clover-44-8 · 8 hours
Hey Tumblr, its been a hell of a few days for me. For those that don't know, on Sunday (June 2nd), I was in a car accident that really traumatized me, and I don't know if its going to affect me for another week or another 10 years. Details under the cut, as well as pictures of my injuries (no blood but bruises and scrapes, will be tagged appropriately).
My friend came up from Washington state to see me and wanted me to meet her at the hotel she was staying at. No problem. I'd just take an uber, from where I was located it would be an under 10$ trip. The uber gets there, I introduce myself, I place my purse into the car, and as I'm getting in, my earbud falls out and bounces off into who knows where. So I pause, one foot in the vehicle, one foot out, as I'm sort of stooping to look for this missing earbud. (It was important to me, more on that later). The back seat door is still wide open, but then, the driver decides to start driving. My foot is dragged back and twisted, and the rest of my body follows, and I'm screaming as I hit the ground and feel the wheel going over my leg. I think my first thought was that it had been ripped from my body. I was dragged a few feet down the street while passengers screamed to the driver to stop the car, and I don't think I've ever felt that kind of pain before. My throat is raw from screaming and crying. The car stops, people come and the driver tries to control the situation. All I ask through my sobs is 'is my leg still there?' and yes, miraculously, it is still there. I'm offered hands, but I lift myself up under my own power, extremely in shock. I'm not bleeding. Just scraped to hell with a tire track on my skin like a brand and terrified. Other parts of me also were scraped up, but I didn't notice until later. People are talking to me, all I want to do is be with my friend, so I look the driver in the face and tell him to take me to my destination, where I meet up with my friend. I am in shock all night. The driver asked me if I was okay, and upon me saying yeah, fine (I was not fine) he tells me he's not going to report this to Uber because its just a few scrapes. Anyway, I visit with my friend, and under guidence of my great roommate, I go to a walk in clinic and wait for nigh on 4 hours to get my injuries documented and get checked out. The verdict? Whiplash, no broken bones. I ache like I'm 90 but that's to be expected. I'm off work for a week, I'm given a 200$ physiotherapy prescription, but unless I want to pay out of pocket, I need to contact uber and start an insurance claim. I do that. They tell me they're going to put me in touch with an insurer. I don't believe them. I get a consultation with a personal injury lawyer set up for this friday, and now we come to here and now. I need headphones to cope with sensory hell outside of my apartment, and they were not on me when I left, so they're long gone. 180$ earbuds. Truthfully, I have this gut feeling that Uber is going to do their best to discredit me and what happened, just like that driver. I can't get into a car now without remembering that agony of my leg being crushed under the wheel, and when I'm in any vehicle now, I'm plagued by panic and horrid images of gruesome demise. I genuinely think I might have PTSD, though I'll be looking into a formal diagnosis when i can get to it. When I can AFFORD it. I hate to do this so soon after asking about my back, but I'm out of work for I don't know how long now, I don't know how many physio appointments or THERAPY appointments i will need to get over this. I need to recoup my headphones, I need to get groceries delivered now (which is really pricy), I need to keep myself afloat until Uber decides to (or decides not to) make amends. I don't even know if they fired the driver. I just want to feel safe and I just want something done. Anyway, if you can donate, please do. I know I'm just the silly AU person (one of many) but I have to ask. I have no other choice. I'm just sorry I don't have anything to give in return. Paypal.me/xcannibal Proof of injuries below.
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clover-44-8 · 2 days
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I'd actually made and finished an entire other jonelias button design, but I decided that I hated it and instead did this one in a day lmao (bless you super best friends omikron lets play for the company)
anyways! the girls are fightinggg
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clover-44-8 · 13 days
not to be vulgar on main but I really just see a 60 year old man and think he needs cock in him
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clover-44-8 · 13 days
not to be vulgar on main but I really just see a 60 year old man and think he needs cock in him
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clover-44-8 · 16 days
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Hey did you know some caterpillars are carnivorous? Not small emperor moth caterpillars, but they fit Jon better so.
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clover-44-8 · 18 days
I have a headcanon that Jonah have all the memories from all the bodies he "stole". And og Elias listened to a lot of really shitty Russian rap, so when Jonah became Elias, the first memories he got were that shitty rap. And after that, Jonah just stood like this, trying to understand what the fuck was playing in his head.
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clover-44-8 · 20 days
If you ever find yourself thinking "oh, I can't write this Cool But Impractical thing into my story, it's just not realistic", here are a few perfectly realistic reasons why people and even whole cultures would rather do something in an impractical way rather than the sensible one:
weird flex
religious reasons
religious weird flex (someone decided that they are So Religious that they consider the practical method Sinful, and people got competitive about it)
tax reasons (some ruler put a tax on doing something the sensible way and people started doing the impractical alternative as a legal loophole)
someone wildly powerful and popular preferred doing it that way, and everyone adapted to it in order to look cool
someone wildly unpopular suggested doing the practical thing, and everyone went out of their way to avoid doing that in order to not look uncool
it just genuinely never occurred to them that there is a better alternative, and their current method has been honed to perfection/adapted to the infrastructure so deeply that at this point altering it wouldn't be sensible
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clover-44-8 · 23 days
Fic: Who Could Love Me Better
For @twodrunkencelestials, have a LonelyEyes with "divorce of convenience" theme! In which Peter and Elias divorce so Peter can fulfill his family duty with another marriage, SFW with angst.
