clouded-void · 12 hours
I'mma catch heat for this but fuck it we ball
If your trauma makes it so that you literally cannot treat men/masculine people with the same decency and respect as you would treat anyone else then THAT IS A YOU PROBLEM THAT YOU HAVE TO WORK THROUGH. Men/masculine people as a group are not responsible for your trauma, and if you can't exist around half of the entire global population, then that's not healthy nor is it the responsibility of that group to fix.
Men/masculine people are fucking PEOPLE.
PS: This applies to transfems who boymode/don't want to or can't pass/are gnc as well, if the only transfems you can be "normal" about are the ones who pass or are gender conforming/feminine, you're not normal about transfems.
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clouded-void · 6 days
Say it with me, kids, "I do not deserve this pain. I am in chronic pain due to forces outside of my control. I should not have to earn pain relief. I am good. I do not deserve to be shamed for my pain. It is not my fault."
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clouded-void · 7 days
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) aphobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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clouded-void · 12 days
we are so ableist about memory. people with good memory take for granted the fact that they can recall as much as they can, and use that to taunt, guilt and threaten people with memory issues. many neurotypes and mental illnesses cause memory lapses. traumatic brain injuries can cause memory lapses. brain cancer can cause memory lapses.
even if your memory is good, it's not right to guilt someone because they can't remember something. trust me, people with memory problems are desperately trying to remember: it's just that we literally can't. it is a very literal "i can't remember".
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clouded-void · 12 days
Lets create a house where yelling means we’re having fun. When you hear a door slam you know it was accidentally pulled with too much strength, not slammed out of anger. When there is silence, it is Contentment, not another passive aggressive fight. The dog is no longer barking to protect, he simply just wants the cats to play with him. Let’s create a safe, warm environment that makes you feel like you can breathe, not hold your breath. Let’s stomp on the eggshells we use to tip toe on. Together we will make this house into a home. And welcome all with open arms into this kind and loving space.
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clouded-void · 23 days
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clouded-void · 2 months
The beauty of the monastery kelp forest
We get by with the help of our fronds! Sea-riously! A new study by Monterey Bay Aquarium scientists found that denser kelp forests can better handle serious stressors like sweltering seawaters!
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The study looked at kelp forests before, during, and after an extreme marine heatwave that hit west coast waters from 2014-2016. It found that denser and more sheltered forests, and the animals living in these forests, fared better against the extreme heat. These persistent forests were also able to keep hungry sea urchins from roaming around the reef and gobbling up the remaining kelp.
Another Aquarium study showed a certain species supports strong kelp forests by snacking on  sea urchins — you guessed it — sea otters!
You can dive deeper into this research here!
Healthy kelp forests not only provide homes for a wide range of marine life — they also absorb carbon dioxide — naturally pushing back against climate change (hurray photosynthesis!). 
Globally, kelp has been declining for a half-century and warming ocean temperatures present a serious threat to cold-water species like kelp. 
Studies like these help us understand what makes kelp forests strong, and how we can implement restoration efforts in areas with less kelp coverage.
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clouded-void · 2 months
The women yearn for high capacity accessibility metro systems with screen platform doors
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clouded-void · 3 months
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clouded-void · 3 months
"but are you normal about-" NO i am not normal. but i am making every effort to be thoughtful and compassionate. i think maybe we should all be more thoughtful about valorizing normality.
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clouded-void · 3 months
Just found out that the dietary calorie is still measured by burning food in a "bomb calorimeter" and then measuring the heat produced. There's no solid evidence that this method is at all equivalent to how our bodies process food (an entirely different chemical process from combustion), the accuracy of this system has been disputed for as long as it's existed, and there are no available alternatives
There are 4800 calories in a kilogram of dry sawdust even though wood is completely indigestible to humans, because calories don't measure nutritional value, just how well something burns
Nutritional "science" is pure bullshit
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clouded-void · 3 months
I think you should legally disclose if something is ai just like how you legally have to disclose if something is an ad
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clouded-void · 3 months
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Twitter / Shop / INPRNT / Patreon
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clouded-void · 3 months
This month is the one year anniversary of posting my poem “Condolences” to TikTok and Instagram, where it amassed millions of likes and tens of thousands of comments.
Since, people have used the poem for adaptive art pieces, short plays, books, and class work. For your piece of art to be transformed into another…it’s difficult to describe.
After several rejections from poetry publications a decade ago, I decided to post my work online instead. The responses were overwhelming. I realized that an official publication doesn’t make you a poet. Writing poetry does, and bonus points if you manage to resonate with just one other soul who needed to hear what you needed to say.
I was utterly taken aback by the response to this piece. People have asked me many times to explain it, but from the response it was clear that the meaning can be explicated with a little time.
Some people who didn’t understand it until it was explained were angry when it came together. It wasn’t written for them.
I’m only grateful that it reached the people who needed it.
I feel that the imagery is part of the piece, but I know not everyone can or cares to listen to a video. Here is the poem:
They buried a girl in my hometown today.
“A young woman, gone too soon, in the prime of her life,” they all said.
My friends and I all knew her. We grew up together.
We were in all the same classes and hobbies and we made up games together at recess.
But none of us went to her funeral. We weren’t invited, because the people planning it didn’t think we’d understand. They said it wasn’t our loss.
So we got together for drinks. We laughed all morning and played card games all day.
At 4 o’clock, we heard the church bells. We saw that long, sad procession of cars stretch like a creek through town, up the cemetery hill.
We heard strange rumors that night, that the casket was empty. That they put it hollow in the ground.
So we went to the plot first thing in the morning. They buried her empty box next to her dad, down the row from an estranged aunt she never really knew all that well.
There wouldn’t be a stone for months, but the little placard had my name on it. But not the one I go by these days.
“How strange,” we all said. “What a waste of good crying.”
All of this mourning for me, and I was down the street the whole time, laughing and drinking.
But some people will never understand. They’d rather plan a funeral than learn a new name.
My friend said she felt sorry for them, in some small way.
What a sad notion—to lose a son who never died—
and a daughter who never lived.
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clouded-void · 3 months
When a chronically ill or disabled person gets their lab tests back as “normal” or all clear, we aren’t sad because we WANT to be sick.
We’re sad because we *know* there’s something wrong with us, yet the scans still stay clear.
Before you kill the monster you gotta know its name.
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clouded-void · 3 months
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clouded-void · 3 months
dear parents, if your child has "seemed fine this entire time" but is now seeking out diagnoses, mobility aids, medical help, more doctors, and is sharing their pain more. do not fucking shut them down? even if it ends up being nothing, showing them that support through all of that will seriously help them. if it ends up being something and you're a bitch to them, the joke will be on you and that strain on your relationship will never go away because. you didn't listen.
listen to kids. we tell you what we need, it's not that hard.
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