colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
day lost
welp i’ve clearly stopped updating this. i think it’s been like 20 days since i last updated this, and once you stop something it gets harder and harder to start it up again...
i have been doing things though, just got through another article, i got through several manga series, finished one class, had a birthday, got through several animes, failed looking into starting a charity, i haven’t finished a video game in this time although i’ve started some...i for some reason still haven’t gone through and made a list, i think it’s because i’m to scared to see everything that i need to do.
one problem with this is that it’s so easy to just type something up, and leave it to add to it as the day goes on. and then casually forget to post it before i turn off the computer so i just lose whatever i had written.
gahh! i’m frustrated at myself, mostly because i haven’t done any “big” things yet. although looking back at what i have done in the lsat 20ish days, i’ve still accomplished a lot. my priorities just shift all over the place. i’d just rather do that new thing instead of finish the old thing, because it got a little bit boring. sigh, i need to really work on that and get back into finishing older things.
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
i’ve fallen behind already. i have realized it’s hard to keep up when you don’t have a clearly laid out plan of action. i’m not looking forward to having a clearly laid out plan of action because of some stuff that’s happened in the past. i’ve largely been struggling with how much do you want to plan out versus how much do you not plan out.
another problem i’ve been thinking about is just how much should i be caring about problems that are going on. i’ve always seemingly cared about the bigger issue problems, part of which is becasue not many people tend to...and even less seemingly act on anything relating to them. a portion of it is simply the problems are to large and the pay out is to small, so why worry about them. i’ve talked with some friends about the problems and they realize they are there but they can’t think of anything to do to actually solve them, so they ignore the problems. which is saddly the easiest thing to do, especially if you want to live a happier life.
so i feel stuck.
in the past several days i’ve gon to the farm, worked, largely played games, talked with some friends in person, saw some other people, tried a new(ish) restarunt, listened to podcasts, gone through some articles online, and done some school work. i also watched through/read some anime/manga’s. a friend got me a scarf from anti-magic’s 35th test platoon and having no idea what that is i decided to find out. the anime was dissapointing to me, but i like the scarf and the manga was better, but cut to short. so now i think i’ll read through the light novel.
there’s always so much to do...i don’t know, i just don’t know.
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
i honestly didn’t do much. i went to school and did half of my classwork for one class...woo?
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
articles read:
https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/2/16830328/warframe-free-to-play-f2p-platinum welp i decided to download this and give it a try afterwards
https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/01/03/575181390/from-vegan-to-keto-and-mediterranean-experts-rank-2018s-best-diets quick read about diets. there’s a lot out there, gotta find one that works for you personally.
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/jan/06/too-busy-lazy-person-guide-self-improvement honestly was a funny article. the guy was trying so hard at improving himself but was only trying in little 10 minute sessions of different things instead of actually taking the time to improve himself thoroughly. at the same time it does show that you can improve yourself with only a couple of minutes a day focusing on certain things. it just takes time and effort.
i’ve now turned off a feature in my webbrowser that was giving me things to read so i can focus on other things that i need to get through before going back to it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj_UWbifM2U a video about how propaganda somewhat started and how it can take over the collective consciousness with the example of a cigarette company. scary stuff.
overall this was a bad day. i had no urge to do anything and tried to do a couple of things but failed. i kept thinking of how bad of a person i was. i had a bad dream relating to that, and it just made me feel terrible all day.
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
i realized that i didn’t post 3 after i went to bed and hoped that it would save on my computer...it did not, so here it is from what i recall.
started playing through quantum break, i love timey-wimey stuff and this has those aspects that makes me love it. but i dislike the violence in it/all of the shooting that needs to be done.
i read through a couple of articles one about the current state of economics and how that is bound to change in the future because economics does not accurately predict what is to happen. though other forms of economics are starting to, the specific article was about quantum economics...seems like an interesting field.
read through an a couple of articles about mindfulness and how it can be useful for some individuals although there has yet to be proper research done on the mindfulness/meditation that individuals would casually be able to do(think 5-15 minute sessions) instead of what they studied(several hour plus sessions). there might be something to it, although it could easily be that you thinking there is a cure by doing this creates the cure.