Who Could Love Me Better
After the divorce has been finalized, Peter comes to Elias's house for one last time.
"I guess you won't miss this place that much," Elias says when he opens the door for Peter, stepping aside to let him in from the rain outside. "You never spent much time here in the first place."
"You never know," Peter replies, although Elias is right; Elias's house is just a house to him, not a home the way Tundra is. Still, Peter knows how to move there, where to take off his shoes and where to leave his clothes, where to go for the cognac. He heads to the living room and the cabinet there, seeking out the bottle of cognac from Elias's selection of liquor.
"You read my mind," Elias comments behind Peter, voice thick with amusement. "Which one of us belongs to the Eye again?"
The idea of belonging to the Eye is, as ever, repulsive to Peter. He shudders, but takes the cognac out.
"That would be you." He takes two glasses out too, watching Elias's reflection in the cabinet's glass door. Elias is smiling, standing just close enough to Peter for Peter to sense the warmth of his body, but not quite touching. Being his usual self, in other words, and while that should be a relief, it irritates Peter. But Peter doesn't comment on it for now, taking the bottle and the glasses over to living room instead.
They sit on the sofa side by side, Elias's knee brushing against Peter's. Peter is the one who pours the cognac; he always is.
"To think we won't be doing much of this anymore." Elias's voice is soft and wistful. "But you will come see me sometimes, won't you? Or will that be a problem for your future bride?"
"If it is, then it's not someone I ought to marry." Peter takes his cognac, taking a long sip instead of answering. But he can't put the words off forever, doesn't even want to. "I will. All my family wants out of a marriage is a heir. They won't care about minor details."
Peter risks a glance at Elias, who is looking thoughtful. Elias has his cognac in his hand, but instead of drinking it, he's waving the glass around a little bit, watching as the liquor splashes within it.
"You know, I know it's just usual business thing for your family." Elias turns his head towards Peter, and the smile on his lips takes a bitter edge. "It still stings to be considered a minor detail in your life."
Elias could give Peter relief now, look away and drink his damn cognac. But he stares at Peter instead, his grey eyes serious, and since Peter isn't looking away, he has to address this. Licking his lips, he puts his glass back down on the coffee table, and turns towards Elias on the sofa.
"Do you want me to apologize?" he asks. "You said you understood."
"I do. I still get to have feelings about this, don't I?" Elias puts his glass down too, reaching out to rest his hand on Peter's knee. He grips it, the clutch of his fingers tight despite him being a smaller man, and Peter lets him, lets him touch him and look at him. "And no, Peter, I don't want your apologies. I just want to know that it mattered."
Peter doesn't think he has ever seen the Lonely hang so close to Elias, dimming his sharp gaze, brewing despair in his voice. It's beautiful.
"It did," he whispers.
Elias says nothing, just nods as his grip on Peter's knee loosens. But as Peter tries to stand up, eager to flee, Elias grasps him by the arm, pulling him back down. A moment later, Elias is moving in on him, his lips pressing tight against Peter's own, his hand finding its way to the back of Peter's head. Peter slings his arms around Elias, pulling him against himself as he kisses Elias back.
It's a bitter kiss, an angry one with teeth and hair pulling and fingers pressing bruises into skin, and it makes Peter feel too much. He shoves Elias away from himself, gasping for breath as soon as their mouths have parted. This seems to satisfy Elias, who is starting to smile like himself again. ´ "Do visit me, Peter," he says. "Know that I always appreciate your company."
Peter can only nod.
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clover-44-8 · 24 days
Aight. The brainrot is rooting.
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This was supposed to be a doodle but oh well. Enjoy :)
I Have no words. Look at that! Thank you! Aaaaaaaa <3
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clover-44-8 · 25 days
"I will simply say that – when a spider reaches a certain size, it is often not entirely made up of spider anymore."
This line has been haunting me for years. I have no idea what it means.
Me neither. It's good, tho, right?
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clover-44-8 · 27 days
Magnus fandom, 2016: We're horny for this lady made of worms!
Me: Huh. Unexpected, I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Magnus fandom, 2024: We're horny for this guy made of needles!
Me: Of course you are, my children. Be free.
Magnus fandom 2024: We're horny for this bulbous oozing clown man!
Me: I think 95% of your are being facetious, but the true 5% can go with god.
Magnus fandom, just now: We're horny for a member of the British Aristocracy!
Me: Gross. No. Absolutely not. Sick freaks the lot of you. I am officially kinkshaming. You disgust me.
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clover-44-8 · 30 days
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astarion - i'm so smart they're never gonna find out i'm a vampire - ancunin
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clover-44-8 · 1 month
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All the pretty bugs~
Lady Jane Prentiss- Corpse eating butterfly
Queen Agnes - Monarch butterfly
Jon Sims (witch) - Small emperor moth
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clover-44-8 · 1 month
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one more butterfly ✨
Mike Crew (witch) - Pipevine swallowtail butterfly
based ot this ask
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clover-44-8 · 1 month
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Oliver Banks (witch) - Mourning cloak butterfly
based on this ask
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clover-44-8 · 1 month
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More pretty bugs! ✨
Gerry Keay (witch) - Luna moth Lady Sasha James - Atlas moth Prince Michael Shelley - Comet moth Lord Elias Bouchard - Green page moth Lady Gertrude Robinson - Smoky emperor moth based on this ask
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clover-44-8 · 1 month
Where are his eyes?
Exactly where they’ve always been, Martin. Watching over my Institute.
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