower. What the fuck.
5- Skrittsburgh Special, Brisban Wildlands        This is some kind of booze. It’s apparently rancid smelling and has some fur in it, and it was made by Skritt. That alone should clue you in to how I feel about everything else on this list, since this is “edible.” It’s described as a “thick hearty beverage.” and really seems like more of an acquired taste, as long as you are a weird goblin rat. The reason it’s this high, is until after you drink it, it’s descriptions are neutral. The Commander needs to be stopped.
Keep reading
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commander-daine · 3 years
Reminder / note for GW2 players
A reminder for people using addons in GW2.
If you are going to try out the DX11 Beta later today (recommended!) and you use addons, be aware that the addon may no longer work, or may require an update.
While using the dx11 beta following addons will not work until they get an update: ArcDps, Gw2Radial
Following addons should work: TacO, Blish HUD, YoloMouse
Following addons will never work: d912pxy, gw2hook
Additonal note If you are using any kind of reshade (except gw2hook) you may need to reinstall it and choose dx11 during the installation.
The last one in particular, I know a lot of the community uses reshade. So backup your presets just in case and re-install reshade, this time picking the DX11 option.
Details on the DX11 change here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/directx11-support-is-coming-to-guild-wars-2/
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commander-daine · 3 years
Meet the Catalyst - A New Spin on Ancient Arts
Meet the catalyst, the new elementalist elite specialization coming in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons™. Watch the video and prepare to hammer out some serious elemental power.
Take the catalyst for a spin next week during the second elite specialization beta event on September 21. The beta event is open to all, but you can prepurchase the expansion today to get some great items for your account!
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commander-daine · 3 years
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Elite Spec Silhouette from today’s Guild Chat!
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commander-daine · 3 years
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I had better dialogue in my head originally but I forgot halfway through drawing.
(Some advice: Remember to always write down your ideas even if you’re drawing them right away.)
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commander-daine · 3 years
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after a longass break i’m dipping my toes back in gw2, but i am dragging my character from d2 with me. faust, my beloved, mesmer fits you impeccably
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commander-daine · 3 years
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Part 2: the real elementalist meta 😂
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commander-daine · 3 years
Hm. Noticed the new necro spec is Harbinger
And has a sylvari as the trailer rep. Who else was a sylvari…used pistols….was called a harbinger by corrupted alchemy-using individuals associated with blighting their community…
I’m not saying Malyck is back, but is Malyck back, guys?
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commander-daine · 3 years
You’re invited to the first elite specialization beta event! 🎉
The first
Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons
 elite specialization beta event begins next week! From August 17 to August 21, log in and play three of the brand-new elite specializations.
You don’t need to prepurchase the expansion to join the fun—everyone with an account in good standing is invited. Create a free Guild Wars 2 account today, and you too can be on the cutting edge of Canthan combat techniques.
How to Play
When you log in on August 17, you’ll find three dedicated elite specialization beta character slots on your character select screen. Use these to create fully equipped level 80 beta characters and take each of the new elite specializations for a spin.
Please note these limitations on beta event characters:
Beta characters are temporary. After the event ends, they will disappear as mysteriously as they appeared.
Your gameplay progress will not be saved. When your beta character vanishes back into the Mists, all the information recorded on your account while playing them will disappear as well. Your permanent Guild Wars 2 characters will still earn progress normally as you play them.
You can play in existing content. You’re free to experience Tyria through the eyes and weapons of the new elite specializations in current open world content, instanced content, Player vs. Player, World vs. World, and the Maiden’s Whisper tavern. Other Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content won’t be available for play during the beta events.
Meet the Elites
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Join us on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel this Friday for an in depth look at all three elite specializations and how they play. We revealed the new mesmer elite specialization, the virtuoso, on our Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons First Look livestream—now get ready to meet its relentless and audacious beta event comrades!
The elite specialization preview livestream will air on Friday, August 13 at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7).
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commander-daine · 3 years
rb and put in the tags which character u want to completely deck. just break their fucking nose
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commander-daine · 3 years
I don’t know what it would be flavorwise but I’d love to see a bow-wielding elementalist spec, some sort of arcane archer, since that’s an archetype I love in fantasy games that tends to be underused. Perhaps elemental traps? A rifle would be neat as an alternative, I’d love sniping people with elemental bullets.
For ranger I want hammer as an homage to the infamous bunny thumper spec of GW1.
With the End of Dragons livestream soon upon us, I’m curious what folks are hoping to see in terms of elite specializations. There’s been a lot of speculation about other added features for quite a while, but I don’t see much discussion about elite specs. Personally, I’d really like to see illusions better utilized for mesmer. NPC mesmers get to do really elaborate stuff with illusions sometimes, but player character mesmers get… phantoms and clones. I don’t know exactly how the gameplay mechanics would shake out, but I want to see Fielja conjure illusions of monsters or environmental hazards or something like that to throw off enemies.
Other elite spec stuff I’d like to see includes:
-Let revenant channel an asura hero (Snaff, please?!) -Give ranger gun. We know someone’s gotta get gun. Let it be ranger. -Make necromancer about 40% edgier. I want to drown in necro edginess. No amount of edge will ever be enough for Malcefrous.
So what about you guys? I want to hear cool elite spec ideas!
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commander-daine · 3 years
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File under “more achievements I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get” since I only tried the Marionette for the first time yesterday due to people saying how hard the 50 person version is (and it’s tough with 80, what are Anet thinking with 50? Leave the public version in, ffs). I had to hit it really intensively to get all the dodge achievements, but damn, I’m actually kind of impressed with myself.
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commander-daine · 3 years
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commander-daine · 3 years
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ArenaNet Studio Update: July 2021
Hello everyone! Please check out our latest blog post for some important announcements from the ArenaNet Team. ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \
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commander-daine · 3 years
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During Tyria Pride on Guild Wars 2 , @thekiwibats started a challenge about "npcs racting to the pride parade". Now, I gotta focus on commissions, but I CAN draw Myrun Stialkin sporting some new face paint :D
Full size pic available on my Patreon!
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