i might have read through a couple of life hacker things...or that might have been the day before...
i also looked some more into an educational charity and there didn’t seem to be that many educational charities out there, so i should narrow down what the charity would do(assuming it would be an educational charity) and how it would gather money and go from there right now. planning seems to be a much larger part then actually doing the documents, though once i start doing the documents i’m sure that will be a gigantic part of it as well.
school started...soooo woo?
i didn’t get much done honestly, played through a couple of holes on a game called golf story...i might be on the last match now, after several months of putting it off.
i started watching Brooklyn 99 at my friends shop. mostly because i don’t want to sign up for a hulu account. it used to be free to watch, but now i need an account just to watch. not something i want to do and that seems like a giant downside.
also saw a reddit thread about how steam is lacking on one aspect really, communication. as a result a lot of people don’t like how steam does that. it should be an easy enough thing to fix...but who knows. i thought of immediately why not try to get humble bundle to create there own platform that will link all of there games to it...it could work, they are already a seller of games and i think most people know them.
what else...i need to do most of my classwork for an easy computer class tomorrow, i should also pick up a check and maybe finish cleaning one of the areas left over. things to read, games to play, and ideas to make more of a reality.
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
mr.shifty a really action packed game that was suprisingly buggy. most of the time when a lazer would do anything my screen lagged, and several times the game closed out of itself. overall though it was fun.
read through these articles :
https://qz.com/1169792/theres-a-reason-using-a-period-in-a-text-message-makes-you-sound-angry/ interesting piece about how people switch how they talk in different context’s and some research has shown that the more you are able to switch the better it is for you, like totally.
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/609642/the-year-climate-change-began-to-spin-out-of-control/ i’m always frightened by climate change articles/pieces that explain what’s been happening and links different events to other events. it really makes me feel as if everything is fucked and there is little to no hope. which is always a scary train of thought.
https://www.wired.com/story/why-symmetry-continues-to-beguile-mathematicians/ honestly felt like a waste of time. i’m not entirely interested symmetry and how you can prove it with math, though it would make for an interesting and frustrating field to study. the video afterwards was nice and short and sweet though, about why you won’t win the powerball, the odds are just really stacked against you. especially when other people are playing it.
https://fieldguide.gizmodo.com/all-the-annoying-tech-chores-you-need-to-do-when-you-ha-1821460282 - honestly what i need to do/look more closely at one of these days...and this is how the problem escalates T_T
https://lifehacker.com/is-salt-actually-bad-for-me-1453438069 a couple of salt articles by life hacker.
https://qz.com/1172433/why-is-china-creating-utopian-art-cities-in-its-former-wastelands/ it’s always interesting to me to read about other cultures and how they are doing things. it had some interesting points about how china has approached it’s art, since communism has been in affect.
https://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2018/01/economist-explains a completely different article about a completely different thing. suprisingly berlin has a barely functional government.
https://www.brainpickings.org/2018/01/01/john-o-donohue-walking-on-the-pastures-of-wonder/  an intersting read. talked about how by everyone striving to be better and by bettering themselves we end up alienating everyone around us. i might have gathered the wrong idea there, but i can see it. the article also argued that to truly accept others you need to also accept all of yourself...again i might have had that wrong, but oh well.
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/08/03/the-children-of-strangers that was such a god read. it was very interesting to see the language flip from article, to interview, and back again. the poor parents went through a lot though.
didn’t finish cleaning up, nor did i do anything with the charity. going to focus on those two tomorrow. hmm what else...
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colacoffee-blog1 · 6 years
lots of ground to start covering and lots of little things that have already been done.
there’s many lists and ideas that i’ve had over the years and as a result i end up not working on them. so for this new years resolution i’m finally going to go back and start working on some and try to accomplish most of those things.
i’ve already mostly cleaned my room, played through portal /portal 2 (portal was better then 2 i thought, but i didn’t care for either right now), been looking to start a business, and just been trying to find all of my lists of stuff...unnfortunatetly(or fortunatetly) a hard drive failed that had the lists on it...so i’m gonna have to find a way to get those lists off of it sooner or later...
on to the next day!
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